As he filled her womb with semen, he would hear her cry out more for him. “I-Jamie-“ she breathed out, panting softly as her depths slowly relaxed over his cock.
She smiled softly at his words, beginning to fall asleep.
When she woke up, she was in his bed. The hospital trip had felt so long ago now. But they were still trying for a family. No luck so far, but she was hopeful.
She smiled softly at him, snuggling in closer as she yawned. “Mm…I feel like I could go for some food,” she told him, but she didn’t want to get up just yet.
He smiles hearing this and would kiss her head "I am happy to hear that Jan. I was so worried that day. But i am glad to have you by my side each night now" he says looking at her lovingly.
he would look surprised at himself forgetting what he said earlier "Sorry i must still be tired" he says smirking as he gets up "want to cook with me?"
She smiled at his reaction and then headed out to the kitchen, her cute ass in his view. She then sat on a barstool by the countertop and touched the cold granite with her arms.
He would follow her watching her ass as she walked in front of him. He would grab his apron as well as some utensils and a couple of bowls "so how do crepes sound to you baby?"
“Ooh those sound really good,” she spoke and smiled to him, noting how his bulge looked behind the apron, and she had to resist. Her breasts rested next to the counter, squished up and in plain view of him.
He would nod, glancing at her breasts and how they were positioned, his bulge growing a bit. In all honesty he wanted nothing more than to take her on that counter but they were both hungry and had plenty of time for such things later. "Want to just watch while i cook?' he asks before turning on the stove and placing a pan, he really seemed to enjoy cooking.
She noted how his bulge grew but she nodded to him, “I would love to watch,” she said with a small smirk, and then she said what he was thinking out loud. “And then after breakfast perhaps…we could do something on this countertop?” She asked in hope.
She grinned at that and watched him the remainder of the way, thanking him when breakfast was served and she popped a strawberry into her mouth, the juice spreading across her lips in a light red sheen.
He would smile seeing her happy with the breakfast before seeing the strawberry "You got a little somethign on your face" he would lean in before giving her a kiss, tasting the juice on her lips.
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