Sci-Fi RP Synthetic Heart, Human Desire (RedCoat)

Tamara clearly was captivated by the surrounding nature, obviously showing that on her face as she continued to walk. She turned around to Twelve and her eyes caught the light of the setting sun, "I love it out here!" She exclaimed happily to him, and she closed her eyes- taking a deep inhale of the surrounding air, filling up her lungs with it. When she reopened them, she smiled towards Twelve and turned back to continue on the trail, only stopping when they got to a river. She squatted down and touched the water with her hand, shivering lightly at the coolness of it.
As they strolled through the woods, she might notice how Twelve seemed oddly focused, his head always tilted enough towards her to bring her to the conclusion he was paying full attention to her, rather than the surrounding wildlands. When she paused to take in a breath, she'd feel him step closer, then away when she opened her eyes, walking alongside her to the river. When they reached the water, Twelve knelt next to her, looking at his own reflection in the water, then looking at hers until her hand broke the surface tension and dispersed the image. He then turned a little more and placed a hand onto her back, rubbing her softly after she'd shivered.
She felt his hand touch her back, and she gave him a warm smile. Tamara took her hand out of the river’s water and noticed that the sun was disappearing over the horizon. “Mm..we should probably head back,” she spoke, her head turning and facing Twelve’s. Her heart felt funny as she looked at his face- almost skipping a beat. It was the same face she had seen countless times but somehow in the catching rays of the dying sunlight..something changed for her. She couldn’t help but blush slightly, but perhaps that was from the surrounding air that was gradually cooling.
She blushed further as he pointed it out on her cheeks but then she agreed with him. “Y-Yeah, the house will be warmer,” she spoke and they started to head back. She couldn’t deny those feelings though.. she would have to eventually act on them- she thought to herself, wondering if she should. It wasn’t like she had just given him a handjob earlier. Oh god..she did! But she had just done it as a gesture to help a friend. Not-nothing like..

(Poor Tamara XD)
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Twelve walked alongside her the entire way, close enough that she'd feel safe, but not so close that he'd be in her every thought... at least, that was his plan. What he didn't know was how she was currently feeling, especially about what she'd done for him earlier, and when they got back to the house... Twelve waited for her to enter before speaking "Would you like something to drink, Tamara? I can make you some cocoa."

(TBF, she only gave him a handjob.)
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(Lol yeah, fixed XD I was shooting out a reply before I went to the store)

“Mm..cocoa sounds nice,” she murmured out in reply as she entered the house and took her shoes off. She shifted and adjusted the socks she wore. “I didn’t know night out here got that cold, I should’ve gotten warmer clothes,” she murmured out more to herself than Twelve. She then went to the couch to curl up in a blanket.
Twelve nodded as she spoke, watching her resituate her socks before leaving for the kitchen. He'd be gone for a while to make her cocoa, and the more she thought about her feelings, perhaps she needed to explore them alongside him... Eventually though, he'd return with her cocoa, the warm chocolatey drink proffered out towards her.
Tamara turned the television on and was scrolling through channels. Eventually she settled on a nature documentary. As she was watching she couldn’t help but have her thoughts trail back to earlier, on this couch..with Twelve. Her cheeks were definitely warming up again, and she shifted her legs, bringing them up to her chest and hiding her face. What..what was going on?

She looked up again the moment she heard Twelve enter and she took the cocoa. “I see you remembered my marshmallows to cocoa ratio,” she smiled out towards him, blowing on the drink before sipping it slowly to not burn herself.
She was confused for a moment and then she figured that she was blushing. She leaned back slightly when he put his hand on her forehead and she didn’t feel hot to the touch, just her normal temperature. “I-uh..” she licked her lips slightly and bit her lip gently afterwards. “No- I’m fine, I promise.” She murmured out softly.
She looked to her hot cocoa the moment Twelve got closer, as she was trying to avoid his gaze. “Y-Yes, I’m sure,” she assured him, noting the heart in her cocoa from the marshmallows. Oh for fuck sake- she looked back to Twelve. Suddenly she wished he did have lips, she had a strong urge to kiss him. W-Why?
The more she looked at Twelve, the more she'd realise... it didn't matter that he didn't have lips, just kissing him would be enough at this point... At least now he'd leant away and wasn't directly in her face, now the light was just reflecting off him and having a similar effect to how it had in the forest, by the river...
Tamara took a moment and leaned back after he pulled away. She continued to drink her hot cocoa, stealing glances here and there to Twelve. When she looked back at the nature documentary, she noted that it were two animals getting it on. Her cheeks went bright red. She looked back at her cup and tried playing it cool.
“N-no, it was just a documentary, I didn’t think it would show-“ she fumbled over her words, drinking the rest of her cocoa and setting it down on the table in front of the couch. She then reached for the remote but it slipped from her hand and fell underneath the table. She cursed lightly and reached down to pick it up, giving Twelve a nice view of her ass in the shorts she was wearing.
Twelve went to help her pick up the remote but when she leant over he paused, his focus entirely on the sight she was giving him, her large round rear directly in his eyeline "I... Tamara, you... Those are very short..." He finished with a mumble, even as she'd realise what he was talking about, the entire awkward scene underpinned by the continuing nature documentary on the TV screen before them.
Tamara heard his words as she picked the remote up, gasping softly and quickly sitting back up- “a-h I’m- sorry, it’s’ve never.. well, noticed stuff like that before,” she fumbled out her words as she turned the television off. “Sorry, I’ll go change,” she spoke and moved off the couch, heading to her room. She shut the door behind her and took a soft, shaky breath. What was going on? Earlier she was fine..she had been fine, she thought him being flustered earlier about a normal bodily reaction was cute and nothing more but now..
Twelve barely was able to say anything before she was already gone, but she'd hear a faint "I didn't mind" as she left, making her... well, now she wondered if his flustered behaviour earlier had rubbed off on her... but then, if they were both consenting adults, what was wrong with it? Whilst she was still working that out, there was a quiet knock on her door from Twelve "Tamara? Are... Are you okay?"
Tamara jumped at the sound of the knock, even though it was a very soft sound. “Y-Yeah! I’m-“ she opened the door, already changed- the pajamas she wore were the ones she got earlier, and she bit her lip slightly as she wrapped a robe around her frame. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to,” she looked to the side. She could feel her systems heating up more, and Twelve would notice this.
Twelve watched her as she stuttered and tripped over her words, seeing her heating up "Tamara, you are overheating? Is... Is this the same issue as mine earlier?" He asked her as he moved closer, checking her temperature on her forehead, then moving his hand down to check her abdominal region, to make sure her power core wasn't overloading.
She breathed shakily as he neared, her core temperature was warmer than usual, but not excessively hot. She looked to his face as he examined her and she admitted to him- “’s just like yours I-“ she couldn’t, well didn’t know how to explain herself. She could feel that yearning, the feeling in between her legs- he was so close..
Tamara watched him, fully allowing him to undress her, and at the words of ‘assist’ she simply nodded-once seated, she spread her legs for him, and leant herself back against the pillows.

She couldn’t help but moan at the feeling of his fingers, her mouth opening slightly as she took in more breaths of air. Her cheeks still flushed. “I-when..I got this new body it.. I’m..” she was trying to let him know he’d be taking away her virginity this time around.

(I just remembered he’s 7 foot tall lol)
Twelve watched her lying back before pausing as she spoke "I understand, Tamara..." He replied softly, moving closer and starting to rub his fingers onto her slit "Tell me if you desire me to stop" He informed her, his thumb rubbing her clit gently with each stroke he made, even as she'd note his stiffening length in his pants.
“A-h..of course,” she murmured out in a soft moan, feeling his fingers work against her slit and her clit— she couldn’t help but become more wet than she already had been. She had leaned her head back on the pillows, shifting and moving her hips slightly. Her chest rising up and down rhythmically- and her chest were two perfect teardrop shapes, with pink rosy nipples to match.
He continued to gently rub her slit, looking down at her body "You sound... sweet, Tamara." He murmured softly to her as she moaned, before changing his motions, one hand moving up to her breasts and squeezing, the other moving down to undo his pants and reveal his length awaiting her "Are... Are you ready?" He asked softly, waiting for her to confirm before he went any further.
She heard his words and felt a little bit shy from them. She then bit her lip gently as he moved his fingers off of her clit, but instead to her breast and squeezed there. Tamara then let out another moan for him while he touched her there for the first time. Her eyes falling on his length next, she gave a soft nod. “Y-Yes..” she assured, wanting to feel him inside of her. It was only then she noticed the real height difference between them- and she wondered how he would..hold her? How.. she waited there, waiting for him to move.
Twelve gently took her hips in his hands and lifted her up, so he could move beneath her, her legs straddling his hips as he lowered her onto his length, his long stiff rod pressing up into her with surprising ease, the odd ridges giving her only reason to moan as he did the same to her, before he began to slowly rock her back and forth then up and down, allowing her to control the pace if she so desired.

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