A Vampire Raised with Lycans (the Brit)

(XD I mean I guess? Lol I just really want to focus on plot for a little before we jumpstart the smut, a balance per say between smut and actual plot building)

As she moved, his hand easily went out and caught her fist, and the when she went to trip him, he stood still. “Go on, try it again, maybe you’ll get it this time” he teased with a small smirk on his face.

Adam sighed “Yes, we’re royally fucked if we don’t do something soon,” he mentioned and gave a soft sigh. “And Carmen? I mean…” he paused, “I think it’s best if we…leave” he gave his brother advice.
(Oh yeah, I was thinking they try domesticating Carmen, who just decides "FUCK THE SYSTEM" and does all she can to try escaping.)

She growled again as he mocked her, twisting to strike him again, but instead of using it as a distraction to trip him, she suddenly jumped forward to try sinking her fangs into his neck.

Carrack nodded slowly "I... I know... Fuck. Fuck Fuck FUck. Why did she have to go out?!" He snarled, shaking his head, hating the fact they were abandoning her "But... for the good of everyone else, we need to leave..."
(XD ohhhh lol I mean sure but I was also thinking he deals with none of her bitchyness but ends up falling for her feisty nature anyway?)

He deflected quite well, almost getting bit. “Woah-“ he laughed, “That was a close one!” He shifted, and looking to her he motioned, “Try again,” he teased more.

“It’s only one, lest we lose more..” He advised and Adam sighed, looking around at their dwindling numbers. He sighed again and wished his parents were here to guide them.
(Oh yeah, totally. But imagine how angry and feisty she'd be after being forced into being a maid in a frilly dress XD)

She snarled even louder, thrashing and berserking as she threw punch after punch, none of them hitting him at all as she finally ended her rage, falling to her knee's and panting heavily, glaring up at him "Fi... Fin... Fine... Fucking... kill me..."

Carrack growled again, but nodded "I know... I... I hate leading... These decisions..." He muttered, before announcing to all they were moving. He picked up Serena as they left, heading for a better place...
(XD I mean, even so, he might be into that)

“Why would I do that?” He tilted his head and looked to her. “It’s not safe out here. If you come with me, I can offer you protection from those bloodsuckers,” aka, his brothers.

They trekked a bit of ways before coming to a clearing with a few caves here and there. It could be a nice place to set up new camp.

Adam sighed and went to work with the others, dragging the leaves , brambles and thorns to protect the new dens. He then collected moss by a nearby riverbed, with some few stray feathers they found as well.
Carmen growled "You... Think... I'm just... gonna be a good... dog... you bloodsucking... bastard...?" She panted out, her anger blitzing out as she struck upwards, trying to his his balls. This wasn't getting him anywhere, this nicety part.

Carrack lay Serena down and helped with every aspect of preparing their new camp.
It hit him, but apparently he had balls of steel. “Nice try,” he laughed again, “You know, you are pretty cute when you get all riled up like that,” he looked her up and down. “My brothers would have a heyday with you.” He mentions now and thinks for a moment for what he should do.

Serena eventually woke up in a soft nest, an animal hide lay there, feathers for comfort and…a blanket made out of fur? She blinked and glanced around the warmly lighted cave. How long had she been out for? Where did they get this stuff?

Thankfully most of this stuff had been abandoned from the previous pack that had lived here. Apparently they had left in a haste for some reason, and it was definitely a blessing for it to be here.
“Well…” he trailed off and shrugged “You know, I feel like I’d rather keep you all to myself, it’s not everyday you get fresh blood out here-“ he murmured again, looking for a way to subdue her now.

Serena calmed when she saw Carrack by her side. “What in the great spirits are we doing here?” She asked, bandaged up on her stomach and arms now, the scars were healing by the salve that Adam had placed on her while she had been out.
There was nothing easily to hand, but honestly all he’d really need to do was strike her head and knock her out. Hell, she was already kneeling at the perfect height for it. And the idea of her waking up in a maid outfit, the way the feisty bitch would react… that was even more reason to keep her to himself.

Carrack smiled a bit “This is our new home.” He replied, gently taking her hand “So don’t you worry. You’re perfectly safe here. As is everyone else too.”
And that’s what he did. He bumped her on the head and grinned as she went blackout cold. Hoisting her up and over his shoulder like it was nothing- now he had to move back to where his coven was.

Serena let him take her hand, and she then frowned, “Wait. Where’s Carmen?” She asked next, knowing she would probably be furious about Carrack giving her this attention.
Carrack shook his head "No, this is yours..." He told her, stretching out his arms a bit "Mine is further up the cave, closer to the entrance. The better to keep everyone safe." He sighed, shaking his head "I still hate the fact we don't know what's happening to Carmen... I can't lose more people, so soon..."
“We’ll rebuild..” she said to him, sounding hopeful. But she was uncertain, who will mate with who then? She briefly thought about Carrack about taking a mate but…no, why would he?

The bed was soft and plush, and softer than anything she had ever laid upon. The room in itself was extravagant, filled with shiny objects here and there- definitely enough to make her think: well, he wasn’t kidding when he said he was a son of the king. And speaking of him, he opened up the door and walked in, closing it behind him as he had a tray of food in his hands. “Oh,” he said noticing her awake, “You’re up,” she would hear him say. She was shackled to the bed, but only because he didn’t want her wandering off when she shouldn’t.
Carrack looked at her face, tilting his head "Serena? What are you thinking about?"

Carmen struggled against the shackles grunting angrily "Let me out, you fucker!" She snarled, the chains rattling loudly as she did very little more than bouncing herself up and down, glaring at him "What the fuck do you want from me?!"
She blushed softly and shied away from his gaze, “N-Nothing,” she murmured and knew she hadn’t gone into heat yet, and since he was a vampire, that wouldn’t matter either way..

“These are for your protection,” he mentioned, looking at Carmen. “Nothing more,” he said and set the tray in front of her. “Eat,” he commanded next
She settled in and pulled the soft furs up around her body. She was chilled, and perhaps would need something or someone more to warm her up..

He raised an eyebrow, “You do realise it’s just your ankles shackled…right?” He pointed out? And it was true. It was just so she wouldn’t run away.
She flushed red, glaring at him "Fuck off." Carmen growled, sitting up and reaching for the food. But instead of eating it, she just threw it at him instead, her eyes promising murder.

Carrack watched her, moving to embrace her as she shivered "Let's... Let's stay together..." He murmured "You need to stay warm..."
He ducked as the food was flung his way. He gave a soft sigh, “Well, there goes your only meal of the day,” he says and took her tray away, shaking his head and turning to leave. He didn’t care about the look she gave him.

Serena didn’t object, turning and snuggling into his embrace. “Thank you-“ she murmured out softly as her body relaxed and she was falling asleep again.
She crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for the door to shut before she picked up the fork she'd managed to slide off the tray. She'd heard some of the older wolves who'd escaped Vampire chains before talk about how they could use things called 'Picks' to open them, and they were metal... Of course, why the idiot vampire would leave her with one she didn't know, but she wasn't gonna let him realise his mistake as she started fiddling with the hole in the shackle.

Carrack smiled, holding her close "IT's okay... rest, Serena... I'll be here..."
Even if she would manage to unlock the shackle, the door was locked from the outside, the windows barred and her only escape was the door to the bedroom. So what would she do?

Serena fell asleep, her shivering lessening as Carrack was surprisingly warm to the touch..perhaps it had to do with when he made that pact with his werewolf brothers and he werewolf blood in his veins now.
Carmen growled a little as the shackle refused to budge, but it didn't stop her. Neither did the bars on the window, or the locked door. After all, she was a werewolf... All she had to do was get free and then make a break for it when he entered the room next. After all, he'd be back tomorrow with her next meal... By which point, her shackle would be off, her persistence with the fork somehow paying off.

Carrack hummed softly as he held her close, closing his own eyes and falling asleep embracing her.

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