Fantasy RP The Darkness Made Light

Nessa's eyes widened yet again and her ears turned even more pink than before. The topic of marriage was always a touchy subject for elves, it being final and ever lasting until the end of time. This would mean that no matter what, her and Max would be bound together throughout time. Even though she loved Max more than anything else in the world, she wasn't sure if he knew about elven customs or their devotion to their significant other. The role of and elven bride was to always honor and respect her husband along with providing him with as many children as she could. She prayed that Max wouldn't be scared off by the intensity of elven ways, but she knew she would eventually have to tell him.....just not in front of David or else she'd never live it down with his constant jokes. "Alright....I think our best strategy might be studying them for just a small amount of time, learning their habits and what their daily lives are like so we can attack accordingly."
“Hm, better idea.” Max admitted with a grin, rubbing her shoulders. “Good thinking, Nessa.” David hmphed again. “See, I knew I had a good plan!” Max rolled his eyes and giggled at David. “Whatever you say, David.” He leaned in to Nessa’s ear and whispered: “Just let him have his fun and go along with it for now, dear: at least he can bring a useful extra pair of hands when we’ll need it.” He said, and Henry comedically shook his head in disagreement.
"Oh alright..." Nessa rolled her eyes but let David continue his little game. Either way, she was just happy to be with Max and not be stuck at home worrying if he was safe. She didn't know how long this journey was going to take but she was pretty sure it was no small walk to the capital. Holding Max's hand, Nessa smiled and rested her head on his shoulder while they walked.
(Good morning! I slept okay I guess for being sick haha but I'm feeling a little better. 😅 we can skip ahead to the night before they reach the capital if you want, maybe David can be talking to Max about being intimate with Nessa as if he's trying to "teach" Max without realizing Nessa is still awake or something, just making it like a funny moment between the three since Nessa and Max will be shy and David can think he's some macho man with swag lol)

Luckily, the four of them managed to put up camp. Surprisingly, the capital wasn’t too far off than Max first thought. Max, doing the same magic trick as when he was first traveling with Nessa, put together a makeshift tent large enough for the four of them. While Henry went outside for a bit to relieve himself and find some wild food, Max laid down with Nessa and David was a little bit away from them.
”Good night, dear Nessa.” Max said, smiling at her and kissing her lightly with a blush.David smiled and chuckled silently to himself at the display.
“Heh, seriously though, you got a nice, tall drink of water all for yourself! I mean, I have plenty of my own, sure, and I can never seem to pick just one!-“ Max seemed angry with him. “sigh Please don’t refer to my love like that. Besides, your unable to pick ’just one’ is because everyone manages to love you for your brawn!” “Well, what can I say, I’m the best! Now, how have you gotten it ‘on’? How hard have you been-” “That’ll be enough about that. That’s none of your business.” “Well, you probably need some advice on how to give her a good time! I’ve had plenty of experience, you know!” Max groaned: “And who said I needed help from you? Besides, who’s to say she’s not enjoying it?…right?” “Exactly! You need confidence! Especially in bed! Have you ever tried anything other than the newbie’s licks and thrusts?” Max got caught there, and he felt a bit insecure now.
Nessa's face was as hot and as red as the fire the burned in the middle of the camp. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. That dundering blockhead David was seriously asking about Max's ability to pleasure her. She did however start to feel that maybe she wasn't doing her part for Max. Would Max want me on my knees to....oh lord.... Nessa tried her hardest not to make a sound in fear of just making the situation even more embarrassing.
(Poor Max, and poor Nessa!🤣😭)

”..y-your point?” Max asked. “Well, let’s see. What’s your d’s size?” Max felt that David was a bit invasive of his privacy, but he decided to go along with it anyway. “Um, f-five inches? I think…” David feigned a contemplative “hmm”, putting a hand to his chin. “Huh, the average size? Well, we can work with that. Now, what about what you do with her?” Max started getting a bit irritated now: “Ok, you stay out of anything that deals with her too, alright?” “I knew it! So, when you’re in bed more than once, you gotta get a bit creative. Think of pizazz! You can use toys and tools in bed too. And she isn’t just your lovely girl: she’s your elf, your-“ Max reached up with his fingers and shut his lips before he went further. “I get your point. So, I need to look at things from different perspectives?” ”Is that what I said?” “I thought you did.” “Then that’s what I said! Ah, it’s good to chat with you from time to time, Max!” David said with a pat on Max’s back. Max was unsure about it and slightly flinched from the contact: “So, any other…questionable advice?” “Nope, that’s it for now. Just think outside the box and don’t be afraid to get rough.” David said with a straight face. Max sighed and groaned while holding his head slightly: he felt like getting a headache from all of this suggestive chatter from his ”friend”, but he wouldn’t deny it was humorous. “Good night then, David.” Max said before heading to Nessa’s tent.
Nessa tried her best to look asleep, but her body betrayed her. As thoughts of Max doing new things to her sent chills down her spine and heart rise between her legs. She bit down hard on her blanket trying not to make a sound or move, but even she was sure Max would see through her act. Forcing herself to breathe slowly, Nessa kept her eyes closed and the lower half of her face hidden beneath the blanket, not wanting to show how red in the face she was.
Max laid down next to her and saw how exasperated she was and how she wasn’t trying to show it. Max sighed as he patted her forehead lightly. “So, you heard all that, huh? I’m sorry about that.” He said wholesomely, caressing her face slowly. “I won’t do anything extreme if you don’t want to: I promise.”
"'s fine. I...I don't mind trying new things with long as you want them as well." She looked up into Max's eyes with a mixture of excitement and eagerness. She trusted Max and she was willing to let him do whatever he wanted to her. As the talk of toys resonated with her head, Nessa's heart began to race as her face and ears darkened to a deep red. Would Max like doing that to her? The biggest question on her mind was if Max like it if she took control for a moment in bed and pleasured him first as he's done for her. As she cuddled closer to Max, wearing a thin nightgown, she could feel her heart pound harder in her chest.
Max smiled as she cuddled closer, holding her against his chest as they hugged each other to sleep, his heat in him providing warmth for both of them. “Don’t worry too much about that for now: we have bigger things to take care of for now.” He said determinedly. Henry, back from his self-sought meal, laid down next to their heads and purred softly and warmly. David laid down in his own tent, grinning proudly to himself as he slept easily.
"Yes we do...good night my love." Nessa smiled as she nuzzled her head into Max's chest, feeling safe and warm in his embrace. Even though she was worried for what tomorrow would bring, she was able to put those thoughts behind her for now, being in the arms of her beloved Max with sleep taking over her mind quickly.
(Ok, 1. Are you ok? Or is work just being a bit busy for you? I’m just worried since your replies are taking a while to show or something: I’m definitely not trying to rush you, though, in any way!😅😓
2. I was thinking we should have them wake up and be on their way, but they save a peasant family from the bad guys before they reach their destination, how’s that sound?😅😁)
(Oohh, no problem!😅😁Okey-dokey!)
Max’s eyes opened slowly in the morning. The first thing he did was lean over and kiss Nessa’s cheek softly before yawning. He moved Henry’s swishing tail from his face as he sat up from where he laid. “Gooooood morning…”
”Morning!” David poked his head into the tent, surprisingly energetic and enthusiastic for the early morning, and Max nearly yelped from the jumpscare. “…morning, David.” Even Henry seemed startled by David and his hair stood on end.
“Ready, guys?” Max slowly nodded in response as he petted Henry to calm him down before he got up and out of the tent. “Did you find coffee beans nearby to get you this awake so early?” “What coffee beans?” Impossibly unnatural, conclusively. Max joked to himself.
Nessa was still hiding under the covers as she struggled to get dressed, making sure David only ever saw her in her normal attire and nit the sexy nightgown she wore specifically for Max. Once she finally managed to lace up the back of her corset dress, Nessa fixed her hair and climbed out if the tent, picking up Henry and petting him gently as he curled up in her arms against her chest. "Well that was an interesting way to be woken up." She nuzzled her head under Max's chin as she stood close to him. "Are we ready to head out then my love?"
Max nodded, glad to see her awake, and gestured to David as he disassembled the tents and returned everything to nature. He thought of a silent prayer of thanks in his head to the forest for shelter before he started to head out. David grinned stupidly, as he conscientiously did, and followed after Max.
“So then, we’re getting closer, right?” “I think so, yeah.” “About tiiiime!” David drew out a long, fake groan as they walked. Max chuckled slightly, finding it funny. “Hahaha…”
”…wait, what’s that?” The boys said simultaneously a little while later, seeing horses with white-people riding towards a small house on the forest’s outskirts. That can’t be good.
"Max, I think there's a family that lives in there." Nessa gently placed Henry on the ground and started running towards the house, already having 3 arrows loaded within her fingers, ready to shoot at a moments notice. Sounds a two children screaming fueled Nessa to start running faster as if some form of motherly instinct took over. don't worry...I'm coming..they won't hurt you
“Oh no! Come on, David!” Max yelled before teleporting away. David nodded and ran. Henry slowly followed after them, not taking this seriously of course.
Max arrived with magic in his hands, seeing someone breaking down the front door with a halberd. “Hey!! Leave them alone!” He charged forward immediately and charged energy in his leg before sending a flying kick at the soldier. Everything seemed to slow as the other soldiers paused for a second what just happened, and the poor family trembling inside trying to see what was going on. David arrived a few seconds later, huffing and puffing with all of his heavy equipment. “You…try to…hurt these…innocent…people, you’ll…get what’s comin’ to ya!” Max rolled his eyes at the line’s delivery, of all things.
The soldiers made way for a decorated horse with an equally gaudy rider on top. “Who dares-hlgh!” Max immediately lifted him up magically by the neck and threw him off his rider: “We don’t need a fancy monologue, thanks. We know what you’re all doing and I don’t like it!” He glanced to Nessa, wanting her to initiate the attack.
Just as the white leader held out his hands and attempted to utilize light magic.
Nessa quickly fired off her arrows, piercing the leaders hands and wrists before he had a chance to do anything. After readying another three arrows Nessa ran over and shot the arrows at the other members, hitting each one in the chest. Feeling sorry for David not being able to keep up, Nessa quickly sent over a rejuvenating orb of energy watching it dissolve into David's chest before readying another three arrows. She couldn't believe these people were trying to kill innocent children. The very thought of it made Nessa's eyes glow red with hatred.
Max was legitimately surprised at how well of a fight Nessa was putting up. “Wow…” David knocked on his head to get him to focus before running over and striking with his sword at the other soldiers. Max gritted his teeth as he charged up energy and sent out lightning bolts that pierced through their armor and bounced between them, dishing out chains of damage. He then summoned a barrier between them and the family’s house, ensuring no one would get in unless Max was weakened enough.
Only a few of them remained, yet they seemed to be the most dangerous, being the biggest ones. About to utilize magic, they sent out light magic while Max sent out his own dark magic, causing them to clash and showing off a beam struggle (you know, like in Dragon Ball!🤣).
”G-guys, quick! Get around to their sides!” Max yelled with effort as he put up his energy, draining quickly.
"Max be careful!" Nessa fired off mutliple rounds of arrows, striking each members hands directly in the middle of their palms along with hitting them in the necks and eyes while David slashed through them effortlessly with his sword. With almost blinding speed, Nessa ran towards the last couple members, jumping high up into the air and firing an arrow at each of them, spearing them perfectly through the back of their necks. Once landing back in the ground, she rushed to Max's side and placed her hands on his back as green enegery flowed quickly into him.
As they were bloodied up and pierced by Nessa’s arrows, their energy faded, and Max’s beam came through, blasting them away into the sky. Max panted, and as he looked at Nessa, he was practically amazed. “Wow…” He muttered again. David, catching his breath, groaned as he walked over and knocked on his head again before going to the house. “Hey! Is everyone ok in there?” He called out. Slowly and hesitantly, the father of the family came out wielding some sharp kitchen utensils, trembling. “You’re fine now! You’re lucky we came in just in time! You’re safe now, thanks to me!“ He said with glamorous pride. Max, all the while, was still staring at Nessa in admiration. “…wow…”
Nessa blushed and continued to restore Max's energy. She was almost amazed herself by how fast she had moved. Something had changed within Nessa since she had met Max. While David tried boasting about his supposed victory a small boy and girl ran out of the house and hugged both Nessa's and Max's legs, thanking them for their help and saving their lives. "Oh you sweet things, I couldn't let anything happen to you two perfect little angels." She knelt down and hugged both of the children tightly, almost giving off the appearance of a mother as she fixed the children's hair and sent them back inside the house. "Are you okay my love?" Nessa stood and look deeply into Max's eyes, making sure he was feeling fully restored after his battle with the Pure-Vieled.
“I’m just fine dear, thank you.” Max said with a grin. He slowly snapped out of his stupor and waving to the people in the house. They waved back warily, unsure how to feel about the black mage. David conversed with the parents further, gloating about being the one who saw them from afar and rushed to their rescue first with a black mage in tow, and Max had to restrain himself from correcting him angrily. He instead gave a small sigh as he pulled Nessa close to him by her waist and held her tight for a second, resting his head on her shoulder and kissing her before letting go. “Alright, ‘Sir’ David, let’s keep going, we’re almost there.” “Yeah, yeah, just a second!” He said as he finished up negotiations with the family.

Not far off, the king sat in his throne room with his vizier and the Pure-Veiled leaders in front of him. “I can assure you, your highness, you are certainly not making the wrong decision!” “Then why resort to violence in the first place?” “I promise you, sire, it’s the only way to ensure our bountiful future!” the leader said, not yet being caught in the act of casting magic on the king to make him susceptible to his pleas. “Oh, very well, if you insist.” Excellent, sire. I can declare this, your majesty, you certainly are trusting the right person for the job!”
A loud thud was heard outside the castle. Soldiers outside rushed to see what the commotion was. What they saw were the bodies of the soldiers that Max had devastated earlier, launched far away enough to land in the capital itself. The reaction was terrified, to say the least.
Nessa smile up at Max and kissed him gently before they continued on their journey to the capital. As they got closer, Nessa started to feel more and more nervous. Elves were never allowed in the capital and she would stick out like a sore thumb. As they finally reached the gates to the capital, Nessa cowered behind Max as she felt the eyes of the guards glaring her down while their hands rested on their swords.

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