Fantasy RP An Angel's Lewd Corruption, In the Hellscape of Survival

Now alone in her personal suite, and in her restoom, Marina would discover the bleeding from the strange verbal attack which was used on her by accident. However now would she seek to clean herself up and look for one of the medical demons to look over her? or seek out her lord, and see if the over protective dark lord would take care of her? however this would also be a rare chance for Marina to try out one of her darker powers, which came from her corruption. a kind of demonic regeneration, and healing, which the side effect would be to leave her extremely horny, and in need of satisfaction. due to the kind of corruption she was going through. for this kind of technique would leave one like Irène in a more prideful and battle hungering state. as their were options, the fact remained, the kind of injury could not be to severe could it? after all it was not noticed right away.
(sorry, I got burned out for a bit 😞)

Marina sighs tipping her head back, it didn't really hurt, so she let her body do it's thing, not too worried about the blood. She cleans up the mess and splashes cold water on her face and stares into the mirror.

How would she get it across to Irene that all Elentiya wanted was a friend? Some one to talk to, to spend time with. Someone who wouldn't touch her or leer at her. She didn't mind her lord,but there were times where all she wanted was to relax and have a companion without sex.

She pushes her hair from her face, closing her eyes, blowing out a heavy breath.

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