Watching the Show (Craze)

Seven am rolled around the cat voiced her hunger by leaping onto the bed, walking over Malakai to paw at Raya. It took a few moments of crying to wake the human girl with a groan, crawling from bed to feed the cat then hop into the shower. Humming in the shower as she would sway her hips whole rinsing off last night’s activities.
Moving over to the side where water was not pouring she smiles at his entry “so you find me hot, what else? Ya know you never told me what you thought about my dance last night?” Grinning his way. Usually on lookers commented on her show before she left the stage and back stagers would as well. But his words would mean far more than anyone else’s.
Either his face was flushing from the sudden heat of the shower or her words.. “I-well- certainly I found it enchanting as much as I could…and before I realized it was you…I kept ‘imagining’ it was you, if that makes sense..” he spoke to her, so..he too had been ‘loyal’ all this time.
She rose a brow hearing even though he had no idea who she was, still he imagined it was her dancing before him in such a beautiful motion and rhythm. Smiling as he joins her, swaying a little she runs her eyes over his body, licking her lips in thought of possibly another round but she was quite tired from yesterday. Her plan was to drop him off at his parents for them to connect while she goes in search of another job, unaware of the bonus' he gets from honoring this country wit his body and time. Hell, even though eh hated to leave his home and family he rose to be a general.
He gave a small smirk at her little dance and he tilted his hand, “What, want to perform another dance on me when we’re done with the shower?” He teased, wondering if she’d be up for that. In truth, he knew he’d get the money after he’d retire..All he’d had to do left was to contact the military and resign. But, that alone would be a lengthy process.
Pausing she chews on her lip as her gaze drops to the side "I just got all clean" whining with a pout as to say their intimacy was messy. She reaches over for the soap "I am sure you aren't use to nice and warm shower mm?" humming with curiosity of all he has experienced. "Besides, gonna smell good for your parents" looking up to him with a smile "they moved to a smaller home after your sister got married" explaining it was not his original home. Raya was somewhat close to his parents, mostly his mother who was very torn when he went off to war and depended on Raya for emotional support but his sister hated her with a passion. "If you are lucky, your sister ma be there with her kid, you have a nephew" informing him further.
He took all of this information in and then began to respond to her, seemingly not catching on about the 'messy' part of their intimacy. At the mention of a nephew he widened his eyes. "There's no way she got married...after swearing up and down she didn't want kids..." He trailed off and looked to her face.
Letting out a giggle she remembered his sister swearing against lil ones “she found her soulmate and changed her mind” shrugging it off. “Just sucks we both missed the wedding…” adding in with a sigh “your mom has plenty of photos though” quickly reassuring. Reaching up to rub the soap into her hair, massaging her scalp. “Ya know we never talked about our futures” she mumbles
His hands brushing hers away to instead take over caring for her which was a surprise, years of doing everything alone. She would blink as she looks into his eyes “what do you want in our future?” asking softly. Present alone made her happy thay ue was home but did he want marriage, a family, adventures, travel?
A pout took hold by such an answer as that "Well putting it that way" giggling a little as she shook her head before stepping closer to him as he continued to massage the soap into her skin. "I was hoping to open a dance studio for kids and possible yoga as well for the adults or parents on Saturday afternoons. Live in this cottage until we needed to add another room...or two" offering him some insight of her plans with him. It would take alot of time and money for her studio but with his help it may come true, the other side she wondered of his values with her and in his life.
Closing her eyes as his warm lips pressed to her neck drawing a muffled moan from her as she leaned against his frame "You had no choice, Malakai" softly reminding him. "Did break my heart gettin no letters from ya, you always have a way with words" admitting as her hands caress over his chest finding herself hungry for him once more. "You are up for some shower fun?" questioning as she kisses his chest up to his neck.
He frowned, “I sent letters,” he assured her, “but, I never got a reply back..” he told her next, soon distracted as he noticed how she was becoming feral for him again.

He chuckled lightly but then nodded to her, “Of course,” he spoke, groaning softly as her kisses trailed up his chest.
Hearing his reassurance only made her wonder if his sister halted said letter since Raya rarely was at her foster home, probably addressed the letters to his parents but his sister always snatched any letter addressed to Raya. But all that faded by the groan rumbling from his chest by her little affections "we have alot of catching up to do, mm" humming as she moves so her back was against the wall, pulling him by the shoulder to press against her frame.
"yes?" gasping the word out, her head tilting to the side for his kisses to continue while shivers ran under her skin just by his touch. So close she could smell his scent, feel his muscles under her hands', and yet wanted all so much more, every inch of him and all of him. Reaching her hand down to his chin to jerk his head up, pressing her lips against his into a deep and passionate kiss.
Thinking it was the hot water she would peek open her eyes to find he was deep red in the face from her action drawing a smirk on her lips while they kissed. She would move to lift her left leg and wrap it around his hip once feeling his thick member beginning to announce his arousal. Parting from the kiss by gently biting on her lower lip, her eyes opening to reveal her own desire for him "you want me?" purring a question of invitation.
He looked at her as she pulled back, her leg wrapped around him..and he went to pull her up and hold her there with his strong hands, pinning her against the wall. “Always,” he breathed out in reply to her question, pressing his member in between her legs next, rubbing against her slit..the tip just pressing in a little bit.. he leaned in to kiss her passionately, moaning softly as he did.
Feeling her be lifted up, pinned between the wall and his frame made her heart soar with excitement as her legs wrap tightly around him by the feel of his member rubbing against her slit even preparing to enter her. A moan answering his own rose from her once their lips met back into a passionate kiss. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world to not only have her best friend back but her long lost lover finally in her arms again. Hopefully his sister will not attempt to steal him away but Raya was already determined to keep him happy and safe.
He started to push himself inside of her, moaning out as her tightness wrapped around his cock- fuck, she was warmer than the shower water it felt- but of course he was enjoying it- and he began to kiss her more. He steadied himself before picking up a fast yet heavy pace, hoping she would enjoy this.
Taking a deep breath through her nose as he entered her for the second time ever, stretching out her tight walls which she knew felt amazing by his muffled moan vibrating against her lips. Her arms would reach to drape over his shoulders as her one hand would entangle her fingers into his hair while her own moans were drowned out by the raining water falling over them. Once he could himself steadied inside her, she felt him take a new direction of being fast and heavy with his thrusts causing her to bounce with him, his tips kissing into new territory he could not touch last night from their position. "Oh, yes!" gasping out as her eyes roll back enjoying the ride he was giving her.
He was thankful for the bathmat underneath his feet to keep him from slipping as he continued to press his heavy thrusts into her. The feeling of her hand against his head.. “Raya-“ he moaned out her name again, “I love you,” he panted, feeling the tip of his member reach something new inside of her.

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