Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

Max jumped around and continued to look for her. He heard her cute squeal and tried to find and follow her. As he turned a corner, however, he lost sight of her, only seeing a cave and a few ditches. “Hmmm…” He walked slowly, as if playing with her. “Ohhhh Neeeeeeessaaaaaaaaa, where are youuuuuuuu?” He called out, listening for any possible noises. “Ohhhhh Neeeeeessaaaaaaa…?”
"Hehehehehehe!" Nessa couldn't resist laughing just a little as she heard Max standing right outside the cave. Even though this was probably going to give her location away, it was worth letting out the small giggle. She bit her lip and peaked over the top of the rock, hoping to steal a glance at him, even though all she did was just give him an all access pass to finding her location.
“OhhHh-hmm?” Max heard some giggling and turned to the cave from before. He smiled smugly as he floated over to it. Feeling anxious and playful, he went slowly inside and decided to play a little longer. “Hmmm, who could possibly be in here? A tapir, perhaps? Maybe a pretty little girl? Maybe an angel!” He hopped over the rock and saw her. “Found you!!” He said with a giggle.
"EEEEEEEE! Hehehe!" Nessa squealed and giggled more once Max found her. Their little game made her heart race and her skin tingle. The way Max played along with her was more than anything she could've ever asked for. She jumped into his arms and nuzzled her face into his neck as she smiled. This was something that she was going to cherish for the rest of her life, making sure no one would ever take this from her.
“Ahahahahahaha!” Max laughed out loud as he caught her red-handed in the dark and was tickled in the neck; he giggled and took her hand as he nuzzled into her neck as well before taking her hand and started to leave her out. Surprisingly, the sun was already setting, but Max didn’t mind too much. “Oh well then. I suppose it’s time to head back home?” He said with a smile. He certainly wasn’t going to let anyone taker her from him, not if he had anything to say about it. He kissed her cheek as he snapped his fingers for the cloud again.
"Yea, I suppose it is." Nessa rested her head on Max's shoulder before climbing on to the cloud, nestling herself into a comfortable spot next to him before they started to flew back home. She was already coming up with ideas of how to spend the night with him, lounging on the couch with the fireplace going, reading together if he wanted to, giving him a massage to help him relax, or even just cuddling in bed together in each other's arms all night long. Anything Max wanted to do would be enough for her.
As they arrived home, Max dispersed the cloud as he took Nessa’s hand and started to walk into their new home-
Max stopped and turned around. To his surprise, a black cat seemed to be looming around on the outskirts of their house and decided to show itself. Max, hesitant, decided to crouch down and tried to lure it in. “Hey…hey there, kitty…how’re you doin’?” The cat didn’t seem to budge. Max whispered to Nessa: “Hey, do you think it’d like it if you got it some food?” He had admitted that he wanted a cat earlier, and he wasn’t going to waste this oppurtunity.
Nessa smiled and ran inside to get a small bowl of milk for the little feline. As she placed the bowl on the ground, the cat slowly walked over and started enjoying its little treat. "Im surprised he's here, this cat has been roaming the town for quite some time now. I though for sure he ran away when Ambrose came." Nessa had watched this cat for a long time before everything that happened with Ambrose. Now she hoped that she could give it a home along with making Max happy with the furry companion.
“Well, if it’s a boy, what’ll we name him?” He asked, looking at the calico. “For some reason, ‘Henry’ comes to mind.” He said with a giggle.

(For now, do you have any other better name ideas for the new cat friend?😊I’ll be right back; also, I’ll plan to have this night in-story to be peaceful with the new cat before the following morning we get introduced to the villagers before calamity strikes! dramatic thunder noises🤣)
Max was himself tempted to lick the bowl to get petted, but he knew he had more dignity than that. He slowly reached for the cat after putting his finger in the milk, and the cat surprisingly (to him, at least) licked it and slowly got into Max’s hand. Max slowly brought him up to his chest and petted him softly, while wrapping him in some of his already-warm robes, making sure he felt heated and safe. “There’s no argument, we’re keeping him.” He joked to Nessa.
Nessa giggled and gently ran her fingers through Max's hair as cradled the cat. "Now he will finally have a home and you got the cat you wanted." She kissed the side of his head before standing and walking inside the house to prepare a bed for Henry. After placing some blankets and pillows in a small box, Nessa put down a small bowl of water next to it and smiled. "Hopefully he will be comfortable in here."
Max grinned as he was kissed and he brought the cat inside after closing the door. He gently laid him down, crouching, and petted him softly, and Henry the newcomer cat seemed to enjoy this very much. Max smiled warmly and stood back up, wrapping his arm around Nessa and nuzzled his cheek with hers. “Who knew things would be this perfect?” He wondered out loud with a happy blush on his cheeks.
Max blushed further. “So, shall we rest another night, then? Nothing much else to do, but whatever, as long as it’s with you.” He said as he nuzzled her cheek and leading her up to the bedroom.
Max quickly felt horny as he laid down on the bed and saw her body showing through the clothes. He blushed as an erection grew slowly and he got under the covers.
Max slowly grinned his hips against hers as his erection rubbed against her slit warmly, making him tingly and heated as he hugged her in the bed and rubbed her back more, wanting all of her that he could possibly enjoy tonight. “Mmm, Nessa…”
“Ohh…you picked quite the choice of clothing to turn me on, you naughty girl…” he said smugly, reaching for her tank tops and shorts, slowly pulling them off just to show her privates. “Yumm…” he leaned down and slowly licked her wet opening, tasting her insides.
“Mmm…” He gave it one final lick before moving his own pants around and showing off his now-grown up rod, stretched out for her to enjoy. He aimed it again and readied to insert it.
”I love you Nessa.” He said simply before he shoved it in her preparedly-wet fold and leaned on top of her in the bed, giving her a kiss on the lips as he went in her, embracing her again and playing with her hair slightly.
"Ngh! I love you too Max...mmm." The length of Max's rod felt massive inside of Nessa, hitting deep inside as she held Max tightly. Softly, she ran her nails down his arms as he took her body as his own. No matter how many times they made love, Nessa was always amazed at how good it felt to be with Max. She held onto the back on Max's head as he thrusted deeper into her, making her moan and squeal in pleasure.
“Ah, Ahn, ohh, mmh, ahh,” Max moaned and groaned, feeling good inside Nessa as he squeezed her chest and kissed her some more: it never seemed possible to show all his love to Nessa through their making love together, but he would try his best to display as much of it as possible as he fucked her. “I…love you…Nessa…so much, ahhh…”
"Uhh! you....ngh... so much....too Max..ahhh!" Max swift thrusts into her made Nessa's roll back in pleasure and ecstasy. Her love for Max grew stronger each time they shared a special moment like this. The squeezing of her breasts igniting a fire deep within her slit, making her wetter and tighter as her sheath gloved Max's rod.

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