Fantasy RP The Tale of the Shadow (Kkjib)

Azra grumbles, frowning deeply as he tilts his head back slightly and raises his gaze slightly, "Okay, but I don't see the point of trying to make it look like I'm looking at your face. I'm blind, Im not seeing anything." He runs a hand through his hair.

"And it not like I'm hiding my blindness from you either."
Azra told his head, "Well, seeing as it's impossible to throw you overboard, I can't do that. Disemboweling someone is very messy, and I'm still blind, I can't beat the shit out of you." He shrugs.

"Anything that leaves blood on the deck is too messy. Calling you mean names is the only effort I care to put in."

He smirks.
Azra frowns, "I don't really know anymore. I mean, I can't see, so looks wouldn't be a factor. . . But I guess. . ." He tilts his head to the side, thinking.

"Guys, probably. Never really liked girls. Muscle, maybe. Maybe scars?" He laughs, "I'm going on touch, so smooth skin, maybe a little scruff."

He shrugs, "Typical guy parts."
Azra thinks for a moment, "Lean. Bulky muscle is so not it. It's just-- ew? I don't know." He 'peers' at Zukata.

"I just find the idea of having sex with a woman disgusting. It's, like, all. . . I don't know- I just don't find the idea appealing. I'm a gay man for a reason. Probably why the Navy wouldn't let me in."

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