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The Human Princess and her Werewolf Knight (Dream)

Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Cassandra was all too lucky, in a world where she lived now. A kingdom ruled by her father and the upmost protection royalty could offer…

Yet she was also very unfortunate. She had been born very sick, always susceptible to outside diseases and whatnot- growing up over the years she never had it easy. Although a life of luxury could offer comfort..she truly was sick most of the time, with that auto immune disease she carried.

Now in this kingdom, ruled by three classes- werewolves, vampires and humans. Humans surprisingly enough were at the top of the chain, knowing that without them, the vampires would suffer- since their race was close to extinction anyway. If it wasn’t for the king producing an heir such as Cassandra- surely their bloodline would be doomed. The commonwealth wasn’t enough to keep the human race alive as they were merely fodder for the vampire race and slaves no doubt to the werewolves.

Cassandra, although very unfortunate was fortunate, given that her body guard was one of these creatures- a male werewolf sworn to protect the royal bloodline- his family had trusted him to keep the human race intact, no matter the cost. So he may have been a bit over protective here and there…but could you blame him, with the princess’s condition?

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Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Always remaining as respectful distance was Lyall's closest he would allow himself to the princess, once understanding his feelings, his emotions toward her, he had decided was best to keep to his duty, protect her for the sake of humanity. Though with her sickness at all times, revolving door of doctors did concern him of how the heir of the king would have a good life of her own. He was always burdened with these thoughts when having to sound the alarm of her growing ill, doctor and nurses rushing about as he stood guard of any nosey servants attempting to peek in when only he and medical were allowed entry. Aid the princess with cleaning her chambers, picking out clothes for the day and preparing her bathes while remaining respectful. Lyall never left the castle while servants must return to their homes with their families, easily that could harm the princess further in her condition if a servant came in contact with an ill child or member of the community.

Right now he was just handed breakfast of scrambled eggs, cinnamon toast, orange juice, and of course her daily medications and supplements. Knocking before entry the young wolf peeks open the door "your highest, breakfast has arrived" speaking his quiet yet deep toned voice hoping to not interrupt her sleep too horribly. Around this time of the morning was when she usually rose but some day were not as good of a start as others so he was always cautious of her mood.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Cassandra groaned as she woke, whimpering as her head began to pound. She didn’t ask to be born, hell…she didn’t even ask to be this sick all the time.

But at the sound of her most trusted guard..her knight, she gave a small sigh of relief. “Please..come in,” he hoarse voice sounded…she desperately needed something to drink.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Always waiting a few minutes to see whether she would wake or not, he was in luck when hearing her hoarse voice all out in desperate need of drink. He hurries inside, ensuring the door closes softly behind him before making his way over to her bed side "is today a good day or a bad one?" asking as he prepares her napkin for her. Eyeing her medications then herself hoping to assume how she felt before or if she answered him.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Holding the tray of food and drink for her, he noticed her peek out after announcing it was a bad day which drew in a breath from the man, setting her tray down on the night stand he made his way to the curtains. He could care less for the Kings demands, he only listens to the Princess, his Princess. Pulling the curtains tightly shuts, securing no light dare strike through before returning to her bedside "better?" adding a smirk.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
His comment was more meant to make the food more enticing, encouraging her to eat but she did offer so he would not reject as he moves to fetch a chair to set by the bed. He took a seat and awaits her to portion him off some of her breakfast "you have to eat most of it though" pointing out to her, happy to see her eating.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Indeed he was pleased, reassuring she had quite the appetite to eat almost all adding to hope she was feeling better. He would rise to his feet collecting dishes upon the tray for the housekeeping servants to take away later "let us go then" aiming to get her out and about so her room may be cleaned and aired out for a while. "I could....carry you if you ask nicely" teasing her with his charming smile.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Her laugh was the bonus of his day, a smile created a warmth in his chest while her laugh touched his soul, even his wolf deep inside. Offering his hand to her once she had removes her covers, swung her feet to the edge in preparation of rising to her feet "I can at least offer my support as we walk our way there" he spoke.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
(Isn't he)

His gaze remained trained on her face while he listened to her lungs and heart making sure they were stable with no abnormalities, always tuned into her body and mood. A smile grew on his lips, a whispering sigh leaving his lips to reveal his relief. Slowly he stood, towering over her to aid her to her feet and continue their route to the library.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
And on to the library they went, the giant doors opening from the help of Lyall, and she went to her favorite spot- a comfy chair, surrounded by stacks upon stacks of books. She had a blanket there especially for her- and he could see the look of relief on her face when they reached the secluded spot.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Success! Made it to her special chair within the grand library which set him at ease of at least getting her out of her room today. Pausing his steps once she settled into her chair, stationing himself along the side of one of her many stacks. Not understanding her love for reading but could guess it was better to slip away into a world in your mind than remain conscious in the boring one she led. "Need anything, Princess?" he spoke up after some time.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
A dip of his head was givin' to show acknowledgement to her request, stepping away to the doors to wave down a servant ordering them to fetch some water immediately. He would return back to his Princess with a glass in hand, kneeling down her level to hand it her way "enjoy" he spoke with a smile.
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