Fantasy RP Tusks and Chains (Lord Sesshomaru)

"weakness, what kind of weakness? many forms, some good some bad, tell mama?"
as she spoke, in a gentle and rare tone to hear. as this side of the queen was only known to a select few.
but the fact remained, she was the one person Luud could always turn to, despite how weak her mother came off when like this, Luud knew
better then any one, the difference between weak and gentle by this point.
Luud bit her lip. "I feel...the same weakness I have for you mama..but the Oni is doing it too a little." She said pushing her head inti her mother's chest. "Im-im sorry mama, I promise you're still my only big weakness-" She mumbled inti her breast, feeling ashamed of herself for saying such things.
Chuckling with a hearty laugh, the mighty giant orc maiden would hug her daughter. as she spoke up in a serious yet gentle tone.
"no no, this is good, you becoming a matriarch slowly. Weakness for one other then parent or sibling rare. but for a strong partner is good. make him loyal, make him yours. "
as she said this, it would not make much sense at first, however if one thought about it. she had already done so, as the oni himself admitted. he would always prioritize Luud over all
others, even her mother the orc queen, which no slave in their right mind would ever dare to say, let alone act on.

it would soon be revealed to Luud, her mother once had this issue with the late father of Luud. however feeling proud to hear such a small issue, even telling Luud to treasure this weakness.
and take it with here into the battle field. to test loyalty, prep some escape chances, and see if weakness runs. if runs then kill, if loyal then treasure.
Luud held onto her mother. "Mm...if run, I kill..." She said softly in agreement. Then the queen felt her daughters tusk digg inti her breast as she shifted hee head, biting in her nipple. A habit she developed when she was young...mostly because she would feed off her mommy while practicing her mating skills. "But what about you mommy?" She mimbled
patting Luud on the head, the queen would smile saying for how she could take the oni on her next mission and test him. see if he is a weakness to keep or kill.
her words would be legit, however the fact remained, Luud would be unable to properly understand at the moment, but it would all be clear in due time, or so her mother, and
the queen stated. as this was a new experience for Luud to deal with. however the two shared one of the rare and gentle moments together.
"Hmm pick a nice one for mama, one we can share. "
saying this with a playfully wicked smile. Luud knew well one as tiny as a goblin would only be able to endure
her mother alone, but the queen wanted a tiny pet to endure both of them together. this would give an interesting
thought to how her mother seemed to be changing sense playing with Luud's own pet, and learning to enjoy sharing toys.
a playfully wicked smirk would come across his face, as the oni moved to offer a seat for Luud on the carriage. however what was done would be revealed to her, the instant Luud
got into the carriage if she did. as he remained silent, but had a wicked smirk on his face.

if Luud took the bait, she would discover how he used his own unique enslavement ability, and made the local aphrodisiac slimes into his pets. and had them take on the role
of comfortable cushions which could not be seen until they wanted to be seen. however this would be able to give his mistress a comfortable, ride, as well as a toy to use on prey
or merchandise to sample, if their bodies wanted to refuse.
The oni would smirk, as he would move to guide his mistress to the carriage he had modified. However the oni would look to her and ask.
"Shall I come with you, or remain here my lady?" saying this with a playfully dark tone. If she allowed the Oni to come with her, Luud would surely have
a more fun, yet aggravating time on her mission, yet if he remained in the camp who knows what kind of shenanigan's this pet and her mother might get up to
or prep for her return. regardless the oni pet would need his mistress's answer.
"So then, does that mean I shall accompany you? or shall I remain at the camp?"
asking this directly, it was quiet the spectacle for her sisters. as her own pet wanted a more direct order from his mistress. despite how clear
she was. however at the same time, once she was in the carriage, the new comfort, the orc maiden would feel was something unexpected, and very welcome.
as it would be the small gift from her pet. however the real surprise would not happen till she was half way in her trip.
"Stupid pet, you will be accompanying me!" She snapped, grabbing him by the straps of his armor and dragging him up inti the carriage. Partially to show dominance, but lively because his questioning had her frustrated. She shunnted him down across from her on the seat. "Be grateful I do not make you walk." She said
as she did this, the wicked smile creeped across his face. as it would be a bit into the trip. before the cushions of the carriage began to change form and shape.
before Luud knew it, she was suddenly penetrated deep in both her womanly entrance, and her back side. as a bubble of flesh formed and moved up to engulf her cock. the slime able to do all this with out needing
her armor removed. as the oni looked on. not saying a word, for if Luud did not enjoy it, she would find herself being bound to her seat until she had been well pleased, and left
hungering for more sensual interaction, due to the residue of this unique kind of slime her pet used to upgrade his mistress's carriage.
"Oh nothing special my lady, a small gift from your mother, prepared just for our travel. "
as he said this the wicked smirk on the oni's face could not be hidden. as he leaned in, to take hold of Luud's shoulders. while the pink
specially bred slimes were now invading her depths, and infecting the powerful orc warrior with their special drug like secretion. all the while the tusked maiden
would soon find herself forcefully brought into a wicked kiss. despite how her tusks would draw some blood from her pet's cheeks. the plan set up by her own mother
was soon coming to. it was becoming very obvious that the powerful queen of the orcs, wanted to become a grandmother, and the over seer of the strongest grand child of
the tribe. as she already had the strongest child. yet it was unknown to the Oni how his lady would truly act, once her body was able to free itself enough to break free or
to act on these heated desires growing with in her, from the assault. as the duo were in a moving carriage heading tours the goblin village.
(XD Luuds mom is a fucking menace, just scheming to prank or bust one out in her daughter)

Luud growled as the Oni came in for a kiss, the drugg circling through her making her skin warmer, her head swim with sensory pleasure. Her tusks bit inti the zones cheeks deeper as she turned her head. It was like she was going to draw herself back abd rip them open. "Bastard-plotting against yiur mistress-" she panted to herself between shared kisses, though now she was holding his good looks hostage at the same time. "I should execute-you"
" if you do that how long till you find another as powerful or fun as I then hmm? " Saying this to her, their was some truth to this statement. For only luud and her mother had proven strong enough to subdue this stud of a small oni.

Now with her senses starting to become .ore heated and lustful. Luud would find how the special pets did their jobs with in her. Even more so as this playful slave went on to fondle his mistress and tease her manly meat as well as one of her bust breasts. All the whilethe sensation of the moving carriage only added to the pleasing sensation upon her powerful frame.
"Mm-maybe the next will be less of a bother!" She pressed, though the Oni knew his mistress enough from her mother. And her actions. If she wanted nothing from him, she would have likely been much more violent about it. As he stroked on her cock, she relaxed her tusks, sliding them from the Onis cheeks. She growled again, starting to breath heavily as her body tensed and rippled. The slime feeling its prey starting to pull away as she tried to get up and put some of that new drug fueled energy to use.
as she began to move herself to try and pull away from the slimes which made up her cushions. Luud would feel how they sudden expanded and moved to quickly coil around her hips, and up the powerful
orc's belly. as the ends split into three segmented maws, to latch upon her breast under the clothing. as the violated appendages began to grow, split, and move like multiple cocks with in her depths. the spewing hot fluid
into her depths was more and more of the drug like fluid their gel like body naturally produced.

"Well my lady, looks like mother in Law was right, once your heated, the glistening muscles are truly a sight to enjoy. "
saying this, as Luud could see her so called pet growing aroused, his own boner growing before her eyes, as impressive as it was. it was no orc missile.
Luud's eyes dilated at the ooze violated her. Her tusks dripped with blood abd her teeth were wet with drool, the Oni's words muffled by her own heart bearing. Her muscled glistened and skinned, flexing bigger like when she was raging. Her man appendage bulked and stood a bit taller. "Bend over!" She snarled savagely, bucking against the resistance of the slimes. The carriage rocked as she moved. If she wasn't given what she wanted, woe would befall whoever she saw fit to fuck.
Planning to fuck her little pet, and rebellious Oni, the wicked stud had already planned for this. as Luud made her move, only to play right into his hands.
just as the boss of the orcs had told him about, it was all playing out, as the true mistress of the clan planned. and this Oni was her tool for the task.

It would be when she went to grasp and take her slave for his ass. that the oni smirked. only to take hold of his boss, and mistress, twisting her around suddenly in
a move only her mother had ever used on her. as he pulled Luud down, impaling her, thus she was now feeling the unique sensation of a slime in her cunt, and her slave.
while the thick pink cushion began to take on a new form. as it it was a bodied, or humanoid like slime. before pouncing upon Luud, and impaling itself upon her cock. the way it could change
the sensation to anything one could think of and beyond. However as this was now happening. Her slave would bite at Luud's ear, as he revealed how she was acting and behaving just
as her mother told him, and planned for. as he would repeat a special statement which had no meaning to the Oni, but it had a very special meaning between mother and daughter.

"Only my personal toy of choice will get the honor of baring my seed. "
as this was spoke into her ear, it would reveal to Luud, just how far her mother was going to ensure the perfect grand child of a hybrid race, versus a orc father.
However more then that, this would indeed call for some form of retribution, perhaps getting a special goblin for her mother in a manor of revenge.
Luud roared as he whispered in her ear, her madness, no better for the slime person trying to ride her. Her eyes had no whites, her sex crazed body was in overdrive. The slime holding her down with Oni, together they barely could keep her down and pinned. "No! NO!" She shrieked and howled, her body bucking savagely, making the carriage sway inky harder. "Want. Reaal!" She barely could manage to gather the ability to speak, her tucked baring, bristling.
as she struggled and fought against the impressive strength of her pet, and the slimes upon her. Luud would soon feel the oni's hands reaching around her, as he fondled, and spoke, while biting at her ears.
"You want real, that can be arranged, But you need to calm down a bit first. my lady, if you want real, You will need to relax, and let us take control for once. "
saying this, as his words painted an odd yet inticing image of the stud moving to impale himself upon her, however if she played along just long enough to get free. the powerful brute could take
control with out warning. but as it was, she was the one being bounced, fondled and filled. while a slime sucked, rode, and milked her impressive green cucumber. it would not be long before his seed would be felt
flooding into her core once again, however at the same time it would seem only to entice the powerful maiden to need more then what she was getting.
"Tell you what my lady, enjoy being filled, then once your depths are full, I shall then allow you to fill me, how does that sound hmm? besides we have long ride to enjoy. "
as he spoke with a wicked, and playfully enjoyable tone. the one powerful hand grasping, tightly groping, and playing with her one breast. the other moving to tease his mistress's cock, as he slid
his hand into the slime fleshy gel. grasping her cock even tighter. thus adding even more stimulation to his mistress. as she was being pleased in several ways. However little did This oni realize, that his
mistress would truly be able to wreck him with out remorse once it was her turn. however if she used her powerful skills, then this orc could perhaps ride, and milk her pet all the faster to move to her own
turn. as the tight space put her oni in a more controlling position for the duo. as he had the aid of the tendrils made by this very slime which was riding her cock with out remorse.
She bared her teeth, tust jutting out as she felt him stroking her. Unfortunately for the slime person that was on top of her, something bolted into them like a humans firestick as Luud felt a surge of her precum. Normally it poured out steadily, like a thick cream, but she was so amplified by the drugs even her faint burst blasted through the slime, hitting its core like a punch.

"Then I will start now!" She snapped savagely as she pulled her legs, ripping them free of the slime with the sudden motion, she wrapped them.around her out, forcing him inside of her her as she was pulling herself up to take up the top spot. Fortunately for the Oni, his mistress was actually fully turned on inside and out, so she would satisfy herself using both ways.

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