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Fantasy RP The Dragon’s Kingdom (Lux)

Local Time:
11:59 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea looked at the scales on his hands, and the long black pointed nails. Both of her hands were on one of his and she was touching the scales with her delicate fingers. “Mm..I see,” she murmured out softly, as if she was fascinated with this. “Do..you have scales anywhere else?” She asked him next, and Adonis would remember how much she loved researching animals and the nature of them. She had thoroughly studied dragons and their habits..but to have one up close to her— he could tell how fascinated she was because of this.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis found her fascination endearing. "I do. Some are just scattered around my body, my hands is the only place where there is some uniform to them." He responds softly slightly leaning closer to her, resting his elbow on the bed as she holds his hands in curiosity. "You... Studied dragons, right?" He asks with a small tilt of his head.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
Nov 10, 2022
“Mhm, although my father prefers that I didn’t,” she spoke with a small laugh, and seemed to inspect each scale, wishing he had her sketch book with her now, so she could write down and sketch her findings..but then she remembered what she promised Adonis, and she suddenly became very shy. “I-I’m sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable,” she murmured to him softly and slowly took her hands away. Her cheeks were flushed slightly and she looked at his face next, her deep green eyes would remind him of emeralds..

“Thank you..my king, for..letting me share your troubles,” she murmured out next, her cheeks still flushed, and something about the way her scent would fill up the air, almost as if she was a bit wary of him now, but he probably would be able to sense she didn’t hold any fear towards him.. her scent would be very..very enticing now.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis let out a low chuckle. "I'm not uncomfortable, your hands are rather soft so they feel nice." He responds.

Her scent filled his senses. It was a little weird, not exactly human per say. He knows the scent of other humans but this one was different. Maybe it was a perfume she had on or maybe it was something in the room, but her scent was different. Enticing yes, but very different. "Thank you for listening to me. I've held this burden for quite awhile, and I do admit, I've thought of telling you... fear always got in the way though." He comments softly as his hand closes around her's.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
Nov 10, 2022
She didn’t move her hand away from him, the very fact that he had been afraid of telling her.. made her heart ache a little. Then again, she couldn’t get over the mere fact that he had found a fondness for her.. and that made her a bit more shy than she’d like to admit. But she looked to his face with that soft look in her eyes, “I’m happy that you were able to tell me,” she tells him, she could feel her heart race just a little. Something about him was drawing her in, and she couldn’t tell what it was. She wasn’t sure if it was proper for her to act on these things, especially since..she didn’t want rumors to begin, but how the king’s hand wrapped around hers…

There was that scent again- it almost was remnant of a female dragon who was using her pheromones to attract a mate- but not like either of them would be consciously aware of that.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
May 21, 2024
"I'm glad you encouraged me to do so." Adonis remarks with a small laugh under his breath.

For all Adonis the young woman, still layed in his bed, was a human. But God did that scent drive him mad. He loves it.

Subconsciously a scent of his own was released in response to it. A scent of arousal, one that would seem like a response to a mate. He definitely liked her, he for sure found her attractive. The scent was beginning to be to much for the man. "I knew you would at least try to understand. You're kind, and your logic is nearly attuned to my own. I wanted to confide in you, be myself with you."
Local Time:
11:59 AM
Nov 10, 2022
She gave a soft bite of her lip as he mentioned that he wanted to be himself with her- the fact that he wanted to confide in her..she was very happy to hear him say. Something though still was drawing her in, there was something in the air she could scent, and she always had said she had a very sensitive nose that she could pick up on things others couldn’t but that was because of her heritage— that she wasn’t aware of. So the way his own pheromones- that scent of arousal was released from him- to her smelled like the most pleasurable scent she had ever took in, and she only wanted to smell more of that, wherever it was coming from.

“You can be yourself with me, I promise that..” he would hear her say, her chest rising up and down slowly. He would most likely also take note that if they were to go further, he’d have to be gentle with her- almost as if..of her other condition- being just slightly malnourished and dehydrated.. but something about being under his care, she would fill out more than she already has.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis smiles softly and looks at her. There was something in the way he looked at her, unsure of what but there was something underlining the way he gazed at her. Golden eyes took her in as if she was a prized piece of art, a sculpture.

Gently pulling the had to his lips Adonis kissed her knuckles softly, his eyes closing as he does so. "If it's alright, I'd like to court you." He says softly against her hand as he opens his eyes and looks into deep green.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea was definitely not expecting that- and at first the way he was looking at her..she couldn’t fight that blush still remaining on her cheeks, but it only deepened the minute he asked her if it was alright to court her.

No one had ever court her- let alone it being the king..! She felt her heart flutter in her chest like a bird trying to escape its cage, but once she calmed it down she gave a soft nod to him in reply, “Of course my king..I would be most delighted..” she tells him next, smiling softly.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis smiles softly as he rested the hand he held against his chest as she stood from his seat and leaned closer. "Please. Call me Adonis." He hums softly.

He knew he'd eventually have to run that by her father but he didn't care. She gave him permission to do so and that's all he needed in his book.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
Nov 10, 2022
As he moved and rested her hand against his chest, leaning close to her- asking her to call him Adonis..she let out a shaky breath, her fingers curled into his shirt lightly, while her eyes searched his.

“Adonis..please..call me Astraea..” she murmured out softly, licking her slightly dry lips, and she wondered if he..no, he wouldn’t. He had always called her Ms. Emberwood, but she really wanted him to call her by her first name. Obviously though in the public eye, they would retain some sort of image, but for now behind closed doors..
Local Time:
11:59 AM
May 21, 2024
"Astraea." He mumbles softly under his breath. Adonis smiles widely before leaning ever so slightly closer.

"I'm happy you accepted Astraea." He says, his smile wide and happy. His hand hand stayed over hers as her fingers curled into the linen shirt he wore. "A little out of our norm, hm?" He comments lightly his tone airy as he spoke.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
Nov 10, 2022
“Mm..a little..” she responded, her cheeks warm and she returned his smile with her own, and her fingers remained touching the linen shirt that he wore, and her eyes dropped there to their hands, and she could feel her heart beating loudly in her chest once again. “Is..it alright of me to see where your..other scales are?” She asked, wanting him to sit on the bed with her, so she could get a better look. But perhaps there was something more that she was beginning to want, even if she didn’t outrightly say it.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
May 21, 2024
"As I said they're scattered." He trails off before sitting on the edge of his bed. "But if your that adamant on seeing them, I will not stop you." Adonis finishes as he raises his hands slightly in an 'I surrender' type of position. He was giving her full control of the situation, and he wouldn't say no.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Adonis would see her light up a little from his words, and she carefully too his linen shirt off, even thoug she felt as if she shouldn’t have. Something about this though, feeling his surprisingly soft skin against her fingers felt..a little bit more scandalous than it already was. But the fact that she had given permission to him on courting her..it felt a little less so. Her eyes and hands trained in on his skin, finding those scattered scales he talked about, her hands lingering dangerously close to where the band of his pants were.

And there it was again that scent from earlier, wafting off of Astraea in waves- small at first but it was becoming stronger and stronger, almost as if she subconsciously wanted him to reciprocate it.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis had let out a deep breath, his chest raising and falling with the motion. The scent was back and with him now being shirtless he felt a tiny bit exposed, but he didn't mind truly.

The scales she rested her hands against was at his right hip next to his v-line. Her hands on his skin felt like fire but he loved the feeling. The scent was soon reciprocated, he was definitely heightened by all this. The touch, the scent, her. "Does something intrest you?" He whispers lightly, his voice deep and kinda low.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
Nov 10, 2022
She could scent it again, but she wasn’t sure what she was exactly scenting, all she knew that it was making her want to squeeze her thighs together, to hide her obvious wetness. She had never been this close to a man before, let alone to be touching his skin with her fingers like this! She heard his words and she looked up at him as her fingers lingered over those scales. “Yes..” she whispered out in reply, and she couldn’t help but ask— even if she shouldn’t..she looked back down to where his pants gave way to the not so hidden bulge.. “has your scales affected.. anything else?” She asked, biting her lip slightly.

Astraea- to her knowledge- had never been wanted before by a man- let alone the king..would he..take her purity and deflower her then and there? Oh how excited she was becoming just thinking of it, to be wanted and deflowered by the king himself..by the handsome Adonis..
Local Time:
11:59 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis blinked. "There are some on my thighs." Responds truthfully but then regrets it as he feels like she'd ask to see them too.

Perhaps on a different day when he's not severly aroused and bricked up he may have let her, but he is extremely hard and honestly wouldn't exactly want her to see that just yet. Eventhough his instincts, the fire, the drive in his body so desperately wants to take her. Make her his, take any bit of purity she may have.

While he wants to take her, he had never felt desire like this. Like there is an innate desire to take her as his, to mate with her so to speak.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
Nov 10, 2022
“Oh..hm,” she hummed softly and drew her hands away, and she leaned back. The soft lace undergarments she wore gave away to.. just how supple her chest was, although not as big as she would like them to be- they definitely had some type of definition. And if he saw the glance to the underwear she was wearing there was an ever so slight line of wetness right where her slit laid.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis blinked gulping down any noise that may have escaped. He felt so hot, so aroused, he wanted it to be satiated.

Shifting the way he had sat the king rested a knee on the edge of the bed as he leaned closer to Astraea, resting a hand right next to her hip as he was merely inches from her. "Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels..." He whispers to her as a hand rose and brushed his knuckles against her cheek. "It can't just be me, right?"
Local Time:
11:59 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea watched him shift and lean closer to her, the feeling of one of his hands right next to her hip- and then his other hand reaching up and brushing against her cheek. She raised her own hand and touched his gently as her cheek sort of gently nuzzled into his hand. “No..you’re.. not the only one..” she murmured out in a soft whisper, her eyes closing as her lips parted to let a soft sigh out. She wanted him to touch her, to..lay into her..

“Adonis..” she whispered out, her eyes reopening and looking to his face, “I’d be honored to give my purity to you..” she bit her lip, wondering if he would reciprocate her words.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis took a deep breath. That is what he wanted to hear.

"I will go gentle then." He whispers as he gently presses his lips against her's, the hand right next to her hip loved to gently hold it as the other one moved behind her head and into her hair. His eyes closed at the sensation of her lips pressed into his, this felt so right, like it was ment to be.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Adonis would hear her give out a soft moan as he kissed her, the feeling of his hands both on her hip and behind her head, into her hair.. she couldn’t help but shift slightly from the feeling, her lips pressing up against his as she began to learn how to kiss- yet her lips fell so naturally against his, it wasn’t long till she became accustomed to the feeling of his lips against hers. She wasn’t aware that she- as a dragon..was letting him- this..stud of a specimen take her for his mate, claiming her in a way—
Local Time:
11:59 AM
May 21, 2024
Moving away from her lips Adonis began to leave a trail of kisses down her neck to her shoulder. The man would softly suck and bite the skin on her shoulder and slightly lean away to look at the mark before going back down to make more.

Within a few seconds Astraea's shoulder and neck was littered with a few love bites and hickeys. "So pretty." He whispers into her skin.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea moaned more and more the moment his lips left hers and trailed down her neck to her shoulder..her moans turned into sweet, soft mewls as her chest rose up and down quite a bit. She couldn’t help but smile softly as he mentioned how pretty she was, and she asked, “Do..you plan to put your lips somewhere else?” And her unblemished chest was right there for him, his for the taking, to continue to mark her more..
Local Time:
11:59 AM
May 21, 2024
Adonis hummed against her skin softly as he kissed under her jaw. "I plan to claim you..." He trails off softly as his lips move from her chin down to her sternum. A hand moves to gently caress her back as the other slowly moves up her waist and onto her left breast. His hand cups the breast, his thumb slightly rolling over the nipple. His mouth moves to kiss the other, taking the small bud into his mouth.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
Nov 10, 2022
She watched as he moved and kissed underneath her jaw, making he shiver ever so slightly. Somewhere along the line he had removed the top of her undergarments and had exposed her bare torso to him for the very first time- it made her blush more, but she didn’t mind. And the way she had felt his kisses trail down, all the way to her sternum made her moan softly again, biting her lip the moment he told her he was going to claim her..she was thrilled from the very idea of that- and even more so as he began to toy with her left breast, rubbing over the soft pink bud, making her head turn slightly to the side as she moaned out sweetly, her moans only deepening further the minute his mouth took her other nipple, and began to suck on it.. this in turn made her squeeze her legs together, her underwear still remaining on. The way she arched her back though as he held her, he could tell she would be very sensitive.
Local Time:
11:59 AM
May 21, 2024
Leaning away from her for a second Adonis shifted himself backwards. His hands on her hips he pulled her closer to him and layed her down. "Shh, can't be to loud..." He whispers as he starts to kiss down the body again, his hands moving under the straps of her underwear for him to gently caress her hips.
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