Fantasy RP Tusks and Chains (Lord Sesshomaru)

the little shaman smirked, as he would speak of how the Imp hybrids which had more imp then goblin could blow up like a balloon and never pop from fucking larger monsters.
however this one in particular was still a virgin, thus he could only speak of experience with others of her unique mix breed. but if Luud preferred a more experienced one he could call for some.

saying this, the value of an experienced slave is far less for what they wanted her for. However as this happened, The oni began to cause some trouble
as he noticed a strange little goblin. one which he quickly grabbed, as she kicked and squirmed. only to be carried over to his mistress. as this one had the markings of an Oni, the ears, and fangs
of an Imp, despite being mostly a Goblin. however the shaman noticing this one, would apologize for this unique hybrid the oni spotted, was a failed slave, which had been returned multiple times, for
having resisted, and broken any who tried to breed her in the past.

the fiery little spirit was the same as Luud's own pet. which would quickly give the mistress a hint of why this one caught her pet's eyes. as it was actually a high probability that he
was the father from a time before he was a pet.
"What is it?" She said looking at the squirming Oni blooded Goblin, she casually flipped the imp over, using her fingers to spread her slit gently. She sniffed at her, even gave her slit a brief lick, testing the Shamans assurance she was a Virgin. Her mother wasn't picky person, but a Virgin slave was always fun to teach.

"You want to take home your little bastard?" She said as she looked over the hybrid, noting the similarities in their look.
the Oni smirked, as he forced the struggling and resistant little hybrid to sit between him and his mistress. before hinting to Luud, that this one had a more durable
blood like then even a normal imp hybrid stating. if her mother could break it, or train this one, it would be a more valuable toy, much like he was to her. however it would not
be a bad idea to bring back a imp hybrid incase his little mutt is not to her liking.

speaking like this, the shaman smirked, clapping his hands once more. as he would speak as he smirked.
"I will let you take this one for free as a bonus, as it is most likely she will be sent back to us any ways. " saying this the shaman was apparently pushing
the troublesome little hybrid onto Luud, with how quickly the oni picked her out and was handling it like only an Oni would.
"Oh, we have a simple request for this one. Two strong breeders, a strong laborer, and her brother, would enjoy a round with you specifically. "
saying this, the last part was not expected, as the grandson was the strongest of the goblin warriors, wanting to breed the strongest female the shaman knew, even if
it was only one session. However the instant he said this, the Oni growled, as it was almost amusing. as he growled, that if this warrior wants such a thing he would
have to beat him in a match of skills first. even though this was not true, it did show Luud how loyal and possessive her powerful slave was tours her. as only herself, and her mother
defeated this Oni properly, however due to the nature of the granddaughter, and the situation they were in. if she took the deal, they could get away with one high end breeder, and a orc maiden for
a laborer, versus the three top quality, and valuable slaves for just one goblin maiden.
"That doesn't sound like my voice, nor is it a apology. Nor are you pleasing your mistress." Luud said as she swatted his chest with her palm, the strike snapping in the air loudly, leaving her hand print on his skin. "Heh, you are a slave, lover boy, only I say whom you duel." She said reminded the Oni.

"Her brother wants a go with me? Hm. Maybe. I must ofcourse appraise him, even in such a debt for your granddaughter, I must know his condition." She said smirking at the Shaman. Luud's tone would probably make the Oni's possessiveness worse, entertained by the mere idea of seeing what this Goblin may have in store for her.
As she spoke, the wicked looking tiny titan would snap his fingers. as what could only be described as a massive Goblin champion entered the room.
it was worlds smaller in height wise to Luud. but unlike the other's this one was well toned, scarred, and obviously well experienced in battle. however the most
noticeable thing would be the bulging package under his cloth. as he smirked entering. this would be the strongest warrior of the goblin tribe for sure. however
his demand was now obvious, much like Luud herself,. a stronger partner is more desirable for a warrior, even if this warrior was of a tiny, almost fuck toy sized
(XD I imagine a massive Goblin is just like dwarf height)

"Aw little Snik, look at you, all grown now." Luud said smirking at the Goblin as she shifted forward. "Even put on some muscle." She teased as she leaned forward, the two of then only eye to eye because she was sitting.
( yes, ,, Yes, Giant gobbo still tiny. )

as she leaned in teasing t he tiny warrior, Luud would know this one back from when he was a scrawny goblin in training from the past. however as she leaned in to eye level.
teasing the tiny stud, he would suddenly take a hold of her, pulling the powerful orc into a surprisingly impressive and unexpected kiss. once the kiss broke he would speak up in his unique tongue. yet
it was one she could understand clear as day.

"Big war sis finally back, Promised to become strong enough to make you mine. If not strong enough yet, will get stronger still. "
it was rare, but this was a goblin which was fluent in a unique yet almost lost tongue of demi fiends. one which she, her mother, and a few select individuals knew.
this left even her own jealous pet looking on, and seething. as he clenched his fist from this sight, wanting to strike the goblin, but holding his place for the moment in time.
Luud smirked as she pulled back from.the kiss. "Snik, I was going to violate your sister and you want to prove your desire for me? You still are shameful." She said in the fiendish tongue. She ran a hand over the Goblins body, inspecting the scars, the muscles. "Even one little round is all you want?" She teased further as she grabbed on his bulge next brazenly and roughly. The Goblin seemed to still have her focus and interest for the moment.
" oh one round no, want you. But boss not allow more something about price and value. " Saying this the wicked tiny titan revealed the just one round was the shamans decision. As this tiny titan wanted more then that. However this also showed some insight I the shamans end. As luud qould be able to tell by this goblins reaction. He had yet play with a female. His body showed he was purely focused on that promise made to luud back when he was a tiny runt. One round would be enough to let luud know if thus impressive champion evolved and grew enough to impress her for a goblin or if he needed to continue ue to grow and evolve to enjoy her time properly.
Hearing this, the wicked looking pet oni would growl, as he got up preparing to reach for Luud and pull her away from the tiny stud. Unaware of the history his mistress and this powerful little stud shared.
more then just that, it was his desire to become strong enough to play with Luud, and eventually claim her as his own which caused the mighty short stack to become the warrior he is now, and would improve
further, unless something happened.

as this was about to be enterupted, the small and wicked little goblin warrior would move to smile tours Luud. before speaking up, ignoring her pet's motion and words.
"Well then, shall we slip off to our special little training spot from the day's past. I kept it maintained for your return after all. "
"Have you Snik? " Luud shifted and looked her Oni pet as he moved, but she swung out her arm , hooking the males legs, sweeping them from underneath him suddenly to topple him back over. "Another move and I will make you a woman." She barks as she looked at the Oni, then looked back to Snik. "We should I think."
growling as the Oni moved to drop into a criscrossed leg sitting position. as he looked to his mistress hissing out his words.
"tch, you have fun, then, Once were done, will prove why no other toy is needed. "
saying this, the shaman seemed to chuckle at how hurt the slave seemed to be by Luud's actions.

as this went on, the little stud would take her powerful hand, as his increased pressure, and strength was indeed truly impressive, and promising.
if this little runt had trained himself into a champion level goblin, surely before their next meeting perhaps her little playmate, and deciple could become a paladin, or
even a very rare, lord class. which would then finally place this runt goblin in a power level to rival and be proud to be next to, with her own level of strength, let alone her mothers.

however it would be an unexpected reveal with his strength as he took her hand, and more was excitedly wanting to lead his playmate back tot heir old training spot. which this day would
become the spot where Luud made a man out of this goblin. despite how powerful he had become he was still a virgin which saved himself and his first time for this very event despite how
easy it would have been for him to claim, and enslave any pretty woman in the area. choose a partner of power, and might over looks. the one bad thing would be how his mind was so close to that of
her Oni, yet at the same time he was one which had a special past with her, unlike her rebellious pet.
She smirked at ger Oni,before she let Snik whisk her away. She grabbed her Oni's hair, tugging on it teasingly for a moment before she left with him. As they slip away into the old training ground, Luud eyed Snik. "So Snik. How much can you stretch hm?" She said smirking at him. Ofcourse the Goblin knew that his beloved Luud wasn't merely teasing him. The monstrous princess always would like to ram her cock into something. And Snik would be no safer...unless his backside wouldn't permit it. She didn't want to accidentally make something burst on her old buddy.
"Sadly, I have not evolved far enough to stretch yet. Perhaps with my next few growth evolutions. "
as the goblin spoke, he did not lie to Luud, no more so, he was working hard to evolve his class, and body's abilities.
However this also showed the Orc maiden her young companion, and long time shadow friend of another tribe did not deny her
own needs. as he was not able to endure it yet, but he was planning to keep growing stronger and evolving. which was a unique ability known to exist
in weaker races, allowing them to grow stronger, and even in some rare cases strong enough to rival lord class species like Luud herself. however for now he had gone through three
evolutions, from the basic grunt of a goblin runt to the champion class he was now. yet this did not change his personality which was a rare thing to see in weaker species.

"Well then, with that question answered, do we want to get right to the fun? or would you like to test my swordsplay for your self, like a pre fun work out?"
asking this with a smirk, the goblin had a few new tricks to show off, However Luud would know well where this would lead, a little battle of cutting away clothing and armor.
as he winked to Luud, even hinting he had a special half breed friend which he was also training with, one which could join them if she wanted a fun time later where they could play with
both of her needs at once.
"Heh. Ill spare your hole the strain this time, but next time I might go up some ranks too, and then who knows how bigg I'll get!" She said smirking at him playfully as she hunched over him as sge considered his offer of battle. "Why not Snik, show me your champion skill.' She said as she shifted back as she slumped her axe, the blade dropping into a tree trunk like it was butter, but stayed in place. "Tell me of your friend." She said as she walked to the sword racks on the training yard
"You know her very well, remember my half sister who every one seemed to fear and hate. Yes, that little half Arch demon goblin. It is her who helps me to train and grow stronger. "
as he smirked saying this, the wicked little devil maiden would come to Luud's mind, Snik's partner in crime back when the runt siblings were always so much fun to handle. however if he had become
a champion with her help, it would leave one to wonder what the little horned, and winged goblin maiden had evolved into as well. as only the shaman, and snik himself treated Voni as a proper tribe member.
however Luud was the first one out side of the family to show a form of kindness, and respect back then, due to the tiny one's impressive power. However little did Luud know, that the little devil was actually watching
these two currently. at least until Luud would hear the surprised squeak before the tiny figure tried to hide herself, hearing Snik speak of her.

as he would raise his hand after biting his thumb. some blood coming into his palm, before it formed into an impressive looking blade. not as destructive as Luud's axe. but one which would work for what they needed.
leaving her free to grab a different weapon or use her trusted battle axe. as the sliced tree would fall eventually, as it would make an ideal starting sound due to how it sate in place so nicely right now.

(XD Luud's regional nickname in this tribe is going to be Goblin Stuffer)

Luud saw him ready his sword, but Luud hummed to herself, grabbing two swords, in Goblin hands they were great swords, but she handled them like broad swords. She looked at Snik, as the Tree boomed as it hit the ground. Luud leapt forward, a flying angel of violence and beauty in the Goblins eyes, but his focus drew back on his defense as Luud was already slashing at him with her Brute strength, mostly letting the weight of her swing do the work rather than aiming to put extra effort into it yet.
moving swiftly with her swings, Luud would quickly discover the impressive and skillful parrying of Snik. as he deflected all her strikes. even to the point once they broke
apart from this first cross of blades. she would find parts of her leather armor beginning to drop from her shoulder, and exposing one of Luud's impressive bust.
however it would not be one sided. even with her blade unable to hit Snik. the shock wave, and force had damaged his armor as well. as this was not them even going all out, but it
was the fact they were not holding back in their own right.

"Even stronger then I remember, but seems like the fun isn't enough yet. shall we have another round ?"
as he said this smirking a bit. Luud would be able to quickly sense how much her playmate his holding back as if he was waiting for the right moment to show his trump card to her.
She smirked as she nodded at him, tossing the swords aside as sge walked to her axe casually, dragging it up and resting it on her shoulder. The Axe was even more weight, but Snik knew that Luud's specialty was heavy weaponry, that she was going to make him work harder now. She licked her lips as she ran forward, swinging at him again, her savage technique shining through as she pushed Snik to act. To parry would threaten to send him tumbling even at his strength, giving Luud more time to pressure him. But if he dodged, she would be more that eager to use her bulk to slam into him with her body and her might.
Noticing the increase in power behind luuds attack. Snik would use his place to hook the axe under its head thus redirecting the weapon and allowing his foe to move with the increase momentum. The wicked little stud planed to try and slip behind luud to attack her with a more lewd assault. Wanting to grope and play with her as the one exposed breast was a major distraction point for this tiny titan. However luuds own experience and skill would give her an understanding to his ploy the instant he 1puld hook and redirect her blade if the orc wanted to counter ot lean into his planned action .
Luud saw his sword hook underneath her axe head, and as he made to redirect the blow, the Orc's arm flashed out, swiping at him with the back of her fist and knocking him backwards. She grinned at him. "You are watching your opponent properly aren't you?" She mocked playfully, leaning forward.
managing to strike snik down with a powerful lariat like impact. the tiny titan would bounce himself, around, rolling to land onto his knee. before darting and
quickly showing off his skill. by easily tripping luud onto her back side with a thud. as his strike also caused the remaining part of her chest armor to fall off. However
as he managed to do this, it would also present an opening for Luud to ether pull Snik into her grasp, or tear off a piece of his armor and as a reaction to cause him to roll
away from her. the show would truly become something more enjoyable then expected. however this little goblin champion was putting up enough of a spar to excite her body in more
ways then one. if Luud expected her long time friend to be able to do such a thing yet or not.
managing to grasp the tiny stud, Luud would soon find herself on her back, as Snik began to pin her one arm, and grope the orc. however
it would not last. as she would easily be able to roll this one over and pin him. the two of them could struggle and wrestle together, while Luud
would see the growing excitement in this tiny stud. as they struggled against one another, growing far more exposed with each passing moment.
As they grappled together, the Goblin pinning her arm as sge allowed briefly. She yanked at his armor again. Rending it off bit by bit as he struggled to obtain his larger opponent. Luud rolled suddenly, putting him on the ground and pinning him down, hos long Goblin nose nested in between her large brests as she pinned both his arms down and she curved his lwe body, forcing his hips up as he felt the threatening tip of her excited male parts, her unholy hard cock crashed playfully against his body. "Are you going to give up Snik? Heh- and be my second pet male?' She teased to him. Ofcourse it was almost akin to her playfully proposing to him, afterall no Queen in her clans had husband's or actual kings.
"That is my line, I train to claim, not be owned. "
saying this in a cheeky, yet impressive way, despite how she had him pinned. the goblin would suddenly
move to kick himself up a bit under her. showing off his impressive leg strength which allowed the wicked little stud to roll her
over once more. where he would be ontop, despite his own arms still in her grasps. Luud would feel how this tiny fiend moved his own impressive
little rod, as it rubbed against her monstrous one at this point. as if to tease her in his own way. his eyes looking into hers.

"I might not be strong enough yet, but even if you win this round, I will continue to grow, and keep promise, become strongest goblin to ever exist, and be first to take orc queen. "
saying this, despite how Snik was from the lowest class in the clan, he had the dream of becoming the strongest to take control, and take luud as his, which originally was like an innocent dream.
but now seemed like it was slowly becoming a real possibility , well at least a part of it. As luud was the true one to dictate when this was over, due to her over whelming power, and strength, however
as their struggle went on, the fun would seem to only grow for the duo with more teasing, and banter, if Luud kept this up, she might be able to tease Snik to accidently taking her right their, instead of his
usual romantic gestures which had always failed in the past.
"Hehe! The only day I will let you Snik is if you can fit all of my cock inside of you!" She teased as she lifted him up, her strength pushing through again, showing a bit more of her true strength as she flipped him off of her and caught him by the sides, she drew herself up and slammed her thick skull against his, the blow ringing out through the rest of his body. "I'm the Queen! You'll be mine, nor the other way around little man!' She said as she licked her lips. She slammed him on his back, her hands grabbing his ankles abd holding them. For a brief second, Snik probably thought he was about to feel his backside get a whole lot more spacious, but Luud planted her feet on her arms as she shifted over him as sge held him at her merc, her slit preparing to gobble up his cock in the Amazon position.

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