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Fantasy RP The Dragon’s Kingdom (Lux)

Local Time:
4:32 PM
Nov 10, 2022
The man felt the punch to the jaw and then he was kicked down, face first into the dirt. His jaw was dripping blood, and he was laughing maniacally. “Like you don’t know?! The king that was killed and there was one scale missing..” he managed to look up to Adonis.. “We thought he had no successor..”

There were two kingdoms..one king died, the other went into hiding, hiding their heirs as the war broke out.

“I just came to bring back our princess..” he hissed out, the pain in his head from Adonis’ claws.
Local Time:
4:32 PM
May 21, 2024
"Princess?.... Heirs?" Adonis mumbles his grip lightening slightly as he tries to make sense of what was going on.

But, the scale.

Was the dragon that attacked really on of the kings? Was he really... an heir? And their princess? Was Astraea a dragon?

His thoughts rattled. Maybe a little to much as his grip softened completely as he got lost in the thought.
Local Time:
4:32 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(I’m getting delayed notifications..)

The dragon laughed again and again, knowing that the king that had attacked was not because of his own doing- he had been spelled by those who wanted to see him perish. The dragons had been at peace..but..

Astraea opened her eyes and looked over at the pair, she saw the barbs on the hybrid’s tail, swishing back and forth- going to strike Adonis in the back.

“Adonis!!” Atsraea screamed out his name, and before she knew it, out of pure instinct she had flashed over there, pushing Adonis out of the way as the barbs laid into her back- making her scream out in pain- what— what just..did she…?
Local Time:
4:32 PM
May 21, 2024
Adonis had snapped out of his thoughts when he was pushed out of the way.

He blinked in surprise. "Astraea..." he whispers as he looks over at her before it hits him. "Astraea!" He yells as he slides himself at her side propping her up with his arms. "Darling, my love, are you ok?" He asks in worry, his voice trembling and his voice shaky.
Local Time:
4:32 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea was crying out, the pain from the barbs seared through her body- her cries were like that of a dragon roaring in pain— although, well..not as loud but they resembled it very well. She gripped on Adonis’ arm, her eyes full of terror..

It was at this point the hybrid got up and wiped his mouth, cursing underneath his breath, his barbs were meant for Adonis, not the princess! How was he going to explain this…

Adonis could feel her blood from her back- the color wasn’t even red..it was an inky black substance. That..was from the barb’s poisonous effects, right?

Local Time:
4:32 PM
May 21, 2024
Adonis breathed heavily as he looked down at her before he slowly turned his head to the hybrid.

"What. Did. You. Do." He hisses. His voice low and threatening with every word that came out of his mouth. His golden eyes seemed to darken, turning angry and murderous. The normal pupil thinned out to become a slit. The eyes of a true dragon.

The eyes of his king.
Local Time:
4:32 PM
Nov 10, 2022
He took a step back, the moment he saw Adonis’ eyes change- the same look he had seen all those years ago when he had poisoned the king’s mate the first time around. It was like he was getting dejavu, and-and—

“M-My barbs…are….poisonous..” he managed to get out, thankfully though, only the tips of them had been inserted into Astraea’s back..so the effects wouldn’t be..as intense, but for her fragile body—it was almost like it was. She was writhing and screaming out as tears fell down her face, she didn’t know what was happening, what was this intense pain she was feeling?

But soon sharp gasps were coming from her as she suddenly couldn’t breathe- her eyes were frantic, darting around as she glanced back over to Adonis. Yet she didn’t know her body was reacting to this— preventing any further poison from infecting her further— her body’s natural instinct. As she closed her eyes and reopens them- it was almost like a glance of dragon’s eyes were there and then they were gone when she closed her eyes and reopened them again.
Local Time:
4:32 PM
May 21, 2024
Adonis distracted with the hybrid didn't see the change in her eyes. "Stop it. Now." He orders with a hiss.

He had only truly gotten her by his side as of recently he will not lose her. He refuses to do so.

His hands held her tentatively as he picked her up and turned to him. "Stop it, now! Or I will tear that tail of yours off your body and strangle you with it." He threatens.
Local Time:
4:32 PM
Nov 10, 2022
He looked down and hissed lowly, before Adonis would see him shake his head, “I-I can’t..” he looked to the young girl’s body, black veins appearing on her pale skin.

“It’s up to her now,” he says next, looking between him and her, “unless..” he was thinking about something.. usually, there were tales of dragons and their blood which had healing properties— and that’s what Astraea’s body was trying to do now, but she had been malnourished for just far too long..she would need some help in that regard.
Local Time:
4:32 PM
Nov 10, 2022
With that, Astraea’s convulsions lessened, and he could feel how hot she was, but the poison dripped out of her body, and her wounds that had been inflicted were healing too. Slowly, but surely- almost as if it had never happened. When he was done she let out a wail, sobbing into him, she was so frightened, she..she wanted to go home..

The hybrid has fallen on its knees, and he stared in disbelief. “Perhaps she isn’t the princess..” he started to mutter out, surely by now the princess would have changed forms to protect herself, but she hadn’t.
Local Time:
4:32 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“I had heard rumors..” he sat down without hesitation, “that.. the dragon princess was residing there— unconfirmed sightings of someone who was like a dragon…” he stared at Adonis.. “She scented so much like a female dragon I—“ he was probably thrown off, those reports must have been because of Adonis..

Just how many dragons infiltrated his kingdom at this point?!

He must have shape shifted to get in, and earn her trust somehow..

(With that, goodnight! I’ll be on tomorrow like usual :3)
Local Time:
4:32 PM
May 21, 2024
Adonis sighs as he shifts his gaze back up to the hybrid. "Who sent you exactly?" He inquires his hands pulling Astraea close to his body.

By this point his voice had softened slightly as he started think rational again, yes he was still angry but he had questions and if he kills this guy then he won't get the awnsers he wants.
Local Time:
4:32 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“those who control this war,” he spoke, cryptically but it still meant it were the dragons who wished for all human life to be eradicated and only dragons rule.. they were on the side that both kingdoms didn’t want, and when they rose up against both kingdoms..

“We thought we had found one of our lost princesses..” he murmured out next shaking his head, his gaze narrowing as it looked to Adonis. “How..exactly did you come to be the holder of the scale?” He asked now, flipping the narrative.
Local Time:
4:32 PM
May 21, 2024
Adonis blinked. He was about to say something on how "he was the one asking the questions." but he's a fair man and this was a simple question.

"It was when my kingdom got attacked for the first time. Me and my men fought the dragon. Nearing the end of our fight and when the dragon retreated, I believe somehow a scale embedded itself into my chest. I didn't know it was a scale at the time though." He awnsers with a small hum.
Local Time:
4:32 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(oop I'm not getting any notifications now lol)

"It most likely activated when the dragon king perished.." he muttered out, looking a bit confused, he hated this -- he really couldn't fight this. There was no doubt about it that the man in front of him-- well, dragon, was the next dragon king -- although two kingdoms had been overthrown at the start of this war, the two kingdoms would rise again and unite with one another for a better unity and to give more peace to the world- to dragons and humans both-- but Adonis just didn't know it it, nor did Astraea.

(So he's one king's successor, and Astraea's is the other's- if that makes sense (I know I mentioned she had siblings, but we can explore that down the line sometime later)
Local Time:
4:32 PM
May 21, 2024
(I'm getting delayed notifications anyway...)

Breathing out a small sigh Adonis picks Astrea back up and into his arms. Standing up he begins to walk. "As fun as this conversation is, I still have a kingdom to run and a place to keep in order." He says sarcasticly.

Placing a hand on the other man's shoulder Adonis giped harshly. "Now I'll kindly say this once, you must leave." He hisses. "If you ever feel the need to come to me ever again it better be a good reason. Taking my love is not one of them." He adds before giving his shoulder a pat and walking off with Astraea in his arms.
Local Time:
4:32 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Yep just checked the error log it has to do with push notifications.. ugh this happens every so often but it’s nothing I can control—I’ve definitely looked into it before to see if I can help but it only offers a temporary solution unfortunately)

The man flinched the moment Adonis’ hand gripped harshly, and he looked to Adonis as he left, giving a soft sigh of relief when he was gone.

Astraea didn’t wake until much later, groaning softly when she did, and her head felt heavy for a few moments before she opened her eyes fully. “Adonis..?” she called out his name softly, looking around for him.
Local Time:
4:32 PM
May 21, 2024
She was resting on a couch, the windows were open and the air fluttered in.

Looking further, it turned out she was in the library back at the castle.

Entering through the doors Adonis entered with a tray with tea and a couple of cups on it as well as the bottle of medicine. "Ah, Astraea. You're awake." He smiles at her as he sets the tray down on a near by table.
Local Time:
4:32 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Astraea noticed she had been changed into a different outfit, and as she slowly sat up, she looked around the room. “Wh…what happened to that…” she trailed off in a soft whisper, wondering if he would tell her fully on what happened. She knew what she saw, and she was..confused on what she heard. Was Adonis in danger being here?
Local Time:
4:32 PM
May 21, 2024
"Alot happened." Adonis hums softly as he takes a seat next to her.

"For one you got kidnaped by another dragon. I came to find you, and may have gotten in a little fight. You got injured but I was able to help you and now we're here." He says simply, summarizing what had happened over the course of the morning to now afternoon.
Local Time:
4:32 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She gave a small twist of her mouth as he explained himself and she nodded to him after he finished talking. “I remember bits and pieces..” she murmured four to him softly, remembering how that pain felt though..she didn’t want to feel that way ever again.

“Thank you,” she tells Adonis next, “For rescuing me,” she murmured out with a soft blush on her cheeks.
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