A Vampire Raised with Lycans (the Brit)

(It is, just things are a little hectic is all.)

Melody smiled, falling asleep in his arms.

Akari gave a soft yawn as she opened her eyes, sitting up slowly and smiling down at Axel's still sleeping form. As she watched him, an idea crossed her mind and she moved them both, so when Axel awoke, he'd be lying atop her breasts, a nipple pressed to his mouth.
(Well, take your time and don't worry too much about the rp :3 I'll be here if you need to talk to anyone)

Axel woke slowly, his ears flicked slightly when he noticed what she had done and he flushed visibly. "Oh..well, good morning to you too," he spoke and took a nipple into his mouth, moaning gently as the flow of the warm liquid filtered down his throat.
At the sigh his ears did perk up a little, and then he pulled back.. "But.." he began and shook his head, "What are you suggesting...are you tired of being an alpha?" he teased lightly, obviously him being submissive was of choice, as he could easily overpower her...it's just the way she had claimed him...the mate mark on his neck..
"Mm...us switching to our beast forms.." he began and smirked a little, knowing he was very large for her already in that form. "Well, if the position is on the table...I wouldn't mind switching," he said truthfully, that nature coming out of him, surprisingly so, but it didn't mean he wouldn't like going back to being submissive just for her..

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