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Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

Local Time:
10:12 PM
Oct 31, 2023
"I..I'm sorry if I startled you when I woke up...I...I've never been touched like that and it just caught me off guard. I did...like it though." Nessa's face was as red as a strawberry as she spoke. She hoped Max wouldn't think badly of her, but she wanted him to know how she felt. please don't hate me please don't hate me!
Local Time:
1:12 AM
Nov 15, 2023
“Oh…” He was caught off-guard with that revelation, but he didn’t want to seem too happy about it. “What a coincidence that I liked it to. Now anyway,” He finished rubbing his hands and held out a magic thread-like line of energy. He wrapped it around Nessa, and lo and behold, she was suddenly enveloped in a magic bubble that floated in the air. A thread dangled off of it as Nessa sat in the bubble in the air, and Max warped the thread around his wrist. “Alright, I take us faster, you yell out directions, got it?” He said, getting more positive and confident as he showed off his skills.
Local Time:
10:12 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Nessa bkushed bright red at his confession of liking their encounter. It made her heart thump and her mind spin at the idea of him liking her. As Max placed the bubble around her, Nessa placed her hands on the walls of the bubble, feeling like a hampster in a ball for a second as she looked out at Max. A warning would've been appreciated but okay...now I feel like a pet... she nodded and smile softly regardless of her thoughts. She loved how he was willing to show off more of his magic. She wanted him to be as confident in his skills as she was. As they began their journey back Nessa giggled inside the bubble as she gave out directions as to where to go.
Local Time:
1:12 AM
Nov 15, 2023
Max grinned as he skated magically faster and faster across the ground, traces of light flickering as they moved through the forest, Max being able to hop magically around with his powers while Nessa flew behind in her specially-made bubble. “Alright, do you think we’re almost there?” He asked, skidding to stop to rest for a bit near a ravine. He panted a bit as he bended over a bit. “Also, is that bubble comfortable enough for you?” He said in between breaths.
Local Time:
10:12 PM
Oct 31, 2023
While Max was skating through the air, Nessa had managed to lose her balance inside the bubble and was now struggling to stand back up. Her hair was covering her face and her dress was lifted slightly due to her predicament. Well this is embarrassing....not only did I fall, I look like I don't know how to stand on my own two feet! "It's...definitely going to take some getting used to sir." She blew her hair from her face and fixed her dress as she stood up again, her legs shaking like those of a new born calf. "We just have to cross this ravine and go for about 3 more miles and then we will be back in Misthelm."
Local Time:
1:12 AM
Nov 15, 2023
“Perfect. Sorry if I went too fast, by the way.” He said as he rubbed his hands again for a second to charge up more magic energy. He wondered what to say as he was standing around to get ready…
”Hey, I’m sorry about last night. I should’ve never done that, even if we enjoyed it, since…well, we’ve only just met, and I-I didn’t even ask for your consent. I…I’m sorry.” He admitted out loud to her.
Local Time:
10:12 PM
Oct 31, 2023
"It's alright Max...I know you didn't mean any harm by it." Nessa placed her hand on the wall of the buddle, wanting to reach out and touch his shoulder. Even though they had never physically met before, Nessa remembered the stories of Max from when she was younger and how she used to try and peak out the window of her home whenever he would pass by before he was exiled. She had felt an instant connection to him when she had found him at the waterfall and now, it was blossoming within her into more. She smiled softly and looked at Max with joy in her soft eyes.
Local Time:
1:12 AM
Nov 15, 2023
“If you say so. Now then,” He put his hands down onto the ground and magical platforms formed in front of them across the ravine in the air, appearing as illuminated sigils. Max beckoned for Nessa to follow him as he hopped across them with a slip in his step. “Come on, I won’t let you fall! I promise!”
Local Time:
10:12 PM
Oct 31, 2023
"Okay..." Nessa took a deep breath before jumping onto the first platform. She was deathly terrified of falling from steep heights, but she trusted Max and his promise to keep her safe. As she jumped to the next platform where Max stood, her foot slipped from under her making her fall right into Max's arms. Having thought she was going to fall, she clung for dear life onto Max's arms and cloak before looking up into his eyes.
Local Time:
1:12 AM
Nov 15, 2023
His eyes seemed to glow as he tried to hold her. The sigils seemed to dissipate as he used his energy on holding her. After about a second of free-falling, he managed to float in the air and enhance his arms magically to hold her better. “I-I’m sorry about that! Let’s get back to land!” He said, hovering up back to the cliff and floating over to set her down slowly on the ground. They may have made it, but it was clearly disheartening to Max. “I’m sorry about that, again.” He apologized as he tried to calm her down.
Local Time:
10:12 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Nessa trembled softly in Max's arms until he hand placed them safely back on the ground. Way to go Nessa! You almost killed both of you since you can't use your own feet! While feeling like a complete idiot, Nessa continued looking down at the ground. She didn't want to look up into Max's eyes out of pure shame and embarrassment. Once they were on the ground, she took only a few more moments to keep holding onto Max. Nessa felt safe in his arms. Nessa didn't want to leave but she knew she needed to let him go so they could continue they journey. "No please...don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm sorry...I should've tried harder to watch my footing. I could've gotten us both killed." Nessa tucked her low lower as she took a step back from Max and clasped her hands behind her back. "Ill make sure to do better on the rest of they way there and especially when we meet Ambrose."
Local Time:
1:12 AM
Nov 15, 2023
(Aw, poor Nessa, her confidence is so lacking I wanna give her a hug!😭🖤🤗)

He felt really bad for Nessa now: she’s consistently blaming herself for ”It’s fine. you came for me because you couldn’t handle him on your own, and…” He thought for a second and wanted to make a slight confession. “…as long as I get to make one person happy, like you, that’ll make me happy.” He said to her, patting her shoulder before walking by with an uplifting smile. “Now come on, we‘ve gotta keep going. I’m sure you’ll be plenty of help when we finally confront Ambrose, don’t worry.“ He turned to her and tried his best to stay positive. “I believe in you.”

(Speaking of, what do you honestly think of Max? Any good things or nitpicks about him?)
Local Time:
10:12 PM
Oct 31, 2023
(Max is honestly an adorable and strong character. I love how he has boyish tendencies but is still mature and caring!)

Nessa smiled and nodded before following closely behind Max. Her heart fluttered as Max showed confidence in her. "I'm always happy when you'te around Max.." Nessa wanted to always be near Max and hoped that when this was all over they could spend more time together. She admired his strength and abilities more than he probably thought. Feeling brave, Nessa scurried closer to Max and gently held his hand as she smiled softly with innocent eyes.
Local Time:
1:12 AM
Nov 15, 2023

“That’s a first, I’ll admit.” He said with a gratitude. “Now, do you have any…creative ideas to get going? Unless the bubble sounds nice to you.” He said with a joking chuckle. He played with some energy in his hands as he chatted.
Local Time:
10:12 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Nessa giggled and bumper shoulder into Max's playfully. "I think you've made me fall enough times for one day Max." Nessa though to herself for just a moment as she watched the energy furl between Max's hands. Wanting to impress Max, she twirled her fingers in front of her body and sent over a small buttflt shaped energy force that landed on Max's nose before fading into his skin and giving him double the amount of energy. Soon, Nessa ran over to a small wagon that was just big enough for her and Max to sit in comfortably "would you be able to propel this along so we can get there faster?"
Local Time:
1:12 AM
Nov 15, 2023
“Sorry about that. Well, I think I can make something else that’ll work!” He said with a smile. They both sat comfortably in the wagon as Max made odd hand gestures. A moment later, energy flowed from his hands and took the form of two ethereal horses that started to propel the wagon forward. The horses seemed skeletal and made rattling noises, befitting Max’s dark magic. “There we go. Ahh…” He laid back a bit in the wagon’s front seat And relaxed.
Local Time:
10:12 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Nessa stared in awe at the skeletal horses. She had never seem such intense forms of energy before. "Max this is amazing!" She looked back at Max with a sweet smile and loving expression. As the horses ran faster, Nessa giggled and relaxed back in the wagon as her hair blew in the wind, blowing her lavender and sage perfume scent towards Max as she sat close to him.
Local Time:
1:12 AM
Nov 15, 2023
Max smelled her pretty scent and became a tad infatuated with it, shuffling closer to Nessa and leaning his head against hers, enjoying the moment they had together before the figurative “storm” ahead.
Local Time:
10:12 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Nessa smiled and closed her eyes as their heads rested together. She never wanted to let this moment end, but even she knew that was hoping for too much. It wasn't long until the air filled with the scent of ash and sounds of agony as they approached Misthelm, now covered by dark clouds and a dangerous aura.
Local Time:
1:12 AM
Nov 15, 2023
“Oh boy…” Max muttered as he sat up straight and tried to look ahead. He saw his previous home turned from a peaceful place into a hellish landscape, the scent of burning in the air, everywhere. ”Ok…I didn’t expect it to be this bad…Where is Ambrose, then? He has to have some kind of palace amidst this chaos, right?” He asked.
Local Time:
10:12 PM
Oct 31, 2023
"He has set up a camp in the town square...he...he brings over prisoners to torture them for his enjoyment." Nessa looked down and covered her shoulder with her hair again as she trembled. Memories flashed through her head as she tried to calm down. "We must be careful Max...some of the guards have been bewitched by him and will listen to his every command."
Local Time:
1:12 AM
Nov 15, 2023
“Not. Surprising.” He gritted his teeth as he got down from their wagons. He bade their horses farewell as they dissolved, and he gave a hand to Nessa to help her down. “Now then…let’s get this over with.” He declared with a crack of his neck and fingers as they walked in the desolate area. A nagging question in the back of his head, however, decided to come forth: “Hey, Nessa, you’ve always been apologizing me for everything you’ve seemed to do remotely wrong.” He turned to her with eyes of sympathy and cheeks red with caring. “Even if it wasn’t your fault. Why is that?” He asked gently.
Local Time:
10:12 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Nessa took a deep, shaky breath as she prepared her reponse."I...i used to be a slave...everything I did was always considered wrong..even if it was my masters fault..it has become a habit to always take the blame." She looked down at the golden bands around her wrists before slowly removing one, revealing old scars from shackles that used to sit in that very spot. "My master was Lord Sid...he now follows Ambrose's cause to take control of Misthelm.."
Local Time:
1:12 AM
Nov 15, 2023
Max slowly but surely hugged her from her side and his breath slightly wavered. “I’m…so sorry about that…” I clearly haven’t gone through as much as she has, and I feel like the baby here for getting worked up about what other people thought of me! How selfish I am…! “I promise we will take down Ambrose…and get revenge on your previous abuser.” He said with resolute determination, giving her a reassuring squeeze in his hug.
Local Time:
1:12 AM
Nov 15, 2023
“No need, especially if I enjoy it. Now then, let’s get to work!” He declared, continuing to walk through the hellscape around them.
(You wanna make up the environment, or should I?😅)
Local Time:
1:12 AM
Nov 15, 2023
Everything seemed desolate, with the scent of burning wood in the air. Houses were either graffiti’d or completely destroyed. Max could tell this was the difference between a follower and a rebel of Ambrose. People all around seemed completely drained, almost to the point of being zombies, yet they continued around, toiling in some meaningless work and covered in various forms of abuse showing through their bare linens. The skies seemed darkened from Ambrose’s mere presence…wherever he is. He looked around and saw a large hub of sorts down the main pathway: a large castle that was still in the process of being built, hence all the workers around coming and going from it, with large lights illuminating from it. “I guess there’s our target.” He said as he walked slowly towards it. As if his presence was just as malicious, or if people remembered him, many of the toiling villagers gave him threatening or confused glances. Max felt himself conscientiously shrinking from their glances, very aware that they were judging him from a distance.
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