Fantasy RP The Greatest Relic, and Treasure with the Heart of Darkness ( Knight_Of_None )

Now with the two getting more and more into the act, the teasing of the serpent's maw, upon his woman's breast.
as the serpent was finally in position, feeling the need, as his hot tops pressed to her hungering lower slit. the tiny maiden smirked,
as she looked into his eyes.

"Oh come now, no need to . . . "
as she was beginning to try and tease her lover to get rougher with them. a loud knocking could soon be heard. the way it echoed
was as aggressive as one would fear normally. the massive, cloaked figure was at the front knocking again, not wanting to wait for to long.
Silas pulled back at the powerful knock, then looked at Clara. "I swear to the Champion I'm going to put a sign down if I must." He gripes. He pulled himself away from Clara. "Shame for you tho" he teased as he touched his bracers, reassembling his armor. "I was going to use these." He said as his serpent fangs gre out a bit further, hooking ou like a Cobra. "But now you must wait again." He said as he pulled them back. "Hmm...ill be right back my love." He said walking down to check the door of the smithy.
Upon answering the door, Silas would a massive and tall figure standing there. An obvious member of the Goliath rave. However seeing this tiny serpent at the door instead of the female which was expected. A dominating female voice spoke up.

"Where is the smithy, I am in need of her skills. " Saying this the moment Silas would fully reveal himself to this unplanned visitor he would find his body quickly grabbed and lifted by the throat. As the hood hid a pair of piercing eyes, and long flowing blond hair. This wild bestial persona of a woman would be revealed to be claras big sister qell younger sister who was bigger.
"She's upstairs-" he started to answer but as he was snatched up suddenly he grabbed her wrist. "I could collect her in just a moment, if you would release me." He said as he looked up to the Goliath. "Or I can take a message on her behalf." He said as he put his other hand on her arm. She could see the bracelets on his wrist, definitely her sisters works.
seeing the odd little accessory, the giant maiden would drop the serpent. as Silas would land with a thud on his butt. however the fact remained, even his impressive height was nothing compared to a goliath.
"So did you seduce her for such a rare treasure? should I break you here to find out the truth?" saying this with a hissing tone. the massive and obviously agitated, hooded woman would seem to be thinking that
Silas tricked clara to get such a thing crafted. however the fact was the opposite, if any one was tricked or seduce it would be a safer bet that this reptilian paladin was more of the victim in this lovers tale.
Silas started to stand up. "I did no such thing, I do not believe in such deceit, I am a man of truth and honor." He said as he looked up to the Goliath. "She made this for me of her own will." He said standing firm and tall before her. She stood over him, but he had not backed down from her imposition. "I have not harmed or lied to her in anyway." He said as he stepped back to allow her into the smithy, walking to tge stairs. "My lady, you have someone asking after you, a Goliath woman." Silas called up briefly, turning back to face her. "I believe you would prefer to hear and see for yourself."
Almost instantly realizing who this was, Clara's eyes practically glowed, as she had forgotten in that moment she was completely in the nude. as she shouted Lil sis, moving to rush down and tackle
her sister into a bear hug. however if Silas was able to stop and catch his tiny lover. it would be a good idea, for surely if this goliath was indeed her sister. and she saw clara like this, Silas would have to deal with
not an honor issue, but an angry sibling, and to make it worse a woman. as they said a woman's anger, knew no limits when it came to family.
"Oh come on, she seen me countless times when we were growing up. whats the worse that could happen hmm? or is it you want to keep me to yourself you big perv?"
as she began to change an obvious issue into a perverted tease. Clara's playful side was as strong as usual, however the images of the notorious strength that Goliath's had, and more
so the mental images of her bare handedly ripping his man hood from his body for some misunderstanding would flash in the gentle and honorable mind of Silas.
"Ofcourse I want to keep such things for myself, you are to be my lady. To behold your body in the privacy of our embraces is a pure gift." He said cupping her cheeks despite the displays of violence he could also envision. In truth...if the Goliath was her sister. He assumed he wasn't the first man caught up in Clara family reunions. His words however were true and genuine, laced with love and gentle passion. "My lady, I would like for you to atleast din a robe? Hm? You would look only more alluring to your lord." He said leaning to whisper his soft honey in her ears, his hand gently caressing her cheek, her neck. His bite marks in particular would feel sweet and sensitive, with whatever strange tricks his people could do with suck fangs.
"Indeed I shall." He said as he walked to her drawers, ever so easily shifting from his soft advances to almost inflexibly pure. He honestly did quite take the sexually notes in when she asked it if him. He pulled out one if hurler ribes abd opened it before her, gently draping it around hervand helping her inti it, even tying the knot fir her while holding her against him warmly. "There we are my lady!"
now covered up, Clara would move to take Sila's hand, and walk with him down to greet her little sister. as she smiled, winking at Silas.

"so then, did she threaten you like she does all my friends ?"
saying this, it would reveal something of interest to the serpent. the little sister, despite being a Goliath was very protective of the big sister. which would
indeed make sense with how she acted tours silas already. however the fact remained, it was time for a dangerous albeit cute reuinion for the two siblings.
however the sense of danger would be felt by silas once he was in the room with both the girls together, for perhaps an unknown reason at this point in time.
"Only a bit." He said simply, clearly not holding a grudge against her for her protective nature. "But no harm was done." He said as he held onto Clara's hand, guiding her to her sister and kissing the back of her hand before letting it go. "Should I prepare something to drink for your visit?"
hearing this, Clara would wink at her lover, as she spoke up.
"The special wine is in the cupboard, bottom left far back. Was planning to save it until we have a bun in the over but this is a special occasion as well. "

saying this with a playful smile, her words caused a cold, and blood chilling glare to be directed tours Silas for a moment by the goliath woman, who seemed to remain silent.
waiting for this reptile stud to leave the room before the two would talk. Little did silas know that the stories, and bragging his woman would share would lead to him getting a very aggressive
and forceful secondary fiancé. as the goliath way of doing things was far from acceptable by most races.
Unaware of the bill Clara was currently signing, bragging on her paladins value to her, perhaps their adventure, more the likely his prowess in bed on top of his prowess in battle, Silas busied himself, collecting the wine she had saved. Honestly the Goliaths stare, even with its coldness, couldn't make him flinch while he had smiled to Clara and kissed her head before retreating away. He returned with the bottle and 3 mugs, though he had also a jug of water under his other arm. He placed them on the table and began to pour his Dwarf brides wine and the her sister, nit wishing to break his ladies story that she was in the midst of spinning, and as Lord of her home, it was customary to fill the drinks of one's guest and lover first.
Once the drinks were pours, Silas would suddenly find something a bit unexpected happening. as the mighty serpent was pulled into his fiance, and tiny lover.
her powerful albeit small frame. as she pulled her serpent onto her lap. the tiny muscular arms moving to run along his muscles, and arms. her fingers tracing his scales

as she spoke excitedly, and overly enthralled with her lover.
"You see sis, this is a real man, species mean's nothing. he is strong, well built, more then that, he has the heart to protect, and care. as well as a few extra perks. "
as she said the last part. it was no mystery now, however if Silas wanted to get back at his woman, he could easily talk about her assets, and charms to her sister, or easily
pull away. However the look the goliath was giving him was now one of interest, and oddly dangerous excitement. as she began to drink the wine from the mug.
Silas looked at Clara. "My love, am I a trophy?" He teased as she boasted on him so heavily. He shifted out of her lap, walking behind her, touching her shoulders. "Though I suppose your sister already knows your wants." He looked to the Goliath, smiling at her. "How she needs such a man to keep up with her nonstop passion, and temper her free spirt. Maybe to watch her back while she charges so bravely into battle?" He said as he embraced her frim.behind, hus arms supporting underneath her bust. "Gaurd her big heart from monsters and men alike?" He said he rested his chin on the Dwarf woman's head, pressing his lips into her hair to kiss her again.

Silas seemed to be quite catch, though her sister could see just how much he cared and watched over his bride. "She's a real woman indeed, though I was painfully unaware she was trying to seduce me the moment she laid eyes on me."
The intimidating woman laughed, as she finished the mug. and looked to the love birds. finally revealing her massive, well toned, and warrior built physique in all it's glory, only masking her with the skimpy barbarian like
armor. which would be made from a mix of dragon scales, wyvern wing skin, and even snow leopard pelt. as she would look over the two, an odd look in her eyes. as the powerful woman took a moment to pull her thoughts together.

"So you to are quiet the item, But Silas was it. How about a friendly duel, I wish to see what you can handle for myself, hmm? I promise not to break you, well at least to the point sis can't fix ya up. "
as she said this with a smirk, unaware of what this paladin could dish out, however if accepted, what one would think should be a simple mock battle would turn into something far worse, and even more so lewd.
as it would be a mix of goliath, and dwarven rites so to speak, with the two hybrid sisters. One side taking more of each parent then the other. but sharing the same traits, mentally to some degree.
"You wish to battle? I don't know if that is the best idea, you have been wandering all day no doubt?" He said tilting his head slightly, look at Clara. "What do you think my love?" He asked of his bride to be. She would become family ofcourse, and even in sparring he had to consider what may occur.
"I see no issues, but no weapons, and we have the basement, which can be cleaned up for a safe spot to do this. But it might be best to take a night to rest first. "
as she said this, while winking at Silas. Showing the serpent even with company, his woman was thinking of how to enjoy him, and finish what they started as soon as possible.

hearing this though, the massive maiden would sigh, as she looked to Silas, and Clara, before speaking up.
"Well then, how about at least letting your man show your lil sis around to his stuff? after all I see he has the special artifact, I am curious what kind of man he is. "
as she said this with a playfully evil smirk. The fact remained, If things went a bit south, Silas might see a new side of his woman that might be a but much even for him to deal with, in the coming hours.
He examined her expression, touching his chin, knowing she had some underlying motivation that "I've spent quite a bit of energy today, battling isn't at the top of my list." He said simply, hus arms shifting, lightly lifting Clara's bust as he hefted her up a bit. He said honestly.

"All I desire tonight is to spend my time with my lovely Clara." He said softly in the Dwarfs ear. He glanced to the warrior. "A good night's rest will Make me a better opponent in the morning, even if it is a mock battle." He added to her sister
"Tch, very well, but I do expect a good match tomorrow from you lizard boy, and do make sure you keep her screaming down enough to let me rest hmm?"
saying this with little to no care, it only caused Clara to puff out her cheeks, with a red face.

"i am not that loud when I have my fun, you should know better sis, you are always so loud over little things. besides it's my place. "
as she said this, it was almost comical, however if Silas wasn't their the scene would be an ideal one for this bigger, lil sister to bop clara on the head if she so felt like it.
as this would be the ideal scenario for Silas to make a recommendation or to enjoy the show of the comical interaction of the sisters.
Silas flushed slightly at her words with her sister. "You are incorrect. I am not a lizard, Mystian are Serpents, we have bitterly battled with lizardmen for centuries so do not mistake the two." He said ruffling his hair a bit. "And..ahem. I will endeavor to keep Clara from making noises, to the best if my ability." He said
"At least the snake has some decency unlike some one. "
saying this, the goliath maiden poked fun at her tiny sister. before she would get up, and look to Silas, as she would then
request the paladin to escort her to the chamber for which she could rest in, as the maiden asked her tiny sister to make the three of them some good meat.
pointing to the pack she left at the door, which had some dragon meat in it, for them all to eat, a rare, and very valuable protein.

"as for the lizard comment, I apologize, to be honest, it is hard for one such as myself to tell you men apart, unlike the women, men's seem so much rougher with scales, and warrior like. "
saying this last part, a familiar action of her tongue licking her lips for a moment would be spotted, if not by silas, at least by Clara would would pinch her sister's ass, making the giant to hop
in surprise, making a high pitched, squeal suddenly.
Silas looked over at Clara a moment, raising a brow at her act. But shrugged it off. "If you require assistance, lizardmen are much different in battle. They even take a fully lizard Visage to take a big bite of you. They also cannot grow hair." Silas said as he ruffled his hair a bit. Silas started to lead her to her chambers for the night. "Ah. We have a pair of Nue here, they are our pets, kits really..." he said as he lead her away from her sister.
once Silas had led The massive sister to the room. he would soon find her palm against his chest. as she pushed the man into the room, and onto the bed. before closing the door behind her.

"I have some questions, and I didn't want to ask them with sis around. so what you say giving some of your valuable time hmm?"
asking this, despite her aggressive way of handling the situation. as the maiden would move to sit herself down on the floor with her legs crossed. thus sitting she would be at eye level with Silas.
who would be on the bed, at the moment. despite how she suddenly pushed him on to the bed, as if she was about to try and jump the paladin.
"Where's the fun in that little snake. I need to know, do you plan to have little ones with sis? Do you know the truth of our family heirloom? does she know about your unique traits?"
asking this, one after another, referring to the unique trait, as many reptilian males had multiple cocks, even if this was not true in all cases. however it also showed Silas just how little this woman knew
about reptilian men. comparing them all to the knowledge of only lizard men, anatomy. Yet this was not meant to be rude or offensive, but more so inquisitive, by a very protective little sister. who wanted to make
sure this man was the right one for her sister, despite how loving and good they looked as a couple, even more so with how the tiny girl man handled this massive stud like a lap dog or teddy bear. telling The goliath all
she needed to know about just how intertwined the two were with emotional attachment to one another. But would this paladin be truly able to protect her sister if the real danger of their family heirloom ever showed it's
ugly or darker side. yet she was unaware that Silas knew the truth already, he and Clara discovered it together, with the weapon being sentient, and housing the soul of their late mother.
"Slow your stride, I can only answer so many questions at once." He said chuckling as he held up hand. "I know the nature of the hammer, it's secret, and who it houses....she also threatened me. But I think she likes me." He said laying out the first major question. "Your sister and I haven't gotten around to discussing such things as having children...but. I would fully intend on doing so, some way down the line, it is not something I am fearful of. And she doesn't know all the unique habits and abilities of my people. I have not seen it fit to unleash them quite yet in battle." He said simply, though he didn't quite go into detail with the Goliath woman. "And others...They are best saved for moments between Lady and lord, kindling and enhancing our....private engagements." He said touching his chin as he watched her.

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