Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

“Uh, unh, ahh, unhh! Unh,” Max continued moaning as he thrust into her, licking her breasts to increase her pleasure and gripping her thighs and butt, pleasuring himself as much as he could to show his love to her through how much he enjoyed her. He continued to thrust into her slit and hit her womb easily, wanting to ensure that they would get a family together soon enough, being able to make their love incarnate through their future child…
"Ahhhh...ngh!...Max...I'm going to....AHHHH!" Nessa arched her back as she reached her climax, her slit tightening and trembling around Max's rod. She clung to Max tightly as pleasure enveloped her body, making her feel like she was flying. She gently scratched her nails across his back as her entire body tensed from the powerful release Max always gave her.
“Ah, ugh, ahhhhhhhhh…!” Max finally climaxed into her for the third time. His rod spurted out its life-giving seed into her as he flinched and arched his back over her. As he relaxed and released his tension, he slowly lowered himself onto Nessa and laid down on her slightly, his head resting on her chest and looking at her face with a wholesome blush, his rod twitching in her as it grew limp and wetter. Max reached over slightly and kissed her, not knowing how many times he’d need to do so to prove how he loved her. “Nessa…you can already guess what I’m going to say…but I love you.” He whispered, putting his arms around her and holding her close to him.
"I love you too Max, more than words could ever express." Nessa held Max tightly as she caressed the back of his head. She could never get enough of his warm embrace and his soft touch. Whenever she was in his arms, Nessa felt at home. She gently kissed him, her lips grazing across his like butterfly wings. Her face was flushed a bright red from their intense moment as she smiled and ran her fingers through his hair.
Max smiled and heaved a content sigh as he removed his rod and laid down by her side under the blankets on their bed, closing his eyes and resting his head against her chest. The wind gave a slow breeze as they both went to sleep in each other’s arms, his mind racing with positive thoughts as he awaited the next day to come to spend with her.
Little did he know the next day would bring another conflict, similar to Ambrose, perhaps one far greater, that threatened their world and its heavenly virtues…

Max yawned and his eyes fluttered open in the early morning light, and he looked to his side to see Henry, their new cat, laying in between him and Nessa in the bed, softly purring. He wasn’t sure whether to feel lighthearted or embarrassed by the intrusion of privacy, and he decided to just get up and stretch before dressing himself. “Ahh…”
Nessa moaned softly as she woke up, slowly pushing herself up from the bed and rubbing her eyes as she held the sheets against her chest in an attempt to cover herself. "Awww, little cutie just couldn't stay away from us." She gently pet Henry, scratching behind his ears and under his chin, making him purr louder. "Mrow.." Nessa stood from the bed and stretched out her arms before walking into her closet and slipping into a soft purple dress with gold embellishments along the breast portion. After brushing her hair and teeth, Nessa walked over to Max and hugged with gently as she placed a small kiss on his nose. "Good morning my love. I hope you slept well."
“I certainly did, thanks to you.” He said with a smile as he hugged her. He then went downstairs to get food for them, he, her, and the cat. “Hmm…” He noticed they were running low. “Well, I suppose I guess we’ll have to go to the village.” This would be a good chance to reconnect with his childhood “friends”, he figured.
“So, you’re back!” Max turned his head to a voice he recognized instantly: David, one of the more “popular” kids from here that was planned on being a great knight. Now, he only looked like a common villager like everyone else. He walked over to Max with a noble air around him, but, surprisingly, he immediately bowed his head in guilt: “I‘m…I’m sorry, lord. I thought I could stand up to Ambrose when he attacked. But his magic was too strong…I can’t believe we drove you out right when we needed you most.” He raised his head back up, trying to keep his composure. “If there’s anything we can do to repay for our misdeeds, please say so.”
Max was certainly not expecting this reception, and he blushed in embarassment as he tried to keep humble: “N-n-no, it’s a-alright! I’m sure whatever I did before made me deserving of it.” He deep down appreciated their forgiveness, but he wasn’t going to act high and mighty about it. Everyone nearby seemed to notice And they bowed as well. Max only felt more embarrassed as he tried to keep himself together. “No, it’s fine, everyone, it’s ok! I forgive you all!”
Nessa smiled and hugged Max's arm tightly. She was so happy that he was welcomed home with open arms. She did however want to pinch him for his comment about deserving the outlandish treatment from before. "Max, nothing you could've ever done would've warranted how they treated you, but im so glad they all see the error of their ways. Now you can finally be home again." Nessa to one look at the man called David and remembered how hard he fought, almost losing his life to Ambrose. She never imagined that the one knight who was the most egotistical would turn out to be the first one to talk to Max and apologize for his actions.
David was surprised at Max’s quick forgiveness of him. “W-well then, i-if you say so!” He said, as if trying not to lose pride. Max shrugged and gave him a warm smile as he patted his shoulder and went on his way with Nessa in tow.
The scene’s heartfulness ended just as quickly, however, as horse-riders in the distance were being heard and rapidly approaching. Max turned to David and glanced between the two, and he got the message clear: he quickly went for his armor, sword and shield while Max would stay there and face the potential threat. As they came closer, they were noted to all be royal soldiers except for the one in the center, someone with white-colored robes, golden embellishments and expensive-looking accessories.
They came to a screeching halt at the village’s entrance, and Max decided to go forth and meet up with them, just as David had come back clad in his knightly armor. Max, looking at David, was surprised the black mage of all people would get a beautiful girl instead of the knight in shining armor, but he decided to keep that thought tucked away for the time being as the white-robed horse-riders dismounted and came up walking to them. David, of course, was the first to speak: “Ho there! And who might you be?” The one in the center, taller than the others, spoke up first. “We are the Pure-Veiled, sent by the king himself.” Max furrowed his brow and looked at them closely, suspicious of them. “And you’re here for what?” He asked. The leader responded again. “To purify this world of all imperfections and ensure a brighter future for all.” Max tried to make sense out of the vague explanation: A good motive, presumably, but by what means? Max’s fingers tingled with magic energy as he was on guard. “Then I’m sure your king won’t mind if we said we…didn’t need your help. We’re just fine as we are, but thank you for your time.” The leader frowned. “Then this won’t be pretty.” He said, pulling out a small, white sword. Max and David immediately went on the defense, and Max turned to Nessa: “Stay behind us! I won’t let them get you!” He yelled as the leader made a swipe at him. Max blocked with a barrier and rebounded the strike as David took on some other soldiers. One of them went around them both and attempted to get into the village…

(Sorry that took a while😅
I’m thinking we finish the attack, leading to Max, David, Nessa and Henry going to the capital while traversing the country and helping others along the way to stop the Pure-Veiled: any questions?😅😓)
Nessa trembled in fear, feeling defenseless without her bow and arrows after leaving them at home. She never used to leave her weapons at home, but with how safe Max made her feel, she didn't have the need to carry them everywhere. As the Pure-Veiled continued their attacks, Nessa backed away slowly while still watching everything unfold. Her heart raced and filled with distress as she feared for Max's safety. No wanting him or David to fall, Nessa twirled her hands before sending green beams of energy towards them both, enhancing their strength and restoring any lost energy.

(Ooooh that sounds good! Or we can have them capture Nessa, still entailing the same thing with Max, David, and Henry traveling to the capital to save her. Either one you want to go with is fine by me 😁)
(I honestly want Nessa to stick around with the crew for now: if Nessa was captured, that may give the villain’s motives away via prisoner x captor dialogue, and Max with David wouldn’t have much to go with to make their dynamic interesting since I just resolved that a little bit ago, unless we look at them via flashbacks and compare them then vs now. I’d like Nessa around because I think it would add someone to the overall dynamic of Max being the lighthearted leader, David the arrogant knight who wants to be the leader, and Henry being the troublemaker who somehow never gets in trouble, plus we could keep things lighthearted with Max’s personality until the very last minute when he’d get serious😱, compared to, if we took Nessa away, he would become a brooding anti-hero who would need constant emotional support from David and Henry that would still be lacking in some way for his mental needs😅😓)

Max and David both felt their energy slowly come back as they repelled the attacks. “Thanks, dear!” Max yelled as he managed to take down the last of them. David hmphed as he sheathed his sword and hung his shield on his back. “Well, that takes care of that. But I thought you’d put up more of a fight: you could have easily taken them down quicker, Max!“ And the black mage shrugged. “…But then it wouldn’t be any fun, especially for you.” David didn’t like that for an answer, but decided to keep his mouth shut for now. Max turned to Nessa. “Are you okay, dear?” He asked, clearly worried for her.
(Awesome sounds good to me ☺️)

Nessa ran and jumped into Max's arm. She knew Max was strong but she was still worried about him. "I'm okay my love...I was just scared that you would get hurt." She softly trembled in his arm, as he heart rated finally started to return to normal. She didn't know what she would do without Max.
“Oh; as long as you’re ok, I’ll be too.” He said, nuzzling her cheek and putting her back down slowly. David made some faces behind them as a joke, but Max wasn’t completely amused. They noticed the remaining soldiers were either retreating or passed out. The leader was dazed and on the ground, but Max lifted him up onto his feet and bound him with David’s help. “I know you want to hurt him, David, but I think we could use him for possible answers.” David was obviously not ok with this, but he obeyed his superior. “Nessa, dear, could you please finish our chores? Me and David have something to deal with.” He said as he dragged the white-robed leader behind him and David helped to carry him.
Nessa smiled softly and walked further into the village to finish with their original task even though her heart told her to follow Max. She didn't trust the Pure-Veiled leader, there was something about him that gave Nessa a chill down her spine. As she finished buying the supplies she needed, Nessa quickly returned home, put everything away, grabbed her bow and arrows before running back into town, not even realizing Henry started following closely behind her. She might not be as strong as Max or David, but she was not going to let anything happen to her love. Even if all she did was provide support, she was going going to make sure she didn't leave Max alone for one moment longer.
The leader awakened in a dark room. A bright light flashed, which was just Max using magic, and David was looming over him. “Alright, talk! What are you really tryin’ to do??” “Hmph. I ain’t sayin’ nothin’.” The leader slurred. Max used some magic on him to slightly brainwash him: “Very well! We’re trying to pure the world of those who aren’t of noble descent and make the world a better place by ensuring that, by eliminating the decrepit and burdens of the world, we will ensure the safety of humanity!”
Max seemed appalled, and David absolutely did not understand a word he said. “What?” Max turned to him. “I hit him with a truth spell. And What he means is that only rich people are gonna be left alive once these guys are done with us.”
At that point, Nessa, entered the room, and the leader chuckled. “Boy, whoever has this slave must be lucky!” Max immediately felt offended. “She’s not my slave! She’s…” He struggled to find the right words. I obviously love her, but we’re not married yet, yet we’re more than just friends, yet we don’t have a family together yet- His own mind debated for a few seconds before replying. “She’s…she’s very special to me, ok?” “Ohoh, this is YOURS? I honestly thought she’d be with this block of muscle here!” Max‘s eyes narrowed in contempt. “But I guess you must be really lucky to get her! What do you make her do, do you-“ Max shot a magic bolt to make him shut up, easily knocking him out. He turned to Nessa and blushed before continuing: “Well, we got the answer we needed, and I know this isn’t good.”
Nessa's eyes glowed red from the cruel insults that were spit about her. Not even being able to see anything but the leader, Nessa stormed up to him and slapped him across the face so hard, a hand print was left behind, pulsing red with irritation that eqs sure to last well after the scoundrel woke up. "HMPH! Grotesque pig!... I heard what this...thing...said about their plans...what are we going to do my love?" Nessa stepped closer to Max and placed her hand on his chest as she looked up into his eyes with concern.

(Yea im just trying to find a photo that I really like. I'm trying to see if I can't find a cartoon or animation that resembles me but I'm not having any luck...hey...whats wrong with my profile picture? Lol :ROFLMAO: 😁)
Max was surprised by her outburst. “Wow…ahem, I am going to stop this before the world suffers under this. You stay here and take care of the cat. Come on, David.” He said, starting to pull his arm and about to lead him out of the room.

(I mean, I could help with that! But, well, erm…😅😓I may be reading too much into this, but usually people I see who might reduce their own image to something inappropriate might indicate something about their view of their self-worth; don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty and sexy, but I don‘t quite think it’s you. I just hope that you don’t feel like you’re nothing but an object, instead of the valuable human being you are. That’s why I asked you for your opinion earlier about what mine should be: because I wanted to be something that I relate to and one that would fit how you saw me!😅😓😊)
"Wha..hey..what the...Ugh!" Nessa tried to follow but with Henry jumping on her shoulder, she didn't have much of a choice but to stay put, least she would let Max think that. Even though Nessa was normally very sweet and polite, she did have a mischievous side to her as well that helped her in many situations in the past. There was no way she was going to let Max just leave her behind as he went off with the all muscle no brain David. "Alright Henry, it's time you and mama go on a little adventure after daddy." Once Nessa was sure that Max was a decent distance away she sneakily followed behind him, her light footwork being almost mute as she traversed the town to keep up with Max and David.

(Aww thank you ☺️ honestly I put that photo up to somewhat match the description of the character I was playing as in my first forum called Breaking Alora. Definitely not for the faint of heart ehe...😅 but that would be really nice of you to help me! If you find a photo you think matches me go ahead and send it over😁☺️)
(Sure thing! Lemme take a look😉👍)

David seemed annoyed that he had to go with Max, and he sure wasn’t letting him get away with it by not complaining about it the whole time: “But who’s gonna stay behind and protect the village??” “Nessa’s capable enough…I hope.” “And what about food??” “I have money, don’t ask where I got it from.” “And if were ambushed?” “I thought you were strong. And you have me.” “And to sleep??” I can make something out of nature, stop whining please.” Max was finding his patience slowly lowering as David kept pestering him with his whining, unable to hear Nessa sneaking behind him because of this. This’ll certainly take a while. He thought with a sigh.
Nessa couldn't believe the amount of blubbering that was coming from David's mouth. Was he a man or a child? Either way, once they left the village and started walking through the forest Nessa found it easier to jump through the branches, giving her an easy place to hide if Max had turned around at any point. "Shoot! Henry wait!" Nessa didn't have time to react as Henry, being the wild little trouble maker, couldn't hold in his excitement as he pounced off of Nessa's shoulder, catching himself with his claws onto Max's robes. There was no way she was going to be able to hide now, but she figured she should at least try. Swiftly tucking herself behind a large tree top she stifled her breathing and listened closely, waiting to see what Max was going to do. Maybe he'll just think it's Henry and won't try to look for me? Right?
”Hey, what the-?! Huh?” Max moved his robes and found none other than Henry clinging onto him. “What? But I thought you were with Nessa…?” Max‘s head flooded with thoughts of bad interpretations. “N-Nessa?” He called out into the woods, as if she was somewhere nearby. “Nessa!” Max started worrying about her, and David shrugged his shoulders. “Now look who’s crying, huh?” Max gritted his teeth, both worried and angry now.
"Oh hush up David!" Nessa jumped down from the tree, landing gracefully on in a coruched position as her dress flowed in the air and her hair cascaded behind her. As she stood she placed her hand on her hip and looked at David woth an annoyed expression. "Max...I'm sorry but I'm not letting you go alone..even if you have this...muscle head with you. We are in this together my love." Nessa stepped closer to Max and rested her head on his chest as she wrapped her arms around him. "I just started my life with you and I'm not letting it go."
A surprised Max certainly wasn’t going to try to argue with the love of his life, even if it would turn out risky. “Ok then.“ He have her a quick hug before picking up Henry. “Thanks for that.” Henry seemed to shrug as the trio began to continue walking. David was a tad confused about something, however, and he wanted to start up conversation. “So, you two are dating at this point and have a pet cat now, right? You guys gonna get married anytime soon?” Max nearly stopped and blushed thoroughly as he glanced at Nessa. He gulped, but Henry seemed unfazed.
Nessa's eyes widened and her face turned a solid red along with the tips of her ears. She certainly dreamed of marrying Max, but she would never force him into it. Her heart pounded in her chest and he spine tingled at the though of walking down the aisle to her one true love, wearing a beautiful white gown with traditional elven hair dressing. "I...i...well...uh Max..." She couldn't find the words to speak due to how abruptly the question was posed thanks to David. You block head! Who asked you anyways!
Max went out on a limb And took a deep breath. “…I certainly wouldn’t mind it. But, unfortunately, priorities must be set, and we have the world to help!” He gave Nessa a quick kiss on the cheek to emphasize his point and held her hand tightly. David seemed giddy. “Don’t worry then! I’ll be sure to arrange one you’ll never forget!” Max tried to play it off lightly and shrugged, but his blushing face couldn’t say anything further than the opposite. Henry licked his fur nonchalantly, taking in all of this but apparently not really finding it a big deal.
Even though Nessa's heart felt as though it was about to explode inside of her chest from excitement, she gave David a dull and annoyed expression. She knew darn well that if he was left in charge of her wedding there would be nothing their but bloody contests of strength and beer while her dress would probably consist of nothing more than a fine mess slip, leaving her bra and panties exposed for all to see so Max would be enticed on their wedding night...not that she needed that kind of help with getting him aroused anyway. "So what is our plan my love?" She walked closely to Max as she pet Henry, who oh so conveniently perched himself on Max's shoulder.
Max grinned at David’s assurance to help, knowing that his wealth would probably make it fancy. Answering Nessa’s question: “Well, to be honest, there’s not much of a plan besides going to the capital and stopping them for good. We find the source of the problem and strike it, we‘re sure to win quickly and easily while helping anyone on the way. Maybe if we win, we can get married there.” He said with a chuckle and a blush, and David laughed too. Henry meowed quietly all the while.

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