General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)

Lyrin slumps forward, still trying to catch his breath. After a long moment, he blinks blearily and looks up at Billy, his green eyes soft with the after glow of his climax and he blinks a few times, bringing his hand up to rub his face. He swallows once and slowly sits up, looking down as he carefully reaches for his shirt and then looks down at the mess on the mat, his cheek going red.
Billy looked over at Lyrin, his shirt still half open as he stood up, tossing the wads if rags aside. He glanced at him as he swayed and stumbled, giving a slight smirk for a second. "I like it when yiu walk like that." He said simply as Lyrin could swear he could see Billy getting a bit of a bulge already.
Lyrin takes his time, moving slowly to not hurt himself. His ass was sore and holy fuck it would probably be worse later when he was off the high of his afterglow. He looks at Billy, his fingers zipping his pants and buttoning them. He runs his fingers through his hair, combing through it. “Of course you do. Love to see the effect you have on your victims.” He mutters.
Lyrin scowls, “That still doesn’t make me not a victim.“ He crosses his arms, and then pushes off the wall, walking towards the door. Despite the pain it caused, he forced himself to walk without a limp, his back straight.

(Lyrin: Develops personal montra: I didn’t like it I didn’t like it I didn’t like it i did like it- holy shit I liked it and I’m screwed-)
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"You liked it so much a second ago," Billy said simply as he gripped his pants, lurching him back against his chest. "You even begged...said you needed more and more."He hissed in his ear, drawing closer. "So I think i should spank it as much as you really want." He said as his breath tingled along Lyrin's neck, his eyes glittered again like he was taking Lyrin for a challenge. An Encore performance. But the bell rang and Billy looked up slowly. "Hm...lucky you." He said letting him go slowly. "We have to get back to class...or who knows what we'll do in here again."
Lyrin yelps softly, trying to pull away, “I only did what you told me you wanted me to do. DOn’t think for one seconde that I actually liked it.“ He trembles slightly, his shoulders trembling slightly.

”So keep your hands off me, and don’t touch me.” He shivers, biting down on his lip at that breath against his neck and then stops biting his lip, forcing a scowl and frown to his face. “Asshat. . .” He mutters, grabbing his bag and rushing through the door.
Billy chuckled to himself at Lyrin's insult, as if he hadn't even noticed it...honestly given what he did to Lyrin only seconds ago, a weak insult like that wouldn't even raise his temper slightly. "Ha...He's so going to take the money again. "He said shrugging as he fixed his clothes and picked up his bag. "Ah."He pulled out the journal to scribble down in it. It technically was a family 'Had a private...lunch with wife...' He thought as he wrote, closing it up to walk to his next class casually while Lyrin ran through the halls.
(Omg— Lyrin’s just gonna die- XDDD)

Lyrin manages to make it to his next class on time, sliding into his seat and slumping down into it. He stares at his desk, his shoulders hunching. He rest his elbow on his desk, his hand covering the marks on his neck with the movement. He stares ahead, his eyes not focused, distant.
Lyrin’s gaze flicks away, staring out the window, not focusing on the teacher’s words. His free hand picked at his paper, tearing the corners slightly as he did so. His mind was strangely blank for the moment, no new thought coming in, or appearing. He should have been able to focus on the lesson but. . . He looks over at the teacher for a moment and then away again. He jumps slightly when the teacher says his name, blinking a few times.

“Lyrin, answer the question on the board.” She points to the board, he neat handwriting having written something down.

He frowns slightly, reading it and then chewing his lip, “Um- I’m sorry. . .” He mumbles, shaking his head.

”I can’t.”

The teacher frowns and then looks at the board and then Lyrin for a moment, a confused expression on her face before she turns to the rest of the class, “Would anyone else like to answer?” She asks.

(Of course he wouldn’t.)
Lyrin’s gaze goes to the board and he blows out a breath, of course. It was that fucking easy. He shakes his head, closing his eyes again And dropping it forward against his desk.\

The teacher nods, “Yes, it is.” She looks at the rest of the class, noting the expresions on the faces, “Anyone need me to explain it?”

Lyrin zoned out, so close to falling asleep, but unable to do so. He was tired, and yet very ull of energy. He blows out a soft breath, staring at the gain pattern in the wood.
"Gosh, so violent Lyrin!" Billy said looking over his shoulder, smugly to him. "Did you skip lunch or something? " He said more than willing to goad on Lyrin further. was his reputation on rhe line, all Billy needed to do was put his foot down and fight back if he was attacked.

(XD Billy: keep acting up, I'll pit you in your place again)
"Ooh, or maybe your still sore?" He said a bit lower, , mouthing the words to him mockingly as ge turned around. The slow soreness , the feeling that would follow Lyrin nonstop, his violation..his willing self sacrifice that was tainted by the knowledge Billy used him. The boy he hated, made him so hot and beg like a mad man. Billy glanced at his hand. "Aw is your neck sore too?"
Lyrin clenched his jaw, his eyes flashing and he closes them for a moment, dropping his head slightly. He presses his fingers into the skin of his neck, staring down at his paper. The words blurred and he puts his head down, his shoulders hunching slightly. His body twinged with every movement, every shift he made with his body, and it stung slightly. He bites down on his lip.
Billy smirked to himself as he turned his attention back to the teacher. 'You maybe sore, but you know your angry...because you aren't as upset as you want to be with it' He thought, as he turned the pages on his books. 'Maybe I should give it to him tomorrow...heh. Its just like-' Billy stopped the thought, the smug sensation reaching to a familiar memory, but he brushed he back aside. No. Lyrin wouldn't be the same thing. He was just something he wanted to play with, however her pleased, whenever he pleased.
Lyrin kept his head down, eyes squeezed shut, trying to fight the burning he felt there. He wouldn’t fucking cry. He couldn’t remeber the last time he had, but he wouldn’t cry because of Billy. He takes a deep, shuddering breath and looks back at his paper, picking his pencil up and starts scribbling down answers.
(Billy: Aw he's so vulnerable after sex headpat so cute

Moments later, the class dragging out as things settled down, Billy leaned back in his seat, yawning as he reached back, his hands creeping further out and dropped a slip of paper on his desk. He leaned forward again, starting to fiddle about with his work, working to keep himself entertained.

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