Introductions Welcome New Users!

Welcome! We love having you here :3 if you’re looking to get back into Roleplay this place is right for you! If you want I’m up for an rp too tbh

Edit: YOURE THE SAME TIME ZONE AS ME OH GLORIOUS DAY !! It’s SO rare to see someone from my time zone
Oh lovely! I'd love to roleplay with you
Hey~ love to have you here! I definitely would think having an rp with one another will be great, you seem like someone I could work with very well-

Also we hope you enjoy your stay here at the mansion, however long that may be ^-^ our doors are always open for you and if you ever decide to leave for awhile, you’ll always have a room here to come back to :3

Haha, I'm glad you think so. I'd definitely love to write together. And I'm glad that the door's always open.
  1. Hi hi. I'm Val and I've only been roleplaying for a few years now. About 3? But I'm having a ton of fun with it.
  2. Modern fantasy, mostly. All the modern conveniences but throw in some fantasy elements like magic and monsters and I'm good to go.
  3. 3rd person. Post length usually varies depending who I'm writing with but I can go from short para to multi-para. Definitely not novella though.
  1. Hi hi. I'm Val and I've only been roleplaying for a few years now. About 3? But I'm having a ton of fun with it.
  2. Modern fantasy, mostly. All the modern conveniences but throw in some fantasy elements like magic and monsters and I'm good to go.
  3. 3rd person. Post length usually varies depending who I'm writing with but I can go from short para to multi-para. Definitely not novella though.
Heyo just call me Dorian. I've been roleplaying for maybe 3 or 4 years now, kind of on and off though, lets call it 2 years.

Genre wise I'm quite open, I don't think I really have a favorite yet.

Generally I write in 3rd person.

I looked up in google "Good ERP sites" and found this.
Love to see new people here! It honestly warms my heart— nice to meet you all- I’m Fae, one of the admins here :3 I’m currently busy in my day to day life but would love to start up an rp— maybe lol- 😂 just shoot me a PM and check out my interest thread in the Job board section (or located in my signature if you’re not on mobile) if you’re interested!

Again, welcome to RP Mansion!
Hey there, I'm Quent! I've been writing for uh, 20-odd years at this point. Generally I go for weird stories and characters -- unusual takes on traditional monster lore, homebrewed species, genre-mashing in a way that you don't normally see. Southern gothic space opera, victorian cyberpunk, western fantasy, just random mixing until cool juice comes out. Happy to have found this place, I like what I see so far!

As far as advice goes? Keep on keeping on, there's all kinds of folks to write all kinds of stories with, you just gotta' tingle your brain waves just right.
Hey there, I'm Quent! I've been writing for uh, 20-odd years at this point. Generally I go for weird stories and characters -- unusual takes on traditional monster lore, homebrewed species, genre-mashing in a way that you don't normally see. Southern gothic space opera, victorian cyberpunk, western fantasy, just random mixing until cool juice comes out. Happy to have found this place, I like what I see so far!

As far as advice goes? Keep on keeping on, there's all kinds of folks to write all kinds of stories with, you just gotta' tingle your brain waves just right.
Nice to meet you! Happy to have a new member at the Mansion :3 I’m Fae, one of the admins here— if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out!
[☎️] "What's your favourite scary movie?"


I'm usually known as Ash, whatever your preference is.

I've been role-playing for almost about 6 years now, going on 7 hopefully.

I'm a pan demigirl, who's pronouns are she/they and I'm hoping to meet new people here!

I'm also a huge fan of horror media and anything related to that genre, dms are open so feel free hmu<3 🔪🩸
[☎️] "What's your favourite scary movie?"


I'm usually known as Ash, whatever your preference is.

I've been role-playing for almost about 6 years now, going on 7 hopefully.

I'm a pan demigirl, who's pronouns are she/they and I'm hoping to meet new people here!

I'm also a huge fan of horror media and anything related to that genre, dms are open so feel free hmu<3 🔪🩸
Welcome! Pleased to have another member join our Mansion~ we hope you enjoy your stay!!
  1. Who you are, and how long have you been roleplaying?
    I go by LadyK most places. I typically do anthro rp these days but I have a lot of OCs and i've been roleplaying for a very long time. It's been nearly 20 years now!
  2. What’s your favorite genre of rp?
    I don't know that I have a favorite tbh! I like mixing things up and trying new things. Doing the same thing over and over can get a bit boring for me
  3. What pov do you prefer to write in?
    I typically like to rp in first person but can also do third if needed
  4. If you’re a veteran rp poster, what is one tip you’d give to new rp’ers?
    I guess a tip I could give would be to keep in mind what your rp partners have done. We all have things we want to do in an rp but in order to keep it coherent you have to keep in mind what others do as well! RP is a very fluid creature!!
  5. **OPTIONAL: How did you find this website? (for website traffic info purposes only)
    I was recently introduced to another rp site and while doing a google search on it I found this one!
  1. Who you are, and how long have you been roleplaying?
    I go by LadyK most places. I typically do anthro rp these days but I have a lot of OCs and i've been roleplaying for a very long time. It's been nearly 20 years now!
  2. What’s your favorite genre of rp?
    I don't know that I have a favorite tbh! I like mixing things up and trying new things. Doing the same thing over and over can get a bit boring for me
  3. What pov do you prefer to write in?
    I typically like to rp in first person but can also do third if needed
  4. If you’re a veteran rp poster, what is one tip you’d give to new rp’ers?
    I guess a tip I could give would be to keep in mind what your rp partners have done. We all have things we want to do in an rp but in order to keep it coherent you have to keep in mind what others do as well! RP is a very fluid creature!!
  5. **OPTIONAL: How did you find this website? (for website traffic info purposes only)
    I was recently introduced to another rp site and while doing a google search on it I found this one!
Hello!! Glad to have you here- we hope you enjoy your stay!
Hello guys! I hope your day is going well! I hope we can be friends ad write because I'm always full of ideas and I would love to write with some of you! I hope you all like my writing!
Hi, I'm Madder.
Returning to rp after a long time away.
Hey guys! Nice to see new faces here :3

Feel free to call me Midnight or Wishes. I've been roleplaying for approximately a decade now. I prefer to roleplay in third person, usually past tense, but it depends. I think my favourite genres might be romance, angst and fandom, but love various genres and am willing to dabble in most of them.

Honestly, it is unlikely that I have any particularly useful tips for other roleplayers. Anything I could tell them they've probably heard somewhere before or will figure out themselves. What I will say, though - even just as a reminder for those who might need it -, is that you shouldn't compromise your comfort for someone else. Nor should you ignore your preferences (in fact, ideally, you'd make sure to go into detail about this in any request thread to avoid finding out in the middle of a roleplay that you're not compatible, but sometimes I suppose you can figure out you do/don't want something that others might not like only once you're actually trying it out, which I do get.). Still, if you don't think you're compatible with someone who wants to roleplay with you, it would be best to just tell them, as opposed to having a bad roleplaying experience. I know there are people out there who don't want to come off as rude/unfriendly for doing so, but it can save people's time and sometimes it's for the best.

I found this website simply by typing in adult roleplay sites and looking through the results until I was linked here from XenForo.

Feel free to call me Midnight or Wishes. I've been roleplaying for approximately a decade now. I prefer to roleplay in third person, usually past tense, but it depends. I think my favourite genres might be romance, angst and fandom, but love various genres and am willing to dabble in most of them.

Honestly, it is unlikely that I have any particularly useful tips for other roleplayers. Anything I could tell them they've probably heard somewhere before or will figure out themselves. What I will say, though - even just as a reminder for those who might need it -, is that you shouldn't compromise your comfort for someone else. Nor should you ignore your preferences (in fact, ideally, you'd make sure to go into detail about this in any request thread to avoid finding out in the middle of a roleplay that you're not compatible, but sometimes I suppose you can figure out you do/don't want something that others might not like only once you're actually trying it out, which I do get.). Still, if you don't think you're compatible with someone who wants to roleplay with you, it would be best to just tell them, as opposed to having a bad roleplaying experience. I know there are people out there who don't want to come off as rude/unfriendly for doing so, but it can save people's time and sometimes it's for the best.

I found this website simply by typing in adult roleplay sites and looking through the results until I was linked here from XenForo.
HI! love to see a new face - glad to have you here!! Btw, I would check your links -- they don't seem to be working! If you need help let me know~
Hello! I'm Marzia, I've been rping for.....uhhhh years now XD I think about 20 years or so off and on. I love to rp romance, dark romance, sci-fi, fandom, all sorts of things! I honestly found this site on accidently on purpose since I was looking to join a new rp site. Looking forward to making friends and RP partners!
Hello! I'm Marzia, I've been rping for.....uhhhh years now XD I think about 20 years or so off and on. I love to rp romance, dark romance, sci-fi, fandom, all sorts of things! I honestly found this site on accidently on purpose since I was looking to join a new rp site. Looking forward to making friends and RP partners!
Pleased to have you here!! We hope you enjoy your stay ^-^
Hello! I'm Ori. Been doing rp since I was in my teens. I am now 27. I quite like most genres but often like the more darker things. A tip? I dont know, put yourself out there and be respectful of others and what they like. Don't throw a fit if someone declines your offer to rp! I prefer 3rd person, past tense. Reddit!
Hello! I'm Ori. Been doing rp since I was in my teens. I am now 27. I quite like most genres but often like the more darker things. A tip? I dont know, put yourself out there and be respectful of others and what they like. Don't throw a fit if someone declines your offer to rp! I prefer 3rd person, past tense. Reddit!
Dang! From Reddit?! XD I’m surprised, but glad to have you here!! I hope you enjoy your stay :3

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