General RP The Man Kept His Socks On (Knight_of_None)

"Billy said you ran. You ran." He summed up. Unlike Billy who atleast moved when Lyrin struggled, Micah was like a statue, a golem really. He just tightened his grip and looked down at Lyrin. "I'll pick you up if you don't settle down. You're what 150?" He said sighing again, shaking his head.
(XD Micah is estimating as best he can. Not like Lyrin is cheerleader shaped.)

Micah snorted. "Sure Slim. " He said simply. He was a impassive guy, his face a stioc wall for the most part. His hair was a light brown and shaggier, his eyes were dark, nearly black. Despite his rugged uniform...likely beaten and worn from his pass times, he had a soft, almost cedar like scent on him.
The door shut...he heard something push up on the door....but in the darkness he was kept there, waiting, anticipating. "He's in." Micah grunted minutes later, the door opening up as Billy stepped through it, and tapped the door twice. The shadow of Micah left the door....all Lyrin could do was hear the halls emptying as Billy moved towards him slowly.
(XD And nothing else. Totally nothing else.)

"Oh? You don't want me gone? Hm. Glad I made a good impression." He said as his fi gers soothed against the marks lightly. "If you're on the fence, I suppose I'll be more convincing in the future I'm sure. " Billy said as he hekf his gaze on Lyrin.
Billy stepped put of the closet, closing it behind him and shook his head. 'Ah, I just want to take a bit out if him like a mochi when he makes that sound' Billy thought as Micah locked the door for him. "You got it?" Micah asked, Billy blinking and looking at him. "Ah...the...stuff you wanted?" Micah reminded taking a step back.

"I suppose." Billy said walking by him. "Get to class. " He ordered, making Micah grunt and pocket the key, starting to walk the other direction. Lyrin would be able to try to avoid as best he could, but Billy would hound after him eventually...and had his phone for good measure.
After the last few classes of the day, :grin skips studying in the library and just decides to go home. He was tired, sore and stressed. He needed a nap and maybe some food. Okay, defiantly some food. The apple and sandwhich he had eaten for lunch had worn off quickly, and he was hungry. He pushes the door to the outside world open and steps out into the school courtyard, walking down the wide path, starting the walk home.
(XD He worked off lunch in under 45 minutes)

Miraculously, the trek out of school seemed to go smooth, he hadn't seen Billy since the incident of the broom closet. If his body didn't remind him with every step, perhaps he could have gotten over trying to pretend what happened in the gym wasn't real. But now he had cash in hand to spend, to ease that hunger and slink his way home before his brothers got there. As he came down the winding paths towards the front lot, He saw Billy sitting on the front benches, alone, scrolling through his phone...but he didn't even give him a second glance this time, typing something in a frenzy on it.
He wondered if he had enough to get decent takeout. Actually get his brothers things on their food he knew they loved but cost extra money. He could treat them, or maybe. . . He should save it. He bit his lip, they were long overdue for a treat but. . . He decided to save half of it and make with the other half what he could. Plus, he still had the cash Zyn had given him for dinner tonight anyways. He hums softly, kicking a lose rock before looking up.

Lyrin’s steps slowed ever so slightly, still a few yards away as he tried to read Billy’s faceital expression, wondering if he could walk right past, or if he needed to veer around the other male.
Billy expression was hard and annoyed, he was impatient and only getting more frustrated by whatever was on the other side of his phone. But...Lyrun knew it wasn't him atleast, whatever fervent rage Billy was in, it wasn't angled at him. Yet. As his Bully looked up again, looking around his eyes fell on Lyrin. "The hell are you looking at!" He snapped as he stood up.
Billy was mid step, likely about to manhandle Lyrin again, but his question made him pause. "What did you just- say to me-" he said looking actually so taken aback that his anger was doused by confusion. He stepped up, getting up in Lyrin's face. "Say that again!" He demanded like he was nearly going to start a fight one way or another.

(XD Billy: What the hell- is that pity and concern for others in your voice?!
Lyrin yelps, and jumps back, “I just asked if you were okay. Whatever you were reading made you upset.“ He crosses his arms defensively.

“You looked ready to punch the bench, or something worse like a person or a wall. I don’t want anyone getting hurt because you’re pissed off.”

(Pfft, Lyrin: I think it’s in my personal best interests to keep you happy and not pissed off. I don’t want it taken out on me)
Lyrin blinks once and then frowns, confused, “What? No. . . Why would I do that?” Has asks, genuinely confused as he stares at Billy.

”Just because I’m mad at you doesn’t mean I’m going to make you mad at me.” He lifts his hands up in a placating gesture, “No thank you, I don’t want that.”
Billy closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose as he paced around. "Just-..." He looked around briefly. "Shut up. and..fucking-" He huffed as he saw nobody nearby. "Don't you ever say your heard me say this." He mumbled as he grabbed his arm, pulling him to the bench so they were off the path. "I...apologize." He managed to say slowly as if those words were yanking out two of his teeth. "For yelling at you anyway." he muttered.

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