Introductions Welcome New Users!

  1. Who you are, and how long have you been roleplaying - Hi, I'm Cheshire. I've been roleplaying since I was about 13 when an at-the-time girlfriend taught me about it though I'd been 'larping' when an old friend of mine and I used to read scripts from Charmed and self-insert our OCs. (My character was sent to the past from the future to save her father Chris. Yep, I was that kid). I'm a nerdy gamer girl and have lots of life experience with things like bdsm advocation as well as the advocation of mental health, disability (I'm disabled myself), and lgbt as well as a lot more. I've got varied interests so...yeah. I'm also terrible at introductions.
  2. What’s your favorite genre of rp? - Oh boy. I love darker story themes. A bit more heavy on the line of adult theme. I'm not opposed to more lighthearted but I find most fun in compelling plots where conflict and stress are brought amid romance and tension.
  3. What pov do you prefer to write in? - Third person only. I understand those who prefer the other pov but I cant do it personally.
  4. If you’re a veteran rp poster, what is one tip you’d give to new rp’ers? - Dont force it. Let the story and characters come naturally. If you're forcing something you're not into you'll hit burn out and lose the love for a really creative thing.
  5. **OPTIONAL: How did you find this website? (for website traffic info purposes only) - google LOL
  1. Who you are, and how long have you been roleplaying? I am RoleplayingMale, or RPM for short. I've been writing/roleplaying for twenty-three years and do a fair bit of fanfiction writing and roleplaying.
  2. What’s your favorite genre of rp? Crime and mystery.
  3. What pov do you prefer to write in? Third person.
  4. If you’re a veteran rp poster, what is one tip you’d give to new rp’ers? Get out there and write. Even if your are comparatively shitty, get out there and write and be open to feedback.
  5. **OPTIONAL: How did you find this website? (for website traffic info purposes only) Google search.
Hello! I'm starcrunch99, but you can just call me star cause ain't nobody typing allat! Not even me! XD 25, she/her.

Anywho~ I'm here because I want to get back into rp. Used to do it all the time back in middle school, but it's been a good decade and some change since then so please excuse me if I'm a bit rusty. :')

I am not sure what I'm into these days. I'm more of an OC, original slice of life type I guess? Not a huge fandom/canon rp person. Writing perspectives are totally flexible. Can I write multiple in-depth paragraphs? Maybe, but like I gotta be feeling it, y'know? I do prefer fast paced but slow burn is ok, again, if I'm vibing. I'll do my best to rp with folks though! Compromise, communicate, all that good stuff. I just ask for patience with my rusty rp skills. Cracks knuckles that turn to dust

Alright, that's all I think. Cheers to rekindling an old flame!^_^

I've been roleplaying... a long time let's just say lmao, it's just one of those things that's been part of the background noise of my life for quite a while.

I write in third-person, and although I'm capable of Ultra-Literate Speculative Fiction Adventures and all that, I really do gravitate toward cozy, casual little scenes where my guy spends quality time with a cute girl and we see what happens, y'know?

Happy to field any questions in my private inbox, just hoping to find a chill steady partner or two. Thanks!
Hello one and all. My name is Sean Mallon. I'm a role player of almost 25 years.

I'm into mostly romantic and adventurous RP's. Due to me being an avid D&D player.

I usually write in the 3rd Person writing style.

The one thing I've learned as a DN/GM/PLR is that you can't be repetitive. You should always have ample supply of style and variation in your roleplaying. If people see that your a "One Sided" player, it tends to turn them off as role players.

Also as role players (especially in D&D), you should have a good writing style. It helps in a way when you're trying to explain a situation in a most exacting matter. But this can be applied to any and all kinds of role play.
  1. Who you are, and how long have you been roleplaying - Hi, I'm Cheshire. I've been roleplaying since I was about 13 when an at-the-time girlfriend taught me about it though I'd been 'larping' when an old friend of mine and I used to read scripts from Charmed and self-insert our OCs. (My character was sent to the past from the future to save her father Chris. Yep, I was that kid). I'm a nerdy gamer girl and have lots of life experience with things like bdsm advocation as well as the advocation of mental health, disability (I'm disabled myself), and lgbt as well as a lot more. I've got varied interests so...yeah. I'm also terrible at introductions.
  2. What’s your favorite genre of rp? - Oh boy. I love darker story themes. A bit more heavy on the line of adult theme. I'm not opposed to more lighthearted but I find most fun in compelling plots where conflict and stress are brought amid romance and tension.
  3. What pov do you prefer to write in? - Third person only. I understand those who prefer the other pov but I cant do it personally.
  4. If you’re a veteran rp poster, what is one tip you’d give to new rp’ers? - Dont force it. Let the story and characters come naturally. If you're forcing something you're not into you'll hit burn out and lose the love for a really creative thing.
  5. **OPTIONAL: How did you find this website? (for website traffic info purposes only) - google LOL
Hi I am Simple-Direction and I have been roleplaying for 3 years and my favorirte genre is erp, and my pov is 3rd
  1. Who you are, and how long have you been roleplaying? I am RoleplayingMale, or RPM for short. I've been writing/roleplaying for twenty-three years and do a fair bit of fanfiction writing and roleplaying.
  2. What’s your favorite genre of rp? Crime and mystery.
  3. What pov do you prefer to write in? Third person.
  4. If you’re a veteran rp poster, what is one tip you’d give to new rp’ers? Get out there and write. Even if your are comparatively shitty, get out there and write and be open to feedback.
  5. **OPTIONAL: How did you find this website? (for website traffic info purposes only) Google search.
Howdy yall. Newish to rp and looking to learn and have fun

I've been roleplaying... a long time let's just say lmao, it's just one of those things that's been part of the background noise of my life for quite a while.

I write in third-person, and although I'm capable of Ultra-Literate Speculative Fiction Adventures and all that, I really do gravitate toward cozy, casual little scenes where my guy spends quality time with a cute girl and we see what happens, y'know?

Happy to field any questions in my private inbox, just hoping to find a chill steady partner or two. Thanks!
Hello one and all. My name is Sean Mallon. I'm a role player of almost 25 years.

I'm into mostly romantic and adventurous RP's. Due to me being an avid D&D player.

I usually write in the 3rd Person writing style.
Welcome all, I’m your Mansion host, Faewhisper but you all can call me Fae~ seeing you all here warms my heart ❤️ it is so nice to have so many new members ! I truly hope y’all can stay for a while and make great stories. People I recommend here for great rps are: @RhysTheFirebird, @Knight_of_None, @RedCoat and @Orion - the first two people mentioned I know here are most active, and will definitely get things kickstarted for your rp needs!

I’ve been on a hiatus as of late, so I’m not sure if I’m up for anything at the moment but, I feel I’ll be lurking on here in the next few weeks, maybe itching for a comeback. And! I wouldn’t mind if you sent out a PM to me at all :3 I do love to brainstorm tbh.

Anyways, with that being said—

Welcome to the Roleplay Mansion!!
Hello all! I’m Naked_Nova! You can also call me Nova, Jess, or Jessie! I’m a role player of a couple years, not really a veteran but by no means new

It’s hard to pick a favorite genre of RP lol. Ii started with fantasy, did some contemporary, some urban fantasy, so on. I guess I’m up for anything as long as the setting and characters are fun ^^

I usually write in 3rd person, but I’m cool with 1st person too!

Not sure what advice to give other than: if you have fun creating the character or a setting, that’s usually a good sign ^^

As for how I found this place: google lol
I've been a writer for nearly 20 years and it has certainly been a long journey. I consider myself miles away from where I started, but I still have a long way to go. I came here to improve my writing and push myself to be better, as well as create stories that remain trapped in my mind.

My favorite past time is to daydream, followed directly by reading. I can never seem to get enough with the words some else has written and I have an insatiable hunger. I look forward to making friends and exploring new avenues.

What do I like to write? Well, mostly plot-based story lines. Kind of a sucker for a slow-burn or any other cliche tropes. Genre-wise, it's too hard to pick. I enjoy Horror, Fiction, High Fantasy, Low Fantasy, Supernatural, Science Fiction, Apocalypes, Fandom, etc etc.

I prefer to write in third person. I can write in first but I don't enjoy it as often.

Hmm tip wise? Well I would say answer the questions: How does your character feel? What are they doing? Why do they think this way? and Where do they want this conversation to go...

Anyway, looking forward to meeting new people since this was recommended from Google. And if you want to do a Naruto RP, just DM me. I'd love you forever
Hello all! I’m Naked_Nova! You can also call me Nova, Jess, or Jessie! I’m a role player of a couple years, not really a veteran but by no means new

It’s hard to pick a favorite genre of RP lol. Ii started with fantasy, did some contemporary, some urban fantasy, so on. I guess I’m up for anything as long as the setting and characters are fun ^^

I usually write in 3rd person, but I’m cool with 1st person too!

Not sure what advice to give other than: if you have fun creating the character or a setting, that’s usually a good sign ^^

As for how I found this place: google lol
Hiii!! Im SP !! I personally love horror, angst, and romance in my rps !! I also personally prefer third person!! Tips for newer rpers? Communication is key!! And make sure to check in with ur rp partner inbetween darker/hardcore scenes !!!
Hi! I’m super new! Been looking for a play to role play 18+ themes. I’m from Gaiaonline and I also run around on recolor sometimes. Nice to meet you all! I have a 1x1 search thread up so I look forward to talking and meeting everyone!
I've been a writer for nearly 20 years and it has certainly been a long journey. I consider myself miles away from where I started, but I still have a long way to go. I came here to improve my writing and push myself to be better, as well as create stories that remain trapped in my mind.

My favorite past time is to daydream, followed directly by reading. I can never seem to get enough with the words some else has written and I have an insatiable hunger. I look forward to making friends and exploring new avenues.

What do I like to write? Well, mostly plot-based story lines. Kind of a sucker for a slow-burn or any other cliche tropes. Genre-wise, it's too hard to pick. I enjoy Horror, Fiction, High Fantasy, Low Fantasy, Supernatural, Science Fiction, Apocalypes, Fandom, etc etc.

I prefer to write in third person. I can write in first but I don't enjoy it as often.

Hmm tip wise? Well I would say answer the questions: How does your character feel? What are they doing? Why do they think this way? and Where do they want this conversation to go...

Anyway, looking forward to meeting new people since this was recommended from Google. And if you want to do a Naruto RP, just DM me. I'd love you forever
Hello! Welcome to our small corner of the internet. We hope you’ll stay awhile. If you ever find yourself drifting from time to time I will let you know that our doors are always open no matter what happens, we will always welcome you back with open arms ❤️

I’m your mansion host Fae, and as I’m not online as I used to be, I definitely want to get back into the swing of things. I’ve taken a big hit to my mental health / muse after one rp partner left recently and it affected me more than I’d realized so I apologize greatly. I’ve also been dealing with a lot of chronic health issues and tbh although I’m managing them better my symptoms are -100 worse lol. But I’ll stop the sob story here because I can just vent in the off topic threads!

I will say don’t forget to check out my announcements / updates threads that I’ve posted (my last one was a while ago) and keep yourself posted on what’s going on here. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our lovely staff members @Knight_of_None @RedCoat, especially knight since he’s more online than I am nowadays lol.

With that being said, I hope everyone enjoys their time here, and well,

Happy roleplaying!
Hello, everyone! I'm Bangladeshifroleplayer. I'm 24 F from Bangladesh. I've been roleplaying for about 5 years. I can play both first person and third person POV, but I've ended up doing more first person POV roleplays in the past. I really love incorporating Bangladeshi female characters and desi aspects in roleplays! I would say that I'm a veteran but I'm not sure what I can say to new RPers other than to have fun responsibly!
Hello, everyone! I'm Bangladeshifroleplayer. I'm 24 F from Bangladesh. I've been roleplaying for about 5 years. I can play both first person and third person POV, but I've ended up doing more first person POV roleplays in the past. I really love incorporating Bangladeshi female characters and desi aspects in roleplays! I would say that I'm a veteran but I'm not sure what I can say to new RPers other than to have fun responsibly!
Hello!! Wonderful to see you :) thank you for coming to our corner of the world over here, glad you could stop by! I can’t wait to see the types of rps you create - we hope you enjoy your stay!!

I’m your mansion host Fae, and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any one of our lovely staff members. If anything please contact @Knight_of_None first as he is more online than I am at this time!

Anyways, happy roleplaying!!
Hello!! Wonderful to see you :) thank you for coming to our corner of the world over here, glad you could stop by! I can’t wait to see the types of rps you create - we hope you enjoy your stay!!

I’m your mansion host Fae, and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any one of our lovely staff members. If anything please contact @Knight_of_None first as he is more online than I am at this time!

Anyways, happy roleplaying!!
Thank you so much! I can't wait to start roleplaying with people on here 😊😊
Hello, I go by many names, but lately I've been going by Chippairaptor. I'm a 29 year old male from the US, and I've been RPing on various forums since I was in middle school. My favorite genres are science fiction (especially military sci-fi or sci-fi horror) and fantasy, but I am a hopeless romantic who lives vicariously through my characters, so it's almost always guaranteed that I'll want a romantic subplots.

I write third-person, past tense, and tend not to mesh well with writers that write in other styles. Sorry, just how I am.

Some of my favorite things include Jurassic Park (and dinosaurs in general), Monster Hunter, some anime and manga (right now I'm watching Accel World), virtual YouTubers (especially HoloLive), and animals in general.

Hopefully this place will work out for me.

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