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A Vampire Raised with Lycans (the Brit)

Local Time:
9:52 PM
Nov 10, 2022
This was not your normal story of vampires vs lycan story, no, this was a world where vampires had been the outcasts. Nothing more than the nighttime guardians of certain Lycan clans. A few had triumphed over the beasts and made covens for themselves, eventually leading to a feud between the races. Some clans and covens had come to a sort of truce over the decades that had passed but nevertheless there still was clear hostility between the two, no matter how ‘civil’ they became towards one another.

Our story takes place in the deep forests, in a clan to which was not so keen on making truce with the vampires but tolerated them. It was there one evening, in the shaman’s den- mate to the alpha, where she was nursing two newborn male pups. The alpha came in with something in between it’s jaws- a newborn vampire. The boy had been found abandoned, alone and crying out for its mother. Although the shaman was reluctant, she agreed with her mate that the boy needed to be pitied and raised here, or it would go against her conduct as a shaman and let a helpless soul die. She nursed the vampire boy as one of her own and watched him grow alongside his two older brothers.

As you grew, you knew you were different but never felt out of place in the clan. Your mother provided you with a sunshine token, one to protect you from the sun and it’s harsh capabilities on your flesh. That token was precious to you, but you knew that if you drank from a day walker’s flesh (as some elder vampires were called) you too would never have to wear that token around you anymore. And though you longed for it, seeing other vampires in these woods were…few and far between.

You also never really argued or fought with your two older lycan siblings, although you did have to admit the eldest was the cockiest and most arrogant of the two, where the second oldest was learning to be a shaman like your mother.

There also happened to be two female lycans around you and your brother’s age, and you five were a close knit of friends. Hunting together, patrolling, play fighting- you name it. You didn’t really realize how precious these moments were until one night, it would all be stripped away.

The flames that engulfed your camp were hot, and smoke filled your lungs and eyes, hardly able to make out anything. The den that you had grew up in was blocked by a burning log, and you could hear your mother whine and cry out for help. But there was no saving her. You can and tried to remove the log but it was useless. Face to face with her, she told you to save whoever you could and get to the water. The forest fire wouldn’t reach there at the lake. The soil was too wet.

Looking around desperately, you find your eldest brother, but he had been impaled by a burning branch and had perished. Cursing, you looked more around and found your other sibling hurrying the rest of your clan up and over the fallen brush surrounding your camp before it too caught flame. Finding no one else, you followed behind.

Once at the lake and regrouping, you noticed your father was nowhere to be seen. He had probably been trying to help your mother escape but ultimately perished. Angry with yourself and trying to piece things together, knowing fires like that didn’t just happen. It had to be works of the humans, and a rage boiled up inside of you. But you calmed down once you noticed the remainders of your clan, which surprisingly was a lot, save for the few elders and your family members…were all looking to you. Since the eldest of the alpha’s sons had perished, and the second eldest was now the new shaman- you, you were meant to lead. Untraditional, sure, but in times like these..what else could you do?


Carmen and Serena had regrouped by the lake with the others and Serena shifted to her human form- thankfully they had learned how to shift with garments still on them- it had been a neat trick and had saved so many embarrassing moments. Carmen on the other hand shifted as well, but was naked. Always the attention seeker. Serena had to save herself from an eye roll as she knew what her elder sister was up to. The handsome yet rugged vampire who they had called their friend was now in a position of power and if Carmen could only control herself…


Serena waited to see what their new leader would say, and what their next course of action was.

Carmen versus her sister had always been a thing. Carmen had bullied Serena repeatedly and told her that she didn’t deserve a mate because of how ugly she was in appearance. But it was quite the opposite. Serena in fact was a natural beauty, with striking yellow eyes and long, dark hair framing her face quite nicely. Yet with her sister’s constant berating, she had never been one to ‘put herself’ out there for a mate, as she never had seen herself like that. Although she did have a crush on their vampire friend..she knew it was probably never to be.


(Btw I’m cool with playing the shaman and Serena if you’d take up Carmen and the vampire dude. I really want Carmen to be the jealous older sister type? Also I have pictures for each of the girls and the shaman)

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You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images
The vamp's brother(shaman):
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Local Time:
5:52 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Carrack looked into the water, seeing no reflection before he splashed his face to clean the soot from it. He did this for a moment or two, then looked up at all those waiting to hear him speak, seeing Serena and Carmen sat together and smiling softly to his friends before speaking "Friends... I... I know, this is not how any of us saw the change of our pack leader... and I know that I would not have been the first choice of many... But I swear. We shall rebuild. And I will not let anything like this happen again." He announced to the entire group, watching faces carefully for any response. When he found nothing, he looked back down into the lake "First... We shall wait. Wait for the flames to die out... Then we will bury those we have lost, before we leave."

Carmen was sat with her legs crossed, watching Carrack and smiling back when he smiled to her, even as she pushed her chest out a little. Nudity wasn't exactly frowned upon, but it also wasn't exactly the normal thing. It was a personal choice, after all. If you wished to be exposed, it was your choice to expose yourself. And if you didn't, you didn't. She turned her head, seeing Serena sat there and she clicked her tongue, reaching up to brush a strand of hair back into place on her own head "Hmph. What're you looking at, runt?"

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Local Time:
9:52 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Serena listened to Carrack, nodding to his words about rebuilding. This was the first ever for a werewolf pack to have a vampire as its alpha. So she knew things would get interesting as traditions probably wouldn’t be followed. When she noticed her sister talking to her, she darted her eyes downward, “Nothing, Carmen.” She spoke, knowing how many fights they have had and each one Serena had lost. She truly was the weaker of the two so certainly even if Carrack followed traditional rules, he would choose the stronger of the two females for his mate.

Adam was tending to the wounds of everyone, his ears flicked once his brother mentioned burying their dead. He knew who he meant. He was not prepared to go back and see the faces of his family members, frozen in terror no doubt. Who would even start such a fire? Fire season wasn’t even here yet as it was wet season currently. So the fire had to have been made deliberately.
Local Time:
5:52 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Carrack sighed as the pack dispersed to converse amongst themselves, immediately moving across to Adam and quietly speaking "I know, Brother... I wont make you do it... I'll... I will bury them." He murmured, placing a hand on Adam's shoulder "But still... The fire... We need to find out who set it, make sure they can never do it again."

Carmen smirked as Serena looked down "Good. Because you know how it works. I'm stronger, so I'm the better mate. Not to mention how much bigger I am." And it was true. Where Serena was rather petite, Carmen was voluptuous. And even if Serena was the more attractive, Carmen was much happier to show herself off, hoping to gain Carracks attention and gaining pretty much everyone elses as she did so.
Local Time:
9:52 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Adam gave a stern expression as he wrapped his burned arm. “My only guess would have to be the humans.” He murmured and sighed, relief washing over him at his brother’s first sentence. “I- I still want to help though,” he admitted. It was his blood kin after all, even Adam and Carrack had become blood brothers through a pact with their eldest, so their bond was tighter than most. That gave Carrack the strength of a werewolf along with his natural vampiric abilities. Adam glanced over at the two sisters, their friends. Adam wasn’t particularly attracted to either. He figured he would have a life of abstinence as most male shamans practiced- female shamans were different, and like his father- it was rare to mate with a shaman, but not uncommon. (*coughs* I’d prefer if he has a relationship with a vampiress)

Serena made a face at her sister’s words. Her yellow eyes stared at the ground, knowing it was probably her fate to become a beta in the pact- her sister was right though. If anything, Carmen was ready to be bred at that point, whereas Serena had yet to experience her first heat cycle. A very late bloomer, but unbeknownst to her, she would fill out over time as she grew into her female wolfhood.
Local Time:
5:52 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Carrack nodded, placing a hand on Adam's shoulder "Of course. The Humans..." He spat on the ground, before looking up "Only if you think you can manage it..." He followed Adam's gaze to Carmen and Serena, his eyes lingering on Serena, even if she couldn't see it, before looking back "Just... Let me know, what you decide."

Carmen stretched her body out as Carrack and Adam looked towards her and her sister, even as she sighed happily. It was always nice to be appreciated, and the fact Serena stayed covered up made it nice and easy for Carmen to draw all the eyes. Including some outside the pack...

(Okay then. But shall we introduce them at a later time?)
Local Time:
9:52 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Yes, I’d prefer that but I’m not opposed to now)

Adam’s eyes lingered on Carmen for a moment, disgusted that she would throw herself out there like that. Didn’t she know the possible dangers of outsiders? His thoughts turned back to the conversation at hand and sighed. “The new moon is in a few days,” he mentioned to his brother. “Hopefully we can make a new camp before then,” knowing that the new moon left vampires virtually undetected and although they never had a problem in the past, now without a camp, their females would be ripe for the picking- becoming slaves to the male vampires. But then again, vampires, beside Carrack- weren’t in this forest.

Serena’s ears flicked as she overheard Adam, and she shivered lightly. She looked up and around the area, knowing this was a bad spot for them to spend the night in. They would have to find some sort of shelter.

Speaking of vampires, a few lurked around the pack, but none were essentially interested in them. They were just patrolling the outskirts of their coven, located deeper within the forests, a magnificent castle like building that hoarded many, many vampires. Long ago they had lost their only heir to the throne, a young male - and they hadn’t stopped searching for them. The fact that this pack of werewolves were run by a vampire raised many questions. Was this man their lost heir?
Local Time:
5:52 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Carrack nodded to Adam's words "Mhm. We need to find somewhere more secure... I know of a cave, a few hours journey west. It might not be a camp, but it would keep us secure enough, until the new moon passes." He glanced across towards Serena and Carmen, the elder sister clearly what Adam would be most concerned with.

Carmen for her part knew the risks, but also didn't give much of a fuck. She was a fighter, and she could defend herself against anything. Or so she thought. She glanced at her sister again, laughing softly "Oh, stop being such a baby, Runt. We'll be fine. Besides, doubt a vamp would want to nick you. Not when I'm here."
Local Time:
9:52 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“That sounds like a good plan,” he murmured and glanced to the smoke filled sky. He tried to search out constellations to speak with their ancestors but it was too hazy to see. “I only hope the fire dies down by morning..” he murmured more to himself than anything. “Would you like some of the males to be put on watch?” He asked Carrack next, knowing that a shaman was nearly second to the alpha, just as respected and revered too.

Serena looked up and at her sister’s face. “You know it’s not looks their after, right?” She shifted back into her wolf form, her sleek black fur glinting in the soft glow of the fire behind them. She curled up with her tail around her nose, trying to block out the stench of the smoke. She didn’t care really if vampires came and snatched her sister up. It would be for the better, but she could hear her mom scold her from beyond the grave. Saying how she had to be kind to her sister, even if her sister was terrible to her. She hated that.

The vampires that were patrolling watched the pack carefully with their red laced eyes- murmuring amongst themselves that they should keep an eye on the alpha, wondering when they could reveal themselves and offer the man a place back into their coven. Better suited for him than this life of sticks and stones. They left after awhile, going to report to their current in charge about their findings.
Local Time:
5:52 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Carrack nodded "I hope so too... And yes. Place a watch of 4... rotating through the night." He replied to Adam, before walking across to where Serena and Carmen were "You two... Find somewhere to sleep for the night, please... Just, not in the open." He instructed them.

Carmen laughed at Serena, before watching her shift forms "Oh really? Well then, I guess you are in danger." She teased again, before turning to Carrack "Oh? Can we sleep with you, Alpha? That would keep us safest, wouldn't it?"
Local Time:
9:52 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Adam went to go do so as his brother instructed, placing four of their best warriors on watch, and knew with them it would be pretty much impossible to attack their females. He knew there was one queen with small pups in tow too so they would have to be extra careful.

Serena’s head raised as Carrack came over, she flicked and ear at Carmen’s words. “We probably should sleep with the other females, especially towards the inner of the pack circle,” she mentioned, but knew her sister would be persistent. She didn’t want to stick around for that. So she got up and moved past Carrack and Carmen, her soft fur briefly touching Carrak’s leg, and Serena laid down by the queen and her pups, with three other females.
Local Time:
5:52 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Carrack nodded to Serena "Yes, that... That would be best." He murmured, watching Serena pad away before turning to Carmen "Would... Would you mind, going with her? I... I just want you both to be safe."

Carmen blinked at Carracks words, before shifting forms and following Serena, almost disbelieving that he wouldn't have made a move to her. What on earth was going on here? She normally would have tried to be pushy, but after that? She paused, a few steps from Serena, before looking back out into the forest... She could do much better as a warrior, hunting out the Vampires and humans...
Local Time:
9:52 PM
Nov 10, 2022
But ultimately, Carmen would reside for now, knowing that was what her alpha wanted. And if she wished to be his mate..

Serena tried to sleep. She could hear the soft whines of the pups and heard the mother calming them down. That queen had been extremely lucky. They had all been lucky. She felt terrible for Carrack and Adam’s family and she wished to comfort them, but didn’t know how.

It wasn’t until later that evening that Serena had to get up and go relieve herself. She chose a place where she knew she could be safe, upwind from any predators. When she was done, she circled back around to climb back up towards the lake. She misplaced a paw and the soft mud caved in on her, and she gave a small yelp of surprise. The mudslide pushed her down further into the forest, and she tumbled over rocks and branches. Once the mudslide was finished, she stood and shook her pelt to rid herself of the dirt. She began to move but whined when she realized she had sprained her leg. “Dammit,” she cursed softly, looking from where she came. How in the hell would she make it back up now?
Local Time:
9:52 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Serena looked up towards the sound of Carrack’s voice and her ears laid back slightly. If her sister found out that he had come to her rescue… “I-I’m fine!” She called and tried to feign that she wasn’t hurt. “I just was clumsy like always,” she muttered. Actually, she was very graceful and lithe- able to run swiftly. She made an excellent huntress and usually was the one bringing in the food for the pack.
Local Time:
5:52 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Carrack frowned as she spoke, picking his way down "I don't believe that..." He muttered, but didn't question her as he reached the bottom "Is it your leg?" He asked her, tilting his head "Try changing to human, it might help."

(That awkward moment when she forgets to focus and ends up naked ;) )
Local Time:
9:52 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Lol XD maybe, I want to have it be a slow burn at first)

“I’ll be okay,” she assured him, more like, trying to make sure his scent wouldn’t linger on her fur. Her sister would have her head. “I-I’m not going to change. I’d rather walk on three legs than two.” She mentioned. It was one of her hind legs too, at least, she could limp and make it back, she didn’t want his help.
Local Time:
9:52 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She gave a small whine as he lifted her, knowing he probably didn’t know how nasty Carmen would get towards her. She remained silent for the trek back up to the lake but knew carrying her was like nothing for him.

Adam had been awake for some time, worried about attackers. He noticed Serena and Carrack coming back together and then scented the air, knowing Serena had hurt herself. He watched his brother come over with her.
Local Time:
5:52 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Carrack gently lay Serena down at Adam's paws "She hurt herself in a mudslide... Would you mind taking a look at her?" He asked softly, even as he looked towards where he'd last seen Carmen, where... no one now lay.

Carmen was out, hunting for Vampires. After all, it was just their methods to use humans to burn out wolf packs... So they must have been planning something. She was gonna get them before they got her pack though... They endangered Carrack. Oh, and Serena too, she guessed.
Local Time:
9:52 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Serena gave a soft sigh, not wanting to look at Carrack. She felt embarrassed mostly.

Adam nodded to his brother, going to sniff Serena’s leg, and flicked an ear. “Definitely sprained.” He murmured and turned to where he had collected a small herb pile. No doubt way smaller than what he used to have. “I’ll give you poppy seeds for the pain, but mostly you just need to rest,” he called behind to Serena.

Serena gave a face, hating the way poppy seeds tasted but reluctantly swallowed the two he had given her.

Adam let Serena rest and he motioned for Carrack to follow him. “Did you notice Carmen missing?” He asked lowly, not really caring too much the female had gone, it was much quieter without her.

Upon her search for vampires, she would come across a group of humans, unbeknownst that a werewolf had found them. They were just out in the woods, seemingly collecting wood for a fire. Surely these weren’t the ones who lit their camp ablaze. They didn’t smell of soot.
Local Time:
5:52 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Carrack nodded "I did. And we need to find her. Spirits... Why did she have to be so stupid.." He muttered angrily, glaring at the ground before turning to the entrance.

Carmen frowned at the humans, sniffing for the traces of the fire, and when she didn't find them, she moved past. She knew there were vampires out there, she just knew it. And she was going to find them and drive them away from her Carrack.
Local Time:
9:52 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Adam followed his brother, scenting the air and looking around for Carmen. When he couldn’t track her, the smoke in the air was too thick for him to pick out a distinguished scent. “She..she knows how to fight,” he reminded Carrack after a while. “She’ll return, you know how she always wants your affection,” he mentioned and knew they had to head back. He feared there would be another attack.

Carmen would soon realize, if she was out there- and not back at camp, who would protect her Carrack? Why would she be so stupid..?! She would need to go back, leaving her alpha unprotected like that.

Serena watched the two males go after her sister and she gave a soft sigh. She raised her head and looked around at the remainder of their pack and wondered where the four patrols were. She felt uneasy, like someone, or something was watching them. Why did she feel so…unprotected? She began to stand up, focusing on her human form and shifting. Thankfully she shifted with clothes once more, and she limped over to the other females. “You feel those eyes too?” She asked lowly to the one queen who nodded and wrapped her body more around her pups, whining softly.

The hunter looked over the pack, aiming an arrow. The one who shifted…was she the new alpha’s mate? He was instructed by the vampires that the male should not be able to reproduce- they didn’t want their bloodline to be marred. That was a fucking weird thing but he was being paid in silver. He focused on her and let his arrow fly.

Serena heard the whistle of the arrow, and turned her head. She thought the mother and her pups were targeted but was sorely mistaken as it imbedded itself into her stomach. The mother, shocked at first as Serena stumbled back, she looked around for any of the males. Where the fuck were they?! She then howled, a distress call no doubt, hoping someone would help them.

Before she knew it, more arrows flew, each one aiming for the remaining females. The females got up and we’re trying to get the pups and the queen to safety, wherever the fuck that might have been, some shoulders were hit, others in their backs,

Serena spat out blood and attempted to help the queen but winced as one pup was left out in the open. She ignored the pain and shifted again, running to snatch the young pup in her jaws, saving it just in time.

It seemed the arrows stopped, and she panted, looking around. Where was Carrack?! Adam?! The queen looked at her in a horrific expression. “S-Serena-“

Her black fur was dripping crimson, her legs shaky. When she collapsed to the ground, she shifted back to her human state in the wake of her weakened state. Where were her friends? Why had they left to go find Carmen?
Local Time:
5:52 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Carrack frowned and nodded to Adam "I... Your right. Of course." He muttered, shaking his head "You should be Alpha, not me. I'm not even a Lycan." He sighed, shaking his head, even as he heard the howl, his head snapping up "Shit!" He growled, starting to run as quickly as he could home.

Carmen... Didn't hear the howl. She didn't hear anything. She'd gone too far in her haste to hunt down vampires, and now she was fucking lost. Lost in a forest that was no doubt full of sneaky, bloodsucking bastards "Fuck, Fuck Fuck... Where the fuck am I..." She muttered to herself, still in wolf form even as she continued to pad along, glancing side to side nervously.
Local Time:
9:52 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Adam made a face, “What do you mean? You know I chose the path of a shaman-“ he reminded Carrack but his blood ran cold as he too heard the howl. He quickly shifted to his wolf form to keep up with his brother’s vampire speed.

There was no one that Carmen would notice at first, but a pair of sharp, steel blue eyes were watching her from the trees. His ears flicked as he listened to her bumbling about the forest like a lost pup and he gave a soft sigh.

Jumping down, he landed right in front of her, and he was very tall, dwarfing her easily. “Look who we have here,” he pursed his lips. He didn’t look like a vampire, but one quick flash of his eyes turning from blue to red…but why in the hell did he have werewolf ears?

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Upon arriving to the camp, the first thing they would notice, is that the guard patrol was nowhere to be found. Another thing was, Carrack would see Serena collapse to the ground, and the thick scent of her blood muddled with the others would reach his nose.
Local Time:
5:52 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Carrack stared at Serena, before running close and biting his wrist open, placing it to her lips so she could drink "Seren... Fuck FUck, Drink!" He almost ordered in his panic. His blood was already passing her lips as he did so, his hope to increase her healing speed.

Carmen shifted human in a panic as the vampire dropped down infront of her, still having to look upwards to his face as she raised her fists "Who the fuck are you!?" She growled, her face flushing a little when she remembered she was still naked. Her attempts at luring Carrack may have been a mistake, when this situation was considered... But that didn't matter. If this Werewolf, Vampire thing tried to take her, she'd fight.
Local Time:
9:52 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Adam did the same with the others, going over and letting them drink from his blood. He glanced over to Carrack and Serena.

Serena’s eyes fluttered open once she tasted blood. She didn’t bite down on Carrack though, knowing that if she did, she would hurt him. That was merely an old wives tale though. Either way, her hands reach up and held his wrist to her as she drank, her wounds healing rather quickly. But she was still drained energy wise, and she let go of his wrist, falling limp in his arms.

The man raised an eyebrow, looking her up and down. How…uncultured this woman was, transforming without clothes. He sighed, as he heard her question. “Me? Well, I’m one of the sons of the vampire king who rules these woods,” he motioned around. “But- since I’m a halfblood bastard, I’ve been reduced to being the vampire’s healer.” He looked around momentarily before eyeing her again. “Why are you in these woods?”
Local Time:
5:52 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Carrack held Serena up, watching her eyes fluttering as he continued to feed her his blood, leaning down to whisper softly into her ear "Are you okay? Serena..."

Carmen growled as he mentioned being half Vampire Simple! To chase bloodsuckers like you away from my pack!" She snarled, baring her teeth and spreading her legs so her stance was better for fighting. Fuck it, it didn't matter that he was seeing her like this, he couldn't tell anyone when he was dead. And it might well distract him in the fight...

(This guy: *looking at Carmen's nude body* So Uncivilised, These werewolves. Still, She looks good, for a pet.)
Local Time:
9:52 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(XD yeaaah I’m not going that route lol I’d prefer to let my character have something other about him than him being a common whore all the time lol)

“You really want to pick a fight?” He asked and shakes his head, “I mean, you can try but considering your small size I doubt you’ll make even a scratch on me.” He folded his arms together, leaning on a tree trunk.

Serena nodded softly to his words, but as she passed back out, it was apparent that even if they had to bury their dead soon, they still would need shelter. They couldn’t afford a third attack, let alone a fourth.
Local Time:
5:52 AM
Nov 14, 2022
(I mean, I was more thinking he'd be in the Vamp mindset of "Hey, a Werewolf. Welp, time to collar her and make a new maidservant for the Coven.")

Carmen growled again as he mocked her "You bloodsucking, smug bastard!" She lashed out, her fist aiming to strike his head as she moved, even as her leg moved to try and trip him whilst he was distracted.

Carrack held her close, even as he looked around "We're... fucked... Aren't we, Adam?" He muttered to the shaman, shaking his head "We can't survive another attack, and Carmen's missing... We can't move till she comes back, but we can't stay here."
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