Twisted Desires (Knight)

The rubble shifted as she approached it, the pile rising and collapsing off the monsters back, its head was twisted almost 90 degrees on its side, but it's baleful eye burned towards her, it broken and mangled limbs rotating and snapping into some vestige of useful. It dragged itself higher, its mouth opening as a high pitched moan squared from its mouth.
Concrete, rubble, steel- you name it, came crashing down as she impacted with the factory. Man, that no shift hair spray was really doing wonders. She eventually laid there, staring at the ceiling, realizing how weak she was and wondered what she could do to improve. All the while the creature no doubt would be looking for her again.
The beast started to fly at her again coming into her view of the ceiling, something else moved on the catwalk over them but her attention was stolen by the monster getting ready to snap at her throat. The jaws unhinged wide, leaning in to take it's big bite, something silver punched through the back of its skull and out of its mouth, its Eye rolling around in its head as if it was trying to see through its own body. It was a silver sword blade, slowly dragging its way up the back of its skull, ripping its way upward and splitting the head in two halves with a dry crack. The pale blue eye bounced out along the floor, the nerve wiggling then slowly stopping as the body fell on top of Marie.
The body crackled on top of her, starting to hiss and sizzle as it seemed to burn from the inside out, becoming ashes and dissipating off of her. Before her, up close and personal was the human she had been watching...watching... before she could try to actually talk to him, the silver sword was leveled at her neck. 'Why are you here?"
Marie’s eyes glinted from the shine of the sword, two serpent like eyes focused in on Derek. “I only follow magic readings, and you,” she leaned slightly back away from the sword as much as possible. It was already singing her skin from just being around the blade. “Have magic readings all over your mortal body.”
"Then maybe you shouldn't have a beacon on yourself" She grumbled, clearly mentioning the sigil she had seen on his...oddly chiseled chest. Wait. Why did she remember how chiseled he was? It was like the angels had carved them themselves..for fuck's sake, why was she thinking about these things all of a sudden? She then folded her arms, "And I'm flattered that you think I'm a true demon," Her serpent eyes softening to the emerald green he would come to know so familiarly.
“Fuck, that serious?” She still kept an eye on his sword. “Well luckily for you I’m pretty well versed when it comes to curses.” She states, not mentioning about the book she had on the mark. “But- unfortunately, some old magic is keeping me from reading up on your mark-“ so, that’s why she came to inspect it further, perhaps she would learn more about it in person.
“I’ll go home when I please,” she tutted, grabbing the sword by its blade, the sword burning her hand. Before he could react, he was on his back, with Marie pinning him to the ground by the straddle of her legs, her own blade drawn to his neck, and his had been knocked away. “And nobody calls me little demon,” she nearly growled out, her serpent eyes flashing once more.
“And kill you before I can get more answers out of you?” She pursed her lips, pushing back slightly, unaware of how she was sitting on him. “Then again you most likely will end up in hell so I guess there’s a flip side to things..” then she remembered if the human was killed then she won’t find the source of the curse on him.
She gave a small grunt as he sat up, and she rolled her eyes, “Humans are no fun,” she muttered and got up, letting him have the chance to actually stand. After he did so, she looked him over. She had to ignore how attractive she actually found this human to be. She had never previously thought of any human to be attractive, that’s why she had never wasted her time with sexual partners, but gauging on his appearance, she figured he has had many sexual partners.
The human stood up, starting to walk over to his fallen sword and picked it up. "Sorry im not fully of sunshine and fucking rainbows for you." He said turning to shoot a look at her. His glare was razor sharp, honestly if looks qere a weapon, he would have ran her through and pinned her to a wall with it. Somehow he even made his raw anger and disgruntled nature look good. "I've got places to be before anything else shows up."
That look in itself was as hot as hell’s fires, and something inside Marie awakened for the first time. Marie took a moment before she retorted back, “Well, if you didn’t exactly parade yourself around perhaps you wouldn’t be an easy find.” She leaned on a broken pillar, watching him carefully. Somehow, she figured this wouldn’t be their only interaction.
“Then do you want protection or…” she was confused on what this human really was after. If the curse just suddenly showed up..there had to be a reason why. She was annoyed at the fact that she didn’t have clairvoyance like her father, but that was probably because she had repressed her demon side up until recently. Derek would have no clue what he had just awakened, but he would find out in due time.

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