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The Count's New Maiden (crazier_than_most)

Local Time:
11:09 PM
Feb 13, 2023
Garcia now turned to face Adeline and began to smile. "you seem to have a hidden side of you...one that enjoys pain...and pleasure" he said as he moved closer to her. "but i wonder...what lead to such a discovery" he said as he moved his hand towards her neck and softly rub the faint puncture holes on her neck.
Local Time:
11:09 PM
Feb 13, 2023
"ahh theres it is..." he said as he slowly pulled away. "though you need not worry...it has been quite a while since i had a guest like you..." he said as he stood up. 'get yourself ready...you have to tell the people of the church of your new dwelling...don't you?" he said as his cold eyes shined blue as he stared back at her.
Local Time:
11:09 PM
Feb 13, 2023
Garcia would gaze on her thinking about her request. "but of course...any other...requests" he asked with a soft smile on his face. "just know...that this kindness will have to be paid back...do you understand" he said as he soon began to walk towards the door of his room. "i will have your new attire prepared when you return...untill then..." he said as he opened and soon left the room to make sure the curtins were properly closed.
Local Time:
11:09 PM
Feb 13, 2023
The Drunken man would soon feel a hand on their shoulder as he would soon pin him to the other side of the wall. The man draped in robes somewhat armor would pin this drunkard to the wall. "Know your place!" said the armored individual. he would soon turn and throw him out of the alley way. "are you alright mis-" he said as he soon noticed the slight mark on her neck. "i-i see...so he has marked you..." he said as he began to try to get closer to examin her neck
Local Time:
11:09 PM
Feb 13, 2023
THe priest raised a soft smile and pat her on the shoulder. "i know it can be diffrent staying in another man's home...but so long as you mind your manners you should be alright..." he said as he stood up and began to walk towards one of the puews. "you are to stay there until a new home opens up...it shouldn't take that long...dear...now was there anything else you needed" he said as he began his morning prayer.
Local Time:
11:09 PM
Feb 13, 2023
“Hmmm then maybe you should wait for…” the priest said as a man drapped in cloth and armor arrived in the church. “Sorry I’m late father William I had been looking for…oh” the armored individual said as he looked at her. He slowly took his helmet off and smiled. “I’m glad your un harmed…I’m Jin…pleasure to meet you.”

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Local Time:
9:09 PM
Nov 10, 2022
He’s cute!)

Vanessa simply blinked at the armored individual while he took his helmet off and looked at his soft features. “Jin..” she trailed off. “I’m Vanessa,” she spoke with a soft smile. “Thank you for earlier, I’m sorry for the way I reacted…I’m just…a bit on edge I assume,” she sighed out and brushed a red lock of her hair behind her ear.

(Mmmmm I got to come up with my character’s appearance for him now :3 )
Local Time:
11:09 PM
Feb 13, 2023
(Thank you ^^)

“It’s quite alright I’d done the same as well” he said as the priest got up and smiled. “Venessa would like to be escorted back to the lords estate…can you take care of this task?” The priest asked as Jin salutes. “I can do that sir…care to lead the way” he said as he began to walk back out of the church.
Local Time:
11:09 PM
Feb 13, 2023
Jin walked through the town once more with Vanessa as he made sure to be on guard. when he felt he hade a moment to speak he turned to her and speak. "so...i take it you've been here for a while?" he asked trying to make small conversation. "i just came back from my training" he said as he let out a small laugh.
Local Time:
11:09 PM
Feb 13, 2023
Jin nodded his head at her reply. "so i take it im taking you home...did you managed to find a home in the town?" he asked as he continued to watch. "there isn't many homes here so it must been hard to find one" he said looking from left to right of himself in case someone was following them.
Local Time:
9:09 PM
Nov 10, 2022
"Not exactly, the convent was my home.." she began to tell him, walking along the path, noting he was looking for anyone following him, unaware of a certain vampire doing so. That vampire in question had..well, began to find the human of interest- she was the Count's sister, and before he had taken a liking to this new nun...she had found the knight simply by accident, well, drinking from him wasn't an accident.

Penelope had met Jin a while back, during his training. He had unfortunately fell victim to her feeding, but since then they had become sort of cordial with one another. He brings her humans, lowlifes she could feed off of and he would have a clean conscience, knowing that her victims were criminals..terrible people who deserved the punishment. But he would not be able to deny that he had begun to feel something for her, even as it went against what he was taught.

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