Sci-Fi RP Synthetic Heart, Human Desire (RedCoat)

“Mm… surprise me,” he said bluntly, turning to go outside. He was out there the duration of the remaining time it would take for his doll, lighting a cigarette while he was at it. He inhaled deeply before letting out a cloud of grey smoke, glancing up to the sky and noticing a storm was on its way. He hoped that they could get going before rain hit.
"Surprise you. Sure." The man muttered, before turning his attentions back to the machine again, making sure there were no issues. And luckily enough, there weren't. Soon, Yerin had the doll infront of him, as well as a receipt for the girl, with a discount for the 'incorrect appearance' that He hadn't exactly complained about "Right, so. She's keyed to respond to the name 'Seith', but if you want you can reprogram that for another name or pet names and such. Masochist Program loaded no problem... Have a nice life." And with that, the door slammed shut as the first few droplets of rain began to fall.
Yerin took it all in, examining the doll in front of him. Sure he had minor complaints here and there, but her face wasn’t all that different from Tamara’s. Seith was pretty all in all the right places, and he couldn’t wait to make her to his liking further.

He felt the droplets of rain and puffed the rest of his cigarette before throwing it in the dirt and stepping on it. “Right. Come with me, Seith,” he spoke, turning to walk to where his car was parked. It was a pretty higher end model, one that could automatically drive them to his house- or.. large manor/modern mansion if you wanted to call it that. He waved his hand by a door handle and had the door automatically open and lift up into the air. He turned to the doll and motioned to the seat. “Sit,” he commanded, waiting for her to do so.
He watched and had to stifle a laugh, before shaking his head, “No..sit there, in the car seat,” he spoke, gesturing it again, before pulling her up and making her sit in the seat, buckling her up next. He took his time though, especially admiring her body simply because he could. did look really nice.. but he put those thoughts aside for once as he wanted to get home before the weather conditions got worse.
She blinked, before nodding "Oh! Okay Master!" She replied, getting up as he pulled her, sitting down and crossing her hands over her lap as he buckled her in. He'd note a soft mumble from her as he ran his hands over her and strapped her down, the program he'd loaded into her clearly equating just the seatbelt and his motions to something approaching BDSM.
The car started, and before long, they would see an extravagant looking house when the car was pulling up into the garage. Once parked, another synthetic had come into the garage to greet Yerin. "Welcome home master," it spoke, it's light on its face flashing a calm blue while Yerin stepped out of the vehicle. "I had Nine pick up your medication for you today, the pharmacy was finally able to have it ready," the synthetic mentioned as Yerin went around and opened up Seith's door.

Right. The medicine that was supposed to control his violent tendencies.. it had been out for a long while, and Eleven knew how their master became without it.
(I did post in our other thread btw)

Yerin went to unbuckle the seatbelt for Seith and helped her up and out of the car without another word. “Eleven, I want to introduce you to Seith, she’s my new girlfriend,” he mentioned and let Eleven look at the new synthetic who looked very similar to Tamara, Twelve’s friend- well, to his knowledge, Eleven wouldn’t know what his brother was up to, really.
(XD don’t you think they could be copy cats?)

Eleven looked between the pair and sighed, knowing that his own very existence was also a lie, as was this woman before him. He looked to Yerin, speaking in a monotone voice, “Whatever makes you happy, Master,” he tells him next, motioning for them to move through the door that lead into the house.

Yerin looked to Seith, noting that look in her eye but said nothing. He merely grabbed her upper arm and went to move her with him to inside of the house.

The interior was warm and inviting, homey- and that was strange, considering how Yerin could come off from. He then had another synthetic come up with a cup full of medicine and a glass of water. “Nine.. I take that is for me?” He asked, leaving Seith’s side to take the medicine cup, downing it and washing it down with the water.

Nine simply nodded as he watched his master take the medicine he so desperately needed. It meant that him and his brother would be spared their master’s violent tendencies..

He then watched Yerin lean back slightly and turn back to the woman who looked similar to Tamara. Yerin turned and introduced the pair. “Seith this is Nine, one of the few synthetics who help around here,” he looked to Nine, “Nine, this is Seith, my new girlfriend so I expect you to treat her with the same respect you treat me..” he said firmly, wrapping his arm around Seith.

“We are heading to my bedroom, and we are not to be disturbed, am I clear?” He asked, knowing Nine and Eleven knew never to do so. “Yes, Master..” Nine spoke, bowing his head a little.

He soon turned with Seith, leading her up the stairs and into his bedroom. Hues of greys and blacks, very cold and offstandish but didn’t feel uninviting.. which was odd, given the state of the rest of the house.

(Also I just bumped the other thread!)
(Honestly, Yerin duping Twelves siblings kinda makes sense XD)

Seith bit her lip as she walked into his room, looking at the sudden shift from the bright colours to the dull grey and black "Uh... Wh... Why is it so dark in here?" She asked, even as she'd wonder why it still felt so oddly welcoming as the door shut behind them, leaving the only thing between Yerin and Seith's body being the grey jumpsuit she'd been dressed in at the factory.
(You questioned it before I had a chance to write my post XD)

“Oh this?” He motioned to the room, “is my doing. I let the synthetics decorate the house how they want,” he shrugs, taking her hand and bringing her to the surprisingly soft bed.

“It gives them a sense of freedom,” he sighed and sat with her, looking up to the ceiling.

He often never remembered whenever he became angry or violent. He always had a period of blacking out right before then.

It was sorta like a jackal and Hyde situation.

“Still,” he looked back down and looked to her, reaching over and touching the zipper on her jumpsuit.

“You belong to me, regardless of what freedom I allow you have,” he spoke, his gaze darkening a bit.

It was true then,

Even he had been used before, and was still being used. Just following orders, like a good obedient dog.

Of course he was the commissioner, but that didn’t mean someone else was overseeing everything.
She gulped and nodded as he spoke, seeing the darkening of his gaze and biting her lip nervously "I understand master..." She replied, before she started to remove the jumpsuit from her body, assuming he wanted to see what was beneath it. After all, he'd brought his 'girlfriend' to his room and told the others not to disturb them... what else could he have meant?

And he'd definitely gotten his moneys worth as he looked over her body, even if there were imperfections... holdovers from Tamara's old look. But that was fine... after all, he'd had the masochism program installed... and this just gave him a reason to make use of it.
He took a sharp inhale, looking her body over with his eyes. Yerin licked his apparent dry lips. “Mm..I can see why the bill was so high..” he murmured more to himself, but stopped her hands removing her suit fully.

“As much as I would love to see you fully unclothed..” he had leaned in, his mouth near her ear- “Wouldn’t it be something to rip that suit and properly break you in this bed?” His warm breath would probably send shivers down her spine.
Yerin smiled, pushing her back against the bed, letting her fall onto the bed before going to rip at her body suit- especially in between her legs, easily making the tears with his own synthetic strength. He didn’t need a knife or anything to make the strong fabric rip.

Right.. he too has had some.. upgrades.

Perhaps that’s what the medicine was for. His upgrade had probably went awry, and this medicine was supposed to inhibit those ‘malfunctions’.

And it only had been a few minutes since he had taken that medicine given to of course it would not have taken effect yet.

“look at you.. look at how wet you already are, my pet..” he murmured out with a soft smirk on his face. His fingers pushed against her glistening sex, rubbing her there for a few moments, before wondering what kind of toys and torture he could use to give her the most pleasure possible.

(Meeting is by phone -.- and they haven’t called yet)
She spread her legs easily when he started to tear and rip at the suit, her wet slit easily exposed to him. When he rubbed it, he'd hear a soft moan from her lips as she wriggled a little "Mmm... I'll always be for you, master..." She replied to him, even as he'd know he could simply strike her to get her hotter, he didn't even need the toys... And wouldn't it also be more fun to deny her a touch, by abusing her to the edge and leaving her there, unable to cum?

He growled as she spread her body, licking his lips before he brought his hand down to strike her breasts, roughly slapping at them "Mmm... I love when a whore knows her place like this..." He snarled hotly into her ear, before his other hand gripped one of her nipples and twisted it "And the fact you find it hotter the more I beat you? That's... perfect." His voice had gotten much deeper, a dull rumble that only promised more malicious treatment as his hands shifted and pinched at her, focusing their attention onto every soft spot he could find "But even with how much money I gave him, he still couldn't make you perfect, could he? Your still a fuck up, Like Tamara." He slapped her face "Say it! Tell me what you are!"
( >.< thank you! You’re the best ^-^ and damn o.o going out fully, huh?)

Seith cried out happily as he strikes her- his rough treatment with her breasts was already giving her more pleasure than she could have wished for. And at the sound of his voice..did..was it deeper?! She could have sworn something had switched during the previous interaction.. and that medicine he took, did he..

She didn’t have time to think with him yelling at her like that. Even at the degrading talk..was giving her trembles- shivers of desire.

“I-I’m a fuckup..!” She cried out in response, gasping out as his hands still pinched and slapped at her soft body- knowing she only lived to be abused by him.
"Damn fucking right you are! Your a pathetic, fuckup slut who's only reason to exist is to give me pleasure" He growled again, before rolling her over and spanking her ass with one hand, his other grabbing her silver hair and dragging her back "You know your fucking place, don't you?" He smirked, listening to her moans "You love being abused like this, huh? Love to feel my hand beating you!" He licked his lips before leaning down and biting her neck hard, hard enough to break the skin and leave the blood/oil fluid dribbling over his lips, even as she'd feel another painful strike to her teats as he reached around beneath her.
As her hair was pulled, and her head was yanked backwards, she moaned hotly, her face blushing deeply at the way he was treating her. “Y-Yes master!! Please..please give me more!” Her slit was dripping by this point, the ripped suit on her body hugging every curve of hers wonderfully.

And then he bit her..making her cry out- no- scream out- but he could tell it was one full of pleasure.

And he could hear it, the squirting of his new toy, soiling the bedsheets underneath her, her legs shaking..but the pleasured look on Seith’s face was all Yerin needed to know.
When she begged for more he laughed, suddenly stopping all his motions and moving back to look her over "Mmm... Perfect." He chuckled as he just watched her for her reaction as he suddenly left her untouched "So, my pretty little pet... Did you enjoy yourself?" He asked her, knowing that the sudden absence of all contact would be driving her crazy as he inspected her slit, seeing it drip and soil the bedsheet, as well as how the suit clung to her hot and sweating body "If you did... I want you to rip off what's left and find the best position to present yourself to me." He ordered, even as she'd see him start to remove his pants "Do not keep me waiting. Or do, if you prefer the abuse..."
She panted, gasping out slightly as he suddenly stopped. “W-What?! I- I did! Why..please don’t stop—!” her voice begged, then hearing him ask her if she did.. she would strip and present herself to him.

Her eyes were wide, searching his face and she hastily went to rip off the remaining of her suit. Frantically, as if she didn’t want him leave. But the abuse..

She kneeled there, biting her lip gently- she had yet to figure out a position. But that would take too long, Yerin would start to become agitated again..
He watched and smirked wider as she reacted, hearing her beg for more of his hands before watching as she tore her way out of the suit and left herself kneeling naked before him. He counted down slowly in his head, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... And when he hit one he reached out and grabbed her by the throat, squeezing it and pressing his thumb into the bite he'd left earlier "Pathetic... You call that presenting yourself?" He shook his head, tossing her back onto the bed and moving to pin her facedown, his cock rubbing against her ass as he began to press inside "Your lucky I'm so pent up right now, else I might've just left you without a fucking!"
Seith was caught by surprise, gasping for air as he grasped her neck, making her whine out in pain as he pressed his fingers into the wound on her neck- but he could tell that whimper was laced with satisfaction..was this what she wanted all along?

As she was tossed, she tried looking back at him, but her head was shoved into the pillows, feeling his cock press into her ass, and he could hear her muffled moan of wanting more.. yes..everything! She wanted to be tortured more, even if it lead her to pass out..
He grinned, licking his lips as he heard the moans she was making into the pillow, one hand moving to spank her and the other pressing to her neck, squeezing the bite mark again and again even as he began to thrust into her ass, spreading her as yet unused hole wide open with his thick length "That's it... Moan more you bitch... If you behave, I'll even find you a special toy to play with yourself later..." He promised her, his pounding thrusts getting more aggressive "God it feels good to fuck your fat ass..." He moaned out, dragging her head back up by her hair so he could hear her moans unmuffled as he fucked her harder and harder.
A..toy to please herself with?! Now that’s something she could..yes.. she just had to show her master how much she was enjoying this-

And the moment he dragged her head back once again, her moan of complete bliss fell upon his ears- and he could see the ahegao expression on her face. She loved how his cock felt in her ass, abusing her more and more- she wanted it so she wouldn’t be able to walk properly for days..!

“P-Please!! harder!” She cried out happily, her eyes full of want and desire for him.

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