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Fantasy RP The Chosen One (Knight)

Local Time:
7:57 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Aurelius. A land once ruled by a glorious kingdom of light, but not bowing in servitude to a lord of darkness, his every whim a command to the people who are forced to worship him. Of course, the people would have given up hope entirely were it not for an old prophecy, timeworn and lost, that stated "A Hero will rise up and slay the Demon." At least, that's what people thought it said. And so it was, with every birth, a priest would take the babe before a golden amulet, and were it to glow, they would be known as the new chosen one, who would be trained up and sent to fight the Demon in the finest armour they could muster. And when they failed, and the amulet was sent back, they would try again. In this way, 12 innocent lives had been sent against the Demon King, and now here was the 13th, stood outside his throne room, amulet around their neck, armour strapped on tight...

And on the other side of the door, cloaked in the shadows the Demon King, Argentum, lolled upon his throne, his glowing red eyes locked onto the door as he waited for the next in the line of fools sent to die to enter...

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Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD "Father why is Amulet always so sticky-"

"Hush!" *dips the Amulet in holy water *)

The thirteenth hero was a mere peasant girl, raised from the future of a farmers daughter and given the title of Heroine. She had been raised from her birth by the church, given special armor and weapons, treated to the best teachers. She grew up chaste, pure, and drop dead beautiful. She had hair the color of gold, a lily like complexion, and subtle freckles along her cheeks. Her battle armor was shining gold and silver, ornate and well made, the Amulet around her neck glowing at she stood at the doors. At her side, was a massive sword, forged to aid in her slaying of the Demon King. She had slain his gaurds, his mages, butchered herbway from the very front gates with the intent to take this Demon King down. She pushed the doors open, walking into the throne room slowly.

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Local Time:
7:57 AM
Nov 14, 2022
As she entered, she'd hear a booming laugh from across the hall, the shadowed figure of Argentum lounging on his throne "Ah, welcome Hero... Welcome to your doom..." He called, waiting for her to get closer before clapping his hands and having the torches in the room flare, light burning away the shadows and revealing a few things. Firstly, he was entirely naked apart from the black crown on his head and his red cape. Secondly, there were tapestries across the walls, detailing the previous heroes and how they'd fallen. Thirdly, there was a blank space, clearly having been left for her... And fourth, infront of the Tapestries? Were the preserved bodies, caught in the moments of their death by magic, frozen forever as macabre statues of his victories.
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 9, 2022
The Hero looked to the horrors briefly, but her stride didn't slow, and her will did not waver. She would avenge them, she would slay the monster before her. Her eyes moved upon him again catching on to the fact her foe was naked. "Your Doom, False King! You will harm no one else, I have come to Slay you as the prophecy has written." She said as she started to run forward now, her speed increasing suddenly , bluring as she closed the gap between them. Already her great blade was slashing down over him, ready to slice him from shoulder to thigh. Ofcourse to his lesser subjects she practically teleported , but for a being as himself...
Local Time:
7:57 AM
Nov 14, 2022
If she thought she was fast... She was practically underwater, compared to Argentum. One hand darted up, clasping around the hilt of her sword, as the other locked onto her neck, crumpling the steel of her armour like it was tin "Do you know how many times I've heard that, you silly little girl?" He asked, even as she'd find the crushed bevor pressing into her throat and making it harder for her to breath "Honestly it's rather boring..." He twisted her arms backwards, forcing her to drop the sword before letting her drop to her knees "And really? Rush straight at me? The last one they sent had more sense than you, and they decided to turn their back on me." He gestured, to where she'd see one of her predecessors, caught in the moment their head was lopped off and began tumbling down "Still, you definitely are the prettiest they've sent so far... Perhaps if you behave I won't have to get a new tapestry made..."
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 9, 2022
She hissed as he bent her arm, her body dropping to a knee, her othe hand flexing inti a fist, but as the Demon King spoke, she swing up her arm. The sword warped from its place on the floor, her hand glowed faintly, divine sigil forming around her as the sword formed behind his throne to run him trough. Unlike the that 12th fool, she atleast intended to die looking at her opponent.
Local Time:
7:57 AM
Nov 14, 2022
As she held her hand out to pull the blade through the throne, all she'd hear was a thud as it impacted the wood, then nothing for a moment or two, before the sound of metal cascading to the floor rang out "Oh? Well, that was a nice try, I suppose. But you aren't the first to give it a go." The Demon laughed, before burying his hand into her armour and tearing it from her body, piece by piece, the steel ripping like tinfoil under his grasp "Now then... Where's the Amulet that should be stopping me do this, hmm?" He taunted, even as he shoved her over, her naked body lying on the floor. It was at this point it became obvious, a golden glow emanating from wherever she'd stashed it.
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As she stripped her armor away, leaving the beauty bare as the Amulet hung around her neck, the pendant flower as it sat nested delicately against her breast, she instinctively covered herself as shev fought her way up to try to stand again. "This can't be- you've done something!" She accused as she stood up again, summoning the sword back into her hands. "You-you will face me! No more tricks!"
Local Time:
7:57 AM
Nov 14, 2022
As she returned to her feet the glow faded from the amulet, even as the only thing that would appear in her hand was the hilt of the broken blade, no metal left there as Argentum laughed with a shake of his head "Done something? Why yes, I have. I've defeated you, like every other pathetic attempt at heroes that have been sent against me." He slapped the hilt from her hand, once again pressing her to the ground, the glow returning as her back touched the ground, but doing nothing to push the Demon away "Well now... Isn't this interesting?" He asked tauntingly "I wonder... If it isn't designed to keep me away, what might it symbolise?"
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 9, 2022
She looked at the glow, her eyes widening. "Impossible Impossible-! " She said as he had her at his mercy eith the push of his hands. "You should flee before the light!" She said as she grabbed at his wrists, trying to fight back still, though it was less confident, less assured. Her victories, and her prophecy had built up a high tower, a powerful belief that she would prevail. That the gods would guide and protect her. "You shouldn't be able to stand it!"
Local Time:
7:57 AM
Nov 14, 2022
"Hmm..." He pulled the amulet closer to himself, inspecting the inscription upon it, before he began to cackle darkly "Oh, Oh Oh Oh! That is precious... Your idiot masters mistranslated it... The Prophecy you all follow, saying the bearer would be able to slay me?" He licked his lips and met her eyes, holding her gaze tightly "It actually says Lay With Me... This amulet isn't finding someone to save the world, it's to find me a breeding tool... So, my pretty little Heroine... Are you feeling ready for motherhood?" He asked as she'd realise his cock was stiffening up, lining itself with her slit "Or would you prefer a little... foreplay?"
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 9, 2022
His taints were met with a jab to his cheek, the momentum snapping his head slightly to the side. She certainly was a little Heroine with some kick to her. Certainly she was more than merely human in her bloodline even if her power and speed was not at his level. "No! No! You lie! You filthy creature! I would sooner die than be touched by your hideous body a moment longer!" She said as she threw another punch for him. Foreplay it was.

(XD I just imagine the priest has these two pendants side by side and just didn't put on his glasses that day to read the labels)
Local Time:
7:57 AM
Nov 14, 2022
(OH Shit, I took the slut amulet!)

He grunted as she punched him, licking his lips as he felt the strike "Mmm... Alright then, some fun before I stuff you it is..." He caught her next punch and then gripped her by the throat, picking her up and throwing her onto his throne, pinning her down to it as his hand began to pinch her nipples "Now... Are you going to be a good girl, or do I have to get... Violent?" And as much as she'd resist and wriggle, she'd realise the amulet only glowed when he had her pinned in a sexual position, whilst when she threw punches it went out.
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 9, 2022
She flinched as she felt him touch her, still trying to resist him despite that her body thrilled ever so easily as she was touched by him. She felt sick by it. "Its-not real!" She said as she tried to pry his hand off of her body, putting her foot on his hips, trying to keep him away.
Local Time:
7:57 AM
Nov 14, 2022
He seized her arm tightly, using it to give him leverage so she couldn't push him away "Ah Ah. If you'd really prefer I can go in dry, but I think you'll have a much better time if you just lie down and accept it... After all, the prophecy has declared you are the one to give me children..." His claws dug into her arm now, even as he leant in and whispered "Now stop fighting it and let me give you pleasures you'll never have known, my new pet..."
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 9, 2022
She cried out in pain as his claws dug into her mortal flesh, her body being pinned down easily. Her strength was crumbling, her eyes glistening, fear and desperation in her eyes. He was used to that probably. She was hyperventilating as she was at the mercy of this monster. "I-i will not be your pet-Demon! "
Local Time:
7:57 AM
Nov 14, 2022
He licked his lips as she squirmed around, listening to her voice go high pitched "Mhm... I do love the sounds you make... You mortals squeal so well when you lose control..." His claws scraped over her as his hands moved down her body, even as he hissed into her ear "Now... You have two choices... You behave like a good pet, and get to enjoy what happens... Or you misbehave, you don't enjoy what I'm about to do... And then you become the latest monument to human failure... Perhaps I'll leave you alive though, so I can fuck your screaming body when I desire..." Now one of his claws was resting over her slit, the tip pressing inside slowly.
Local Time:
7:57 AM
Nov 14, 2022
His grin widened as he heard her voice trembling "Aww, you gonna cry little hero?" He taunted, even as he pushed his claw inside her body, rubbing it around so it would cut the soft flesh "And I will break you... I'll break you like the pathetic slut you really are, deep down..." He moved his other hand up and began to choke her, squeezing her throat tightly, making certain she could get just enough air to stay conscious, but that was it.
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 9, 2022
She gasped out in pained then choked as he grabbed her around the neck, cutting off her air. She waved her free arm around weakly, grabbing at his face, scratching and pushing like a pinned mouse in the clutches of a cat. The pain made her body tender, bleeding as his fingers felt something snap against his claws. She Grit her teeth, trying her best nit to let herself cry, fighting as hard as she could.
Local Time:
7:57 AM
Nov 14, 2022
As she scratched his face he laughed, nipping her fingers with his teeth as she struggled "Go on, cry... Let those tears out and give up, so I can make it enjoyable for you..." He felt her hymen break and paused, realising and then spitting angrily onto her face "Dammit, you bitch... I didn't realise you were still a virgin, I'd have ripped that away with my cock if I'd known!" He snarled, before pulling his claws from inside her to replace them with his thick length "Still, I think your blood should have lubricated things enough now.." He shunted in hard, making sure it would hurt.
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD Hero: I love you
Demon King: stops you ruined it!)

She gasped for air, but yelped as she felt it thrusted back out if her as she was forced to scream. "Bastard-go-going-" she stammered as she was midthreat, panting for breath. "To. Kill you." She'd promise over and over, like a hateful curse, likely if she had knowledge of dark magic, her contempt and pain would have put a curse strong enough to makeArgentums most powerful mages crumble into a puddle of gore in their efforts to counter it. Her sex was tight, fresh, forced to contort to his size and her blood put a delicious sweet scent in the air, the magical nature of it wafting to his nose.
Local Time:
7:57 AM
Nov 14, 2022
He listened to her complaints and screaming with a smirk as he enjoyed her tightness around him "There you go, don't you dare stop struggling, it makes it so much hotter..." He sniffed the air, scenting her blood and licking his lips "And my my, is that magic in your blood? I thought it was just the sword, but if you have some... You'll make an excellent breeding whore. Our children will easily take over the rest of the world."
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"I-ill-die!-first-!" She seethe through her teeth as the collar snapped around her neck now. While her mind resisted him, her spirit fought to stay strong, her body, as string as it was, well worked and fkt, , was all he needed of her. "I'll find-a-way~" sge said though her voice cracked with a slight moan.
Local Time:
7:57 AM
Nov 14, 2022
He laughed as she started to break, hearing the moan in her voice "Ah, but don't you want to feel the way that makes you moan like this? After all I can hear those moans..." He spanked her viciously, before reaching around to seize one of her breasts "But even if you want to refuse, I'm sure I can just wipe your mind, and leave you a brainless fuck doll!"
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 9, 2022
She shrieked as he struck her ass, her muscles jiggling only a little. As he grabbed on her breasts, his threat now starting to make the tears flow. "No! Not that!" She said. She wanted her mind, to despise him, to complete her mission and slay him no matter what it would take for her to do. "Don't take my-my mind-" she said as her voice cracked again, breaking into quivering sobs.
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