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The raining blood incident of mission 634.

Local Time:
4:02 AM
Apr 26, 2023
Arika would draw a glock on the man. "You know something we don't? Tell us what you know and I'm sure i can make it worth your while." She said as was threatening and bribing the man at the same time with her glock.
Arika would say to the man as she glared at him. "I need to call that girl again and see how she is doing." Arika thought as she dialed the phone again hoping that the girl would pick up the phone.
"Look, Please answer the phone, your actually starting to worry me." Arika said as she left her a voicemail again.
"Did you know, anything about what happened to the base? What happened back there and why did i wake up to a military base full of monsters?" Arika said to them with a concerned look as they look at the man to ask him what he knew.
Local Time:
3:02 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"I will give you one word of advice little girl. I will not be able to help you again, and I wont be so generous with how nasty your attitude is. now have a fun trip. "
with these words, he would finally feel the vehicle stopping. as the two soldiers would move to see him off. as the rest looked on, not even interferring with the threat which was Arika's
glock aimed at the unknown man. however the admiral would simply speak two words.

"Safe travels"
with these words, the soldiers saw the man off the transport before they would move, on. leaving him behind, and Arika in the care of the soldiers. all the while her call once again would
go unanswered. however her concern for the comparade from her prior incident, would become clear in the coming hours, if she knew it or not. as it would not be long once they continued their travels, to come into what appeared to be a
vehicle tunnel, as the inside was now turned to pulsating, flesh.
Local Time:
4:02 AM
Apr 26, 2023
Arika would shiver as she looked around at the windows. "Turn the vehicle around now if any of you want to live." Arika slowly and quitely said as she pointed her gun at the windows.
"We appear to have entered into the throat cavity of something we don't want to mess with." Arika said as she looked behind them and saw the other military escorts still following them.
"We need to be prepared to fight this thing if it attacks us. Put the escorts on high alert." Akira would say as she looked around the cabin looking for a radio to radio this in to the command center around here.
"Arika would continue to get increasingly paranoid as she looked at the pulsating flesh." This thing cannot get in here right? But what if it tries to trap us?" She thought as she watched the throat pulsate and nearly threw up as Arika gagged into a small cup before actually throwing up into it. "Can we please exit this place sooner than later. It's making me sick." Arika said as she continued to feel terrible as she laid down on the seat and pulled her knees close to her chest as she started to regret her decision from earlier.
Local Time:
3:02 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Once were through this tunnel of flesh, and on the other side. we will be safe at camp. just hang on, and keep a pistol near by. "
as he spoke in a solid, yet calm tone. the admiral would move to unholster one of his desert eagle side arms. as he moved to offer this stronger side arm
to Arika for until they get to their destination.

as the vehicle moved through the fleshy tunnel, the deeper it got, the rougher the ride, as well as the slower it seemed to be. It woudl nto be long before Arika would
begin to get an oddly familiar sensation. the kind back when she was in the ruined building with the unknown monsters, which had chased her, until the little slime did what ever
it was, to convince them she was, the possession of her pet. However if the slime showed itself now, it would be more then likely that this could get her tossed out of the ride.
Local Time:
4:02 AM
Apr 26, 2023
Arika handed the necklace to the Admiral with a concerned look on her face. "Here is the necklace of a dead officer i found on them that i was friends with back on that base. I happened to grab it so i may one day give it to their family members someday. Please make sure they get it and know it's from me and that i almost died getting it fro them."

Arika would tell them solemly as they scoooted themselves closer to the admiral with a broken look on her face as she cried into his chest about everything that had happened that day and how emotionally traumatized she was. Arika then would proceed after a while of crying to pass out with her head laying on the admirals shoulder as they made it through the tunnel further into the pulsing mass of flesh.
Local Time:
3:02 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As the hours passed, Arika would be out cold, on the frame of the much more intimidating admiral. more then that, it would almost look as if a father
was comforting a daughter with how his arms moved to gently support, and sooth the now out cold, and very mentally traumatized former solder.

As the vehicles drew closer to their destination, the phone on Arika would begin to ring, as if some one was desperate to get ahold of her.
Little did Arika know, her new friend, and partner was trying desperately to get ahold of her. as she had been picked up by another military convoy, as nether of them knew
they were both on the way to the same destination, albeit from different routes. as such fate would seem to bring them back together, even if this was all but a means to suffer all
the more, with what was instore for all survivors in this horribly enclosed, trap, masking as a safe zone.
Local Time:
4:02 AM
Apr 26, 2023
Arika began to shake as she woke again with a scream, having a nightmare about what happened earlier only to find herself strapped down to the seat and handcuffed with a sock in her mouth. All of the military soldiers inside laughed at her as they took the sock out of her mouth. "Arika, you completely lost it while you were asleep and we couldn't wake you so we had to restrain you til you woke up and regaining your sanity.

You must have had quite the experience at that base. What exactly happened there that made you the only survivor of attack on a base then afterward completely lose it after you fall in asleep in a bulletproof tank proof bombproof car." They said as they commented further on it. "Like if you don't feel safe here, you won't feel safe anywhere." They said as they took the straps off. Which really was just seat belts wrapped around her but they had to made do with it. The seat belts were put back into their proper places except for the one she was wearing before she passed out. "We are leaving the handcuffs on until we have you checked out by psyche at base. You will be admitted to the mental hospital and we will give you a full psychiatric evaluation. Then afterward you will be prescribed medication for your nightmares your having and surely going to have again after we study them by studying your brainwaves while you sleep tonight at the base. They hand Arika her phone, as it was ringing a lot and hold it up to her ear. "It's been answered, go ahead talk into it and i hope you don't have anything personal to say because we are all going to hear it." The Admiral said as they held the phone up to Arikas face for her. "Hi, Kia, I lost it while sleeping and now i have been handcuffed and being transferred to a military base for a pysche evalution, i hope your fine, i might not be able to talk for a few days. I hope we can meet up again afterward as i would love to continue to talk to you sometime." Arika said almost affetionately as she waited for a response.
Local Time:
3:02 AM
Nov 19, 2022
It would not be long before the echo of gun shots, and screaming would soon be heard from the phone. as the voice of the young lady began to shout. saying she would find arika, and to just be safe, and patient.
however the phone would soon go dead. as this would be an unexpected turn of events. however shortly after the phone went dead, an emergency radio contact would be received.

As the one soldier turned to the admiral, stating they had just lost contact with the alpha squad, which was to meet up with them at the current destination they were heading to.
with a sigh, he would look to arika, and speak calmly. " If you are able to behave, and take orders, if things turn into a mess, we will uncuff, and arm you to aid us, but you will still need
to be evaluate for your own safety, as well as those around you, before we can properly release you young lady. "

saying this, as the vehicles began to vibrate, as if something was about to go down near them, despite how close they were to their destination. However none of the soldiers, or even the admiral
knew that Arika had her loyal little slime with her, which could free her, at any moment if the need was their.
Local Time:
4:02 AM
Apr 26, 2023
Arika shivered as she felt the vehicle vibrate, "We need to turn around, like now or you are all going to die, with the exception of the girls in here. You will face the same events i have. You will be disarmed, stripped and bound. Then afterward you will be raped. I don't know what will happen to you afterward as i escaped after the last monster i encountered raped me. A shadow being attacked the base or at least lead the attack on the base and it appeared to have a measurable amount of intelligence for a monster as it seemed to recognize back there that it had lost for now and did not continue pursuing until i was out of sight, but instead stopped after i got into the vehicle as if it recognized that it wouldn't be able to catch up to it." Arika said with a obviously afraid look on her face as she wore the events of the past few days on her face.

Arika continued as they listened on what she had to say. "I don't know what they do with their prey after they have had their fun. What i do know is that none of you who don't possess female reproduction organs, which is most of you in here, will survive if we do not turn around. They may not be able to get in here, but what happens if they immobilize the vehicle and just decide to wait us out? I really wish i hadn't been so mean to that man. He probably knows something that we don't." Arika said as she began to fidget nervously in her seat as she just wanted to be safe. "I just can't take anymore of this monster hunting me. I am going to lose my sanity. I'm going to snap." Arika thought as she was barely holding herself together as she sat there in the seat. Her glock was sitting next to the admiral as he had disarmed her while she was sleeping. Arika sat there in her seat fidgeting with herself as she waited for them to arrive at the base with a nervous expression.
Local Time:
3:02 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Almost as if her very words jinxed the transport. suddenly the convoy had become stuck. the ground sinking in, as it squelched, and bubbled under the wheels. the worse had begun to happen, much
like Arika had predicted. However two of the soldiers were ordered to arm up, and get out. wanting to figure out what was going on. the vehicle would be sealed once they stepped out, as radio contact would
be kept.

the admiral, would lean in, only to undo the cuffs of Arika, and hand her back the small glock she had prior.
"I expect you to remain loyal, and not do anything to make me regret this. worse case scenario we will have to go rest of the way on foot. "
as he said this, everything began to fall silent, far to silent. as if things were only hitting the calm before the storm. unlike the bulk of these soldiers,
arika had some experience escaping and defending against the unknown creatures now spawning all over the world.
Local Time:
4:02 AM
Apr 26, 2023
Arika would solemly look at the admiral as they moved back over to their backside seat and began to strap herself in. To the shock of everyone in there, she began to escape from the vehicle as she initated the escape pod and it caused the back half of the vehicle, where those of importance usually sat to eject from the vehicle as Arika landed outside of the tunnel with a crash. "Goodbye Admiral, It was an honor to serve with you." Arika said as they saluted them before walking away. A single tear coming from her eye as it slowly fell down her face.

Arika sighed deeply as they unstrapped themselves and grabbed the M4 from the backside and slung it over her shoulder with a cold glare as the remnants of the girl that existed five minutes ago died. Arika was dead and as a single tear fell to the ground from her face as Arika died on the inside as the events of the last few days had finally killed what little empathy or feeling the girl had left in them. The old Arika was grounded into the dirt The tear represented the final death of her former self as Arika took her name off of the old uniform she was wearing and burned it with a lighter.

"With this burning of this old name tag, Arika has died and winter is born. I am Winter and i will avenge the death of Field Commander Arika. This monster that has taken her from this world will pay with thier life or i will die trying to make sure that it does." Winter said as they lit a cigrette and waited for the monster to arrive with a frozen glare that just might kill the monster just by looking at it as they ground the cigratte into the ground. Her hair now shining in the moonlight a pure silver color as the stress of the last few days had caused all of her hair to turn a white color permanently as it shined in the moonlight. Stress had taken all of the pigmentation out of her hair as she took her hair and tied it into a braid after they undid the ponytail. "That's better, Now just to burn this uniform as soon as i find better clothes." Winter thought to herself as she walked away from the seat with the m4 over her shoulder.

Winter began to walk towards the road as they got onto it and began to walk alongside it, just out of sight of anyone or anything that might be on the road as they wanted to kill this monster and finally take revenge for what it had done. Then afterward when the beast that killed Arika had joined her in death, Winter would finally go back to the cave and see if she could find the man Arika had talked to that got out of the vehicle before she died. Winter would find him and would make him pay for what he did. He withheld information, He knew what was going to happen and for that he would join Arika in death if she could not get him to help her rescue Arika's only friend that she still had that was living before she died as all of her other friends died in the war. Then afterward she would betray him then leaving him to the monsters the same way he left Arika to the monsters.
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