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- Apr 10, 2024
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Fifty years ago...
"You said you loved me!" Clara screamed at the man before her, anger boiled under her skin making energy sweep around her and light seemed to spark at her fingertips. She wanted to kill him, the man who had wooed her and stolen her heart. He had been gone for a few days and Clara thought nothing of it until he returned and told her he had fallen in love with someone else, "You can't do this to me" she snarled angrily as she advanced on him; yes in size she was much smaller than he was but she had power that he didn't and that power made her seem much bigger than she was. "I can and I did!" the man snapped back in anger as he grabbed up his bag of clothes, food and water. Yes the two of them butted heads often but never like this. Watching as he headed for the door of her cottage and stepped outside Clara swept after him her bare feet slapping at the worn wood, "Why? Why her?" she demanded as she moved quickly and placed herself in front of him.
She needed to know why he wanted someone else after he had spent months chasing her. Had he really grown tired of her so easily after she agreed to be with him? Was she so easy to toss aside? The answer appeared to be yes. "Because she isn't you" he grumbled at her and pushed her aside. Standing where she was for a moment or two looking shocked before she clenched her jaw and spun around to look at his back. "Fine. Have her. But know this, she will live and die years before you ever will!" Clara screamed as she thrust her hands out towards him "I curse you to be a beast she cannot ever love. One that turns with the moon" she hissed as bight red light left her hands and slammed into his back hard enough to stagger him. "Enjoy being a werewolf. A mutt" Clara muttered as she turned on her heel and stalked back into her cottage and slammed the door closed without a backwards glance, that would teach him for leaving her. But even though she cursed him it didn't stop her heart from hurting.
Present day...
Clara wandered slowly about her small cottage, she had lived here for years and she was planning on living here for years more. Vampires, werewolves, merfolk, nekos as well as a number of other creatures sometimes came to her for protection spells or spells of love and healing. The spells of love she gave out few and far between as she could not bring herself to think of the loneliness she had since the man she had loved had left her fifty years ago. Sighing softly to herself she walked over to a beautifully carved chair with a plush cushion on it she had placed in front of a roaring fire she sank down into it wearily, the carved chair was the only thing over her lovers that she had kept. He had made it just for her and she could never bring herself to get rid of the beautiful masterpiece.
Leaning back into the chair she stared blankly at the fire for sometime her mind wandering and thinking of things she would never let herself think of normally, shaking her head she looked around her cottage to notice that the afternoon sun was no longer filtering in through the windows and her fire was the only thing casting a light. Sighing to herself Clara got to her feet and flicked on the lights in her living room. Times had changed and Clara had changed with them. Electricity and running water were things she could not live without now-a-days even if she tried, looking out of the window in her kitchen she saw the full moon was out and she couldn't help the small tired smile that came over her lips at the thought of her old lover running through trees.
Moving to her front door she opened it and stepped outside, the crisp air hit her hard making her wrap her arms around her body. The cold was sharp and quick to wake her up more and the sound of traveling cars on the highway that had been built ten minuets from her home reminded her how much everything had changed, "Might as well go for a walk" she said softly to herself as she unwrapped her arms from around herself and started walking into the forest that surrounded her home. Stepping carefully over fallen branches and ducking now and again Clara was barely aware of her surroundings until a crack of a stick made her jump. Looking around with a small frown she tried to see what the source of the noise was, even with the moonlight coming through the leaves she could see very little. "Hello?" Clara called out curiously, everything was silent for a moment before a growl reached her. A werewolf stepped between the trees, stared at her for a moment before it lunged. Clara had no time to think before she was tackled to the ground and a sharp scream left her setting birds that were nesting flying off in fright.
"Get off of me!" she screamed trying to wrestle the wolf off of her and keep it away from her throat, Clara and the wolf struggled for a bit before the weight was suddenly thrown off of her body. Rolling onto her stomach she saw a much bigger werewolf had tackled the smaller one and was fighting it making sure to keep it away from Clara , scooting herself onto her bottom Clara sat fixated as she watched them fight. Seeing the smaller werewolf scamper off with a yelp she couldn't contain the gasp that left her lips with the large werewolf turned to her and began to stalk towards her. "Stop!" Clara shouted as she thrust out a hand showing her palm to the werewolf , she had released no spell at the beast she just hoped it did stop.
To her surprise, it did. It stopped in its tracks and looked at her. "If you are planning to kill me, don't" she said firmly trying not to let on how rattled she actually was. She had heard whispers that there was a new pack close by and another rumor that this new pack was ruled by the man she had once loved, but she had thought nothing of it. Just rumors. But now, it looked like the werewolves from the city weren't lying when they told her they could smell a pack close to her home. But were they lying about who the alpha of the pack was?
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