The Human Princess and her Werewolf Knight (Dream)

HIs gaze swept the room seeing no other blankets in side which did concern him, a note to give the servants to ensure plenty were around for next time for he refused to leave her alone. Moving back to her side he took a seat by her legs "Sadly there are no more blankets so cause you will just have to tolerate my invasion of your space" he told her in a slight joking manner.
Thinking this was enough of a boundary crossing but she mentioned his work attire drawing him to feel a tad embarrassed to the realization himself "Oh...right" standing back up to unlatch and unbutton a few things. In the end he was wearing a beige like loose shirt underneath all his armor, his muscles though still could be seen especially his arms as the short sleeve barely could hold his upper arm and shoulder. Moving back down beside her with a smile "better, princess?"
He glances up to her than gazes over the chair she was all settled in before getting back to his feet "You are right about that" he notes out loud reaching to help her to her feet, taking a seat in the chair. Settling his hands on the arms of the chair he looks up to her for her to settle back into her heated seat that was him so she could continue her reading
Doing his best to keep his breathing normal and his heart from racing, she was right here with him, her scent filling his nose with each inhale. He had to focus on anything but her, it was impossible but she was warm and happy. Keeping his hands on the arm of the chair until noticing she was growing tired. Slowly he moved his arms around her to keep her balanced.
He would see her eyes become heavier, and she yawned a bit as he wrapped his arms around her. Cassandra then would mark the spot she had been reading, before she closed the book. She held onto the book as she snuggled deeper into Lyall’s strong embrace, and she smiled softly, “Thank you for keeping me warm,” she murmured out sleepily, her head remaining on his chest for the time being.
a frown fell on his features, already this was driving his wolf mad plus he could get in trouble if found like this. Watching her sleep made him smile and not wish to move a muscle. Dipping his head down, his nose touching the top of her head to allow more of her scent to be sensed. He was doing this to himself, he knew but he only allowed this shortly. It was several minutes before he tightened his hold and got up with her in his arm to return her to bed.
Pushing her covers aside to set her down, covering her up to keep warm he was ready to return to his post. A pressure on his arm halted him to see she reached out to him having woken which did create guilt. His aim was for her to remain asleep so he sat on the edge of the bed “I am right here, Princess” reassuring her .
Cassandra woke in the middle of the night, and she groaned softly. Her stomach was cramping and she curled up next to Lyall. What she didn’t know, her first monthly in ages had appeared, and it was going to be a heavy flow. But when- and if Lyall scented it, it would be like a female wolf in heat.
Best sleep the male has had in ages uncertain of it being the mattress or her presence but no mayter his state of sleep her scent hit him like a stampede. His eyes pop open to feeling her curled against him in a fashion of comfort which left him stuck. Inside him, his wolf was mad with lust, his poking member in his pants revealing such. She was the Princess and he was her knight, he must keep control. “Princress?” His thick sleepy voice would speak.
Cassandra nearly whined when he went to go return to his post, even as she noted him slowly sitting up. She went to sit up too, and she looked down- her nightgown she was wearing- a bit of her blood was dripping through. She tsked softly and knew she needed rags to help soak it up. She looked to him, “Can..Can you at least go fetch me cloths for this?” She asked him. He would have to leave her alone.
Frowning as she sat up expecting her to refuse his leaving instead requesting he fetch her cloths for her monthly. Most servants were scarce so he would need to leave her to do so “I rather not leave you unattended” admitting to her. “Others can scent you…” pointing out with a sigh “anything in here you may have?” Looking around her chambers from where he sat
Scooting to the edge of her bed her got up to gather said towels, using his impressive store to to rip the thick fabric into smaller pieces. “Do you wish to change?” setting the smaller set of towels beside her. How he wasnt ravaging her, he did not know as the entire room was filled with her heat. His hands were shaking at this point as he took a shuttered breath to keep control.

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