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Fantasy RP The Dragon’s Kingdom (Lux)

Local Time:
5:14 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She blushed a bit more from his kiss and she gave a soft glance to him. At the mention of more insight she tilted her head, “You did? That’s..a relief to her,” she sighed out, but didn’t pry on the information.

(I’m probably gonna get off here soon, go feed my tortoise, go to the gym and then home :3 I’ll be on later tonight though around 8-11:30 pm ((and maybe while I’m on the treadmill lol))
Local Time:
5:14 PM
May 21, 2024
Adonis nods his head as he pulls her closer to his side with an arm around her waist. "Yes... Though it does raises some questions." He mumbles.

"Now I'm simply asking this as I need to explore every option or possibility." He sighs softly. "But by any chance do you think... you, yourself, may be a dragon as well?"
Local Time:
5:14 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(And I fell asleep T-T)

Astraea felt him pull her close and she enjoyed how his arm felt wrapped around her, but when she heard that question, she looked very, very confused.

“Me— a dragon???” She asked, not quite understanding what he was asking about, she looked around the room for a moment, hoping no servants were here to catch the conversation.

“I mean..I am human..I— “ she looks to her arms and inspects each one, “I’ve never had scales..” she looked to him in worry, “If I was one…what..what would happen?”
Local Time:
5:14 PM
May 21, 2024
Adonis sighs softly. "The assailant says he took you because he suspected you of being one of their lost princess. Not only he man said there were two different kings. One of which attacked the kingdom the day I was turned. Making me an heir to that king." He adds softly as he kisses her head

"If you were... it would be a game changer. We'd be able to end the war. I'd have to probably step up to the plate but I'd have you by my side."
Local Time:
5:14 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Her eyes widened from that fact, and she looked to Adonis in shock, “Y-You’s be their king?” She asked with a surprised expression. But she didn’t seem like she was upset over the fact.

At his next words she considered them carefully. “Well..if I were a dragon..I think I’d find that out sooner when I was younger, you know?” She asked but she leaned into him. “Mm..maybe..you can help me discover that side? I mean..if I am a dragon,” she finished, wondering if she really was.
Local Time:
5:14 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She gave a soft laugh when he told her he wasn’t sure on how to help her discover if she was a dragon or not. She then remembered that man from before, how he had told her her scent was driving him wild and he..she had a dark look on her face cross it next, and Adonis would know exactly what she was thinking about. She looked to him with a slight frown. "Can..can I take a bath please?" she asked of him.
Local Time:
5:14 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She gripped his arm lightly, her eyes darkening further, “Please..don’t let me be alone again,” he would hear her say, and he could tell that now after being awake for a little while, that experience was now forever in her mind- another dragon ‘claiming’ her. Astraea looked back to Adonis.. “Plus..I want you to rid his scent from my body..” she murmured out softly, with a soft blush on her cheeks, but he could tell this was a serious matter for the young woman. She hated that she had been touched by another man who wasn’t Adonis.
Local Time:
5:14 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“Can..we go to yours? I don’t feel safe..in..my room,” she tells him next, and she takes his hand to stand as well, although she felt a little wobbly.

(I’m about to head off to bed! Sorry I wasn’t as active today :3 I hope to be on more tomorrow and figuring out the notification thingy, if anything new happens tomorrow with them plz let me know asap! (I’ll be at work but hopefully I won’t be too busy))
Local Time:
5:14 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She was just thankful for him to be with her, and she felt rather safer than she had recently if she had been by herself. She was sitting there in the tub, letting the warm bath soak her skin a bit longer. She moved a bit and closed her eyes. She was wondering if she was a dragon..what would her father think? Even so..had Adonis even mention it to her father that he was now courting her?

Then she began to think more, if she truly was a dragon…that would mean.. copulating with the Adonis would be much easier- especially if they planned down the line for..offspring, she weirdly called it— which made sense, and if Adonis did truly breed her, she..would have his offspring, a brood of her own..

She felt it a bit strange to think on these things but at least the scenario of what happened earlier.. was being blocked by her mind at the moment- especially with Adonis washing her off fully, and she just hoped, she..would be okay whenever he left her to do things that kings were meant to do.

(You too!)
Local Time:
5:14 PM
May 21, 2024
"You know..." Adonis trails off as he was currently washing her back. "I spoke with your father while you were asleep." He finishes softly, his voice seemed calm but upon further inspection there was a tinge of happiness to his voice.

"I told him about... us. About me courting you." He adds with a small hum.
Local Time:
5:14 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea opened her eyes at the mention of her father and she gave a soft hum in reply to him. “You did…? What..did he say?” She asked, curiosity in her tone. She was hoping it had went well..

For Adonis, Lionel had reacted quite well actually, and had given the king a little laugh. Telling him that he was surprised it hadn’t happened sooner— for he had seen the way the king had looked at his daughter and had seen the way she had looked back at him in return.
Local Time:
5:14 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea couldn't help but blush from that, the way that Adonis had imitated what he father said.. she couldn't help but feel a twinge of embarrassment. "So..perceptive of him," she gave a soft smile and shook her head lightly, "I should have known.." he would hear her say next, giving him a soft glance.
Local Time:
5:14 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea looked over at him, and realized the blank look he gave.. "That maybe he knows you're a...dragon?" he would hear her ask, giving a slight tilt of her head. She gave a soft frown at that, trying to figure it out. "Well..perhaps he does.." she would hear him say, but she didn't sound certain. "But..I don't know, if he did.. wouldn't he have come to you about it?" she asked Adonis next.
Local Time:
5:14 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She closed her eyes the moment he rested his head on hers, listening to his words she gave a soft sigh in return, "You do have a point.." she murmured out, keeping their closeness for a moment. She was thankful though that her father did have the decency to not tell others' secrets, even if he did know them before they were told to him.
Local Time:
5:14 PM
Nov 10, 2022
"I feel..better now that I'm with you.." she tells hims softly, blushing slightly as he kissed her hand. Then at the next moment, she felt her stomach rumble and she wondered if he could hear it. "I..also am quite hungry," she mentioned next, and Adonis could tell that. He would also be able to tell that she still wasn't 100% back up from what had happened to her, and it probably would affect her for quite some time. She just knew from now on, if it wasn't her father or Adonis-- she didn't want to trust anyone else.
Local Time:
5:14 PM
May 21, 2024
Adonis hums softly moving to get her a towel. "Well then. Dry up and we can get some food, it's almost lunch time anyways." He remarks as he pulls a towel from a nearby rack for her to dry off with.

"I should've gotten you some clothes though." He mumbles under his breath as he looks down in thought.
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