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Fantasy RP The Dragon’s Kingdom (Lux)

Local Time:
11:54 AM
Nov 10, 2022
(XD I appreciate it!)

Astraea was super confused and she moved her head around- the way her eyes fell on the king’s face- she only assumed that this was the kings bed.

What? Why had this happened?

The last thing she remembered she was in the kitchen, and she had felt like her head was super heavy. She didn’t recount anything after that.

“My king.. what..why am I here?” She asked him softly, her voice a little hoarse, she would need some water. He could tell how tired she actually looked, and would start to remember how she had been missing meals- for that he would probably have to get to the bottom of.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis shifted his eyes over to the woman in his bed the second she spoke. He placed the bottle of medicine on the bedside table right next to the bed.

"You passed out, Ms. Emberwood." Adonis says as he crosses his arms and looks down at her. "I brought you here because I don't know where your chambers are."

He then took a small step closer to her pulling the sheets over her, in an attempt to cover her nicely. "The doctor mentioned something on you probably not eating well nor drinking well. So, awnser me this, are you eating well?" He inquires
Local Time:
11:54 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea listened to him speak and she winced slightly when he asked her if she had been eating well. She shook her head slightly and laid it back on a pillow. “My..mother, she denies me meals and water until I finish my studies,” she explained to him. No sense in lying to the king.

Her eyes felt heavy and it seemed like she wouldn’t be able to keep them open for much longer.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
Nov 10, 2022
“Mm..you have..realized I haven’t been attending dinner recently with father and you, right?” She asked, wondering that in particular. Well, not like he had specifically sought out for her presence to be at the dining table.

“She has the servants watch me..to make sure I don’t disobey her by leaving and fetching some food and drink for myself… and today I did anyways by slipping away to the meeting,” Astraea murmured out, closing her eyes.

He could see her pale cheeks begin to flush. He would have to have servants fetch him food and drink for her, she needed water more and more as time went by.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis frowned slightly as be gently pats her head. The rough leather brushing her scalp.

"Just stay put." He says bluntly as he steps out of the room, pulling a servant aside and ordering them to go get some food and water.

He then gets back into the room, tugging on his gloves ensuring that they cover his hands. "I've sent for food." He says as he walks back to the bedside. Grabbing a hold of the medicine he opens the cap and pours some of the medicine into it.

"Here. Drink this." Adonis orders subtly as he holds out the cap towards her.
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Local Time:
11:54 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Adonis would see her look up to him the moment he told her to stay put. And as he walked out and went to go fetch a servant, she closed her eyes and rested for just a moment before she heard him return.

She sat up slowly as he told her to take the medicine and she eyed it warily- she had never been fond of things like this but an order from him..it must have been important.

She was glad he mentioned he ordered some food to come her, and taking the cap of medicine she drank it, and made a face. It was so..so bitter. She wanted some water to wash it down and she looked for a moment, before asking, “Is..there any water?”
Local Time:
11:54 AM
May 21, 2024
"Water is coming, as well as food." Adonis responds as he steps away for a moment and pulls a chair close by. Putting the chair right next to the bed side he sits.

Crossing his arms as he moves one leg over the other he looks to the young woman. She had passed out in the kitchen and is now in his bed. Usually he'd have an understanding of what to do in this situation but this stumped him.

"Tomorrow..." He starts softly as he looks to her. "Tomorrow I want you to join me for dinner." He finishes, his voice low like an order.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Tomorrow? She questioned in her mind, she then nodded to him, wondering if she would be able to even eat breakfast- she knew her mother would be looking for her. She looked down at the medicine cap and handed it back to Adonis before leaning slightly back onto the very plush pillows.

“I’m sorry,” she murmured out next, her face frowning slightly, “I don’t mean to trouble you like this,” she tells him now, he had probably already sent for her father too, knowing that it would be best if she returned to her quarters.

For all the years she had lived here- which was only recently..

She was surprised that Adonis didn’t know where she was resided at in his palace. She knew her father had his room close by where the king was, and hers wasn’t too far off.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
May 21, 2024
"It doesn't matter to me if you trouble me. You are one of my citizens, one of my people. I will always take care of my people." He responds softly.

Not long after a servant came in with a tray. On the tray had an array of foods as well as a pitcher of water.

The tray was left on Astraea's lap. "Please eat. I expect you to eat properly now, if I have to personally be with you to make sure you eat I will." Adonis says as he taps the tray.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea listened to him as he spoke to her, that he would always take care of his citizens and he would see her nod slightly in reply. “Thank you, my King,” he would hear her murmur out softly next.

She watched as the food was placed in her lap and she felt herself blushing slightly as he mentioned if he would have to be there with her to make sure she ate then so be it. It wasn’t long before she began to eat the food on the tray. And he could tell how hungry she actually had been, as she quickly and pretty much forgoes her manners as she ate. She was very thankful for the meal and it filled her up entirely. She drank at the water like she hadn’t had it in awhile- well, she hadn’t, but still.

Once finished she looked a bit embarrassed and touched the corner of her mouth with her fingers. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean..to be so..” she looked down at her plate.

Her cheeks were still flushed and her body was warmer than it should have. She didn’t know if she should stay in his quarters, or if she should return to her own.

She briefly took in the notice that her dress and corset were missing, but she was thankful, she didn’t want to be uncomfortable while laying down. “I probably should return to my quarters now,” she said suddenly, still feeling a bit of a burden to him, she shouldn’t have to be here like this.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis let out a small low chuckle, his head moving from side to side. "No need to apologize." He adds softly with a hand moving side to side in an dismissive manner.

He then places a hand on the bed, his fingers dangerously close to her leg. If he were to move even a little bit he'd brush against her soft supple skin through the sheets. "You don't need to leave just yet. I am fine with you laying there for a bit longer." Adonis smiles softly at the young woman.

The smile seemed genuine and kind. A little peculiar but not turly rare to see on the king's face.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea watched him as he leaned forward and placed a hand on the bed, telling her he didn’t mind if she stayed a bit longer. She nodded to him and gave a smile in return. “Alright..” she looked to the medicine bottle next and asked him- “how long do I have to take this medicine?” She also wondered about the other bottle next to it.

As she laid there, she wondered a few things- mostly of if she had been the first woman in a while to be here in his bed, the fact that his bed felt so comfortable compared to hers- she thought about it more and more..not like she..would completely want to leave. But she figured it was probably best for her to do so after some time, others would definitely start some unnecessary rumors.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis not sure what to do now leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

He was thinking.

Quite a lot actually. He was thinking about the day and how it went. He was thinking about the meeting. He was thinking about the war.

But the only thing in the front of his mind is the predicament he's in right now. He's never really had a woman in his bed before. And when he had layed with someone he referred it not to be in his bed.

This was his safe space. And now a young, beautiful, wonderful woman layed in it.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Her eyes fell on his face as he closed his, and leaned back in the chair, and she bit her lip slightly. What was he thinking of? Which lead her to ask him, “My king..are you alright?”

She paused before saying, “I truly can go, so that you can have your bed back..” she murmured out softly, moving to stand, but she stopped, her cheeks still remaining flushed. He still hasn’t answered her about the medicine and how long she had to take it. She guessed it didn’t matter.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis opened an eye and glanced at her. "That is not of issue. I assure you." He responds before closing his eye once more. "I am simply... thinking. That is all." He adds softly.

His arms crossed over his chest as his head slightly leaned back. "And your medicine will be for about five days. Two teaspoons." He awnser bluntly. "Though I'd prefer to be the one giving it to you, to ensure you're actually taking it." Adonis awnsers his voice low and kinda monotoned.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
Nov 10, 2022
“Five days..” she murmured out and gave a soft sigh, giving him another glance as he mentioned that he would prefer to be the one giving it to her to make sure she was actually taking it and she couldn’t help but give a small laugh, “I thought you were the king.. not one of my nursemaids,” she teased him lightly, but wasn’t even sure she should tease him at this point.

She scanned his body over with her eyes, her thoughts were racing and she realized just..how attractive he was to her, and for that, she felt a bit odd. Should she even be having these thoughts? Surely she should set her eyes somewhere else- for it wasn’t like the king had eyes for her.

That would be absurd.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
May 21, 2024
But that wasn't far from the truth.

Adonis found her... captivating. He liked her around, he loved her mind and her way of thinking.

"You told me your mother forces you to not eat or drink during your studies. She can not say no when I, her king, comes in to feed her daughter." He responds as he looks at her. His golden eyes bore into her with such intensity. He wanted to get his point across.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis let out a small hum as he looked at her. He couldn't look away.

The green hue of her eyes seemed to draw him in further and further. Oh he loved to see those eyes staring back at him. "Then it's settled. Tomorrow morning or afternoon I'll find you and I'll make sure to bring food with me as well as the medicine." He states clearly not gonna sway from his decision on the matter.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
Nov 10, 2022
She blushed again as he mentioned that he would be the one to bring food, not some servant—him- the king..

Oh how some women would have been jealous to be in her position right now, to have the king’s attentions focused on her.

She moved a bit in the bed, and the straps to the top of her lace undergarments fell slightly off of her shoulder without her noticing. Her skin looked so soft and practically unblemished- save for a few moles and freckles here and there.

“Of course my king.. whatever you wish..I will be happy to receive..” he would hear her say to him in reply.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
May 21, 2024
The straps caught his attention completely. He knows it wasn't intentional but fate seems to be playing a cruel joke on his mind.

Her skin looked so soft. The urge to simply lean oner and place his lips against that shoulder, feel her skin under his lips, take in her smell. How her skin would mark if he were to sink his teeth down. All of this just seemed to hit him like a truck.

A small hue of red dusted itself against Adonis' cheeks as he averted his eyes away.

As much as he wanted to, he couldn't. He's not a brute. Hesitantly reaching a hand over he gently pulls one of the straps back over her shoulder. "Good... I'll-" He starts before coughing slightly, trying to gain his thoughts back. "Do you have any requests?"
Local Time:
11:54 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea watched him, and the slight dusting of red on his cheeks made her ever so curious. So she was right, something was bothering him! But she couldn’t figure out what it was just yet. The moment he reached over and pulled the strap up to her top back over her shoulder.. she was confused.


She blinked as he asked if she had any requests and she shook her head slightly. “Mm..not really..unless…” she trailed off, humming lightly, “Unless you tell me what exactly was troubling you..” she murmured out, wondering if he would confide in her now that they were in this situation.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis blinks at her words. He's not sure of what to say. He wants to speak but then he's also afraid of what she'll say.

Then again if she goes on a rant of how he's a dragon to other people he can just call her crazy... but he doesn't want to that. He can also just play off his troubles to his fondness of her.

But is he really ready to admit that to her and himself? "Well.. um." Adonis trails off, he needs to say something. He'll look like a fool if he doesnt.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
Nov 10, 2022
She observed him with a serious look, before she leaned back slightly and gave a soft sigh, “I swear to you my king,” she paused as she looked at his face, “Whatever you wish to confide in me, your words will never leave my lips to someone else..” she promised, taking an oath of secrecy. She hasn’t really done any of this before, but she could tell that he wanted someone to tell, and if she could be the lending ear and comforting bosom he so wished to lay into..she wouldn’t mind being that for him.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
May 21, 2024
Hering that vow the king sighed. At least that removed on issue in his mind. Adonis looked down slightly leaning forward, uncrossing his legs as he rests his elbows on his knees.

He doesn't want to tell her that he's... not yet... but if he could just get the words out of his mouth it would be easier. He felt the sounds bubble in his throat, all it has to do is leave his mouth.

"Um... I'm- Well I.." He starts but the words fall, almost like his tongue is stopping him from admiting he's a dragon. He has to say something. "I-.. I've accumulated a fondness to you... well, as of recently I find myself... um." He stops.

That's wasn't what he wanted to say, but maybe that would distract her from asking the question again.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea’s cheeks stained a light pink as he mentioned that he had taken a fondness to her, but she knew this wasn’t exactly what he had meant to say, and she shakes her head slightly to him. “No..that’s not it.. something else..” she moved and went to grab one of his hands, her hand touching that of the glove, feeling it’s thick leather. “You don’t have to be afraid to tell me,” she urged, knowing it was weighing heavily on his mind. How did one just simply tell another that they had became a dragon so many years ago?
Local Time:
11:54 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis felt his body light up at the touch. Her hand looked so feminine and dainty against his. Sighing the king looked down. "I know you said you'd keep what I say a secret." He then looks up at her with a serious look in his eyes. "But this is dire. Under any circumstances you must not let what I tell you get out." He finishes.

He stays silent for a few seconds before letting out a breath he never knew he held in. "Back when the kingdom was attacked and I was still a young king, something happened. When I was defending our home with my men I felt a burning feeling in my chest. At first I though it was a burn arrow but it wasn't. After the attack I found myself changing. Do you remember the hunting trip I went on? It was there when it happened. I found my bone breaking and reforming, my skin hardeningnto scales. I had shifted into a dragon. It turned out the burning feeling I felt that day was a dragon scale, and that same scale had turned me into a dragon. It has been so long since then and I still hold my fear." Adonis finishes, his eyes locked to the ground. He didn't want to see how she reacted. He didn't want to see the look of horror on Astraea's face.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea didn’t know what to think at first, when he mentioned what he was about to tell her was dire.. and then when he explained it to him, her face was not that one of shock, but of worry. “I knew something had changed about you when you came back after that day..” she murmured out and gripped his hand gently with hers. “You must have felt all alone..to be cursed with such a burden..” she now knew why he acted against dragons the way he did, to not trust any of them..and the fact to eradicate them all..was to eradicate himself..

“Do you still feel that burning sensation in your chest, even now?” She asked out of concern, as if she was worried about his physical health now.
Local Time:
11:54 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis looks up at her with a small smile. "The sensation only happens when the urge to shift gets to much. I've been able to control my urges more and more but everyone and awhile I do have to shift." He responds softly before leaning back in his chair once more.

"That's also why I wear gloves. After my first shift my hands have... they have.." he trails off again.
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