Fantasy RP The Tale of the Shadow (Kkjib)

The cabin was somehow neat and messy all at the same time. Instead of in a chest, his clothes were thrown over a rack. His desk had everything sprawled across it, a whetting stone, a pot of polish, a dagger set, his sword, a pistol, a few boxes of ammo. Strangely, the shelves in the room were lined with books, some things, and other thick.

"Your quiet, what is it?" Azra mumbles
"Most of the things, like the books, were here when I first got here. And besides, I cant have all my stuff shoved away into chest and boxes. I would spend more time looking and feeling around than doing what I need to do."

He stands, pants shifting to hand low on his hips, "Really, it's only the clothes and the stuff on the desk that's actually mine."
"Got it, and let me say I'm pretty good at telling stories." Zukata says as he grabs the book on the stars. "This one is the the one about stars, a little too much information for my liking but it looks good." He comments as he skims through the book moving to the edge of the bed and sitting down, the bed sinking slightly.
"Alright." Zukata hums softly as he opens the book to the first page. (I'm not actually gonna do dialog.)

Zukata then began to speak, his voice even and slightly soothing somehow. The first page was a slight history on the author of the book. Eventually it got into some of the constellations that could be seen in different times of the year and the history behind it.
Azra turns his head slightly, peering at Zukata through half lidded eyes. "I still find you very annoying, Peanut Brain. . ." Though he leans into the touch, relishing a feeling he hadn't felt since. . .

Since he had last seen Ash. He shudders and pulls away slightly, hiding his face in the pillow again, "Go back to reading."

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