Fantasy RP The Tale of the Shadow (Kkjib)

Zukata let out a small 'ok' as he walks to the barrel and puts the scraps into it.

"That's true, shit happens... but I've always wanted to meet the guy. I wanted to know his way of thinking, how he came to be a captain of such a deadly crew. Hell, when I was part of the navy I was told to fear that crew and ship." Zukata rants softly with a small hum.
Zukata was still his spot as he really thought heard about it.

Azra knew alittle to much about the Dread Knots and the captain to not be the captain. Finally with that conclusion Zukata makes his way out if the room and storms over with realization.

"You are him aren't you!" He says pointing at Azra, his finger mere inches from the man's arm.
Azra smirks, "Not a child? So why are you stamping your foot and throwing a tantrum like one, hm?" He stands, crossing his arms.

"This is who I am, peanut brain. If you don't like it, maybe be careful who you idolize next time, yeah?" He snorts, "I'm a bitter, beaten down man who has nothing left but his own self-pity and misery. And Id like to keep it that way."
Azra sighs, rubbing his temple as he closes his eyes. He flinches at Zukata's words and presses his hand to his mouth now, covering the expression his lips made. He shudders and blows out a deep breath.

"Well, I'm a sad and pathetic man, what can I say?" He plops back down onto the crate, leaning against the side of the ship and tipping his head back.

He could feel the fog and mist that always surrounded the ship like a second skin, and it made Azra feel even more depressed. If there was one thing that could help with the healing of depression, it was physical activity and sunshine. And they were obviously lacking in the latter.
Zukata was silent for a good thirty minutes before he spoke once more.

"You've made mistakes... so have I but in the end it's all up to how how you deal with the guilt. It's never leaves, so you can either wallow in it and let it consume you or live with it. Recognize it, and walk with it hand in hand because if you let it consume you it would destroy the person they knew. Do you really want to disgrace their memory like that? Become a person they wouldn't recognize?" He speaks not facing Azra.
Azra scoffs softly, his head still tipped back, "I am still the same man they knew. I only wallow behind closed doors, I promise." He runs a hand through his hair.

"I'm coping in my own way. I'm still here, I still love and breathe. And, most of all, I don't let my misery effect others. What effected you was me being a dick." He snickers softly. "I know how to deal with my feelings, I've been doing g it for two years."
"Well I think your people skills are shit because you haven't been around people for two fucking years." Zukata grumbles.

He then sighs as he looks to Azra. "But it still hurt didn't it? Losing your crew like that? I know I would need more than just two years to cope. But we're different you and I. What works for you wouldn't work for me and vise versa." He starts with a small hum, leaning on one of the larger ropes on the side of the ship. "I want to help though. The best way I can if you would help me. I know I'm an idiot and a peanut brain and probably a bad captain to my own crew but I would say I'm a caring kind of guy. I help people, I want to help people."
Azra closes his eyes, "I wasn't even in the cabin. I was on the helm of the ship. It was the last thing I saw." He felt tears sting his eyes and he trembles slightly.

"You don't know me, not even a little bit. I'm a dick, that didn't just come from two years of seclusion. I've always been kind of a dick."

He grins slightly, pushing away the memory.
"I wasn't staring intently. It just looks like that because I'm blind!" He crosses his arms, quiet for a moment before grumbling, "And I'm staring at your neck again, aren't I?"

In fact, he was. He hadn't noticed Zukata move to stand in front of him, having been to focused on the conversation to listen for the foot steps.

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