Temptations of My Heart (Crow)

“She can..it’ll just prove a bit more difficult than normal.” He assured about the kid part, and he marked some things on his clipboard. “We’ll be taking the ventilator off today, she’s breathing normally just fine now and she’ll wake up in a few hours.” He tells Jamie next, before leaving the room.

Later that evening, she did as the doctor said and she groaned softly when she woke. “J-Jamie?” She asked, seeing him there beside her.
He could see her worried, but she gave a soft sigh. “Well…it’s not likely someone would want kids with me,” she sighed and blushed softly as she realized what she was saying. “I mean…we’re just- friends with benefits, right?” She was confused, mostly. The kiss he gave her earlier…the funny feeling she had felt.

She paused a moment, taking his hand. “Jamie…I know we’ve been friends forever and…the last couple days I’m assuming I’ve been out..have you been here with me?” She asked, already knowing the answer.
Her cheeks flushed more at his words, her hand gripped his slightly. “You want to be my boyfriend?” She asked him, her eyes falling on his lips ever so slightly. “Have you thought on wanting more with me…like a family?” She couldn’t believe she was asking this. She also couldn’t believe she was getting a bit flustered at this too, it wasn’t like he was gonna try having a kid right here and then… right?
She blushed deeper, moaning softly into the kisses. “Jamie-“ she moaned out his name, hearing the monitor again, but she removed the finger clamp, giving a soft sigh when the beeping ceased. It was the night shift and they were too busy on the floor to notice.

When she looked back at him, all of her ivs tugging in her skin- she bit her lip gently. “If we’re going to do this..please be gentle,” she asked, hoping he would this time- she didn’t want to mess up the stitches that she had.
She watched him remove his pants and blushed a bit at his size. But as he confirmed her wants, she kissed him again when he leaned in- feeling his hands spreading her legs apart and then she gasped lightly as he rubbed his tip against her pussy. “Jamie-“ she breathed out his name against his lips softly.
(I just woke from a nap and feel super nauseous lol)

As he thrusted into her with care, he could feel her body respond to his thrusts. “Mm-Jamie-“ she began almost softly and shyly. “I-I love you..” she moaned out, her depths squeezing his member as he pushed inside of her. “I-I want you to cum inside of me..please,” she begged of him, hopefully he knew what she was wanting.

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