Fantasy RP The Tale of the Shadow (Kkjib)

Azra jumps slightly, but doesn't retaliate with his own jab, instead he just turns his head slightly, as if he would peer at Zukata before rolling his eyes and shaking his head with a smile.

"One of these days, I will rip a limb from your body and shove it down your throat. It'll probably be your favorite one too."
Azra grumbles and straightens, "Well, I have ghost ship things to attend to." He faces Zukata.

"I told you I'm not the captain because this ship has no need for crew nor captain. It's a shitty vacation ship that you're stuck on for the rest of your miserable life."

With that, Azra walks past Zukata, heading towards his cabin.
Azra closes his door behind him, yawning as he slowly makes his way to the desk, sitting down. He grumbles with irritation and rubs his face. 'Ghost ship things. . . Did he really say that?' He bites his lip and leans back in his chair, kicking his feet up on the desk.

"You are driving me insane, you damn ship."
Azra jumps and flinches away from the sudden noise, "Oh, I'm sorry. Not like you're not a literal disturbance to my senses all the time. I've known you for a day, and you've thrown me outta wack multiple times. Consider it pay back." He stumbles to his feet.

"Now get out! You're lucky you didn't badge in on me naked or something!"
Azra growls and slams the door shut, stalking to his bed. He back flops down, "I won't say sorry." He grumbles.

The ship dips again, and then crashes into a bigger wave, causing it rock violently.

Azra stays in bed, if not rolling a little bit. The bar in place on the side not against the wall helped prevent occupants from falling off.
Azra wakes up a few days later, and lays in his bed, arms crossed behind his head. It was moments like this that he'd always loved. Early mornings, and a long with that, early morning reading. Except he couldn't read anymore. His time, once filled with banter, Jones, sparring, and stealing, is now usually just filled with idleness.

And Azra hates idleness.

It drove him insane, and yet, he couldn't bring himself to climb out of bed, pull his pants and boots on, and go up and make sure everything was in its rights. He didn't even need to do that, the ship did it on its own anyways.
Zukata's internal clock had already woken him up and he was standing at the bow of the ship, leaning on the railings.

His head was tilted back and he embraced the misty foggyness that hit his face.

He looked back at the cabin doors, his thoughts going to Azra. He wanted to lossen the man up, and he'd say he was close but the smaller man was hard to judge.

Walking from his spot he goes up to the doors and knocks softly. "You awake kitty cat?"
Azra bolts upright, scrambling, "Wait-" he yelps as his head hits the shelf above the bed and he scrambles around for his blanket.

He crawls to the foot of the bed, snatching it off the floor where he must have kicked it off in the middle of the night and tries to settle himself before Zukata enters.

(I'll leave what he sees up to you XD)
But it was too late.

Zukata was already in the room at the door standing there looking at Azra with a raised eyebrow. The man was naked. Like full on butt naked. It took Zukata a few seconds before he slaps a hand over his eyes, a slight hue of red to his cheeks. "Oh..." He then points to Azra. "Don't blame me this time I knocked and announced I was coming in." He states.

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