Fantasy RP Tusks and Chains (Lord Sesshomaru)

Luud licked her lips as she shifted back up onto her feet unsure if she wanted to ram the bandits face or keep teasing Crued for a moment. She shook the thought away, knowing that the feeling was her desires started to misdirect her hungers. She grabbed the bandit, her hands hanging onto his head tightly. Her thumbs hooked into his lips, starting to force his mouth open as she angled to Jam her cock into his mouth. "Open wide or ill knock out your teeth!" She grunted as she started to impale the bandits mouth upon her pole.
As the young man muffled screams, and gags could be heard. his struggling caused his tongue to lash out against the monstrous cock in his mouth, and bulging his throat. all the while, she would find her massive sister moving to position herself on Luud for some fun as well. to play with her sister's breast, as she wanted to enjoy this, waiting for the two of them to change positions, and move to the next step. however the two orcs would enjoy this bandit, who seemed to be far stronger in will at least then any broken toy thus far. but like any other it would only take some time to break him in.
]ludd growled as she rammed harsher against the humans mouth, hee pole barreling harshly diwn his throat , and slamming him against her dense muscular frame. It was like he was being pummeled into a wall, with Crued only adding to the pressure. Luudv looked to Crued, letting her sister grow her breasts, her body was curvy and shapely,vby orc standards she was a short, stacked little thing, sexy and brutish despite her lacking height. Luud took a hand off the bandits head and grabbed her sister's armor, lurching her down to kiss her again, unfortunately for the bandit , the more Lludd got excited, the faster she thristed and more savage her thrusts got.
The two orc's began to enjoy each other more, and more. all the while this caused the young bandit to begin to suffer more. as the armor of crued began to come off, His hands were forced upon her body, as he tried to squirm free of the wicked cock now
digging into his throat, over and over again., stretching, bulging, and gagging the young stubborn bandit. as his tongue and tight throat were like an ideal pussy for Luud to enjoy.
Luud moaned into Crueds mouth, her tongue brutal forcing its way unti her sisters mouth as she grabbed her breasts and squeeze them in her powerful hands. Her mouth vrike away a second. "Oh fuck- his mouth us like a pussy, mm- it's like a fresh virgin" She moaned as she felt the human thrashing, only making t h e orc leader all the Horner. She leaned forward, biting C r ueds breasts, putting her hand on the bandit s head to thrust back all the further , her sack smack off his Chun. "Mmm-i love your big green tits-"
with a wicked and pleased grunt, Crued would move to suddenly grasp the small bandit by the hair, and pulling him off Luud's cock. causing the young man to cough, and gag. before the orc slammed the young man painfully into the ground with her one hand. knocking him out completely.

"Well then, You enjoy mama's tits, and I'll take my turn now with that nice little spear here. " saying this as her one hand reached back to begin to stroke the now slick cock, and moving her ass to rub Luud between her cheeks. t
the muscular maiden was wanting to enjoy this even more then she thought. getting turned on by her leader's rough and aggressive demeanor. However this would seem to give a slight break to the young bandit, as he laid with in reach unconscious now, with
cum from Luud dripping down the corners of his lips.
Luud moaned in displeasure as Crued ripped the bandits mouth away, her cock was so rigid and drumming with lust that it looked like one could break a steel sword upon the skin. "Little Crue-Crued" She grunts as her sister in battle started rubbing her ass against her cock Luud took after her mother in that regard after all. "If I put it in you. It'll spear you to yourvgut!" She growled hotly as she grabbed her tits and grind against her now. "I should have fucked you before we raised the elf, maybe then you'd remember to respect my spear!"
"Oh you You say such playful threats. Now make Crued feel good like the strong runt you are. "

saying this, in an insulting yet playful manor. it was obvious that Crued would not calm down until sated, however she was picking on a partner who would leave the powerful orc
warrior unable to move for some time, once the duo were done. but for now she rubbed herself, thus teasing the monstrous cock between the cheeks of her ass. as she leaned in, playing with Luud's
muscular breast, and nipping at her boss.
Luud snarled and growled, her tusks baring at the insult, Crued playing with her only seemed to make Luud's cock drum harder. Luud grabbed Crued hair and wrapped her arm around her throat, planting her stance aa sge slammed herself inti her sister harshly in one thrust. Luud was stretching ger open alright, but orc muscle was powerful, not so flimsy to be destroyed or ruined. Luud tighter her grip,her powerful hips slammkingcagat Crued, boyncingver on her cock. "I'll make you beg for more! Then we'll see who's the runt!"
Now with Luud taking crued in such a vicious manor. it excited her larger orcish play thing. as the sisters would be grasping each other firmly. the tiny leader was stronger, and enjoying her larger, softer warrior sister.
as they were bulk of muscle, they still had a few soft bits. despite them being far firmer, and toned then one would expect. as this was going on, the bandit laid their in view of this horrible sight, coughing up seed.
as he struggled to remain conscious, mumbling that he would break them both for this, before passing out. it would be almost cute, that he was still so adamant, even after being used, and tossed aside. recovering from the
impact, which originally knocked him out only to cough up more seed, and pass out once more.
(XD poor boy would wake up in a puddle of orc spunk and much looser than he started)

As the two orcs clashed, Luud grabbed Crued ob the rusk, grunting hotly the harder she thrusted, her fit sisters body forced to jiggle wirh impacts only orcs could bring ti each other. Luud moved her other hand, grabbing the other tusk, her cock drilling deeper into her sister's ass to pound her sensitive insides. Tusk grabbing was a sign of dominance, challenge, even affection and...well in some cases courtship. However Luud had Crued by both, tilting her head back as she pounded ger sister wide open. Luud was showing a clear mixture of dominance by handling h er tusks, but she was looking her in the face, drooling and panting all over her. She was certainly also being affectionate, but they were elites, Spear carriers, Courtship wasn't allowed here. Only Raiding Rutting, and as some called it war wives, Orcs would got...quite familiar with each other while outside of the war camps, getting hot and bothered on blood and conquest to the point they would have no choice but to start romping. Once they were empty and had yo return to camp....well, they would be sure to favor going to raid and war with some sister's more tan others.
As the duo dominated, and struggled against each other. it would not be strange, as Crued would eventually end up rolling Luud over, pinning her under the mighty frame. beginning to bounce fiercely, as her tusks were handled, it would slow but not prevent the sisters from locking fierce lips. as the duo would seem to be like a lewd battle, which would break lesser toys. It would be quiet the show for any who had not seen it themselves. as the two orcs went wild for their own pleasures with each other. As it was, Luud would be able to leave Crued swollen, and heavy in the bulging belly once they hit the point of releasing, however the duo were quiet something, as even the bulk of the other sisters did not dare to even try and take Luud's size for any kind of pleasure.
Luud groaned as Crued kissed her again, the runt pulling her tusks some more as they bounced together. The smaller orc slamming up inti her sister a s started to unload her volley into her. Thick violent torrent of orc seed flooded into her, stuffing her more and more by the second, with Luud thick ajelly. The leader drew back and she started biting and pulling on Crued nipples, still bouncing her full sister on her hips.
The sight would truly be something for any which passed. as if one didn't know any better it would look as if the larger orc was trying to break the smaller one under her. however the fact remained.
Luud, and crued were going to town upon each other. as Crued lifted and dropped rapidly upon her boss, and partner. her one hand slid down to play with her lil sister, and boss's tender womanly folds, as
she devoured Luud's cock for all it was worth. it would not be long before Luud would be granted a chance to roll them over, and take dominance once more if she wanted, or she could remain like this
enjoying the odd position, and sensations of being ridden and played with at the same time.
Luud moaned as she felt Crueds touch upon her womanhood, her body pushing on the larger orc snd forcing her onto her back. Luud pulled out of her, handling her tusks to twist her around so she was on her side, her member thrusting against the larger orcs more feminine parts. Luud however didn't seem to be careful....she never was when she was getting as rabid as she was now. She rammed her tip into Crueds pussy again, her hand wrapping around her cock to start stroking her. "Mm-you look like a mama!" She teased as she rutted into her her long green hair dancing with the barbarians wild pace.
It was quiet the show, and even more so the way Luud pleasured herself by using Crued, would be something most of her sisters would fear. However both orc ravaged, and beat each other with forceful affection. However the fact remained. the more Luud filled Crued, and pleasured herself. the more her mind would realize, that her mama would be waiting impatiently.

Crued would eventually get herself into a position where she bounced forcefully, while kissing her runt of a boss.
once the kiss would break her bulging, and growing belly bounced, as the sound of her breast slapping echoed, as she demanded more from Luud, if she were to bare a child, then she wanted only the strongest.
(XD i just imagine the more they wait tge more erect Luud's mom becomes)

Luud smirked as Crued barked her demands around her bulging belly, orc baby batter churning inside the taller woman. But they both knew Luud's bloodline was powerful, if she she could Sire one from Luud, it would become more brutish and powerful. Luud spanked Crueds bouncing tots, and beat her hips upwards, her thrusts holding string despite Luud's smaller size. "You'd be lucky to bare my children Crued!" She taunted as she seized her tots, squeezing them harshly. "Hah- if we keep going, we will fall into trouble with the queen- " she growled as he plowed up into the larger orc. Ofcourse 'we' was subjective, Luud would be punished much differently no doubt
Quiet some time passed, as the two became the show for the other orcs, and their pets. it was almost like a wrestling match, as the other girls, and slave elves were taking bets on who would tire out first. betting drinks, and food, however it would seem obvious the runt which was Luud, would be the victor. However the show and sight was something.

riding her boss, Crued was growing larger slowly, her impressive, bulging belly could hold only so much. as the seed began to leak out with each pounce. as her breast were being squeezed, and abused. making the massive orc moan, and act out in pleasure. moving in to bite at her boss's lower lip. not even caring about the show going on, as she whispered to her runt of a partner.

"This is so worth the boss's punishment when we get back. I do hope my ass is worth what will happen to you later as well. "
"Your Cunt is" Luud grunts as she felt the Orcs weight on her body, her hands slapping her breasts a bit more and grabbed her ass. "You got fine breeding curves, I'd knock babies into you any day" She teased as she pulled his lips away. The Runt orc started to pull Crued, lifting her with a but of a grunt of effort, and put her on the ground. "How about you get in my wagon?' Sge said smirking at her. Ofcourse to ride amongst the loot of Luud would be considered a honor of trust...but full of her cum, abd after their rutting..clearly Luud had little interest in much else that indulging herself on Crued until they crossed camplines. Within those borders ..well Luud would likely have to treat herself to Crued much more secret as orcishly possible.
Now on the way back to camp, as Luud was enjoying her sister in arms, in the back of the carriage, her slaves drove. the rest of the war sisters were back to their normal routine. But none could hide or deny the sight, sounds, and enjoyment of how their two sisters went at each other. and even now the sound of the two were unmistakable.

as this went on, Luud would be unaware of the fact, her mother was snorting out incredible steam, her eyes glowing red, as her body was in such a heated, and horny, yet enraged state. having taken so long, the ladies would not be able to hide what the runt was doing to one of their best warriors. due to how the boss would move to greet them before crossing the camp lines, out of eager thirst, and need. even though it would be both enjoyable and horrible for lady Luud to deal with.
As the trip was winding down....Luud only catching on to how deep into camp they were getting from spotting one of the banners of the slavers guild...and hearing more orcs jeering and cheering. Luud pulled herself from the clutches of Crued, her armor and clothes were a sticky mess...and both of them were tussle and ruffled. Crued herself faired far worse, she was so bloated and bulged with cum, and Luud had tossed her clothing off by now. Luud snorted to herself as the wagons were pulling up to the offerings altar, the monument to their gods and Queens Ancestors. Some slaves would be picked up and sacrificed, be indoctrinated into the worshipping of Orcs.

Luud climbed out of the wagon, dragging the bandit captain out of the wagon for offerings. It was that or one of her new elves...and she liked those elf holes too much. The young Lady dropped the captain into the clutches of ther shamans, the chief snorting a laugh at her. "You're late, String Bean." The shaman said simply as they dragged the captain along. Luud felt a shudder run through her, knowing she would have little chance to clean up. She walked to her wagon and climbed to the front seat rather than the back. "Take me to the Queens shrine...its time to report my findings." She grunted to the slave pet. Crued would just have to come along...Luud doubted she could get up on her own anyway.
As she spoke up, Crued would be visibly leaving her wagon, with a massive bulging belly. a thick glob of orc spunk dripping from her, and leaving a trail. all the while she had the two royal elves, one on each shoulder. herself, and the two prizes being taken back to luud's chambers. as she planned to rest in their and wait for her boss, the runt to return for the night. However this would also be spotted by the shaman, and the other girls of the clan which knew that meant, Luud had went to far once again. even if it was with in her rights, but to do such a thing while out on the hunt.

All the while, the loud bellowing of her mother could soon be heard. as she demanded that they bring her little one to her now, the tone of her voice, highly agitated, needing to be sated ether with ass, or blood. and if she was demanding Luud, their was no mistake what would be paid this night. even more so once the report of Crued's condition would reach her ears.
Luud winced to the roaring hunger sge could hear, knowing her mother was going to be starving for a taste of her lil Gobbo. Luud jumped off of the wagon. "Shoo." She grunted to the driver, waving an arm as she walked to her mother's shrine door. Her bellowing and demanding...would terrify the slaves and weaker orcs. But Luud felt her body thrilling more and more, her skin warming a bit, her loincloth was long gone but she could hardly hide the fact she was getting turned on anyway the closer she came to her mother's throne. "Mother, have I kept you waiting that long?" She said as the gaurds were closing the doors to get the hell out of sight.
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The much larger orc would suddenly get up to grasp her daughter, pulling Luud into her lap, and onto the throne. where her lips would lock with the runt's. a highly aggressive and deep kiss, filled with both desire, and passion. However once the kiss broke, her rough, and wicked hand moving to grasp her daughter's well endowed cock, stroking it as she smirked before speaking.

"Damn you made mama wait to long for this. Now you better be ready for what's to come. after all, you took so long, and made me wait. Seems like you had lots of fun while away. "

saying this, however with Luud positioned, so that her mother's wicked member was pressing right against her own, it would not be hard to simply wiggle a bit, and feel the even more monstrous cock finding it's sheath in the mighty runt. As she got her gifted size from her mother. which was the only one which dwarfed Luud's monstrous size. which was why most toys used by the big boss could no longer be enjoyed by the others, with the exception of luud herself.
Luud panted as her mother held onto her, her ass pushing on her tip teasingly, swaying her hips slowly as she looked the savage queen in the eyes. "Are your balls all filled up? have you been going crazy? beating and fucking whatever you could Mama?" Ludd teased back as her mother stroked her cock, her daughter fighting hard not to get distracted. "You missed your daughter?" She purred as she got harder, leaning on the taller woman and licking her neck and biting her. "Mm-I'll tell mama what kept me so long...if she wants to know"
As she said this last part, Luud would suddenly find her smaller form lifted up, and dropped viciously upon her mother's monstrous bulk as it bulged out her belly, and filled the well built, futa runt.
Now the powerful little orc leader being bounced, and used would hear her bother, speak as she was being viciously used once more.

"Yes, tell, share what toys you got, and if they are worth the wait. "
As the futa orc was viciously used, her breasts bouncing and smacking against her mother's, her member, irin hard and slapping between them as well, Luud was trying not to moan. Holding the sound that her mother so enjoyed hearing while she bounced her daughter so harshly. Her ass swallowed ever last inch, her cheeks, so firm and muscular were jiggling with every impact. "Mmm- knife ears mama- but I got twin knives ears I think. I broke them both in o-on the raid-" she strained to said, her lips glistening with drool. "Then- we collected humans- bandits- mm- and- mm" Luud bit her lips as she pressed her mouth onto her mother's neck, biting on her nape and along her collar, mumbling into her skin. Ofcourse her mother knew her little runt tended to do this when she was being distracted by her mother's meat ramming through her...typically as she was hiding something .
as Luud spoke, her own mother was making it all the harder for the powerful runt to get her words out. as each word seemed to be cut off , as the thick monstrous cock filled her. hitting all the right spots. as if her bundle of sensitive female nerves were being over loaded each time, her belly bulged from the lewd, and audible impaling impact. the larger brute of a mother, making her daughter's body bounce, her feet swing, and her breast slap against her own.

finally hearing this, the wicked leader would look to her daughter, before speaking up, as the first monstrous loud began to spew deep into Luud, with out any hint of slowing or stopping. despite the sounds of the shaman coming tours the main tent.
which would mean the Shaman would be walking in on this scene. be it a good thing to give the boss some news, or bad thing which would cause her to stop the fun, and relieve with her cute little, yet well endowed Runt.

"You bring knife ears, and runt man. We enjoy them together later. You share your prize, mama will enjoy the show. "
Luud chewed her lower lips, her eyes rolling as her mothers load blasted into her, her belly expanding comfortably. She gasped out as the pressure built up and the Shaman opened up the tent to the scene. Luud pushed herself back inti her mother, moaning out as she looked over at the shaman, rocking her hips into the stronger thrusts.
Now with the shaman at the entrance of the tent, stunned at the moment. as the two orcs made one hell of a show. the boss would bark.
"Speak now or leave. In the middle of fucking here. and you best have good reason to stop us. "

as the mother barked this, making it clear that she was in the middle of her favorite pass time. it would soon be made clear, the oni clan had a new boss, a black oni with the blessing of death.
this beast was leading them to the orc camp, to take the food, and supplies they desired, however it was unknown if the onis had grown any stronger or if the new leader was just an idiot. as the boss didn't seem to worry.
as the last time, the onis were beaten into submission, and the bulk of them ran, with only the strongest kept and bred to death by her girls. all the while, the enlarging belly of Luud was still growing as a fourth release was felt.

However with this, every time she had endured that many loads, Luud could request a breather from her mother or she could turn herself around and begin to have her own fun if she wanted, as long as the two of them did not see a
reason to stop. as Luud was the second in command of this camp, and as such she could slip off her mother after such news if the need was felt.

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