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The Human Princess and her Werewolf Knight (Dream)

Local Time:
9:39 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She thanked him as he brought the smaller pieces over, and she heard his question, and then saw his shaking hands. She looked up to him, her cheeks rosy. “I wish to change,” she spoke, moving forward and leaning a bit over, he would see a flash of her underside- dripping her heat down like a female wolf would, although unintentionally so. There he got a small peak of what her womanhood looked like. Small and petite- nearly hairless.. her lips plump and swollen from her monthly, a sheen of red could be seen. It was dark and thick…how his cock would yearn to feel her heat, to ravish and take his Princess as a mate.
Local Time:
12:39 AM
Nov 18, 2022
His gaze settled on her in a worried fashion, doing all he could to keep his wolf under control for he did not wish to take her purity, he did not want to subdue her to his pups when she was already so fragile. Forcing himself to look another direction when she moved, his eyes spotting onto her womanhood that was a simple glimpse, it made him shutter with excitement. Suddenly he rushed toward the door "I really must go Princess" his tone breathless and on edge, his heart was racing, his senses going crazy for him to just let go and take her as his. But he would never allow such a thing, she had such a good day, he would not wish to ruin it in any fashion.
Local Time:
9:39 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Cass was confused, she had sat back, her eyes trained on him as he left suddenly to the door. She hitched a breath, before giving a small sigh. “If you must,” he would hear her say, she went to go use the cloths he had given her, obviously unaware of the effect she had on him. But if he left her quarters…leaving her alone, would another steal in to take her as a mate? Surely not.
Local Time:
12:39 AM
Nov 18, 2022
At the door he halted with his hand on the handle that was crushed until the strength of his fingers that were still shaking as he heard her sigh, almost a whimper by her wishing for him to stay. It was only a second but his wolf took control and with his werewolf speed he was back at her side once she began to strip out of the blood stained nightgown she wore. "Why don't you want me to leave?" he questions her, his eyes trained on her face, trailing down from her eyes to her lips then her chest, he wanted every inch of her to be his. The wolf inside him was howling to claim and breed her but he had a small portion finding this raw instinct for her safety, his princess. "I can hurt you, last thing I want is to hurt you" admitting softly to her "would take your purity, no noble or royal man would wish to marry you" adding on.
Local Time:
9:39 PM
Nov 10, 2022
The moment he returned back by her side, she had stripped completely, fully nude in front of her knight. At the sound of his question…and then his confession, she couldn’t help but blush lightly. “Lyall I-“ she began, biting her lip. She moved to touch on his shirt, “who would wish to marry me in a state like this?” She asked, a weak woman, incapable to even carry an heir- as said by her doctors. It was a miracle in itself she was bleeding, showing that some part of her still worked. She looked up to his face, her eyes searching his. “I cannot deny my feelings for you, Lyall..your presence brings me comfort and happiness, I wish to never be with another,” she explained, blushing all the way.
Local Time:
12:39 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Glancing down to here she touched upon his shirt while she spoke such words of endearment and confession. He blinks in shock of her truth that she found comfort and feelings for him. A knight he was and royal she even with her condition her body was of value and honor. Slowly he runs his hand down her side before snatching her waist to bring her body against his. “You sure that you are up for this?” Asking her once dipping his head down to whisper in her ear. He pressed kiss there as well, leaning back enough to see her heavily blushed face.
Local Time:
9:39 PM
Nov 10, 2022
As she was caught up against him, she couldn’t help but gasp.. and then at his words and kiss, her cheeks blushed heavily, those words he spoke echoing in her mind. “I…I trust you,” was all that she said, before biting her lip, and then moving on the bed, presenting her rear to him. She showed him her womanhood fully, and as blood dripped from it slowly, he could sense how hot she was. She had propped herself on some pillows for support, as she got into a doggy position. “Please…mate me,” she begged of him next, hoping he would.
Local Time:
12:39 AM
Nov 18, 2022
She slips from his grasp, taking everything he could not to snatch her back but watching the scene before him un fold made it all the more difficult to keep his wolf locked up. Trusting him either was a mistake or the best choice she ever would make tonight since he knew her body could not handle pups, humans were different but Lylla was a fertile stud of a werewolf. Licking his lips gazing over her womanhood that was presented to him as though she was an experienced woman than an innocent girl, had to hand it to her the boldness. Dropping his pants and pulling off his shirt the male makes his way behind her just as she begs him to mate with her causing him to wonder how long she has desired this and said nothing to him, probably better explains her clinginess lately. Taking in a deep breath, her heat filling his senses as the cage door swung open, his eyes glared yellow to reveal his wolf was upfront while he strokes his cock along her folds already letting out a moan "Fuck!" taking hold of her hips.
Local Time:
9:39 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She gasped out as she waited for him to pounce- quite literally. She grasped onto the pillows and kept still for him, knowing she had to for him to mate her properly. “I am yours,” She breathed out to him, knowing exactly what she was getting herself into. She just hoped and prayed his humanity would cling on to not harm her terribly.
Local Time:
12:39 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Sensing her nerves kept him sane as his tip found her slick entrance from her monthly mixed with juices. He leans over her a little, pressing heated kisses to her back to distract her as he presses himself inside her pure depths. Tight walls clung on to him causing the male to grunt as he would give small thrusts to get himself inside. Finally he felt a little resistance before a pop sensation and he slips all the way inside her. Gasping from her tight walls and the sudden motion he held himself fully inside her. “You are beautiful, and feel amazing” whispering as he kisses up to her shoulder, his wolf fangs poking out to graze over her skin gently. Lylla the knight was still here with her, his wolf being thrown back in the cage until he needed a confidence boost.
Local Time:
9:39 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Lyall would hear her moan and cry out slightly in pain as he thrusted into her depths for the first time, and she grasped tighter at the pillows underneath her. At his words she blushed heavily, and moaned from his kisses- the feeling of his fangs.. “You..You feel so huge..!” She cried out softly in pleasure, her depths loosening for him- and only him.
Local Time:
12:39 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A breezy chuckle left him as he nibbles upon her shoulder “wait til you feel my knot at the end” reassuring her that there was more. He pulls back to grasp his hands onto her hips, thrusts shallow and slow pace for her to grow accustom to. Already she was loosening up for him, her body trusted him and probably was enjoying this. It wasnt long until his thrusts became longer and quicker, his grip on her waist tightening as he leaned over her body. His kisses along her back up to her shoulder threatened his fangs to scrape down into her flesh.
Local Time:
9:39 PM
Nov 10, 2022
As he chuckled- his words sent shivers down her spine..knot..knot?! That’s right..she seemingly had forgotten that part.. but even though, the more he moved- the more she moaned for him. At the feeling of his kisses- the fangs…she gasped out in pleasure. “Lyall..you..you can bite if you wish..” she practically was begging him to.
Local Time:
12:39 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Almost felt as though she was made for him by her words and moans, her fashion of begging for him. His hands release from her hips to reach up and snatch her hands, entwining their fingers. Picking up his pace to force his member deeper while his knot began to form, slowly becoming stuck so often. His head hung over her shoulder as he peppered kisses upon her skin and while his need to keep her down and still was growing. His fangs itching to bite down into her pretty flesh but he held back even with het begging, waiting for the moment.
Local Time:
9:39 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She cried out when she felt his knot become stuck within her- and she couldn’t help but moan more. “Ly-Lyall!” She cried out his name, her first orgasm rushing over his member in warm, wet fashion..being stuck and plugged up by his knot, his mate cried out more in her pleasure, clearly lost within it- she wished he would bite down on her.
Local Time:
12:39 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Her walls tightened as she calls out his name, his pace quickening to create such lewd noises of his knot slipping in and out of her entrance. Inside her as she orgasmed his member pulsed and throbbed, swelling as his knot barely was able to slip out anymore. Without warning he bites down hard into her shoulder, drawing blood as he presses her into the bed. A few more bucks of his hips and he knots her for the first time, his seed exploding into her depths and womb. He was breathless with his moans, grunting as he was quick to realize they were stuck.
Local Time:
9:39 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She cried out as he moved faster and faster- the moment he bit down, she couldn’t help but cry out in pain- the knot getting stuck- the feeling of his seed. As she was pushed down and into the bed she panted out, her soft mewls of pleasure could soon be heard afterwards, clearly then pleasure fogged up her brain, to ignore her bleeding shoulder. They were bonded, and he could tell how happy she was.
Local Time:
12:39 AM
Nov 18, 2022
It was a few minutes of heavy breathing and growling from him until he flashed back to himself. He releases his bite, running his tongue over the punctures while whining softly feeling upset he hurt her. Careful to not pull on himself he shift their positions so he was cuddling her as the big spoon. He kisses on the mark from his bite, caressing her body with his gentle hands “are you okay?” Asking her softly.
Local Time:
9:39 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She gave a soft whine in pain as he licked over the bite mark, and she gave a small gasp as he pulled them up and into a cuddling position while she was still stuck onto his knot. At his words, she leaned her head up and looked at him, her pupils dilated heavily. “Yes..I’m alright,” She reassured him, glad to have experienced this with him.
Local Time:
12:39 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Meeting her gaze with his charming smile, relief washing over him to hear she was feeling alright. Least her cramps would subside for a time after a session of mating. “You are mine now, no wolf will mess with you” reassuring her, adding a peck to her forehead. He had a mate, never he imagined since he dedicated his life to the Princess. Resting his head against her, his face nuzzled into her hair as he rests quite tired. Fighting his wolf took alot out of him, he must protect her even from himself.
Local Time:
9:39 PM
Nov 10, 2022
At his words, she couldn't resist a blush on her face, feeling him kiss her forehead before nuzzling into her. She soon closed her eyes, falling asleep quite easily. She never had thought she would be his mate, let alone now..but, it was true, the emotions she had held in her heart for him- now out in the open..she couldn't believe it fully. She hoped when she woke, he would still be with her.
And when she woke, she found him still beside her, his knot had gone down, slipped from her during the night, and she realized she had bled a little more than she had wanted- groaning softly at the feel of her cramps, wondering if her 'heat' would attract him once more. She had a few more days of this- which meant a few more days of him...she blushed more at the idea.
Local Time:
12:39 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Best night of sleep the male ever had, curled up with a woman, her heat and warmth engulfing him with every breath he inhaled of her scent. He would protect her, he would be at her side forever especially after her heat. At some point in the night he did sense her blood resulting in him reaching over her to the nightstand to set a towel underneath her in hopes to keep her comfortable while she continued to sleep. By morning he was back into slumber when she woke coming to realize she was still bleeding and that the sun had risen, he was not at his post and the servants would begin to whisper. Gossip can travel fast true or not, the princess' knight not outside her room, no where to be seen was concerning though none dared to enter her chambers for the werewolf of a knight would be enrage if he found out.

"morning" a grumble sounded from the male as he stirred awake, never having slept so late though this was normal timing for her. Lifting his head a little to rub his eyes open to set his gaze upon her with a smile, he allowed his wolf to get the best of him last night though she seemed to enjoy every moment of it. "How are you feeling?" caressing his hands gently along her body.
Local Time:
9:39 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She watched him stir, even as he did, with a smile and she responded as he caressed her body. “I feel..okay, my cramps are terrible, but,” she looked to his eyes, and she then had to ask- “Are..we mates?” She wondered what he would say, but he could tell she was thinking about this.
Local Time:
12:39 AM
Nov 18, 2022
His morning smile fell to a frown hearing she was experiencing horrible cramps which was no surprise for she has not bled in some time but her following question snatched his thoughts to last night. A blush crossed his cheeks as he clears his throat "Well...yes" answering her directly though he felt guilty taking her virginity in such a way, possibly impregnating her if not last night them over the course of her being in heat. "Just so you know, I can't control my wolf very well around you" he admits quietly "And...I hope I did not hurt you" adding his concern.
Local Time:
9:39 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She understands his concerns, but he could tell she was one to also understand about his beast, more than anyone else. “Listen..I-“ she paused and looked at his eyes, “I was more than okay on what had happened last night.. I trust you, I truly do.” She said firmly, desperately wanting a kiss from him for some reason, knowing she was highly attracted to him, and now they were mates..
Local Time:
12:39 AM
Nov 18, 2022
His concerns were reassuring by her trust in him, a smile growing as he reaches out to touch gently on her face "Good, I dunno what I would do if I had hurt you" whispering to her able to tell her need for him. He could not help a grin as he leans in capturing her lips into a sweet morning kiss before breaking away "Want me to draw you a bath?"
Local Time:
9:39 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She had to catch her breath after such a kiss, her cheeks flushing lightly. She looked to him as he pulled from her, hearing him wanting to draw a bath. “A bath sounds lovely but..” she definitely wanted something different from him. Call her crazy, but the way she felt for her knight..and knowing she was still in ‘heat’ wasn’t helping her case either.
Local Time:
12:39 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Beginning to sit up he paused by her adding a word to the end of her answer that hinted of her desire to tell him more, looking to her then the bathroom he lets out a hum "But what?" requesting her honesty. He wishes to make her comfortable, ease her cramps but if she desired something else he clearly was either holding back from looking deeper or needed you to fess up.
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