Fantasy RP The werewolf and the witch (FaeWhisperer)


Fifty years ago...

"You said you loved me!" Clara screamed at the man before her, anger boiled under her skin making energy sweep around her and light seemed to spark at her fingertips. She wanted to kill him, the man who had wooed her and stolen her heart. He had been gone for a few days and Clara thought nothing of it until he returned and told her he had fallen in love with someone else, "You can't do this to me" she snarled angrily as she advanced on him; yes in size she was much smaller than he was but she had power that he didn't and that power made her seem much bigger than she was. "I can and I did!" the man snapped back in anger as he grabbed up his bag of clothes, food and water. Yes the two of them butted heads often but never like this. Watching as he headed for the door of her cottage and stepped outside Clara swept after him her bare feet slapping at the worn wood, "Why? Why her?" she demanded as she moved quickly and placed herself in front of him.

She needed to know why he wanted someone else after he had spent months chasing her. Had he really grown tired of her so easily after she agreed to be with him? Was she so easy to toss aside? The answer appeared to be yes. "Because she isn't you" he grumbled at her and pushed her aside. Standing where she was for a moment or two looking shocked before she clenched her jaw and spun around to look at his back. "Fine. Have her. But know this, she will live and die years before you ever will!" Clara screamed as she thrust her hands out towards him "I curse you to be a beast she cannot ever love. One that turns with the moon" she hissed as bight red light left her hands and slammed into his back hard enough to stagger him. "Enjoy being a werewolf. A mutt" Clara muttered as she turned on her heel and stalked back into her cottage and slammed the door closed without a backwards glance, that would teach him for leaving her. But even though she cursed him it didn't stop her heart from hurting.

Present day...

Clara wandered slowly about her small cottage, she had lived here for years and she was planning on living here for years more. Vampires, werewolves, merfolk, nekos as well as a number of other creatures sometimes came to her for protection spells or spells of love and healing. The spells of love she gave out few and far between as she could not bring herself to think of the loneliness she had since the man she had loved had left her fifty years ago. Sighing softly to herself she walked over to a beautifully carved chair with a plush cushion on it she had placed in front of a roaring fire she sank down into it wearily, the carved chair was the only thing over her lovers that she had kept. He had made it just for her and she could never bring herself to get rid of the beautiful masterpiece.

Leaning back into the chair she stared blankly at the fire for sometime her mind wandering and thinking of things she would never let herself think of normally, shaking her head she looked around her cottage to notice that the afternoon sun was no longer filtering in through the windows and her fire was the only thing casting a light. Sighing to herself Clara got to her feet and flicked on the lights in her living room. Times had changed and Clara had changed with them. Electricity and running water were things she could not live without now-a-days even if she tried, looking out of the window in her kitchen she saw the full moon was out and she couldn't help the small tired smile that came over her lips at the thought of her old lover running through trees.

Moving to her front door she opened it and stepped outside, the crisp air hit her hard making her wrap her arms around her body. The cold was sharp and quick to wake her up more and the sound of traveling cars on the highway that had been built ten minuets from her home reminded her how much everything had changed, "Might as well go for a walk" she said softly to herself as she unwrapped her arms from around herself and started walking into the forest that surrounded her home. Stepping carefully over fallen branches and ducking now and again Clara was barely aware of her surroundings until a crack of a stick made her jump. Looking around with a small frown she tried to see what the source of the noise was, even with the moonlight coming through the leaves she could see very little. "Hello?" Clara called out curiously, everything was silent for a moment before a growl reached her. A werewolf stepped between the trees, stared at her for a moment before it lunged. Clara had no time to think before she was tackled to the ground and a sharp scream left her setting birds that were nesting flying off in fright.

"Get off of me!" she screamed trying to wrestle the wolf off of her and keep it away from her throat, Clara and the wolf struggled for a bit before the weight was suddenly thrown off of her body. Rolling onto her stomach she saw a much bigger werewolf had tackled the smaller one and was fighting it making sure to keep it away from Clara , scooting herself onto her bottom Clara sat fixated as she watched them fight. Seeing the smaller werewolf scamper off with a yelp she couldn't contain the gasp that left her lips with the large werewolf turned to her and began to stalk towards her. "Stop!" Clara shouted as she thrust out a hand showing her palm to the werewolf , she had released no spell at the beast she just hoped it did stop.

To her surprise, it did. It stopped in its tracks and looked at her. "If you are planning to kill me, don't" she said firmly trying not to let on how rattled she actually was. She had heard whispers that there was a new pack close by and another rumor that this new pack was ruled by the man she had once loved, but she had thought nothing of it. Just rumors. But now, it looked like the werewolves from the city weren't lying when they told her they could smell a pack close to her home. But were they lying about who the alpha of the pack was?
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Riyu wasn’t much of a fighter, ever since he had been born into his pack-his alpha had been searching for warriors, ones who would make the pack strong. And he, always felt he was behind for some reason. But eventually he had made a name for himself as he grew older, and there were rumors that he had taken some odd drug to make him like he was- which wasn’t true. Sure he had the courage of a lion when it came to fighting, and the strength of an ox, but he still thought he was a mid fighter at best- not fully aware that he could definitely challenge and beat the alpha if he ever had to.

Not like he wanted to.

Well, at first it had been that way, but over the years he had realized just how awful his alpha was, how brutal and unforgiving to the pack- throwing out weak wolves, and for a moment Riyu was worried his sister would suffer that fate, but she made her own way, securing herself as the shaman of the pack- one who dealt with medicines and healing, a vital part that even their alpha knew could turn the tides if they ever had been injured in any rival pack wars.

Riyu never fully understood why his alpha was the way he was with the females of the pack- it didn’t seem he cared for them at all, even his own mate he had- there had been stories that the alpha had loved his mate at first, but as time went on he became more powerful and less loving towards her. And she wasn’t his first mate to begin with. He had lost his first through a terrible accident and he kept muttering about a ‘damn witch’ or something along those lines— Riyu couldn’t figure out exactly what His alpha was truly thinking.

Either way, after the last silvered moon (a super full moon that werewolves have their mating season during) Riyu was recently told that there was a witch who lived nearby their pack territory and that she posed a threat to their lives. Riyu wanted to ask his alpha why, but he made it clear that she should be captured and brought in for interrogation- and perhaps taken as the packs next live human meal—

To which Riyu never participated in, but the way his alpha was speaking.. was this witch really that dangerous?

And so, he had found the witch’s scent, watching her for a few months at a time, realizing that this witch..never was a threat. Actually the opposite. She had been one of the nicest he has ever seen, as she helped anyone and everyone that came to her door. Hell, he even had to come to her for medicine to bring to his sister one winter.

So he knew that if she was captured, all of her work to protect this forest they lived in, would be for nothing..killing her, would keep that curse away from this forest- the curse that currently plagued nearby cities, bringing them into eternal darkness.. so he had to warn her.

And as he had chased off a stray, he looked to her as she screamed for him to stop, and he paused, sitting down on his haunches.

“I’m not going to harm you,” he spoke, his eyes falling on her face. “I’ve come to warn you,” he tells her next.
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Clara stayed where she was sitting watching the wolf closely as it sat back on its hunches. When he said that he wasn’t going to harm her she breathed a sigh of relief happy that she wasn’t going to become his meal for the night, but as soon as he said that he had come to warn her of something Clara frowned at him. “Warn me of what?” She asked suspiciously, whenever people told her to be careful or to be safe Clara found it amusing, but to have a wolf tell her he was there to warn her that made her cautious. Clara wasn’t a fool, this wolf had chased the other off without much effort. She had seen other wolves during the full moon absolutely tear each other apart and she only knew this because they tended to come to her the morning after for her to asses their damage and heal them.

Moving slowly Clara got to her feet and dusted herself off, even though he said he wasn’t going to harm her Clara wasn’t going to take the chance with staying sitting on the ground. She wanted to be on her feet in case she did need to throw some spells around.

As she stood Clara wished her heart would stop beating in her chest as hard as it was, she knew wolves had good hearing and he would no doubt know that she had been rattled by the encounter with the other wolf. And she didn’t like people knowing when she was stressed as she didn’t want others to take advantage of it. “What do you want as payment for warning me of whatever you’re warning me of?” Clara questioned narrowing her eyes a little. Nothing in this world came freely, everyone wanted something and Clara hated owing people favours. If he wanted a spell or assistance than she would give it just to make sure she didn’t owe him anything later on.

“I mean, I already owe you something for getting rid of that other wolf” she said slowly, people had told her she was too suspicious of others. But being suspicious had kept her alive this long.
Riyu watched as she got up, and he shifted to stand as well, taking a few steps back away from her, his tail was low- but his ears were alert and forward. He could hear her quickened heartbeat, and the sounds of the cars nearby were almost distracting, but it was a good thing he had practiced to focus on a particular target one at a time, so focusing on Clara wasn’t that difficult for him.

“I’ve come to tell you that my pack alpha— wants you captured, and killed when brought to our pack..,” he says, his gaze hardening for just a moment, tail twitching ever so slightly, as if he hated that fact. He closed his eyes and sighed softly. “I know your magic protects this forest and the nearby city from that curse which plagues this land,” he tells her of his knowledge- more so than he should have known, it wasn’t something easily thrown into conversation.

“But he doesn’t care, he’s too jaded by his anger to care, so that’s what I’ve come to warn you about, so you can either put up your wards or relocate further away from our residing pack.” Riyu reopened his eyes, looking towards Clara again.

“The only thing I ask in return is medicine again for this coming winter, in case my sister cannot procure enough when the time comes,” he tells Clara, his sharp, mint green eyes were telling the truth- he didn’t want any large favors or protection spells like most.

It was good of her to be cautious, no one could really be trusted, hell, even he couldn’t be trusted, he didn’t doubt that someone was watching him too, and would report to his alpha for this. He just hoped that his sister would be spared because of her position in the pack.
Listening as he spoke a smirk came to rest upon her lips as he explained that his alpha wanted her captured and killed, “Your alpha, his name is Luca correct?” Clara asked her smirk slowly becoming a grin. She didn’t need him to confirm as she knew no other alpha in the area wanted her dead, they wanted her help. There was only one man she could guess who would want her dead. As he explained that all he wanted from her was more medicine she frowned at him a little, “Your the wolf that came to me last winter for help, aren’t you?” She questioned.

Clara didn’t make a habit of remembering names as wolves came and went so frequently that there was too many for her to remember. “I’m not moving, I’ve lived here for fifty years and I plan to live here many more years to come” she stated casually, Clara had no problems with doubling her wards and protecting herself.

Realising that he said he knew that she protected the forest and the city from the plague Clara frowned at him. “No simple wolf knows about that” she started as she took two steps towards him, logically she knew getting into a fight with a wolf would be bad for her health but Clara was willing to if she had too. “How do you know about it?” Clara asked slowly, surely he knew how dangerous it could be just to throw that information about so easily as Clara knew if the wrong person found out she would have a nice target on her back.

“Tell me fur face, what’s your name?” She asked, but her question wasn’t entirely a question, it was boarding on a demand.
Riyu looked like he had been shot by a silver bullet as Clara mentioned his alpha’s name, and he nodded slowly. “Unfortunately yes,” he confirmed, watching as she grinned and told him that she wasn’t moving- she certainly was a stubborn woman. And at the mention of last winter, being that same wolf, one of his ears twitched in reply.

“Yes, I’m that same wolf,” he confirmed, realizing now he never told her his name, nor had he shown his human form to her yet. So of course it made sense why she was asking.

And as she approached him, her tone of voice raising- Riyu stepped back again, he realized that he probably shouldn’t have said what he knew so casually- but..he wanted her to know that he knew, so that his warning was more justified than just ‘crazy ex hates you’ sort of thing.

“I only know because of the time I spent researching who you were-“ his voice remained calm and collected. “I had to. I don’t necessarily just kill whoever without a reason, and that’s what Luca wanted me to do.” He sat back down, his large frame easily dwarfing her. But the fur on his neck wasn’t bristled, and Clara could tell he wasn’t easily intimidated by her.

And as she asked his name, he spoke clearly, “Riyu,” he tells her, wondering if Clara would tell him her name. But he already knew it, yet he wasn’t sure if he should let her know that fact.
Clara took note of how he reacted when she said her ex lovers name, she didn’t need a verbal confirmation but she appreciated it. As he explained that he only knew about the plague was because of what he had learnt when researching her, “Well, since you’ve spent time researching me I am sure you know what I did to your alpha” she said cheekily. Anyone who knew Luca knew he wasn’t a born wolf nor was he someone who was infected to become a wolf. Watching as he sat down and still towered over her Clara was impressed, normally wolves who came to her for help came in their human forms to make it easier for her to treat them.

“Maybe you should have just killed me, I am sure it would have made your alpha very happy knowing the woman who cursed him is dead” Clara said with a cheeky grin. She had wondered how long it would take for her choices when she was a young woman to come back to bite her.

“Riyu” she repeated with a nod of her head making sure to make a mental note to remember his name for the next time she saw him as she had no doubt there would be a next time. “And I am sure during your research your learnt my name so I doubt I need to give you that” Clara said with a soft laugh, it was gentle and matched her appearance. She knew people simply thought she was too gentle to hurt anyone because of how she looked.

Sighing softly she placed her hands on her hips as she looked at Riyu, “Fine, I will supply your sister with any medicines she needs for the winter” she said with a small shake of her head. “That is payment for getting rid of the other wolf. Now, you still have a witch in your pocket for telling me I’m a dead woman walking” Clara stated, she was a fair woman. If someone did her one favour she would owe them one thing in return but since Riyu had saved her and warned her Clara owed him another favour.

“Feel free to cash in that favour for warning me whenever you want. I don’t like not paying my debts” she said with a grin as she started to head back to her cottage, she didn’t mind if he followed her. Hell she would welcome the protection so she could make it home in one piece so she could start working on wards to keep Luca from getting her.
“I…actually never got that far,” he admitted, when it came to knowing about his alpha, there were rumors of him not being a natural born or turned werewolf, but everyone in his pack was too afraid to speak up on it, he didn’t think it was quite necessary to know.

Either way, when she confirmed he’d get the medicine his sister would need, he seemed relieved this time, knowing that his sister would soon be worrying about all sicknesses that came during winter, as Luca didn’t seem to care about his pack member’s health at all. Literally training is all that they did so that they always stayed sharp with their fighting skills.

Hearing that she would still pay her debt to him for warning her, he didn’t speak on it, as he had nothing that came of mind. For now, at least.

Either way, he slowly trailed behind her, keeping a good distance in between them, making sure to let her know he was no threat to her at all, and it wasn’t until she had gone inside did he decide to lay by a large tree, his red and white fur easily sticking out in the night, but he was shadowed by the tree’s shadow as the moon raised overhead.

He was laying nearby her cottage, but a good distance away still, making sure no one else would come and harm the witch any more tonight.

Riyu would only stay until she was done reinforcing her wards, flicking his ear slightly as the sounds that came from the forest at night.
Clara stayed in her cottage for a while before she came out, softly humming as she started to walk around stopping here and there at different trees to trace a small symbol on them with her finger tips. She was making sure that if anyone, wolf or otherwise, came even close to her home that she would know. She also added a little flare that would tell her if they were friend or foe. Once she was done Clara stopped and looked at Riyu for a moment before she headed towards him, crouching down in front of them she studied him quietly for a moment. “Luca wasn’t born or made into a wolf, not in the traditional sense” Clara started, she felt it was only fair that he knew why his own alpha wanted her of all people dead.

“Fifty years ago, when I was twenty-three , your alpha and I were in love. Until he decided to leave me for a human woman” Clara started, she watched him closely being quiet for a moment before she smirked a little. “The night he decided to leave me for her I cursed him. I made him the mutt that he is and honestly, I am surprised it’s taken him this long to want to kill me” she continued with a laugh.

She had always wondered what had happened to him and now she knew, he had been plotting to kill her and honestly Clara wasn’t that all surprised. Standing back to her feet she looked down at Riyu, “Do you plan to go back to your pack now or do you plan to spend the rest of the night watching my home like a hawk?” Clara asked with a grin. Sure she didn’t really know him but if he stayed Clara knew it would make her feel a little safer.

“I mean, if you plan to stay you can come inside, no point in staying outside since my wards are up now” she added as she tipped her head to the side a little, “Unless you’re scared of little old me” Clara teased before she headed back inside. She left the door open showing that she had been serious about him coming inside if he wished to, sure she had never spent time around werewolves during the full moon but there was always a first for everything as far as she was concerned.
Riyu slowly raised his head as she approached and when she mentioned that she was the one who cursed Luca, she could tell by his expression that he was truly shocked. “You know..he always has been ever since I could remember muttering about that ‘stupid bitch of a witch’’ he shakes his head, noting her smirk and laugh.

She truly was an interesting woman for sure. And the moment he was invited in he gave a soft sigh, “Didn’t your mother ever teach you to not invite werewolves into your home on a full moon?” He tsked, but it sounded like he was teasing her ever so slightly, except to be honest he was kind of intimidated now, knowing how powerful she was..thankfully he didn’t have to worry about her cursing him, as he was already a werewolf, naturally born.

He got up and stretched, slowly padding over to where her door was, and she would see him shrink, his form shifting before her very eyes. Soon, a tall, handsome young man was there in front of her, with scruffy red hair. His face was almost too perfect to even be a werewolf, the fact that he hadn’t had any scars on his face proved that..he was one hell of a fighter and none had fully touched/wounded him there.

Thankfully he was clothed, as that’s something he had perfected when he shifted, using a bit of magic he had picked up to do so. She would take note of that as well, that this fur face was more powerful than he was letting on, and perhaps he did that so Luca wouldn’t become suspicious of him.
“My mother taught me many things, not inviting werewolves into my home wasn’t one of those things” Clara said with a smirk, her mother had taught her many things but Clara rarely listened to her advice on anything. Especially when it came to her safety. Watching as Riyu shifted she raised a brow a little as she saw him become human, taking note that he shifted fully clothed she smirked a little at him. “Well, you are full of surprises. First you warn me I’m in danger and now you’re showing me you are stronger than you seem” she said with a soft laugh. Walking up to him so there only was an inch of space between them she reached up and touched his face lightly, “Hm, I have never met a wolf who isn’t all scared up”.

Moving away from him she headed for the kitchen, “Now, I know you wolves generally only have three things on the mind during a full moon. Hunting for fun, sex or food and since you didn’t just leave that tells me you aren’t interested in hunting right now” Clara said casually as she set about making herself a cup of tea, “So that only leaves sex or food…so which is it Riyu?” She asked with a smirk as she glanced over at him.

She knew if he wanted food she could easily make enough food to keep him satisfied, and if it was sex he wanted hell she could supply him with that as well. Clara knew she could use either of those as payment for owing him a favour.

“Why haven’t you challenged him for the pack?” Clara asked as the kettle boiled and she turned to face him as she leaned against the kitchen counter with her arms crossed over her stomach, “I mean, you defiantly seem strong enough to take it from him without much effort” she added. She knew most packs fought to the death over who would become alpha so she was curious as to why Riyu hadn’t just taken over the pack from Luca.
“Werewolves who are born and not cursed or turned are usually more powerful,” he shrugged as she watched him and a came up to touch his face. He let her, and he seemed fine that she was invading his personal space at the moment. “I never lose in a fight,” he said casually, knowing he could easily beat Luca if he wanted to.

As she mentioned werewolves only wanted three things he shook his head, “Werewolves who are born do not have such simple desires like those who are turned or cursed,” he speaks and leans against the wall, crossing his arms and watching her as she made tea. “I think you should brush up on your research..” he spoke and looked around the cottage for a brief moment. “I take it you’ve only met those who are cursed or turned then,” he murmured out more to himself, and the minute she asked him about why he hadn’t challenged Luca, his gaze darkened quite a bit.

“My sister,” he said simply, even though his expression said a lot more. “My sister is one of the few females left in the pack and..” he paused, giving a small sigh. “All I know is my sister doesn’t want to leave, even though I’ve begged her a few times..”
“Oh no, I’ve met born werewolves before, but I don’t make it a habit to meet them during a full moon” Clara laughed with a shake of her head, “Normally my interactions with wolves is limited to the morning after a full moon, they come here for healing instead of their own pack doctors.” When the kettle finished boiling she grabbed a second mug and poured them both tea, picking them up she walked over to Riyu and held one out towards him. “Don’t worry, I didn’t put anything in its, it’s just simple tea” she said with a smile. As he explained that his sister was the reason he didn’t challenge Luca she raised a brow, “Is she scared to leave or just happy to live under the brute that Luca is?” Clara asked.

There was nothing malicious about her question just pure curiosity, it wasn’t her place to protect a wolf or even offer her protection. Werewolves could care for themselves and saw someone like her as an interfering outsider. Sipping her tea a little she watched Riyu carefully, she could easily admit he was handsome and probably would make a fantastic bed companion but Clara generally wasn’t one to take the same man to her bed twice. Not since her ex at least.

“How much trouble are you going to be in for warning me of what your alpha wants to do to me?” Clara questioned, even though she liked to pretend the matters of wolves weren’t her business it had become hers because of Riyu warning her. Out of worry for the man’s safety Clara knew she would do what she could to keep him safe even if it meant putting herself in danger of becoming a snack for a pack of wolves. “Because, if it’s a lot of trouble I can give you a protection spell even if you don’t lose in a fight” she offered with a small shrug of her shoulders. She didn’t want him getting hurt because he warned her on her conscious.
“Ah, well..I’ve come across enough witches in my lifetime that I know when something is poison or not,” he seemed very young, compared to her- given she was 23 50 years ago and he looked to be around old was he? He took the tea and sipped on it casually, still standing and not sitting at her table. He didn’t want to make his visit a long one, knowing he had to get back to his pack soon, or else there would be suspicions where he was. But he could always blame the full moon for his absence.

When he heard her asking about his sister, he looked down into his cup of tea, watching the tea leaves move around a bit in the liquid.

“I think being threatened by him somehow,” he admitted, but he could not be certain. All he knew that he would be risking her safety if they left the pack together. Luca may not be all that strong, but he was a cunning and conniving man, always aware of things.

“If I truly need a protection spell..” he trailed off, looking to her.

“For that other favor…why not have a protection spell for my sister then?” He asked, setting his cup down on the table. “She definitely needs it more than I do,” he speaks next, she was his only surviving family and he didn’t want to lose her too.
Clara looked at him oddly when he said that he had met enough witches to know when something was poisoned or not, he looked so young that she wondered if he was just trying to make himself seem older. “I’ll have to take your word for it” she said casually as she sat down at the table getting comfortable. As he explained that he thought his sister was being threatened by their alpha Clara frowned a little as she thought over his words when he asked if she would make a protection spell for his sister. “If that’s the payment you want, you’ll have it” she said with a small nod of her head, looking down into her tea still frowning Clara shook her head a little.

She felt responsible for making Luca the way he was, “Finish your tea and come back tomorrow morning for the protection spell. I’ll weave it into something she can wear” She said almost distractedly. Clara knew she would be busy in the morning but she was willing to lose sleep to do what needed to be done to get out of debt.

For the rest of the night after Riyu had left Clara spent the time working on a protection spell that she wound around a ring. It would keep his sister safe and would also placate anyone who came at her aggressively. When the sun rose Clara took a shower and got dressed in a short sun dress, she spent until mid morning tending to the wolves that needed tending to. Feeling someone move through her wards Clara looked out of her kitchen window and smirked a little seeing it was Riyu.

“Doors open” Clara called out as she had waited until he was close enough to the cabin to hear her without her having to raise her voice too much. Grabbing the ring she had prepared for Riyu’s sister she moved and sat on top of her kitchen table as she waited for him to come inside, holding up the ring she smirked a little at him. “One protection spell as requested” Clara said casually.
He returned the next day, already in his human form by the time he reached the front door. He looked to her with appreciation in his gaze and he nodded a bit as he grabbed the ring. “Thank you,” he said in relief. He soon pocketed it in one of his pockets that had a zipper, making sure he wouldn’t lose it.

He then turned to leave and before he did, he glanced behind him. “I’ll be patrolling around the area when I’m able to, but I suspect your wards are quite powerful,” he walked out the door, and a little bit of his magic trail (unseen by the regular human, but witches and warlocks alike could pick it up) definitely gave away his age.

He was born into that pack around 50 years ago, when Clara had cursed Luca into being a werewolf.

He looked up at the sky, the clouds were rolling in for a storm- no doubt Luca would put him and the other pack members through training again despite weather conditions.

Clara would see Riyu sniff the air briefly and he turned to face her. "Were any of the wolves that came by earlier female by chance?" he asked. He had scented Luca's mate, which wasn't a good sign. But given the fact that they weren't on good terms offered a little bit of relief, but he had to be certain of what he was smelling.
“I don’t think I need a patrol, but thanks anyway” she said with a small laugh before she smirked at him, “Only a little powerful” Clara teased. She knew very well that if Riyu had tried to come through her wards with the intent to hurt her that he would have been shocked badly by the spell. Sure she knew the more powerful wolves like Riyu would have shaken it off but it would buy her enough time to leave before they could get to her home.

Clara watched him as he took the ring but seeing the magic trail made her get off of the table and follow him. Stopping in the doorway she frowned as she studied him, he was old, that would explain how he knew other witches. When he asked her about the wolves that had been through she frowned a little as she mentally went back through everyone she had seen. “Yeah, one” Clara said slowly, “She’s never been here before but she was banged up a bit, just needed some wounds tended too” Clara clarified. Crossing her arms over her stomach she raised a brow at him, “Any particular reason why you’re asking about her?” She questioned, she wanted to know what he smelt and why the only female she had seen so far mattered so much.

“On the subject of different wolves” Clara started as she narrowed her eyes at him a little, annoyed at herself that she hadn’t seen the magic coming off of him the night before, “Want to tell me why you have magic coming off of you?” She asked pointedly. There was no reason to dance around it as Clara was straight forward when it came to asking questions about magic. “I mean, the magic coming off of you tells me you are older than you look” she continued wondering if he would tell her the truth or if she would have to find out for herself who she was really dealing with.
Riyu seemed to pale just a little bit at the sound of the female who visited Clara, being all banged up like that, and he gave a soft sigh. “That was Kyla, Luca’s mate,” he explained, shaking his head. He didn’t know that she had been suffering through things like that.. so she must have been fine up until recently.

Did Kyla see him last night leave camp and wonder where he went? He hoped not. Either way, he knew there was some things he couldn’t really fix, and if he did even try to challenge Luca, Luca would be conniving like always and rig the fight as per usual. Riyu saw how Luca had fought before, and he was downright dirty in how he did so, using tactics that were strictly for killing others.

Riyu heard the witch call him out on his magic and he gave a soft sigh, and looked her way. “My grandfather was a warlock..” he started to explain and put his hands in his pockets. “Both of my parents were magic users too, and..both were turned, and then had me..” he didn’t put the full story out there. But he knew that they had sought refuge in the pack at first, unaware of how Luca was.

He wondered if she would pick up on his age, but either way, he decided to tell her, figuring it wasn’t that big of a deal. “I was born into the pack when Luca first became our alpha, and that.. was nearly 50 years ago,” he wondered about it, and wondered about her reaction, waiting for a response.
Hearing that the woman she had tended too had been Luca's mate Clara frowned again, "Never thought he would ever raise a hand to a woman...but I guess people change". She wanted to know if Kyla had been the woman Luca had left her for or if she was just some poor wolf who ended up being the mate to the wrong wolf. She knew logically a part of her would feel guilty if she found out that Luca had turned her and was treating her so badly, it was her fault after all that he had apparently become a miserable bastard.

As Riyu explained that his grandfather had been a warlock she shook her head a little, "Ancestry magic, lovely" Clara said with a small laugh. She had never met a werewolf who had family ties to magic, let alone one who's parents had been turned into wolves. When he added that he had been born into the pack 50 years ago she tilted her head back a little and looked up at the sky for a moment before she looked back at him, "Well, you look good for your age" she said with a small smirk "But of course not as good as me at 73" Clara joked.

"Since you plan to patrol nearby when you can, don't bother doing it tonight if you planned too. I won't be here, I'll be in town getting drunk on Fae wine" she said casually, with everything she was learning Clara needed a drink and normal alcohol just would not cut it. She knew a bar that catered to all kinds of creatures and it was one she frequented regularly so she knew she would be safe enough there while getting blackout drunk on Fae wine.

Taking a few steps back into the house Clara paused a little as she grabbed the door preparing to close it, "Also, Riyu, tell your sister not to take the ring off for any reason. If she does the protection spell will break and I'll need to make a new one" Clara said firmly before she stepped back completely inside and closed the door. Resting her head against the wood for a moment with her eyes closed Clara sighed softly, taking her anger out on Luca and turning him into a werewolf that apparently was cruel was on her and Clara hated knowing that there were wolves suffering under him. Once night fell Clara left her home and went into town, she hadn't bothered to change out of the dress she was wearing as her mind was elsewhere.

Sitting down on a stool at the bar Clara sighed and ordered a bottle of Fae wine, "Be a doll and keep them coming until I pass out" Clara said casually to the woman behind the bar when she was given the first bottle. Fae wine was good for forgetting things and that was why Clara loved it. She had a lot of mull over but she also didn't want to think about any of it or think about the fact she was considering just walking over to Luca's pack and basically hand herself over to him on a silver platter, she doubted it would change anything but a small part of her hoped that if she did that, maybe it would quench his anger a little.
Right when that door closed he sighed, looking up to the sky again, wondering for a moment of how he got here. Well, he knew how he got here, he had originally come to warn Clara- but now, more things about family history and magical ties were coming more out in the open.

Riyu knew he was lying to the witch, he wasn’t younger than her. Everything he said about his background was mostly true, but he didn’t want to let Clara know what actually had happened.

The reason why his sister was his only family left.

He knew he had just regained most of his memories himself, and he was trying to piece through the traumatic parts slowly, but it was a lot to take in, and he didn’t know if his sister had regained her memories yet.

So while Clara got drunk on fae wine, he went back to his pack, shifting back into his wild form, but a smaller version of it, just so Luca wouldn’t suspect anything out of the ordinary. And he padded along to his sister’s den, going in and explaining to her what the ring was.
Brianna looked at the shiny new ring her brother had gotten her, and as he left the den, she wondered why he seemed all troubled as of recently. Sure, he had every right to be troubled about their alpha, but more so than usual.

She wasn’t aware of the magical block within her mind, placing false memories and background into it, Riyu had only recently broken the spell due to his magical background, but unfortunately Brianna never got the magical gene like he did.

(Would you like to make a potential love interest for Brianna?)
Ryven had been in Luca's pack for a while, by all means he was still new having only been apart of it for three years. He learnt quickly how Luca was and how everyone seemed to tip-toe around the idiot of an alpha but he didn't question it, he only hoped someone would take the raging idiot out sometime soon. But in that time he had gained feelings for Brianna, not just because she often patched him up but he genuinely liked the girl and knew if anyone even tried to hurt her he would put himself right in the middle of it. He wasn't scared of Luca, but he was scared of what Luca might do if Brianna even accidentally upset him. Watching as Riyu left his sisters den he padded inside, looking at Brianna he sat back on his hunches studying her for a moment before he laid down getting comfortable.

"Whats new doc?" he asked teasingly, he liked to call her doc, it had almost become his pet name for her. He knew there was something different about her and her brother but Ryven didn't know what it was all he knew was that he respected Riyu more than he respected Luca, "Oh, you'll be pleased to know, I don't need patching up today, thought I'd stop by just for a social visit" Ryven said cheekily. He couldn't count how many times he had come to her just to get his wounds tended too after a full moon, he liked to cause havoc and sometimes havoc just so happened to end with him getting injured.

"Know where Riyu snuck off to last night?" Ryven asked curiously, he had seen him head in the direction of where apparently the witch that was nearby lived. He hadn't come back dragging a dead witch with him which made him curious as to what he had been doing.


Clara was a quick drinker and was already on her second bottle of fae wine, she had already told three wolves from three different packs in the city to buzz off and leave her alone when they had tried to dissuade her from continuing to drink the wine. They had never seen her drinking anything without putting a spell in place to make sure she didn't get blackout drunk so those who knew her there knew something was going on with their favourite witch, but none were brave enough to ask what was wrong as they didn't want to be on the receiving end of a spell cast by a drunk Clara.

When she finished the second bottle the woman behind the bar hesitated a little with a third in her hand making Clara look at her, "I can still see straight, give it" she stated bluntly and held her hand out for the bottle. Clara knew she was going to regret not putting a hangover spell in place in the morning but she didn't care.
Brianna flicked an ear as Ryven walked in, she could tell it was him long before he said anything, as his scent was most familiar to her- and most comforting. She turned around as he sat on his haunches and she sat crisscrossed on her soft bed that she had made for herself- out of downy feathers, animal hides and furs, it truly was a thing of luxury when it came to living in this pack.

And Brianna only usually sat on it causally when it was Ryven in the den with her, or her brother, as she felt most comfortable with the two of them. Everyone else, she had just been the pack’s shaman, offering healing and remedies for those who were sick.

Hearing her nickname he had given her, she smiled fondly towards him, “Mm..what’s new..honestly, not much-“ she said truthfully, laughing a little as he said he wasn’t there to be patched up and she shook her head, “I swear you’re in here more than I am,” she teased in return, her eyes falling on his face.

When he asked about Riyu leaving the pack last night, she shrugged, “I’m not sure,” she said honestly. “it was a full moon last night and..well, I don’t want to think about what my brother could be doing,” she shuddered lightly at the thought.

Then again she wondered if Ryven had ever gone out for such reasons. Not like she would know, for her as a was her duty to refrain from having pups- but that was a thing Luca had implemented in her memory block, knowing if she believed that, she wouldn’t have a family.

Luca needed the pack population to stay down for the moment, any females who did end up pregnant were just cast out- as Luca wanted to hand pick his own pack members by recruiting, not having them being born into pack life. Worrying about young pups to protect was seen as a weakness.
Riyu had retired to his den for the time being, knowing that later today Luca would be calling for them to train, which Riyu thought pointless, but Luca wanted all of his males to be strong, strong enough to work up that next ambush they were planning on doing- and learning about it today..Riyu knew he would have to tell Clara later that Luca was planning a raid on her home soon.
Ryven chuckled softly when Brianna said he was in there more than she was, "What can I say, I'm a sucker for getting into fights" he joked "Also, I like your company" he added with a grin. As she said that she didn't know where Riyu had gone off to he couldn't help but give a bark of laughter when Brianna said she didn't want to think about what he brother could have been doing during the full moon, "Oh please, your brother is not the kind just to go off and have a wild night with some random" he said with a shake of his head.

Before Ryven had come to Luca's pack he had had his fair share of full moons having women keep him company but since joining Luca's pack and meeting Brianna he hadn't, he didn't like being away from the pack during the full moon as he liked to keep an eye on Brianna and make sure no male went near her for any reason.

He knew if they did, he would have injured them badly or killed them to keep Brianna safe.

"The only reason I'm asking is because he went in the direction that the witch lives...and he didn't come back with a dead witch" Ryven said softly making sure to keep his words low so only Brianna would hear him. He had no problem with the witch and he didn't see what Luca's deal with her was but he knew he wouldn't be the only one who had seen Riyu go off in that direction and he didn't want Brianna's brother to get in trouble with Luca even though he knew he could handle himself in a fight.
After a couple of hours Clara made it home, she was drunk enough that walking in a straight line was almost impossible and she had to hold onto the furniture to even get around her house. Even though standing up and focusing on things were difficult she managed to shower and dry herself off before she collapsed into her bed not bothering with clothes as she tugged her blankets over herself, Clara didn't care if anyone came to her home in that moment she just cared about getting to sleep. Getting comfortable a part of her knew if anyone came through her wards meaning to harm her she would be in big trouble but she shoved that thought aside as she drifted off to sleep.
Her cheeks flushed ever so slightly at the way Ryven mentioned that her brother wouldn’t go and do something like that, but she shook her head, shutting her eyes tightly.. “ can’t think about that,” she muttered out, laughing nervously. She reopened her eyes, at the mention that Riyu went in the direction of the witch and she tilted her head slightly.

“Why would he..” she gave a small frown but then her ears atop of her head perked up slightly and she snapped her fingers as she put the pieces together one by one. “Oh!” She exclaimed, but then hushed her voice down to where Ryven would only be able to hear hers- “I think Luca’s witch he was talking about is the same one that provided us with medicine last winter when I wasn’t able to get any,” not like Luca would have let her leave the pack anyway, she could have easily gone out to do so, but being one of the last three of the females here- she started to wonder what Luca was really up to.

Bri gave a soft sigh and leaned a little back on her bed. “I think I overheard Luca saying he will be training you guys again, for some ambush and I’m pretty sure that ambush is to get the witch..” she murmured out softly, “and that ambush will be in a few days..”

She hoped her brother and Ryven would do the right thing..if that witch was what her brother said she was, they couldn’t afford her dying any time soon.
Ryven snickered a little when Brianna muttered that she couldn't think of her brother going out to do such things, "Yeah, I don't think I would want to think of that if I had siblings" he teased. He had grown up without siblings and he didn't mind it as he saw how much trouble and how exhausting it could be to have siblings. When she snapped her fingers Ryven's left ear flicked a little at the sound, it was unexpected but he didn't mind it at all, "Probably is the one and the same" Ryven agreed with a small nod of his head.

He didn't know of any other witch that lived so close to their pack and he doubted that there was any other witch that was outside of the city like they were.

"Of course his going to training us again, that is all we ever do" Ryven said with a sigh, sure it was good to keep in shape and stay sharp but that was all they were seemed to do. Train until they couldn't walk let alone move even an inch. Frowning when Brianna said that the ambush would be in a few days he tilted his head to the side a little, "Honestly, I don't understand his obsession with the witch" he sighed, Ryven didn't know how much more he could possibly take when it came to Luca's obsession with the woman, hearing movement and talking outside he groaned as he got to his feet and shook out his pelt a little.

"I guess training is starting, I'll be seeing you doc" he said with a grin before he trotted out of her den, Ryven wanted to know what was so special about this witch and he knew Riyu would be the only one he could ask about her.
Brianna watched Ryven head out of her den and she called out to him, “Make sure to not get too injured this time!” She knew their training was very physical and a lot of scraps to be held. Luca did this to weed out the weaker wolves, and currently to her knowledge it was her brother and Ryven who were the strongest out of all of them.

Bu with the rising suspicion that Riyu had been visiting the witch and no dead witch to bring back.. perhaps Luca may have caught wind of this as well- perhaps that’s why he planned an ambush- so if Riyu leaves again and they notice, they will know that he probably went to warn the witch.

Which in turn, seemed very very bad, and Brianna couldn’t help but worry. She couldn’t let Riyu get in trouble because of that. She got up from the bed and went to her medicine reserves and recounted everything- from actual herbs to pharmaceutical pills, she had it all here, able to take care of her pack mates whenever they became injured. She then looked over at the small little burrow she had made in case of an emergency to escape in, and she wondered if later that evening Riyu would use the one he had made in his den to sneak out this time.

Riyu knew they were already suspicious of him and as he padded onto the training area, he caught up with Ryven, padding along side him now. “I know that look in your eye,” Ryven would hear him say, giving a soft shake of his head.

“Whatever your thinking of asking, I’d suggest you do it after training,” he murmured out in a low growl, knowing Luca- up ahead by the way his ears were flicking was definitely trying to listen in on their conversation.

Riyu would have to wait a day before sneaking out again, but this time he would use that emergency exit he had made- just because his sister had suggested it in case he had a certain someone about an upcoming raid on her home.
Ryven glanced at Riyu a little when he padded along beside him, "I think the look you are referring too is the look of boredom of another training session" he said casually. He knew better than to say anything that would make Luca suspicious of Riyu, everyone in the pack knew how Ryven felt when it came to the constant training so talking about the boredom of it wasn't out of the usual for him.

"I was only going to ask how the hunting went last night" Ryvan lied easily, over the years he had learnt how to lie without much effort to the point that people rarely knew if he was telling the truth or not. Looking towards Luca he snorted a little with a shake of his head before he moved away from Riyu to take his normal place towards the front of the pack.

While most of the others sat back on their hunches Ryven stayed standing as he looked at Luca, unlike the rest of the pack he knew Riyu and himself were the only two who weren't scared of Luca. Sure Ryven could have challenged Luca so he could take over the pack but he didn't fancy getting killed by the other male cheating but Ryven knew they couldn't go on forever acting like attack dogs for Luca.

The training session was long and grueling to the point that when it was finished Ryven made his way to Brianna's den a large open wound on the right side of his chest along with deep bite marks on the left side of his face. Thankfully the bite had narrowly missed his eye so Ryven wasn't too worried about it, once inside Brianna's den he shifted to his human form not caring that he was stark naked in front of her. "Hey doc" he started with a cheeky grin, "What was it you said about me not getting too injured this time?" Ryven asked jokingly.
(That damned Ryven! XD)

Brianna had jumped slightly when someone suddenly entered her den, not expecting anyone anytime soon as she had forgotten that the training session was over with. The moment Ryven had entered and shifted to his human form, Brianna gasped the moment she saw the bite marks and the gash.

She went up to him quickly, her eyes full of concern, as her hand gingerly touched the outer side of the wound on his chest and her eyes inspected the bite mark. “Dammit Ryven,” she murmured out with a frown, turning away to go grab her medical supplies, ones to properly clean wounds like those. She was thankful for the modern medicines of today, it had given her so many more options on healing wounds and curing infections.

She had to disinfect the wounds first and she made him sit on one of the few wooden chairs in her den that was crudely made, but it had fur hides on it for extra comfort. She didn’t care that he was naked, but she did throw an animal hide blanket over his lap so she could get closer to the wound without touching anything..particular. Ryven knew that she had to keep some level of professionalism as she worked but he would see a light flush on her cheeks.

Soon bandaging his wounds up, she sat back on her legs, her torso turned and her fluffy white tail tucked neatly behind her. She was putting her medical instruments away and as she closed her box, she heard more wolves outside asking for her. She sighed and called that she would be out in a moment.

“Stay,” she pointed to Ryven, getting up and grabbing her box and more gauze, she headed out of her den to tend to more of the wounds that had been inflicted to every other male wolf that had trained. She silently cursed Luca as she knew he was purposefully running through her supplies again as winter drew near.

It wasn’t until about 15 minutes later that she came back inside of her den, and she went to the small watering hole located there and made sure she properly washed her hands afterwards. Ryven could tell how tired she was.
Riyu padded on back to his den, acting like he was going to retire for the night, and he had remembered just exactly how training went. All the rest of the wolves in their pack had ganged up on both him and Ryven- just as Luca had planned. It was probably because he wanted both to be too exhausted for the raid, so that they couldn’t help the witch if they chose to.
(His gotta cause havoc XD)

Ryven raised a brow a little seeing the concern in her eyes, it was cute. When she touched the wound on his chest had gave a small grunt of discomfort the small touch gave him but didn't say anything about the pain it caused, "Luca seems to want me and Riyu out of the way" he said softly as he sat down carefully. Seeing the light blush on her cheeks Ryven couldn't help but smirk a little, he loved seeing her blush. It was a good look on her.

He stayed still and moved only when he was told to so Brianna could tend to his wounds, frowning a little as he looked towards the front of her den hearing others outside. When she told him to stay he gave her a mock salute, "Yes Ma'am" Ryven chuckled. Relaxing back in the chair as much as he could he waited patiently for her to come back from tending to the others. Watching her movements he took note of how tired she was, "Brianna" he started gently as he moved a little in the chair to lean forwards so he could rest his elbows on his knees, "You should get some rest, I'll stay here for a while...keep an eye on you" he said with a soft smile.

Ryven wanted to stay close to her because he didn't trust Luca as far as he could throw him and he didn't want anyone else besides himself and Riyu to come into Brianna's den.
Clara opened her eyes as she laid in her bed, her head was already pounding. Cursing as she slowly sat up she whispered a quick spell to get rid of the impending hangover and to sober herself up, looking around she took note that she hadn't been asleep for too long. Slipping out of bed she pulled on a satin dressing gown not caring that she didn't tie the sash properly leaving it to fall off of her shoulders a little as she set about making herself some soup to eat as she realised she hadn't eaten anything for a few hours.
Brianna paused as Ryven told her she should rest, and she looked over to him, her eyes a little bit sharp. “Me?” He would see her shake her head, “ should be the one to rest- I’m not the one who’s injured here,” she came over back to him, checking her bandages over once more and then she turned to go get some medicine and a cup of water for him. “I want you to take these to keep the swelling and pain down,” she ordered, holding them out in the palm of her hand.

“Even if Luca wants you two out of the way, you both could easily overpower him if you wanted,” she murmured out next, her cute face furrowing in thought.
Riyu made sure to scurry out of his den by the emergency exit, and quickly made his way to where Clara’s cottage was. He needed to warn her as soon as possible.

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