Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

“Hey! Isn’t that Max??” Max instinctively turned and winced from the loud question. Rapidly did people turn their heads and stared at the dark mage before their faces turned from confusion to anger, most of them dropping whatever they were carrying and turning hostile.
”Yeah, it’s him!” “I thought we chased him out of here before already!” Max already started to feel threatened and put on the spot, which wasn’t helped by the villagers fistfuls of dirt and random objects getting thrown at him.
”Leave us alone!” “You come to help Ambrose, d*ckhead?!” ”You’re gonna regret comin’ back here, f*cker!” “We’ve got enough problems already without you around, dammit!”
Max raised his arms to block the stuff they were throwing, yet he wasn’t fighting back: only trying to defend himself and trying not to let anything hit Nessa either. His head was rushed with threats and insults, feeling embarrassed and scared, and he huddled down a little in his greatest fear surrounding him: his fear of being hated. …I only wanted to use magic to help you all…my methods may not have been good, but I realize that; and I only came back to help you all, and yet…
….I guess I deserve this, don’t I?
"STOP! THATS ENOUGH!" Nessa stood above Max, blocking anything that was thrown his way and glared at everyone. "Max has returned to save you all! You should all be begging for his forgiveness for how you have treated him! Ambrose needs to be stopped and Max is the only one powerful enough to save our home! Anyone else who tries to hurt Max will go through me!" Nessa's eyes started to glow a bright red as she aimed her bow and arrows at the angry crowd. She would never let anything happen to Max, even if it meant taking all the abuse from the people of Misthelm. As Max huddled on the ground, Nessa stood right above him, placing one keg on either side of his curled up body as a green aura formed around them, almost forming a shield around them.
The villagers stopped for a bit and looked at each other in further confusion.
”W-wha…” Max couldn’t form words when he heard Nessa defending him honorably. Gathering his courage back, he stood back up slowly. ahem “Believe it or not, yes, that’s why I’m here.”
Someone didn’t seem amused, though. “And why’re we gonna listen to a dangerous black mage and his new. Elf. PET?!” He threw another thing straight at Nessa.
Max caught it with his bare hands and promptly crushed it in his grip. His anger came back too now. ”…I doubt you have anything to say for yourself, racist. You can aim all you want at me, but leave her out of this. She’s been through much more than you know, and she cares for you all just as much as I do, which is more than you may think. Plus, you don’t seem to be going too well yourselves.“ He made a fist of just contempt. “So you it seems you may all want to stay like this. But…“ He turned to Nessa, and his heart filled with gratitude and empathy. “…I know that I’m not alone, at least. So we’re gonna try to help you, whether you like how we do it or not. Because you’ve proven that your way has been…ineffective.” He finished with a confident smirk and whipped his arm around. A gust of wind blew through the area, as if clearing their way forward. He then took Nessa’s hand and walked forward. The heckler from before threw one more thing. Max caught it with his magic without blinking an eye and sent it back easily, knocking them in the face. Max heaved a sigh, feeling like he got a lot off his chest. “Sorry about that mess. That was mostly my doing.” He apologized to Nessa as they walked towards the castle hub further down.
"Max you did nothing wrong..I will happily defend and protect matter what." Nessa tightly held Max's hand and lead him through the town towards Ambrose's castle. The smell of smoke and blood filling the air was getting stronger as they got closer. "Max be careful....Ambrose could be anywhere and he-....WATCH OUT!" Nessa pushed Max out of the way as a spear came flying throw the air towards them, scratching Nessa's arm as it passed.
(Sorry I disappeared: my brother and father wanted to play a LotR board game!🤣😅)
“Gah-!” Max quickly reeled from the incoming spear. Looking to see where it came from, he also caught Nessa and formed an immediate barrier around them just in case. “Who was that…?!”
"A-Ambrose...he knows we are here..." Nessa clutches her arm to stop the bleeding as she looks up as she's the tall and dangerous silhouette of Ambrose in the distance. He was a tall man that stood at least 6'7" tall and had a sinister stance that would send chills down the spine of any man. " careful...he uses both physical and magic attacks at once." Nessa stood and readied three arrows, aiming towards Ambrose in the distance.
“I can tell.” Max whispered. “Now, it’s not much of a plan, but listen: you stay at a distance with your arrows and provide support if you can. I‘ll stay at a closer distance to beat him. If we do that, we can outlast him.” He helped Nessa and got them both up. “Now, retreat and heal yourself. Then I’ll start this.” He finished whispering and walked forward to Ambrose. “So! This town isn’t big enough for two black mages. I suggest you get out of my hometown before you do anything else you’ll regret.”
"HA! You think I'm going to give up this town for someone like you?!" Ambrose laughed manically and lifted multiple energy spears into the air, ready to fire. Nessa scurried behind a crumbled building and healed her arm quickly before aiming and firing arrows through each energy spear.
"Where the hell is that weak elf...she was the only one to escape my grasp...I'm sure she has a massive scare on her shoulder from our previous encounter!" Ambrose smiled evily and looked around for Nessa, hoping to torture her in front of Max.
“I’ll be sure to avenge her with something way worse on your face!” Max gritted his teeth as he formed a mirror-like barrier. The energy spears hit the reflector and bounced straight back at Ambrose. Max charged energy in his hand as several spheres. “Hraggh!!” He shot the spheres forward as well to pair with the bounced-back spears to strike at Ambrose.

(By the way, I can think of several other ways that this plot could branch out besides overtaking Ambrose, just thinking out loud😅😁)
(Go ahead and try one if you want! I'd like to see what you come up with 😁)

As Nessa went to fire off another round of arrows, she felt a hand clasp over her mouth. As she was being dragged away she managed to see that it was her old master Sid as he dragged her out towards Ambrose. "There she next prey." Ambrose fought against the spears as he watched Nessa being dragged closer to him.
"MAX RUN!" Nessa struggled and cried out to Max, knowing that Ambrose was going to use her to weaken Max by torturing her and humiliating her in front of him.
(Well, I meant that we could do them in arcs similar to anime: I had ideas about progressively powerful enemies with more sidekicks coming into play later, etc.😅
We’ll do this and the steamy😏 parts of course before we can discuss in the PM’s😄)

“Wait, Nessa!!“ He saw her getting dragged by her previous “owner”, he gritted his teeth and prepared more energy. “I’m not gonna leave you, you know! I can’t!” He directed his attention to the other two. “Back. OFF.” He charged energy in his hands threateningly.
Nessa struggled and growled against Sid's grip as Ambrose reached for her, grabbing the front of her dress and ripping it down, revealing her supple chest to humiliate her. "Max go! He's trying to get you angrier!" Nessa kicked at Ambrose, trying to release his grip from her as Sid laughed and glared at Max.

(Sounds great!)
Ambrose felt a twinge of fear for the first time as Max appeared behind him, letting go of Nessa and letting her fall to the floor. "You night be able to win this round...but I will finish you and that worthless elf some day." Ambrose grabbed Sid's shoulder and started to fade into black smoke as he turned and glared at Max.
"Thank you..." Nessa curled up on the floor, covering her exposed body with her arms as she looked down in shame.
Max magically lifted her ripped garments and reattached them together in the air before covering her. “Well, I honestly thought that they’d be a bigger fight, but I guess they only pick on the weak. Heh, some bullies…” He reached his hand out to her to help her back up. Villagers seemed to gather around in awe when they scared off the pair of villains. Max didn’t seem to like this. “Hey, don’t stare at her!” He yelled, trying to cover Nessa up more as she clothed herself again.
Nessa cowered behind Max as she quickly got dressed. Feeling overjoyed that Ambrose was at least gone for now, Nessa tightly wrapped her arms around Max's waist and hid her face in his back. "Max you're amazing! Thank you so much!" She moved to the front of Max of and held his face in her hands as she kissed him before she could realize what she was doing.
“Mm!…mmm…” He surely didn’t complain about the kiss he received from her, and he embraced her all the same as she did, holding her close and feeling warm, appreciated, loved, all the things he ever wanted: and he never needed a mob for that. Just a girl. And he may have somehow found both as the crowd cheered at the exiting of the villains and the loving display that the two heroes gave. “mm…Nessa…”
Nessa's widened and she pulled back shyly as she blushed. She had been wanting to kiss Max ever since their small moment in the tent, but she didn't know she was going to lose control and kiss him out of no where. "I'm sorry! I..I got carried away and i..i.." You did not just do that?! What the hell Nessa?! Nessa's heart raced in her chest as she noticed Max's arms around her waist, making her heart flutter.
“I don’t mind, you know.” Max said with a smile before he pecked her lips and gave her a side hug while waving back to the crowd around them. “Ahh…it’s good to be back.“ He said, turning to her and looking into her eyes. “But everything only started once I met you.” He leaned forward and put his forehead to hers. “Thank you, Nessa.” He said, filled with genuine love.
Nessa blushed and leaned her forehead against his with a wide shy smile. Her heart filled with love and admiration for Max. "You saved me in more ways that one when I found you Max...I...I never want to leave your side." Nessa held Max's hands tightly as she giggled softly. She was finally happy for the first time in her life and she was going to make sure she never lost this feeling. "I..I have a home we can stay in...if you want to that is."
“That sounds lovely…for the time being.” He gave her a reassuring squeeze in a quick hug. “I know I was given these powers for a reason. And I don’t want to stop helping others, honestly. But still, there’ll be plenty of time for you.” he said with a joking wink.
Nessa blushed and widened her eyes. The tips of her ears even turned a light shade of pink with how flustered she felt as dirty thoughts ran through her head. "Well um..i..its just this way..." Nessa looked down shyly as she lead Max back outside the main gates of Misthelm and into the neighboring forest, where they came upon a small cottage with a stream running next to it. A small piece of heaven that managed to escape Ambrose's clutches. Once she opened the door, the scent of lavender filled the air within her home, with books lining the walls and maps that were marked with red lines, marking the possible areas Max could've been from before she left to go find him. "I...I know its not much but I hope you feel comfortable here with me."
Max smiled in appreciation of the cottage. “Oh, it reminds me of you! Simple at first glance, yet the most comfortable thing I could imagine!” He said as he looked around. He stopped for a second. “Oh, that was a compliment, by the way; it is much better than the waterfall, I’ll admit.” He giggled with slight embarrassment.
Nessa giggled and stepped closer to Max, placing her hands on his chest and smiling up at him. "You always have a way with words Max." She leaned her forehead against his and closed her eyes. "I want to thank you...for everything Max. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here today." Nessa's heart pounded in her chest from standing so close to Max. She could feel her skin tingle just from his strong aura alone.
Max reached up to scratch the back of his head and decided to take off his hood to let her get a better view of him, his glasses emphasizing his dark, yet inviting eyes. “This is probably the only good-lookin’ part of me, so appreciate it.” He said jokingly, placing a hand on her shoulder and rubbing it warmly.
"You're perfect just the way you are Max...nothing would be able to tell me otherwise." Feeling brave, Nessa reached up and held Max's face in her hands as she kissed him again, filling the kiss with all the love and devotion she had for him. She didn't care what Max thought about himself, he was someone very special to her and she was going to prove that to him in any way that she needed to. The tips of her ears turned a soft pink as the kiss deepened and she felt Max's hands grab her hips tightly.
Max kissed her more passionately as he licked her tongue inside and rubbed her backside as he hugged her in their sharing of love. He was grateful beyond reasoning for her love to him: and he promised himself and her that he would never betray this devotion. Ever.
”Say…” He was starting to feel brave around her and smiled as he pulled away for a second. “You wanna continue our little business from the tent the other night?” He asked, blushing and caressing her face.
Nessa's face must've looked like a tomato with how red she was. She had never been with anyone before and she was nervous, but still trusted Max to be gentle and take care of her. "I...i would like that very much Max." She gulped softly as she took Max's hand and lead him into her bedroom where there was a large bed with fur blankets and soft pillows.
“Ahh, this looks perfect!” He said, laying down on the soft bed and slightly cuddling with the pillows. He shortly got back up and smirked at Nessa before slowly undressing. “I may not be too fit, not as much as you,” he chuckled, “so you can blame my magic use for that.” He said. He finished up by removing his underwear and took a seat on the bed, smiling wholeheartedly at her.

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