David was surprised at Max’s quick forgiveness of him. “W-well then, i-if you say so!” He said, as if trying not to lose pride. Max shrugged and gave him a warm smile as he patted his shoulder and went on his way with Nessa in tow.
The scene’s heartfulness ended just as quickly, however, as horse-riders in the distance were being heard and rapidly approaching. Max turned to David and glanced between the two, and he got the message clear: he quickly went for his armor, sword and shield while Max would stay there and face the potential threat. As they came closer, they were noted to all be royal soldiers except for the one in the center, someone with white-colored robes, golden embellishments and expensive-looking accessories.
They came to a screeching halt at the village’s entrance, and Max decided to go forth and meet up with them, just as David had come back clad in his knightly armor. Max, looking at David, was surprised the black mage of all people would get a beautiful girl instead of the knight in shining armor, but he decided to keep that thought tucked away for the time being as the white-robed horse-riders dismounted and came up walking to them. David, of course, was the first to speak: “Ho there! And who might you be?” The one in the center, taller than the others, spoke up first. “We are the Pure-Veiled, sent by the king himself.” Max furrowed his brow and looked at them closely, suspicious of them. “And you’re here for what?” He asked. The leader responded again. “To purify this world of all imperfections and ensure a brighter future for all.” Max tried to make sense out of the vague explanation:
A good motive, presumably, but by what means? Max’s fingers tingled with magic energy as he was on guard. “Then I’m sure your king won’t mind if we said we…didn’t need your help. We’re just fine as we are, but thank you for your time.” The leader frowned. “Then this won’t be pretty.” He said, pulling out a small, white sword. Max and David immediately went on the defense, and Max turned to Nessa: “Stay behind us! I won’t let them get you!” He yelled as the leader made a swipe at him. Max blocked with a barrier and rebounded the strike as David took on some other soldiers. One of them went around them both and attempted to get into the village…
(Sorry that took a while

I’m thinking we finish the attack, leading to Max, David, Nessa and Henry going to the capital while traversing the country and helping others along the way to stop the Pure-Veiled: any questions?
