Fantasy RP Tusks and Chains (Lord Sesshomaru)

As a great deal of enjoyable time passed. the orc maiden was finally panting, slumping over her tiny, big sister. as her impressive albeit muscular breast crushed into Luuds.
"no fair, all work, no reward, Wasting so much earlier, none left for sis?"

panting as she asked this, thinking perhaps the queen had milked luud dry, and their was none left now, unaware it was a simple fact that she was unable to give proper stimulation for the leader.
despite how she was told prior that this was not possible for the strong willed warrior maiden.
"Heh. Poor sis! You think ol Luyd is empty?" She teased as she pushed up suddenly, bowling the larger orc over as she hilted herself into her again, she start thrust in her own, starting to rut into her like wild beast....despite her filling, it was like she emptied one bit.
"Oh my, so what is up your sleeves hmm?"
as she said this in a playfully wicked tone, the orc now pinned under her tiny boss, and sis. all the while she would begin to feel increase pleasure
and the pain which came with getting used by one who was far more savage, and dominating then she was use to. however her powerful arms moving to wrap around
Luud. as it would be quiet the sight and sound for the fellow orc which would be coming to check on her recovery, at the request of the queen.
Luud looked up to the Orc thst came inti her quarters, her pace not halting in the slightest by the intrusion. She grit her teeth, her tusks bared to the Orc woman. "Come in." She barked at her as she put a hand over her maidens mouth bluntly. Muffling her moans somewhat as she was drilling into the warriors womb, battering it like a raiding army for her sweet ripe body.
My lady once tour done with your morning warm up our queen mother requests your presence.

As this orc grunted after delivering her message, it was clear they disliked not being pleased ether, yet they had new toys to train and sell.

Leaving the one orc now close to a mind breaking orgasm trapped under her boss. As it was, this one proves to loud very few could handle her be them men or women. Yet now she did have a pet which seemed durable enough to train for herself and her mother
Luud watched hee orc playmates eyes, her small hand still holding her mouth shut. Drool was seeling between her fingers as she was bearing this poor orcs insides with such brutal force, stimulating her gspot with every violent thrust. She growled at her, watching the rcs eyes loosing focus as she was Tearing her senses with one organ after another. Luud let go if her mouth finally, seizing her breasts, kneading them like dough , slapping the bouncing mounds around. Her body was slamming against her, noisly, messing as r woman's juices ram between them. "Now-heh get-get pregnant!" She snarled nto her ear as she rammed into her womb, starting to fill her up.
As the Orcs belly ballooned slowly, bulging out as her sister filled ger, Luud pulled out of her slowly...then took a chain from the room and locked the Orcs wrist to the wall. "You want my seed, and try to take it in my sleep, I'll give it to you every day I wake full and you will beg forgiveness." She said smirking to herself wickedly. She stroked the orcs belly, before walking out of her quarters, fixing her clothes to find her mother.
Heading to her mother's quarters, Luud would find several of the other orc maidens struggling to restrain the oni. As he was easily fending them all off, and giving quiet the show to the queen.
this would be a bit unexpected, as it would appear as though the only two which could keep this oni in line would be the two of them. However more so, this oni currently belonged to Luud as she was the one
to subjugate him first. Now it would soon be revealed to Luud if she did not figure it out right away. her mother had taken a liking to her pet, and was most likely thinking of using it to train the other girls as well
as how she could have fun shows with her daughter subduing this brute when no other could.

However this was not the only order of business as it would also deal with the recent delivery of slaves. the ones which they had no need for, or the ones which seemed to be unable to perform for them, would ether
need to be killed or sold. as such Luud would be the one in charge of the transport, and business with other tribes, be it the female orcs, Oni's, Goblins etc. the males and females of so many races did not inter mingle
except for breeding purposes, as the strongest kept the weakest as pets and slaves. however this clan of women was odd, as they often got rid of their partners for stronger ones, instead of just piling them up.
As Luud walked into the rooms she watched the Oni fighting with her sisters. The nature of the Beast she was stirred the instant she saw the show, she stepped in, the shorter lady however pushing and shoving through her sisters. "What is this, playing with my toys!" She snarled out as she pushed inti the forefront.
As she did this, the queen smirked, as she suddenly reach out to grab her daughter and pull her into her lap. with out warning or hesitation, the wicked queen's member pierced right into
her daughter. as she moved one powerful arm around her to stroke Luud, the other to play with her one breast. as her mother spoke to her.

"now now, it might be yours, but is mine to enjoy as well no? besides if one of these ladies manages to beat our new toy, they will get a special round with the two of us. "
as she said this with a wicked and playful tone. revealing to Luud this was her pet's idea, to prevent any of these other women from touching his mistress, as it was quiet the wicked little show
her mother set up for them. all the while feeling herself well filled by the queen's spear in her back side suddenly.
Luud gasped as she was suddenly filled by her mother again, getting handled so suddenly, but her mother could feel the sticky remnants of her fun only minutes before all over her daighters cock. "Mm- you take ideas from toys now mother-" she grunts and tries to hold in her.urge to moan.
"what does this make you want us to have him join, and give a better show why he is ours alone?"
asking this, as if wanting to see her reaction to the offer of making this into a threesome while her sisters would be forced
to watch, and want. however this fun could only last for so long, as they knew with in the next few days, the tribe would need to march
for their next camp to ether make dealings with or to take over by force.
Laughing, as she began to move Luud even rougher, as she would smirk.

" well be honest, how do you feel about, a toy which doesn't want to share his mistress hmm? even when i the queen demanded him to. his own words, Only the strongest may touch his mistress, unless it is her choice. "
as she spoke up, sounding like she saw a kind of kin ship in this Oni. other then Luud herself, this new toy seemed to be the second creature her queen had taken a liking to, if nothing else as a powerful plaything. but at the same time
it would be a long time before it could be broken to obey her so easily like her own daughter did.

as the queen abused her daughter she would also ask about the next target, and see if Luud decided which clan they would ether do business with, offering their new stock of elfs, and oni slaves, or add to the slaves to train and sell.
As her mother started more rougher, the Oni hearing his mistresses cheeks starting to clap louder while her mother was rutting into her. An orc dove at the Oni frantically now getting whipped up into only further frenzy. After all...if Luud was getting gutted, surely they could milk her much easier, and score a potential claim to the throne...or spot on their knees beside it while Luud was n charge.

Luud mumbled a swear as her mother spoke her politics. "Is this- really- how we must discuss this!" She managed to say through gritted teeth. She was drooling now. "Feh-we could trade- with Long Tusk, or Nighthunter- Tribes." She moaned out.

Long Tusk, a tribe of feral orcs to the farther east, In the hills, they were good for little in terms of gold, but they had great beasts for training, and always loved some good fresh slaves.

Nighthunter was a Goblin clan, but they had access to cryptic magics and actually had strong ties to other clans, it might bring them further business.
Hearing this the queen qould chuckle, loving how her daughter struggled to keep on topic with each bounce. More then that her powerful oand moved to assault Luuds cock while the other kept control of the pace in which her daughter bounced a n got repeatedly impaled with out mercy.

As they spoke their politics, giving the others quiet the show and seeiing their new perspective pet ad a lovely guard dog of an oni. The queen leaned in to pull at Luuds ear with her maw before asking which one should take priority, or more so which one qould she want her girls to barter with for more powerful halfbreed, feral blessed cubs. With a wicked tone forcing Luud to think on more benefits then just trades, which was being made all the harder with the warriors current condition.
"Mm-Goblins-Would bring us Hobgoblins and Bugbears, giv-giving greater versatility-" She offered as she whimpered slightly, but she reached up over her head, grabbing her mother by her hair. She pulled her head to the side. "Hobgoblins would bring us dark magics and Bugbear would be-scouts and rogues," she said as she fought back a bit, bracing her legs on the seat of the throne, starting to push, increasing her pace a bit on her own. Her cock was raging hard, but the really interesting thing was her daughter was flexing around her mother now, trying to milk her it seemed. Her strength was different now, a bit more powerful than it had been the day before. Her orc blood was heightening again, heightening her physical fitness as she was pushed to a new limit by her battle yesterday...and probably the edging.
noticing the impressive growth in her daughter's strength, and endurance. the queen smirked.
" Well now that does sound useful, however I do think, the main show is about to begin for us, so make sure you think well on which reward we want for our
precious merchandise. " saying this, as the two were going at it.

Luud would be distracted to notice all the orcs which the Oni had defeated. it would not be noticed until
he was upon the two orcs. the tiny yet impressively powerful Oni, moving upon his mistress. to suddenly pull her attention away from her own mother. as he would move to grasp her raging
and thick cock. only to stroke it, as he moved to shove his own cock into his mistress's tight, still occupied warm, yet moist entrance. now being stroked in a tight grasp and double penetrated. the queen would laugh, almost maniacally.
as she told the Oni he would need to work hard, if he had any hope of getting her daughter knocked up with such a week seed. revealing she planned for this threesome with Luud, and wanted
to make her daughter both squirm, and grow, as her thoughts were proven correct after feeling the tolerance, and increased strength in her girl who was riding her at this point. the increase
strength needed for her own bowels to tightly grip the queen, and try to milk her.
Now with not one but two cocks moving in her orcish womanly entrance. each time one moved out the other moved into her. as if they were rubbing each other off while driving her own senses to new levels of extreme pleasure.
all the more, her pet was tightly grasping his mistress's cock, as he leaned in latching his maw upon one of her muscular breast. suckling and gnawing playfully on it. all the more, the floor past the oni at this point was filled with unconscious
orc warriors. some of which were the best of the best under Luud herself.

that is when it finally clicked to the powerful orc, her mother set this up, and made sure that her daughter was the prize for this Oni, unless he lost, and became the prize for the one which defeated him, thus winning a night with him and his mistress.
it was a cruel trick which she played, but one which was not out of the normal for the powerful and playfully wicked queen. yet as it was, the queen continued to speak to her daughter about business asking if she was sure the goblin was the right choice, as
they would need to pay many slaves for them, plus a few of their own women would need to volunteer for such a tribe, despite how beneficial it would be.
"Hm-goblins- mm- need the- haha- connections-" she managed to say as the Oni three himself into his mistress. He definitely had the passion to try to breed with his mistress, but Luud's cries only truly rose when her mother slammed back inside. She grabbed the Oni's hair, using it to pull on. "If-if we take only warbeasts, we will-have less slaves but struggle to feed them-" sge managed to say. Her cock was a dripping mess, dribbling orc pre cum on the Oni's belly. "Goblins are-being picked at by the Darkfang clan. Mm- They can sweeten-the deal- some of our females for some of theirs" She added

Darkfang. Cave dwelling half-mole creatures, that raided and killed any abd all. Even the green skins and their ramble took to stomping out any Darkfang lurkers that dared nip at their heels. Nighthunter had magic and tricks, but thr lurkers were like a infection, they only would grow if left unchecked. And Goblin females? They may have been knee height to a human...or Luud, but they were absolutely feral creatures, vicious, vile, and completely breedable. A fertile Goblin female with the proper bloodlines for magic, could be just as fair a trade as a powerful orc female.
as she struggled to speak, Luud would begin to feel something which was new to her. the sensation of losing her sense to pure bliss. something which had not been felt for
who knew how long. as the motherly queen directed the oni on how to use her tits, and cock to help push the daughter to passing out. which would then allow for the two to finish using
her like a fuck doll. however Luud would come to, as she had a messy cunt, and cock. more then that, she would feel how her ass was now sore as well. knowing well that meant mama and her pet
went to town. however the fact remained, the Oni was the one which would be cleaning her up with a warm towel, when she came to. giving his mistress proper care, while the sound of her mother out with the other
orcs could be heard. prepping for the travel to the goblin village, and stating once Luud was ready she would over see this job, so ensure every one was ready. more then that she had several of the orc warrior maidens
which were willing to volunteer to live with and be bred by goblins to volunteer as the some of the trading fodder along with some fine slaves of different species.

this showed a caring side of the queen, which only Luud knew before. but now she would see first hand, she had a perfect pet, and a mother who would both equally abuse, and care for her every chance they got.
meaning she would need to be more careful if the duo were together, as her mother's orders would supercede her own, but if she was around with out her mother. then the oni would obey her, even if it was to set up
a trap for him to have some fun revenge on her mother for what the queen did to her prior.
Luud woke suddenly, sitting up so quickly she nearly slammed her dense skull against her pets own face. But as she tried to wash her she cut him a glare. She flicked her hand smacking him....though he could tell the blow wasn't charged with all her might. He knew exactly what that felt like...well unless she was tapping jnto further strength. "That's for anything you did to me while I was asleep." She said with a scowl. Ofcourse she had no clue what, just the aches. "Damn my mother." She said to herself.
"If that is my punishment, I should have done more then. But that is a real pretty body you have mistress. "
as he said this, feeling his powerful palms against her well built frame. the hot damp rag cleaning her up thoroughly.
however as this was going on, Luud could enjoy the pampering wash her pet was giving her. as he had indeed submitted himself to only two women
from this clan. he would not allow any one weaker then himself to even touch him, regardless of order. which meant only Luud, and her mother would be able to enjoy this
oni's seed. however the fact remained. the sound of her mother prepping everything could be heard loud and clear.
"You are washing your mistress, if you wish for me to hit you harder, by all means I will." She grunts as her pet washed her, though he could see her cock starting to stir. She grunted again as she shifted up to climb put of the tub. "I will take my vengeance." She stated more to herself than to him, listening to I her mother explain her plans fir the trade. "Get my armor." She said to her Oni.
"Yes my lady, " as he said this the playfully powerful beast seemed like an obedient yet oddly cute fiend.
one which would obey her, however Luud knew well his loyal side was only until they met a master who was stronger then her, and
her mother. as he only obeyed and enjoyed the company of the strong.

however as this was going on, The queen would lick her lips, before turning to head back to the tent her daughter was left in,
unaware that Luud was awaken. and if her daughter positioned herself she could get some enjoyable revenge on her mother in more ways then one
if she ambushed her.
Luud sensed her Queen, felt the usual vibrations the larger, brawny woman made with her steps. The smaller half breed shifted her weight, lightening her steps to slip out of easy view. As her mother stepped inside, searching for her little Luud, her daughter snuck from behind, sweeping in to try to ram straight again her to bring her down.
as she moved to sneak attack her mother, the queen could do little more then gasp, and chuckle. finding this attempt adorable, as she landed with her palms on the ground.
giving but a moment to move for Luud. if her daughter missed this momentary opening, she would find herself being grabbed, however she moved right when the rare opening presented
itself. it would be the chance for Luud to mount her mother for a change.
As she caught herself, looking back, Her daughter wasn't wasteful with her opportunity. She wrapped her arm around her mother neck, her knees pushing, shoving her mother's legs apartas she drive her cock into the Queens pussy roughly. She was thrusting hard already, starting to rut against her at full tilt.

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