Watching the Show (Craze)

Limp in his arms she was breathing normally just exhausted herself with worrying and not properly treating her car/motion sickness that suddenly came about. She was curled up in the bed when the doctor came in with the results, blinking open her eyes taking a moment to figure out where in the world she was. She heard a familiar voice and then the term pregnant making her perk up a little " we did a test earlier and it was negative" shaking her head before pausing to realize it was Malakai's buddy making her pout, everyone was always commenting about how close she and Malakai were.
The doctor smiled softly to her, “Blood tests don’t lie..” he reminded her and Malakai sat down in a chair, disbelief washing over his face. “I-I’m going to be a father..” he breathed out, sounding more relieved than anything else. He then got up and went to the bedside, grasping her hand gently as she woke. “Raya…” he began, he didn’t know what she’d feel..
By the doctors words of blood tests not lying she was speechless as she heard the relief in Malakai of finding out he was to be a father while she was still loading a reaction of this news. Carrying a child, her child, Malakai's child, meaning she needed to be more careful and probably have doctor appointments. She did not have much time when a pair of older persons hurried their way into the room "Oh Raya darling!" Malakai's mother would gasp hurrying to her side only to freeze when seeing her son "Oh my god" breathing in as she covers her mouth with disbelief. "My son!" his father would rejoice hurrying over to hug Malakai while Raya was still frozen.
Malakai was shocked to say the least when he saw his parents rush in, and he embraced them tightly. “Hi” he paused, leaning back slightly. “We were on our way to come see you but..” he looked to Raya.. “I had to get her here..” he tells them, noting the lack of his sister.
Tears of joy rolled down their faces as they embraced their son though were quite confused by he was here with Raya, hell why she was here. "I am her emergency contact since we are the only family she ever had" explaining to Malakai before looking over to Raya. "What happened, sweetheart?" taking a seat with Raya just now noticing how spooked she seemed leaving both adults to look toward their son.
Silence met the room for a moment before further joy exploded "Your gonna be a dad!" his mother would squeal as she leapt up to embrace her son since they were already grandparents to his nephew but they never thought to see their son again let alone hear he was starting a family. "Congratulations son, how long have you been in town? Why not come see us?" the interrogation beginning. Raya blinks hearing Malakai straight up tell them she was expecting which made her worried of getting their hopes up "But...I fainted" she spoked quietly "And I have been sick...and I can't be in the car without getting dizzy and more sick" starting to freak out a little.
He laughed happily as his mother embraced him tightly and he only pulled away as he noted his father’s questions, “Honestly..I lost track of time..” he admitted and hearing Raya.. he went over to her and touched her hand gently. “I know love…we’ll have to keep a close eye…I promise I’ll do everything I can for you,” he said firmly.
Raya looks to their hands than up to him only seeing the man she saw in great pain before his shot. The man who got lost in a memory that has long past. She swallows down her nerves as she nods her head “um I wanna go home, please can we go home” squeezing his hand. His mother gathered her shoes “of course dear, we can catch up tomorrow, you rest” reassuring her.
Never seeing Raya so shaken up did lead the mother to be weary “stop by the store on your way, ginger ale, heating pad and cold compress, some tums and anti-nausea medication” listing off what Malakai needed to get. She was a bit of a mother hen if her babies were not well “call is if you need anything, just twenty minutes from her little cottage, number on the fridge” continuing on as they exit the hospital.
She blinks over to him uncertain of what kind of shock he meant but his suggestion of an ultrasound distracted her. “No, a blood test is enough to convince me” quickly shutting down another doctor’s visit. Hell she rather cast her own leg or sew up a wound than go to a doctor Or hospital. “Just wasn’t prepared” glancing around the room.
Her gaze lands on his bag then back to him when he apologizes seeing the look on his face, thinking back to the hospital. Everyone was so happy other than her cause she was so worried. Sitting up she touches his arm “we want this baby, I want this baby, I dont want to mess up is all” admitting to him why she was acting like this. Moving into his lap she hugs him tightly scared he might pull away from her

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