Watching the Show (Craze)

He heard her whine and gasped out in pleasure, leaning down further, kissing on her breasts- leaving a hickey here and there on the the tops, wanting to have her feel incredible. He would soon let her take over the pace, seeing as she got the hang of it pretty quickly..a hand slipped around and began to tease her swollen clit slowly with his thumb.
Her body mashing into his as his mouth teased her chest with hickies and kisses while continuing to steadily thrust into her backside until allowing her to choose the pace. For a moment she was still as he began to tease upon her clit that made her hips buck before motioning up and down in a slow manner, enjoying him.
He paused a moment as she gasped, worried he might have done something wrong..but then he noticed the arousal and he continued, loving how she was responding to him now. As she bucked her hips against his hand, he couldn’t help but smirk softly, teasing her folds next with a finger of his, wondering how wet she still was.
He groaned and grunted at the feeling, switching in between nipples, leaving hickeys here and there, littered across. “Fuck! Raya-I want you to cry out my name!” He moaned out as he pulled from her chest, feeling his length swell slightly more- even as his hand continued to tease her mound, pressing in with two fingers and curling them up- hoping to hit her gspot.
“Raya!!” He cried out her name as he began to cum, pressing up deep inside of her ass, and letting his seed fill her up entirely. He started to slow down, pulling his hands from her, and slumping against the back of the tub. He held her as she rested too, knowing they were both spent.

He kept her close and eventually carried her out of the shower, gently drying her off and cuddling with her close on her bed, kissing her neck gently. “You’re all mine, my little dancer..”he murmured softly.
Climaxes of a life time, her heart racing a mile a minute from how amazing and energy spent she was. Slumping back with him, her body quivering as he aided in rinsing them then carrying her out. She shut off the water as he dried her then rested in bed. Curling into his frame as she was ready to just nap away, a smile big as day on her face. “I better be all you need” whispering back.
Raya grabbed on some clothes as she made her way to the door, expertly handling her gun as she peeked out the window before relaxing with a groan "I guess someone is here to see you" she mumbles. She paused to allow him to get dressed before daring to open the door, there stood his sister all pissed off that Raya was taking so long to return him to the family. "Didn't I tell ya not to come knockin' on my door" Raya would question the woman as Stella pushed her way inside. "Well you are holding my brother hostage! Now where is he??" glancing around before looking to raya with a disgusted look "you look like a mess, better do your hair and make up before you go whoring around with your lil routine" trying to get Raya to respond which she did not.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Stella? You better not treat my girlfriend that way,” Malakai practically growled out, coming into view, crossing his arms and looking to her with disdain, “As much as I would love to see mom and dad again, I’d rather be anywhere else but near you,” he narrowed his eyes and neared Raya, standing close to her and keeping her out of Stella’s way.
Hearing his deep voice before his appearance did make Stella think twice, watching him be more protective of Raya as always drawing her eyes to roll "Seriously? You really think she did not sleep with other guys while you were away? Besides when did she become your girlfriend?" wanting to be all caught up. Raya shook her head as she put the safety on and set her gun on the counter which snatched Stella's attention further "Ya know I have seen your dances, men toss their money at you, hollering and cat calling, I am sure you earned even more money taking one or two home" glaring to Raya who balled up her fists. "You know I worked hard and fair for my money! Who helped your parents move! Who found a house with a good deal and still close to town? I did! I am more of a daughter to them than you are! Marrying up to some snob that throws money at you to shut up!" clearly starting a cat fight.
Malakai’s eyes widened and her touched Raya’s arm gently. “She’s not worth the oxygen,” he said quietly, glaring daggers into Stella’s face. “Get out of here, now. And if I see you ever try to lay foot here again, you can bet that not even mom and dad will get the courtesy of seeing their only son…you wouldn’t want to do that to them, would you?” He knew she didn’t.
Tensing by his touch mostly from how on edge she was, fuming at the ears but she stepped back to cool off while he handled his sister, for once she could take a breather from defending herself to Stella. "Fine, if you are gonna stay with that orphan girl then you don't get to ever see your nephew" spatting back at him, she slams the door on her way out spooking Raya's cat to knock over a picture frame. Raya gasps running over, hitting the ground it hopes of catching it in time but the corner of the frame hit the floor, denting it and breaking the glass. Inside was the only picture she ever had of her birth parents. Sitting up she lets out a sigh "I told her to never come here after she broke down my door after moving your parents to a better home" explaining to him quietly.
"yeah I am fine" taking the picture out of the frame as she slowly stood up "I did not even think she would throw such a fit" shaking her head with disbelief. "But your parents rarely see her other than when she drops of their grandkid. She lives in the big city now so she probably gonna be road raging the whole way back" walking into the kitchen. "Okay, breakfast time" opening the fridge to take a look of what she had.

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