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Fantasy RP The Tale of the Shadow (Kkjib)

Local Time:
6:12 PM
May 21, 2024
"Uh yeah. I always care what people think about me." Zukata awnsers with a small shrug, not even trying to deny it at all.

Zukata couldn't help but smile at the expression. Yesterday Azra was rather mean and honestly a little scary, but now while yes he is still mean he's more genuine, soft even.
Local Time:
8:12 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Azra grumbles, "Call me a cat one more time and I'll rip your head off." He stalks int his cabin, slamming the door closed.

He strides to his bed, muscles relaxing as he pulls his shirt off. He runs her hand down his ribs, wishing he could at least feel the ink making his skin, but it was smooth as ever.

He sighs heavily, closing his eyes and crosses his arms behind his head. He supposed today was a decent enough day to go though his swordsmanship. He didn't do it yesterday, so doing it today would be very important.

Slowly, he drifts off to sleep, eventually rolling onto his side and facing the wall, back to the rest of the small room.
Local Time:
6:12 PM
May 21, 2024
Zukata chuckles to himself before looking away from the cabin doors.

"He denys being the captain but he's the one in that room and not us..." He mumbles before he runs a hand on his wood of the railing. "How'd you get to be this way?" He asks under his breath, asking both the ship and Azra though he never expect an awnser from either of them.
Local Time:
8:12 PM
Dec 15, 2023
(It's an RP, a story we write together, of you have any ideas, don't hesitate to share, lol)

Azra wakes maybe an hour later, feeling. . . Not much better, of her was honest. He was still feeling mildly grumpy. He sits up, rubbing his face as he slowly stands. He decides to leave his shirt off again, hoping to soak in the miniscule amount of sun that could possibly leak through the dense fog surrounding the ship.

He grabs his scabbard and sword, slowly walking his way from the cabin and onto the deck. He draws his sword, and pauses. Damn, there could be people. After a moment, he shrugs.

If any of the other are dumb enough not to get out of the way when they see him draw his sword, then it's their fault if they lose a limb, not his. He takes a deep breath and starts stretching, holding the sword in his hand as he does so.
Local Time:
6:12 PM
May 21, 2024
Now there was only one of the other crew members that was on the bow of the ship. They saw Azra and understood what he wanted to do so they stepped to the side out of the way.

The rest of the crew were under the deck doing who know what. Zukata had finished his small exploration of the ship, he had a small understanding of the ship by this point. For example it's very moody and honestly kind of petty, so it was just fun stumbling all over the place for Zukata.

Other than that he knew nothing of the ship, despite his questions and nonverbal awnsers from the ship.

Zukata let out a soft sigh as he stepped back onto the bow of the ship.
Local Time:
8:12 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Azra finishes his stretching and slowly moves himself the through motions, eyes closed as he moves. He takes slow, deep, and even breaths, making sure each position is perfect before sliding the the next one.

He always felt comfortable when doing this. It felt like how he imagined dancing to feel, graceful, elegant. It was deadly, yes, but it was still and art. He slowly picks up the pace, his movements increasing in speed and power as his muscles loosen.
Local Time:
6:12 PM
May 21, 2024
Zukata got up the minute he saw him pick up pace.

To Zukata, that was a view. Azra looked graceful and strong, not to mention shirtless. The tattoos on the man's from intrigued Zukata.

Making sure to stay close to the sides he walked around softly before leaning back against the railing to continue to watch Azra practice.
Local Time:
8:12 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Azra soon moves away from practicing his basics and the principles, moving to random combos, more advanced moves and eventually just moving.

Fighting enemies only Azra could see, he remained silent, focused as his blade arches through the air. The sword was a simple beauty of its own, perfectly balanced, the steel so perfect, you could see yourself in it like a mirror. The hilts was plain, save for one river stone embedded as the pomel.
Local Time:
8:12 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Azra spins, blade pointed directly in Zukata's direction, aimed for the man's heart. Azra had never need his eyes in a fight, and some times had brawled with his crew wearing a blindfold. Only his first mate had ever bested him.

He knew him being blind wouldn't affect how well he could fight, he's trained multiple different ways. With no sight, no hearing, one arm tied behind his back.

He lowers the blade, "You have got to stop sneaking up on me like that!" He snaps.

"I could have run you through."
Local Time:
6:12 PM
May 21, 2024
Zukata was surprised by the quickness.

"What was I expecting? You could've easily killed me..." He mumbles to himself as he chuckles nervously.

"You looked beautiful honestly. Very graceful, I could never do something like that." He complements softly with a smile as he steps to the side slightly just to make sure he wasn't in the line of the sword anymore.
Local Time:
8:12 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Azra flicks his wrist, causing the blade to snap through the air at his side before sheathing it with a flourish. Flicking it was just habit, after the process of running someone through, or doing something to get blood on your blade, it was standard practice to flick the loose blood of before sheathing.

"You could. Anyone could, honestly."
Local Time:
6:12 PM
May 21, 2024
"Nah, some people are just better at somethings than others. Like when I was in the navy, there was this guy that was incredible with a gun. The best sharpshooter out there. He taught me what he knew but it was never how he did it." Zukata awnsers making sure to keep distance between the two as he could tell that Azra may have the advantage if the two of them fought.
Local Time:
8:12 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Azra moves to the railing, leaning against it, ""The thing is, I don't think you can focus as well as I do, or he did." He faces Zukata.

"No offense, but you're always running your mouth, and you also don't pay attention to the small details." He sighs softly, "But you can always teach yourself to focus and pay attention, you would just have to work harder and longer than the next guy."
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