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Twisted Desires (Knight)

Local Time:
4:06 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Derek narrowed his eyes at her a moment longer, his handsome face carving into a equally hot look of distrust. "Yeah, I bet." He said simply. Looking around for a moment, he touched his chest as he thought harder. "What...do you mean, figure it out? You're still unable to travel?"
Local Time:
1:06 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She gave a soft sigh, frustrated on how attractive she found him. She was with Kaden, after all.

Kaden looked between the both of them. “I’ve been training her, making her power grow but for some reason she still can’t go home.” He answered for Marie, who didn’t mind one bit.

That alone would raise some red flags, right?
Local Time:
1:06 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“No, this is the first time it’s happened,” she explained. Unbeknownst to her, since she missed the blood moon, her body would let her demon blood wane to the point of only letting her angel blood survive…which was most coveted by magic seekers as it contained holiness and Devine power which was more rare these days.

Kaden looked up to the sky, “Perhaps by the next silver moon you’ll be able to return home.”

The silver moon was different from the blood moon, enhancing anything that was holy in nature. So, if you were to..fend off and kill vampires, a silver moon would do the job.
Local Time:
1:06 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“Because,” she began, crossing her arms. “First off, my father taught me how to survive if my demon powers ever fail me, and secondly, my Devine blood as some may call it can be more powerful than my demonic blood.” So she basically told Derek that she was half an angel. Nothing really should shock him anymore.

Kaden chimed in before Derek got to, “Plus, she has me as a teacher and we don’t want that precious angel blood falling to the wrong hands,” he said and put a hand on the back of her shoulder, and Derek would see her lean into his touch.
Local Time:
4:06 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Derek looked at the young woman lean up against his touch. "I'm sure you took great care to figure out which is which." He said looking at Kaden. Warlocks, witches, anyone would probably kill just for a tiny drop of angel blood to fall in their possession. He may have just started letting whatever charm was on him to shade his thoughts, but having her within his reach...it made Derek only more distrustful of him.
Local Time:
1:06 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Marie looked to Derek and then to Kade, “So, are we just going to stand around outside and let the vampires at our neck?” She asked, remembering the time her mother killed them before they even were vampires. She shuddered slightly, and Kaden grinned, “If they even try it, they’ll have to go through me and my coven first.” He said and motioned to Derek as they started to walk. “Don’t be a stranger, you can come inside.”
Local Time:
1:06 PM
Nov 10, 2022
As they walked into the coven, Derek would hear a loud ‘locking noise’ behind him as the doors sealed shut. The coven in itself was pretty extravagant and for some odd reason Derek would resonate with this place, briefly imagining what it would be like to run his own coven. But then again he didn’t have an ounce of magic in him- or at least not yet.

Kaden walked them down to a study area and he turned to Derek, “So. What would you like to know about your curse? I have pretty much every book written on curses here,” he motioned to the plethora of books, some piled high on desks, others stuffed in a bookcase, the rest either opened flat or being used by another mage.
Local Time:
1:06 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Kaden’s eye twitched, and Marie touched his arm gently as Derek walked away. “Hey,” she said in a soft voice. And Kaden gave a soft sigh but nodded to her. “Feel free to take any book you’d like, once it’s served it’s purpose to you it’ll magically reappear here,” Kaden told Derek and then said “You’re more than welcome to stay, your curse has no power here..”
Local Time:
1:06 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Kaden simply rolled his eyes, "Well either way, don't bite a giving hand," he retorted and turned, deciding to leave the man alone. Foolish mortals, he wasn't even sure he should stick around much longer. This shell he had adapted would wane under the silver moon, and he knew if he didn't get it right something could-

Marie followed him, leaving Derek to his searching. She walked along side Kaden. "I know you've tried everything possible to open up a portal for me too," She murmured, missing her home. She was curious though as to why her family hadn't found her yet. Kaden gave a small sigh, "It's strange, it's like something is blocking our passage to hell.." he murmured, lost in thought.
Local Time:
4:06 PM
Nov 9, 2022
The idea came with plenty of culprits, the entire magical world sought after angels...the only person she probably could rule out was Kadeb because she knew him forever...and Derek. He hadn't even known of her before this unfortunate turn of events, and kept away from both of them for a month, if he was after her blood surely he would have made an attempt to keep an eye on her.
Local Time:
1:06 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Once Kaden dropped her off at her chambers, she gave him a kiss on his cheek, "I'll see you in a little bit then?" They were meant to meet up for dinner. Kaden nodded and gave her a charming smile, "Of course my little angel," He said and kissed the top of her head, "See you shortly," he said and turned, going to his own room. He had things to attend to.

As Derek was reading up on a 'curse' section, there really was no way by any magic to reverse it, so he knew, but...the angel blood that was mentioned- had incredible healing and purifying properties that it could purify his curse.
Local Time:
4:06 PM
Nov 9, 2022
He touched the page gently, tilting his head slightly, looking over his shoulder a moment but then started to carefully pull the page out if the book and folded it into his pocket. After all Kaden already knew this no doubt...but surely 'borrowing' the page was just fine. Could it work...well he hoped, but it wasn't like he could just start praying for an angel to fall in his lap.
Local Time:
4:06 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Derek sat back in his chair in thought, considering just...letting whatever happened between Marie and Kaden play out after he took a bit of her blood. But the thought made his curse tingle, a malicious feeling drifting around him, like fingers closing gently around his shoulders. He snapped his head around, the feeling fading away. No that wouldn't work, he didn't know if there would be anything left for him. If Kaden was truly as bad as he thought. He would have to try to see what was truly there.
Local Time:
1:06 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Even though the feeling went away, the lingering sense of something being off was still there.

On the wall, there was a large calendar, dating the star signs appearing in the sky, planets, phases of the moon..so when was the next silver moon?

Since the blood moon heightened everything impure and evil, the silver moon heightens everything pure and good. The silver moon appears once every hundred years or so, more infrequent than it's counter. The next silver moon was a few mere weeks away at this point, so if he wanted to get his hands on any of her angel blood- he would have to do it soon.
Local Time:
4:06 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Derek touched the calendar with a finger, following the chart to the silvered moon. "I wonder just how long...he had this on his mind." He said to himself. Taking his finger off the chart, Derek touched his chest, tracing the skull with a finger next. "And did you know..."
Local Time:
1:06 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Soon a flicker of something would catch his attention. A certain tome had flung itself off the bookshelves. That was odd. But is anything normal around Derek? Upon coming closer to the book, He would see clear as day on an open page the same mark that he had on his chest. Most of the script on the page was muddled and covered in blood splatter- but one phrase would stick out to him - silvered moon. So, what did this mean? That angel blood could heal his curse as previously expected? But it certainly wasn't that easy.
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