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Your Blood...It's Intoxicating (Brit)

Local Time:
2:49 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She gave a small yelp as she was pushed down, her cheeks darkening at his words. “How are you so certain?” She asked him, knowing how her dreams were, since she came from a long line of shamans…they were premonitions more than anything.

The word ‘play with’ turned in her mind. She hated that she couldn’t be exclusive with Kazimir, at least, her werewolf instincts were hating it. But she figured attention from him was better than no attention at all.

At his command, she was about to obey, before there was a knock on the door. “Sire?” A man’s voice called out. “Your fiancée is here and is requesting your presence..”
Local Time:
2:49 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Naomi watched him leave, the words ‘pet’ rang out in her mind. She bit her lip gently, sighing softly. Would going back to her pack be so bad at this point? At least the male there only wanted to fuck her at this point.

When Kazimir returned, he would find the clothes Naomi had been given laying there on the bed, but she was gone. It wasn’t like he’d care too much, with his future Queen now being there.

Victoria frowned as she entered the room with Kaz, she had been certain that the werewolf blood would keep her beauty retained for what it was. She sighed and looked to Kazimir. “No matter, a pet is always easily replaced.” She spoke, but that deep feeling in Kazimir’s gut wouldn’t be something he could ignore. Was Naomi really just a pet to him? Especially considering their friendship too…
Local Time:
10:49 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Kazimir sighed, shaking his head "Not one like her. She was special." He looked at the clothes, before sitting down and shaking his head "I just hope she didn't return to her pack... That would be a waste of herself, she's worth so much more than simply being a denmother." He spoke outloud, almost hoping Naomi was still there, listening...
Local Time:
2:49 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Victoria sat down with him, rubbing his shoulders slowly. “Well…she’s a werewolf, Kazimir. She doesn’t understand customs like ours…where they mate for life and love, we do so to continue our species..” she reminded him, her dark hair falling forward slightly.

Naomi was around listening, but she had heard enough. ‘Special’ he called her, sure enough that didn’t mean anything for her, as Victoria had a point.

She left from being out of earshot, coming across a man from the other coven. He was the brother to Victoria, and the other lord as well.

“Well well…a pretty thing like you lost it’s way, hm?” He would wrap his arm around Naomi, drawing her in. He grinned as he sniffed her neck and noticed how she stayed still. “Mm…your blood would make a fine bloodline for me..” he murmured out, and pulled back reluctantly. He snapped his fingers and a servant of his brought out a simple collar and before Naomi could say a word, she was collard by this man, and her ears laid back in worry. What…what would this mean? Will Kazimir find out? It wasn’t like he’d fight for her though.

The man laughed at her expression. “Mm..don’t worry your pretty little head..this is only temporary so others know you now belong to me…when we get back to my coven, I’ll take you to be my queen underneath the bloodmoon.” He hadn’t found a suitable woman to his tastes yet, but now with Naomi here..
Local Time:
10:49 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Kazimir frowned at Victoria again "Her blood was... different. I really don't know how to explain it." He then rubbed his face "Perhaps if I'd have promised her my attentions she would have stayed..." He shook his head "I think you would have liked to meet her, really."

Another servant walked into the corridor, tilting her head as she watched "Excuse me, Lord? This one belongs to prince Kazimir..." She said softly, keeping her head lowered and almost expecting to be struck for speaking out of turn "I... think you should remove the collar..."
Local Time:
2:49 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Victoria let out a soft sigh, “You know after the blood moon, it’s your queen who will have your attention fully…remember?” She pressed and looked out the window briefly. The harems were only made so you could easily choose a queen from the lot. But in the case of their arranged marriage, that certainly wasn’t going to happen.

The lord raised an eyebrow. “I don’t see a mate mark on her..” he said and grabbed Naomi’s form close, making her squeak out softly from the feeling. “Plus…he’s betrothed to my sister. A prince such as he should know his attentions should fully be on her.” He snarled lowly, nibbling on Naomi’s neck gently. Naomi didn’t make a move or a sound, her eyes shut as she was subjected to this man’s power. She hated this. She just wanted to go back home, not worry about being anyone’s.

It was better in her dreams at least. Perhaps…she could put herself in a deep slumber- she just remembered how to, seeing her grandmother doing the same, a long time ago when she had to travel in between realities..

The man was about to bite on her neck when he felt Naomi go slack. “What the..?”
Naomi’s form had gone into a deep coma- pretty much becoming deadweight. Unfortunately though for Naomi, she wouldn’t dream, she would just be subjected to nothingness since she truly wasn’t a shaman, so this power wouldn’t be effective.
Local Time:
10:49 PM
Nov 14, 2022
"Yes, I'm aware Victoria." Kazimir muttered, even as she'd get an odd feeling. From the way he was speaking... Well, she wasn't exactly keen on him either. They were friendly enough, but without the marriage being enforced, it was unlikely they'd ever have been together. He looked up at her, shaking his head "I still want to know she's safe, that's all." He said, standing up and walking from the room, not really caring as to where he went.
Local Time:
2:49 PM
Nov 10, 2022
The other lord raised his hands up, letting Naomi fall to the floor in a slump. “I didn’t bite!” He assured, and his words were true.

“She just…became slack and I’m not sure why..!” He exclaimed next, backing up. “Fuck this, I’m going back to my coven..” he spoke and flashed away before Kazimir could react.
Local Time:
2:49 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Victoria watched and came forward, “What happened to her?” She asked, noting the sleeping girl. Was this the woman Kazimir had been talking about?

Speaking of harems..Kazimir’s first harem would be given underneath the blood moon if it weren’t for him being in this arranged marriage. If he had his first harem, it would take until the next blood moon to choose a queen from it..

With the way Naomi wasn’t waking..and the days came closer to the blood moon…what would Kazimir do?
Local Time:
2:49 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“Hm..” She hummed, noting him trying to wake her.

Naomi coughed as she tasted blood, her eyes fluttered but she fell back in her slumber.

“Well…the blood moon is soon, darling Kazimir,” she used the words Naomi had before. “I believe things should be put in order for your first harem, hm? And then by the next one when I return..you can take me as your queen..” she pressed, wanting him to forget the werewolf that was laying there. Although she had hated this arranged marriage..she knew she had to keep it for their coven’s sake.
Local Time:
2:49 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Victoria gave a small sigh, watching the female wolf slowly wake up.

“Mmnh-“ Naomi made a noise and she blinked awake, looking around her. “Where…where am I?” She asked as she came to. “And…who are you?” She looked to Kazimir’s face, her eyes held questions due to supposed memory loss.
Local Time:
2:49 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“Safe?” She echoed, looking around. “What do you mean safe?” She asked, drawing her hand away from Kazimir. “All I smell are bloodsuckers! What do you want with my blood?!”

Her ears laid back in worry, she glanced to the female vampire Victoria, knowing females loved to feast on pretty women to keep their own beauty attained.

Something in her memory must have alerted her that Victoria wasn’t as she seemed, and even if her memory recovered, who’s to say what will happen?
Local Time:
2:49 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She paused and bit her lip, shying away as much as she was able to. “Just..get her away from me!” She whimpered, worried about Victoria still.

Victoria looked offended but said nothing. “I’ll return during the second blood moon.” She promised Kazimir.
It had been a few years, and Naomi’s memory hadn’t recovered yet. It was like in her dreams before she had woken up. But this time she was in the garden of the coven, and she wasn’t a servant or even a pet of Kazimir’s, he had given strict orders to everyone to leave her alone, hoping to revive her memory in some way. The second blood moon was nearing in only a matter of a couple months.

Naomi was humming softly, stooping down and picking some flowers, accidentally pricking her finger on the thorn. She had completely forgotten about her life in the pack, and had forgotten the man who had raped her. It was like she was living a completely different life…which she was. Whatever she did a few years back- it certainly stuck. But it didn’t push her feelings aside for Kazimir, especially since she got to reknow him again over the years.
Local Time:
10:49 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Kazimir was, for his part, merely wandering, his heart torn between Victoria and Naomi. He knew he had to commit to one of them, and to commit to Naomi would jeopardise his entire coven... So why did he want to do it all the more with every passing moment? What didn't help was the fact he knew she'd come to feel more attracted to him as time passed... He had to think of something...
Local Time:
2:49 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Naomi though remained blissfully unaware, even as Victoria was…acutely aware of Kazimir’s feelings for the werewolf. She saw Naomi nothing more than a pet, not even one to be played with. Her jealous nature was soon known by Kazimir during one night of passion when he slipped Naomi’s name from his lips. She still had to forgive him of that.

What Naomi and Kazimir had that Victoria didn’t was…history with one another. And that was what she was envious of mostly. And Naomi didn’t remember it, which she found ironic. But she would have to plot a way to get rid of the she wolf. Perhaps her brother was still wanting her?

As her finger bled, she felt a presence and she figured it was Kazimir, but it was the other lord who had met her in the hallway all those years ago, but she didn’t remember him.

“May I help you sir? Are you lost?” She tilted her head, and he without another word grabbed her hand and sucked on her cut, moaning out at the taste of her blood. “I can see why Kazimir hides you..”
Local Time:
2:49 PM
Nov 10, 2022
The lord paled again, groaning softly as he heard Kazimir approach. He pulled back, having Naomi behind him this time.

“What, she didn’t pass out this time!” He crossed his arms. “Plus. You know your heart belongs to my sister…she’s expecting a gift on your wedding night.” He grinned a little, wondering what it could be. Usually it was the harem girls, she would drain each one of their beauty and become more beautiful herself.
Local Time:
10:49 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Kazimir's growl got a little sharper, before he looked the man in the eye "My heart belongs where I put it." He stated, before licking his lips as an idea crossed his mind "But don't you worry. Victoria will always be close to me..." After all, the conditions were that Kazimir and Victoria be together... no one had stated exactly how that had to be...
Local Time:
10:49 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Kazimir nodded "I am aware of that." He replied softly, and from his tone... Naomi would feel strangely reassured. He clearly had a plan up his sleeve, to do something... The real question was what was his plan here...

A few days later, Naomi would find out when she was summoned to Kazimir's room, where's she'd find Victoria tied up on the bed, with Kazimir stood watching "Ah, Naomi... Good. What do you think of your gift?"
Local Time:
2:49 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Naomi blinked in confusion, her eyes widening slightly as she saw Victoria there, the look of absolute disdain in her eyes for Naomi.

“My..gift?” She squeaked out, “but Lord Kazimir…” she began, knowing although Kazimir was kind to her, he had not shown her any sort of love or affection in that regard. “I-I’m not meant to…” she knew werewolf blood was not meant to be on the throne. Surely he’d face repercussions..

She had been summoned by him, but he’d get a whiff of her blood, it was dripping down her side in a wide gash, far to deep to heal by her werewolf genes. He had been too caught up in his plan to even notice. She had been compelled to continue to walk here, even though she should have passed out.

She took a step back but felt dizzy. Memories began to flood back to her bit by bit, and she whined softly out in pain.
Local Time:
10:49 PM
Nov 14, 2022
Kazimir darted forwards, catching Naomi before she could fall and checking her injuries "I... This... no..." He murmured, before taking her to Victoria and leading her to bite on the vampire's neck. He didn't know about her memories, and he wouldn't get in trouble at all, considering the fact he was loopholing the fuck out of his agreement. After all, he had promised to have the blood of Victoria's family on the throne... He'd never promised that it would be IN Victoria...
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