Introductions Welcome New Users!

Hello, my name is Writenex some people from past roleplay forums call me Write or Nex. I've been roleplaying on and off for 35 years of my life so far. I do it for fun I enjoy fanfiction such as Sonic The Hedgehog and Resident Evil.

I'd say my favorite genre is action adventure and Sci Fi. I write in third person and my only tip is have a lot of fun!
Greetings traveler to The Roleplay Mansion!

I'm your host, Fae - and I look forward to starting new stories with you. So drop in and stay awhile. I'm sure anyone familiar with Xenforo's customization properties will find that the pen button Located at the top of the page allows you to choose the backgrounds of the website. It has 10 unique background pictures to choose from!
Also, at the bottom of the page you'll find the paint icon Which will allow you to change the banner- along with the color theme! Currently there are 4 banner options to choose from.

What we're all about:
  1. Mature Roleplaying: Any content that you write is meant for mature audiences only. Unless you specifically state in a thread you make to have minimal or no mature content, this website is where we can let our fantasies run wild.
  2. Any rp style is welcomed! We here mostly rp in third person, but if you prefer a different pov for your stories, don't be afraid to ask.

What we strive for:

A friendly community filled with endless stories that can take your writing to a new level! All of the staff members here have known each other for longer than 5 years, some even 11! We started out our days ages ago and it was decided on my part that I’d create something to gather a much larger community, hopefully one day we will have over 100 users-​

Also, go ahead and post a little about yourself following these guidelines
  1. Who you are, and how long have you been roleplaying?
  2. What’s your favorite genre of rp?
  3. What pov do you prefer to write in?
  4. If you’re a veteran rp poster, what is one tip you’d give to new rp’ers?
  5. **OPTIONAL: How did you find this website? (for website traffic info purposes only)

Anything else you’d like to discuss, take it to General Discussion and post there!

Again, welcome to the Mansion, hope you enjoy your stay!

Hello everyone, Yumi here.

1)I'm Yumi, I've been roleplaying for a bit over a year now.
2)I'm overall very flexible when it comes to genres, so to say, I don't have a favorite, it really depends on the plot line for me. I do like Fandom roleplays a lot though- they're quite fun.
3)I tend to match my partner, but I mostly write in 3rd POV.
4)Well I'm not a veteran, but something I do suggest is, especially for those who are starting out, is to not be afraid of experimenting with their likes and dislikes. You can only find your roleplay style if you actually try.
5)As for how I found this website, well, I searched on Google, and I found it. Pretty cliché, haha.

That was all! Thank you!
Hello everyone, Yumi here.

1)I'm Yumi, I've been roleplaying for a bit over a year now.
2)I'm overall very flexible when it comes to genres, so to say, I don't have a favorite, it really depends on the plot line for me. I do like Fandom roleplays a lot though- they're quite fun.
3)I tend to match my partner, but I mostly write in 3rd POV.
4)Well I'm not a veteran, but something I do suggest is, especially for those who are starting out, is to not be afraid of experimenting with their likes and dislikes. You can only find your roleplay style if you actually try.
5)As for how I found this website, well, I searched on Google, and I found it. Pretty cliché, haha.

That was all! Thank you!
Hi Yumi! Love seeing a new face here! I hope you enjoy your stay~ I'm not very active at the moment but our other lovely members here are and I'm sure you'll be able to find an rp partner to your liking!
hello, name's HANNA ! i'm 21+ with 15+ years of rp experience, seeking to write some mature stories ! feel free to shoot me a message, if you wish to roleplay ! account info and all that jazz is up !
Heya! You can call me Venture! I'm a 21+ writer who's been roleplaying in forums on-and-off for 16 or so years.

I'm pretty go-with-the-flow with my RP, be them thrilling, funny, or lewd, but I'm not super into extremely dark themes.

If you like good vibes, let's get a story started, or just shoot the breeze!
Nice to see new faces here! Welcome aboard~ I may be interested in starting up an rp but it’s limited rn as I am a very busy person now unfortunately lol
Nice to see new faces here! Welcome aboard~ I may be interested in starting up an rp but it’s limited rn as I am a very busy person now unfortunately lol
it took me a while to find a site that i can use, seems to have nice users on it and doesn't judge 18+ roleplayers. i talked venture into joining me here cause i've a good feeling !
  1. Who you are, and how long have you been roleplaying? I am Mysti, I have gone by a lot of different names over the years and I have been roleplaying on and off for about 19 years now
  2. What’s your favorite genre of rp? ERP, Fantasy anything that takes my fancy really
  3. What pov do you prefer to write in? Normally 3rd person
  4. If you’re a veteran rp poster, what is one tip you’d give to new rp’ers? Just have fun :)
Hi everyone! I am Carina Starlight! I was originally going to make my username Moriana means medicine in Sesotho and sun is poison in Somali. Decided to be a bit more astronomic and use Carina, a southern constellation.

What I enjoy most about roleplaying is the craft of storytelling. It is equally the hardest about roleplaying. Like cooking, every person is an ingredient and some don't mix well. The end product is underwhelming (maybe overwhelming too!) but a learning experience.

Roleplaying is ever-growing, limitless hobby. We learn from the people we interact with and adopt crafts, new styles, more interests and pass it on. I can say that for myself. I have roleplaying for quite some time, and, at 23, I have a lot to offer and advice to give.

A little about me: I am a huge fanatic of African content. Folklore, names, food, dance. I don't know everything but it is reflected in my writing. I can speak a little Japanese. Greetings and numbers, nothing special. Hoping to expand more with that and my Spanish.

Happy to lounge around in the mansion!
Greetings, I am Rayven (that's the name I would prefer to be called)

  1. I've been roleplaying for thirty (ish) years (I am indeed that old) starting with D and D as a child and working my way through Yahoo, AOL, and all the other sites since the dawn of time.
  2. My favorite RP Genre is Fantasy, basically anything with a fantastical element will catch my fancy.
  3. I only RP in 3rd person with other in 3rd person, otherwise it feels like it's me in the story and that is not really my interest. I like to be an outside observer.
  4. My biggest tip for RP and writing in general is to plot out some ideas, but let the characters go where they want. All characters have thier own mind, when they assert them over yours, allow it!
  5. I found this site on the Voting for RP sites, can't remember the name, but I like Mansions and all the rooms the hide in which we can have all the fun!
Looking for my profile and a seeking partners thread soon!
Greetings, I am Rayven (that's the name I would prefer to be called)

  1. I've been roleplaying for thirty (ish) years (I am indeed that old) starting with D and D as a child and working my way through Yahoo, AOL, and all the other sites since the dawn of time.
  2. My favorite RP Genre is Fantasy, basically anything with a fantastical element will catch my fancy.
  3. I only RP in 3rd person with other in 3rd person, otherwise it feels like it's me in the story and that is not really my interest. I like to be an outside observer.
  4. My biggest tip for RP and writing in general is to plot out some ideas, but let the characters go where they want. All characters have thier own mind, when they assert them over yours, allow it!
  5. I found this site on the Voting for RP sites, can't remember the name, but I like Mansions and all the rooms the hide in which we can have all the fun!
Looking for my profile and a seeking partners thread soon!
Love to have a new resident to rp with! Thanks for signing up! And lol you’re one of the firsts I’ve seen from there (know of), our voting area linked to that site is located on the main home page XD
Hello, hello, everyone! I'm Illusion— that thing with smokes and mirrors, and I've been roleplaying and dabbling in creative writing now for close to, if not a teeny bit over a decade. I prefer to write in 3rd person, and my favorite genres are; Action, Adventure, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Dystopian and basically anything that gives me the opportunity to direct some adversity or obstacles at my characters, so that they grow and develop from there. Also, creative freedom, as well as plot and character development are big for me. That probably explains the genres I enjoy.

I'd say that I'm a veteran, and if there's one piece of advice I'd offer to any upstarts, it's that they should take their time to find what they actually enjoy. Once they do that, it'll be easy to develop their skills to bolster the writing experience in that angle. Once you can enjoy what you write with confidence, your skills would improve drastically. Also, don't be afraid to try new things! You could stumble into something you never would've thought that you'd enjoy.

Let's see how quick I settle in here. Looking forward to meeting y'all, and bagging one or two partners while I'm at it.
Hello, hello, everyone! I'm Illusion— that thing with smokes and mirrors, and I've been roleplaying and dabbling in creative writing now for close to, if not a teeny bit over a decade. I prefer to write in 3rd person, and my favorite genres are; Action, Adventure, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Dystopian and basically anything that gives me the opportunity to direct some adversity or obstacles at my characters, so that they grow and develop from there. Also, creative freedom, as well as plot and character development are big for me. That probably explains the genres I enjoy.

I'd say that I'm a veteran, and if there's one piece of advice I'd offer to any upstarts, it's that they should take their time to find what they actually enjoy. Once they do that, it'll be easy to develop their skills to bolster the writing experience in that angle. Once you can enjoy what you write with confidence, your skills would improve drastically. Also, don't be afraid to try new things! You could stumble into something you never would've thought that you'd enjoy.

Let's see how quick I settle in here. Looking forward to meeting y'all, and bagging one or two partners while I'm at it.
Love to see a new resident here!! Hope you enjoy your stay here at the mansion :)
Hey there!

My name's Trepidation and I've been writing since I was like 12 or so. I've even ran a handful of RP dedicated forums. But, due to life, I've had to drop them. Now, I'm trying to get back into writing and I've been looking for a new forum to do it in.

I tend to write a mix of everything really. I've done a ton of fantasy, modern, sci-fi and a mix of the three. I've found myself gravitating away from another forum due to how the vast majority of the people there tend to focus on non-original content. I don't like writing in pre-established worlds like Harry Potter or whatever. I love creating my own original worlds with my own original characters to fill them out. I don't hold it against people, but, it's just not for me.

I plan on writing exclusively in third person POV's. I'm comfortable with writing stories with multiple character's and I have no issues with writing either guys or girls.

The main writing tip I can offer to people is to always ask 'why'. Why does your character act the way they do? Is it due to how they were raised? A core memory? A core tenant of their morality or ideology? Why are they doing X? Why do they wear the clothes they wear? The words they speak? The more you ask 'why' the more fleshed out your character becomes. The more alive they feel. And the same applies to the worlds you build. Why does your world behave the way it does? Why did certain laws get passed but others didn't? Why does magic exist? Why is it different from our own? The amazing and beautiful thing about writing is that you can go as deep as you want. You can be fairly shallow and happily enjoy yourself, or you can go super deep and be the next Tolkien. And it all boils down to the single question of 'why'.

Found the site via google when looking for new RP sites that cater toward adults and lewd writing.
Hey there!

My name's Trepidation and I've been writing since I was like 12 or so. I've even ran a handful of RP dedicated forums. But, due to life, I've had to drop them. Now, I'm trying to get back into writing and I've been looking for a new forum to do it in.

I tend to write a mix of everything really. I've done a ton of fantasy, modern, sci-fi and a mix of the three. I've found myself gravitating away from another forum due to how the vast majority of the people there tend to focus on non-original content. I don't like writing in pre-established worlds like Harry Potter or whatever. I love creating my own original worlds with my own original characters to fill them out. I don't hold it against people, but, it's just not for me.

I plan on writing exclusively in third person POV's. I'm comfortable with writing stories with multiple character's and I have no issues with writing either guys or girls.

The main writing tip I can offer to people is to always ask 'why'. Why does your character act the way they do? Is it due to how they were raised? A core memory? A core tenant of their morality or ideology? Why are they doing X? Why do they wear the clothes they wear? The words they speak? The more you ask 'why' the more fleshed out your character becomes. The more alive they feel. And the same applies to the worlds you build. Why does your world behave the way it does? Why did certain laws get passed but others didn't? Why does magic exist? Why is it different from our own? The amazing and beautiful thing about writing is that you can go as deep as you want. You can be fairly shallow and happily enjoy yourself, or you can go super deep and be the next Tolkien. And it all boils down to the single question of 'why'.

Found the site via google when looking for new RP sites that cater toward adults and lewd writing.
Hey~ love to have you here! I definitely would think having an rp with one another will be great, you seem like someone I could work with very well-

Also we hope you enjoy your stay here at the mansion, however long that may be ^-^ our doors are always open for you and if you ever decide to leave for awhile, you’ll always have a room here to come back to :3
Hello! While its not on my username, my pen name of sorts is Lux. I've roleplayed for... maybe 10, 11 years now. Fav genre would be fantasy. I'm a 3rd pov kind of person and I like to be very descriptive. I don't really think I would be considered a veteran as only recently I've been trying to get back into roleplay.
Hello! While its not on my username, my pen name of sorts is Lux. I've roleplayed for... maybe 10, 11 years now. Fav genre would be fantasy. I'm a 3rd pov kind of person and I like to be very descriptive. I don't really think I would be considered a veteran as only recently I've been trying to get back into roleplay.
Welcome! We love having you here :3 if you’re looking to get back into Roleplay this place is right for you! If you want I’m up for an rp too tbh

Edit: YOURE THE SAME TIME ZONE AS ME OH GLORIOUS DAY !! It’s SO rare to see someone from my time zone

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