Fantasy RP An Angel's Lewd Corruption, In the Hellscape of Survival

as she said this, the larger executioner, and collector angel of the arch angel class would point his war scythe tours them. as his six wings unfurled for all their glory. the light shinning from them should leave demonic beings paralyzed and defenseless. however with Heliel being of a higher class of angel himself prior to becoming a true devil in this hellish domain. it was nothing more then a pretty light show. even if the woman he held did not realize this, due to how he remained motionless, while holding her.

as this was done, during the expected moments of opening, and vulnerability, the two angel maidens drew their shield and short swords. rushing to take their sister from this demon, and strike him down for daring to touch one of their kin. unaware that the instant they were with in reach, Heliel could sway them away like flies with his wings alone. as he had his remaining 10 wings hidden, using only his two largest black devil like wings of his 12 seraphic wings. being half devil and half angelic wings. the devil wings being pure white which should have been the first sign this was not some random devil, or demon for them to deal with.
Marina gasps, tucking her face into Heliel's chest, her grip tightening on him slightly. She takes a moment, and looks over her shoulder, watching the females rush closer. She winces slightly as Heliel knock them away, and stares at the Arch Angel. "I told you to leave!"

She was worried, she didn't want to see her kin die, but she knew better than to stop Heliel from protecting his own. She would do the same thing he would. Protect and defend what was hers, and she had tried. But they had ignored her pleas.
After getting her own words in, Marina would find her master slowly decending to the ground to land on his feet. where he would soon move to set her onto the ground as well.

"Things might get messy. If you want me to keep one of them alive, I can spare one, but it will become your pet. so choose before I end them all."

as he said this, giving his slowly corrupting angelic plaything a chance to choose one of these angels to become her personal pet, or more accurately a toy for demons which want to abuse her, to use in her stead. however if she did not want to do so, all three would be slain. unless they escaped while he was talking which did not seem to be the case. for the higher arch angel was aiding the two warrior maidens, to prepare and assault them once more.
She blinks, looking up at Heliel. She looks back at the angels and hesitates. It would be nice to have someone to talk to. She looks over twords the Valkyries, and shrugs, "Either one of them." She wouldn't hurt them, she didn't have the heart to do that. But maybe, maybe she could have a friend. Someone to talk to when heliel was busy.
once she was on her own feet, the dark lord would ask if she wanted them fully intact, or if he should clip the one they would keep wings?"

saying this only angered the trio, as the higher arch angel, and one of the valkyrie like angels moved to attack Heliel from two sides at once, while one tried to sneak past, and grasp Marina. to take her by surprise. as they had a job to do. yet none of them knew the true horror which would be unleashed if they hurt a true dark lord's possession. as he was more possessive then he was aggressive.
Marina doesn't notice the Valkyrie snaking up on her, looking up at Heliel, "Don't hurt them." She huffs, touching Heliel's chest lightly. She closes her eyes and relaxes, comforted by his presence, knowing with him, she wouldn't be hurt.

She gasps, feeling one of the Valkyries grab and try to yank her back, spinning to push at and try to dislodge the female.
as she managed to push the one angelic maiden away from her. it would be the first time that Marina would notice pink sparks of lustful energy crackling around her wings, and hands. a new power had begun to awaken with in her, and this one angelic warrior maiden would be a good partner to test her powers out on. as Marina's powers were developing along the lines of a succubus, or seductress. non combat oriented power which could enslave, or mind break a victim. yet how would she try to use it, combat? verbal releases? as it was unlikely things would happen flawlessly for her. yet if she needed, Heliel could step in, as he was easily keeping the other two at bay. angering them, as they could not get past him. as they were more focused on slaying Marina, and taking her angelic soul back to heaven to start a new life, as a new angel. erasing her from existence in the process, and reincarnating her core into a new individual. yet here she was finding a sense of happiness, which should not be possible when one was owned by a demon lord.
Marina's brows bunched as she stared at the Valkyrie, "You don't have to do this." She splays her wings out, curious about the pink floating about her. She didn't know what she could do, nor did she know how to do it.

She was unsure about trying any new abilities without knowing what it could do, so she restored to just fighting, using her body as a weapon.

She lunges forward, faster then she previously could due to Heliel's training, and disarms the Valkyrie, taking her weapon.
managing to over power, and speed blitz her opponent. once Marina took the weapon, the valkyrian angel spun her body around trying to kick her foe in the side. if nothing else, this would be enough to make sure nether of them had the weapon, yet at the same time. the now partially corrupted angel, who lived in the curse of lustful blessings, would discover her speed, body reaction, and power increased. the pink sparks about her body was only excess power from her new internal abilities leaking out of her. like an unexpected aura. yet for now, choosing to fall back on her experience, and training. Marina would discover her warrior sister here was indeed, impressively skilled in CQC, close quarter combat. with out the weapon, she seemed to become more dangerous.

however as this began, Marina would soon hear a high pitched scream, followed by a crack, a gurgle, then the smell of burnt flesh. as the other valkyrie was now nothing but ashes in the wind. as heliel took her out, in one move. now facing off against the executioner one on one above Marina. her master kept himself with in range, incase she needed help at any moment.
Marina winces, dropping the weapon. She stares at the Valkyrie, "He will kill you if you continue. There will be no rebirth for you, just give up." She pleads, moving forward to grab and pin the other woman down. "Please."

She glances over at Helie for a brief moment, before looking at the Valkyrie. "I don't want you to die."
as the battle in the sky continued to grow fiercer by the moment. well by the aspect of the angels. but still boring by the end of Heliel. as he would be paying closer attention to heliel waiting for her to deal with her opponent completely. before finish off this annoying angel before him. as it was knocked back every time by his wings, moving faster then the eye could follow.

mean while. .

the one now pinned by Marina, would squirm, and try to break free. cursing how she must purify marina, and complete her mission for the glory of their heavenly father. she was as single minded, and loyal as Marina once was. however as this went on. as if a faint voice in Marina's mind could be heard. her own voice. one which would tell her to forcefully kiss, and claim her prize. to allow her power to grow, and break her sister's mental lock, free her, like Marina was. It was her newly forming magic taking on a form of guidance. much like how young angels were guided by divine guidance when awakening to their powers. it was like this for Marina, but, the image she would see if she closed her eyes would be herself as a half succubus, half angel dominating queen. a glimpse of what she could evolve into.
Marina watches the male in the sky for a moment, before glancing at the Valkyrie. She curses softly, not wanting the female to die a needles death. "I'm sorry." She murmurs, leaning forward, following her instincts. He had never lead her astray before, and she trusted them now. Though she knew of it hurt this female, she would forever hate herself for it.

She presses her lips to the Valkyrie's, the kiss making the passion she had given Heliel, but still containing her new, unknown power as she presses closer for a few moments and then pulls back, staring in the eyes of the female.
as she broke the kiss, and looked on. a new succubus like mark had formed on the angel, showing she now belonged to Marina. as the mark was right below the warrior's belly button. However she would look at Marina confused, not hateful, and not thinking of her mission any more. as it seemed her mind was wiped of the training, which she knew. more then that, she was like a clean slate, the same as when Marina was first trapped down here. still knowing her mission, her tasks, but no longer bound by it. thus was the time for Marina to make her move, and lead her new potential partner in crime out of the battle field.
Marina touches the woman's cheek, staring at her for a moment. "I'll give you a choice. Should you wish to stay with me, or leave. Though I cannot guarantee you'll live long. Heliel may kill you, or you would be taken by some demon." She touches the female's hair, sighing.

"I don't wish you harm, or something you don't want."

She glances back at Heliel, making sure the other was still okay before looking back to the female.
as she spoke in a gentle tone, the now confused former valkyrie warrior of angelic nature would look into her eyes. before she would looking around herself. speaking in a soft confused whisper.

" I have my task, but why do I feel like this. My mind, My heart, they do not agree with my purpose any more? why did you do this? why am I like this now?"

as she spoke like this, it was a reminder to Marina of how her master broke her of that kind of mind frame. but in a more enjoyably forceful way prior. it would then truly click. to fully free her sister in arms here, and to give her the means to survive down here. the angelic warrior would need to be introduced to a sin, one which would match her, in Marina's case, it was lust. but what would she introduce this one to?
Elentiya sighs softly, touching the top of the females head, "Beautiful girl. . ." She murmurs, staring into the other's eyes, "I will show you." She smiles, taking the other's hands gently.

She looks up at Heliel, frowning slightly at the sight in the sky. She couldn't tell if he was playing with the other, or if it was actually hard fighting the male angle.
as she looked up, something unexpected would soon be heard in her mind, as to keep it private.

"I have kept this one busy enough, did you decide if your keeping her before I end this?"

as he said this to her mind, it was soon clear, her was not toying with his foe, or taking him seriously. instead, just keeping the Arch angel at bay, until his pet had collected her own new pet, and left the area, as to avoid scarring Marina's new play thing with the sight of another angel being slaughtered. Thus he would not deal a killing blow until the time was right, or his hand was force. which would soon be the case, if Marina did not take notice, how a strange holy glow began to form around her new friend's mind. the divine control protocol, which only arch angels, and higher could use. where they took manual control over another, and use the body like a puppet. while the individual could do little more then watch and speak. however if she noticed this soon enough, it would reveal that the now corrupting maiden could save her sister in arms with her lustful influence, if she followed her instincts, which would end up enslaving her fellow angel to her. but would it be as bad as becoming prey to another demon or a puppet to the higher up?
Marina hums softly, watching Heliel for a moment. She then looks at the female before her, taking the woman's hands and pulling her away, "Come, before things get messy." She smiles softly, leading the other away from the fighting males, and hopefully, as she keeps walking, far enough from whatever the angel make was doing.

"Tell me, what is your name?" She murmurs.
"Name, I am known as Clarice, the executioner. "

as she said this, in a bit of a shy tone, the valkerian angel did not give an actual name, but more of a title, and position. which would make sense, considering this scenario. However now it was time for things to turn around, and Marina was the lovely young lady of corruption for the job. as she led her fellow maiden to fall deeper into the hellish lands. away from what would soon become a blood filled scene, once her partner, and master felt they were far enough away.
Marina hums softly, leading the female towards the estate, where she knew they would both be safe. "How about I give you a true name. Irene, that is what we will call you here." She touches the other's forehead and smiles softly. "Woman of Peace."

She looks back, towards the form of Heliel in the sky, her brow furrowing slightly as she watches.
now with her new companion safely in the estate, Marina would be able to watch. as her master began to shift his form. his head began to form 6 twisted hellish horns, which had a divine glow to them. his six wings of feathers on one side began to darken, while the devil wings on the other side, began to glow pure.

with the reveal of this hybrid like power. the wicked sight would be nightmarish for one such as Marina, who was originally meant to kill a being like her master. as he would suddenly grasp the arch angel by the face. the blood curdling scream could be heard, as it swiftly faded. the body shriveling up till nothing but a loos flappy husk of skin and bone would remain. as all the divine being's essence, life force, and innards seemed to be sucked out of him by this grasp..

this would finally show Marina what her master did not want her to see. the darker side of his unique power. the ability to consume and make any one's powers his own. as it was quiet the disturbing sight, but not one which would be unexpected in a hellish land such as this.
Marina sucks in a breath, pressing her hand to her mouth for a moment. She swallows, turning away and faces Irene for a moment, "You'll need new clothes." She murmurs, touching the woman's chin lightly. She steps back, "I'll see if Heliel can get you some. The staff don't really trust me yet." She murmurs.

Looking over her shoulder, making sure Heliel was on his way home, she moves to sit. She watches the other, quiet.
tossing the disgustingly shriveled and drained corpse of his most recent meal aside. the demonic lord would then proceed to return to the sided of his woman, and pet. as he landed before Marina, the demonic angel would move to gently place a hand on her shoulder, before pulling his own victim into his embrace. nipping at her neck as he spoke up.

"I Hope you didn't see to much of my feeding habits. I tried to keep my more disgusting habits out of view, until your mentally prepared. "
as he spoke up saying this, it would show how much effort this dark lord was putting into his relationship with his personal play thing here. despite this, Marina would now have a golden chance to talk with her master, about her new companion, and playmate's need for proper clothing, perhaps a room which could connect her own, or how ever she wanted this to be set up.
Marina closes her eyes, letting out a soft hum of contentment. She slides a hand into Heliel's hair, gently gripping the strands before replying. "It's okay. I didn't see too much." She relaxes slowly, enjoying the gentle touches.

After a few moments of comfortable silence, Marina spoke up, "Irene will need clothes, and a place to sleep." She murmurs softly, pulling back slightly.
" I can assign two succubus to your care, and you can direct them to ensure the desired room and end result for our new playmate. "

as he said this, referring to Irene was an object, even lower then any one else. yet he would leave this angel in her care, as Marina was the enjoyable possession of her master, and mate. however as he spoke up like this, she could follow Heliel to chamber, where she could choose some clothing for Irene to wear, while the demonic aura would be spread to summon the two most obedient and gentle succubus to serve Marina's needs in prepping a proper room for Irene.
Marina glances over her shoulder at Irene, motioning her to follow, but stand outside the door. "If anyone bothers you, call for me." She looks up at Heliel, "I don't want her to be an object."

Her brow bunches slightly, "I want her to be. . . A friend." She mumbles, moving to find some clothes for her new companion.
"If we introduce her as a friend, then she will be seen by other's as food or simple toy to be broken. if she is an object which you own, and as a result, you are mine. then that means she is mine, as such she is off limits. as for how you see her for yourself, just do not let other's know this in public. "

as he spoke in a cold and serious tone. revealing something cruel but well known in this hellish world. for Marina had experienced herself, how others tried to abuse her, despite how she belonged to the dark lord, and now understanding why. as he did not introduce her, as an object, a mistake which he will live with. as such keeping a much closer, and protective possession of her. yet he was informing her how to speak and refer to her new friend in the view of other demons to minimize this new playmate's fate of becoming targeted for humiliation and abuse.

as they spoke, Heliel at least waited till they were in his room before telling Marina this, however the fact remained, she now had all the options before her. anything she chose, the demon would have his servants make into an ideal outfit for their new companion. yet more then that, their would be an unmistakable aura in the hallway, one which had been watching the angel from afar sense she was first claimed by Heliel and brought here. but it would seem to be even stronger now.
Elentiya sighs softly and nods, "Of course, I understand." She finds a decent enough outfit for Irene, setting it on the bed for a moment before moving to wrap her arms around Heliel, pressing her face into his chest. They hadn't been together long, but the male had saved her multiple times, and had yet to really hurt her.

She sighs softly, "Thank you." She mumbles, closing her eyes for a moment and relaxing into the other.
enjoying this embrace, and allowing herself to be buried in his chest, and scent. the former angel would feel how her master's hands moved along her back and buttocks. teasing her a bit, but not forcing her to endure or remain against his frame. but instead teasing her, and playing with her a bit. more then that, heliel would move to kiss his woman deeply on her lips, the instant she would look up tours his face. as he teased her a bit, and waited to ambush her lips.

not caring who saw, or how it would look to others. yet this sight would look to Irene like this devil was abusively man handling her new mistress and friend. unaware that the two had a unique relationship which went outside the usual master, and servant or slave relationship which was expected.
Elentiya laughs softly, wiggling in the other's grasp slightly, wrinkling her nose and looking up at the other. She lets out a soft, surprised sound as his lips touch hers, though she responds in kind, pressing closer and kissing the male back. She glares her wings slightly, sliding a hand from Heliel's back to his chest.

"Heliel. . ." She mumbles softly, pulling back slightly to look up at him.

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