Fantasy RP An Angel's Lewd Corruption, In the Hellscape of Survival

"oh come now, it was only a little affection, besides we can have even more fun later. I do believe we have an audiance, unless you want to put on a show. "

as he said this playfully, while making it sound like he would not force her to endure or deal with his lewd desires. one of her master's hands had already moved into her . teasing the former angel with his fingers, as he caressed her with the other hand. loving her cute reaction, to being over whelmed from his playful assault upon her.
now lifting her one leg, allowing it to swing around her master's hips. the one hand moving to grasp her angelic ass cheek. as his demonic love spear was soon pushing into her. filling and bulging Elentiya's belly with the outline of her lover's, and master's size, and shape. however it would be once he began to move, making her bounce on her one foot's toes. that Irene would be heard, rushing in, and summoning a divine light dagger. aiming to rescue Marina, unaware that this was not as one sided as it looked from the outside. only to have her comical rescue attempted prevented by the demonic dark lord's wing. knocking the would be heroine away. as he smirked. speaking clear and loud.

"so you wish to rescue this one, to late. I shall force you to watch, as I make this angelic warrior break. turning her into a mewling mess of lustful delight. and you can watch helplessly. "

as he put on a show like an evil rapist of a demon lord. Marina, or as her master knew her, Eletinya was now in a position to put a stop to this show while being used. or to play into it, and have some fun at the confused friend's mental state.
Marina moans, dropping her head back. She lets out a breathless laugh, touching Heliel's cheek with her free hand, "Don't be that man to her-" She rolls her hips forward, grinding herself down onto her master with another moan.

She glances at Irene, raising an eyebrow at the female before leaning on to kiss Heliel, licking at his lip teasingly.
Now she was giving into her own growing desires, brought upon the angel by her master's lewd, and playful assault from her lips prior. however now on one foot. her toes barely keeping her balance. as the other leg wrapped around the hip and back of her lover, and lord. Marina would feel how every movement caused a jolt of incredible power, and pleasure with in her. as if feeding into lust was now empowering her as well as sating a growing desire with in her core.

"hmm, but such weaklings are so cute, till they break on their own. besides think of the fun, you can slowly teach her the truth behind everything while I can make her question everything. "

as he spoke playfully about this. painting a fun picture for Marina to teach her new friend the truth of this dark world. the dangers, as well as the warmth which lied in wait to be discovered. much like how the now lewd, and loving angelic warrior had learned. her master soon taking hold of her, supporting Marina's body enough that she could easily wrap both legs around him now if she wanted. as his hands took a strong yet gentle hold of her delicate frame. to begin to lift and drop her at a much slower, yet rougher pace.

seeing this, and not understanding. Irene would wipe her mouth, as she spat a small bit of blood out. her body weaker then it was prior. unaware that the wing's deflective hit upon her was the needed touch. the touch to give a small spark of corruption, which would grow with in her. however what kind of sin would develop was up to how she grew in this dark realm with marina as her mentor. however as she saw this. demanding the demon to release her sister, and shouting how an angel even if corrupted should never breed a demon. for if she is to breed, then she should give her life force to birth a new proper angel.

as she shouted this, for the first time, an angelic valkyrie was shouting out with actual emotions, instead of being the warrior tools they were meant to be. now Marina could see the change beginning. the same thing she went through so long ago now. but unlike herself, Irene would not have to endure being raped by random monsters before being claimed by her true master. thus she could ensure her friend had a safer and warmer path to evolution.
Marina moans, wrapping her second leg around Heliel, "Mmmm. . . Maybe." She pants, pressing her lips to her master's cheek, jaw, and neck, showering his skin with her affection.

She grinds her hips forward, using her ankles, which were crossed at Heliel's lower back, as leverage for the movement. She wanted, and needed, more of this male. "Fuck~"
Now bouncing upon her master, marina would feel his thick love spear digging her out. Each bounce allowing her elegant hands to grasp his frame, her nails free to dig in. As her legs wrapped around. Her ankles acting almost like a means to lock her in place. All the while feeling how his grasp on her on upper thigh, the other hand grasping her ass.

Between kisses and bites, the wicked demon lord would tease his pet.

" Think we need to really go wild after this little warm up. "

Saying this like he would not give marina any chance to recover any time soon, even if he spoke in a playful manor for now.

As this went on, Irene would be panicking and planning on how to free marina from the devil now breeding her.
Now with her body in hold, her frame being bounced up and down. the way her ass rippled with each impact, her breast bounding and nipples ether dragging against his frame as the other trapped in the maw. as this went on, the powerful dark lord would continued to ravage the woman he owned. the way his thickening spear filled, and stretched her was a unique pleasure one which only Marina seemed to enjoy. even if she tempted the master with sweety honey words about sharing her new friend, just to hear his comment. it would reveal to her, that he only desired one play thing, which was his little Elentiya herself.

as this went on, Irene would now be looking on, with her teeth grinding, more then that. the former angel, now like a larva or egg of corruption, her sin having yet to be confirmed. she would have quiet the jealous look at the two before her. was she to become another lust? an envy? or perhaps wrath?
"hmm, feels like some one knows what they want this time hmm? perhaps something a bit larger, or longer to hit that spot?"
as he said this, first slowly increasing his own thickness with magic, then his length. hitting the very limit which Marina could endure, and find enjoyable. all the while making her own movements all the more enjoyable for both of them. the wicked dark lord would begin to move some more, wanting to make his little former angel scream in pleasure, and carnal delight. all the while creating quiet the show for the disturbed, and troubled looking angelic Valkyrie which was now looking on.
Hitting her high, before coming down, exhausted, and glistening in her own bodily sweat. the fiend which was her lord and lover would use her a bit longer. moving his angelic plaything on his cock until he milked another load deep into Elentiya's well abused body. before finally pulling her off himself, once her own body was to tired to keep her death grip on his shoulder, and leg lock around his waist. More then that, she would find how he tossed her body over his shoulder, and smacked her ass playfully, before carrying his angelic plaything tours the near by resting chamber. planning to enjoy her some more, but in a different manor.

"You tiny woman, if you wish to see your mistress properly kept safe, you better follow as well. "

as he said this, in such a dominating tone, one might think he planned to break the one Marina had named Irene, but in truth. he was putting on a bit of a show, as the only one who would truly decide Irene's fate would be her new mistress, and soon to be trusted friend, with some time. as she would gulp and follow silently. looking on at how her so called mistress was being carried, and had been fucked to such a state, while enjoying it? their was much to be explained, however if she followed, This angelic victim would see the one who chose her being some what pampered by her so called master. as he would call it abuse, and torture for his amusement to any who might ask, the fact did not change, as it would be a proper and gentle bodily message to help with her recovery. which was explained as taking care of his favorite plaything, if any one asked.
Marina slumps into Heliel, her eyes fluttering closed. "Mmm. . ." She gasps and then laughs softly as he tosses her over his shoulder. She wiggles slightly, and then relaxes. She looks over at Irene, raising an eyebrow at the Valkyrie. "It's all right."

She slides her hand ups and down Heliel's back gently, humming softly.
Being carried as if she was a kidnapped, or captured slave to be abused, and enjoyed by her new over lord. Elentiya would find her partner playfully showing her off, as he smacked one cheek then the other periodically as if to remind her that he was not done with her as of yet.

As this went on, the echoes of her flesh being made red, in a playfully aggressive manor. something a miss would soon be noticed by the eyes of Marina if she were to notice as they walked by. A younger looking demonic male, and Incubus, was eyeing her angelic companion. Perhaps this younger looking demon would make for a good room mate to help teach her new slave how to survive down here? something perhaps to ask the dark lord about. however the fact remained, he had proven that his concern was only with his target, not those she desired to keep as actual companions for friend ship.

as this went on, the angelic warrior, once Valkyrie, now turned dark pet would look on. gritting her teeth, as she did not seem to like this, however reframing herself from acting at the moment. brandishing a small holy blade, a dagger. one which was small enough to hide on her body, but holy enough to pose a danger to any pure bred, or low class demon. It such a weapon would only ruin the playful mood which heliel was in. as it was very obvious this younger angelic warrior was the new target by several factors in this dark realm and castle alone.
Elentiya squirms slightly, looking back at Heliel. She hums softly and relaxes when he sets her down in the room. She didn't want anyone other than her or Heliel touching Irene, not until she was certain the other wouldn't hurt someone.

She stretches out languidly, her eyes closing halfway. "Mmm, can you order your people not to mess with Irene?" She murmurs, "If they want something, they should come to me."
"that is simple enough, but as you know, I can not guarantee anything would not happen if she ends up alone outside of your room, or company. "

as he said this in a gentle yet serious tone, Even Marina, or as her master knew her, Elentiya had experienced prior. even his own normally loyal followers can give into instincts, and desires when something as tempting as her or Irene was vulnerable. However this was a problem for her to deal with. for now she had as horny, and protective master which was playfully abusing her when he felt like it. yet for now she had sated his thirst for the moment, as if rewarding his work protecting her, with her own body.

"well then, Shall we prepare a meal to share? or would you like some alone time or should I call it Girl time now?"
as he said this, the look Heliel got from the silent, and spite looking Irene could not be mistaken. this woman was thinking of ways she could kill this dark lord, and escape, but would she try to leave alone or drag Elentiya with her, in some false thought of rescuing the odd angelic hybrid. even if the two women did not realize it yet, the coming hours would indeed turn into something far more interesting.
Elentiya laughs softly, gently pressing her face into Heliel's neck. After a few moments, she pulls back, looking up at him, "I would like to talk to here without your. . . Presence. She doesn't seem to like you very much."

She idly slides her hand up and down his chest, tilting her head slightly, "We can eat later, if you want." She smiles at the Lord, kissing his cheek.
with a sudden smack to Elentiya's ass, the devil would smirk at his toy. as he would make his way out of the room, as he gave his promise to be back to check on them in a few hours.

Irene would watch the door intently for a few minutes once Heliel left, before speaking up towards her mistress.

"That devil, we need to kill it, and escape. even if we can not return to heaven, death in better would be more rewarding then what he is forcing you to endure no?"

asking this, showing her way of thinking had not changed to much as of becoming corrupted, even if it was only a small amount. which normally an angel should be able to notice pretty quickly, like Marina did when she first started to get corrupted.
Marina watches Heliel walk away and then glances over at Irene. "No, you won't do anything." She narrows her eyes at the other. After a moment, she gets up and moves towards the closet, dressing in more comfortable clothing.

"We are safer with him than anywhere else." She tilts her head towards Irene. "I would have tried to save your sister, but she kept fighting. And there was no way Heliel would let that male live either way."
"So your saying is you chose me to be his next toy, to give yourself some means for rest, or escape? why not have join us prior with the fight, even if we did not have that good of a chance, we could have at least gone out in battle, and been reincarnated as pure souls. "

as she spoke like this, with true passion and believe in her words. Irene had no idea the horrible and dark truth, which Heliel had shown Marina first hand. the younger of the two angels having no idea what kind of true hope she now had, even in this hell hole. but she looked at Elentiya with a kind of horror, and respect mixed in her eyes. It was very clear if Marina was not their to teach and guide this angel, she would end up making alot of the mistakes, Marina made before being claimed by Heliel.
Marina sighs and sinks down onto a chair, "He has no interest in you, Irene. I'd be mad if he laid a hand on you either way. You're not here to be a sex buddy unless you want to. I simply. . ." She looks down, fidgeting, "I simply needed a friend."

She shrugs slightly, glancing over to the window. After a few moments, "And Anyone who touches you will answer to me."
"Sorry from what I have seen, if they have to answer to you, what good would that be? I mean your nothing more then a simple toy for that monster. so why would they care for your consent or be worried about your punishments?"

as she asked this, a strange look in her eyes, as Irene took a moment to look tours the window, and back to Marina. as if contemplating something. but doing a piss poor job of hiding it. as she would be obviously planning on an escape attempt from this castle, and domain. most likely, thinking of how she could take her new friend, or domain mistress with her, willing or not.
Marina narrows her eyes, "If they don't listen to me, then they'll find out exactly why I was the last one alive on the battle field, just as they will remember I'm the one their lord chose for a reason." She narrows her eyes at Irene before grabbing her hand and pulling his onto a sofa.

"If you leave, you will no longer be der my protection, thus, whatever happens to you I won't save you from." She hums softly, looking away. "You are safer here than you are anywhere else."
"What do you mean? I am a warrior, except for the strongest of foes, I am sure I can handle myself, besides if your so weak you need protection from such a perverse being. you have truly fallen haven't you. "

as she spoke up in a disgusted tone. not realizing just how powerful some of the smaller and weaker demons could be in their own right. unlike Marina who had been over whelmed, and abused by many weaker demons prior to becoming the objective of her master's desires, and out let for his needs. yet her new so called friend had much to learn still. Perhaps a meeting with one of these so called weak runts would be enough to teach her, but would the corrupted lustful angel want to see her new playmate, and friend being over powered and abused by a runt to realize how powerless she truly was with out protection, or would she let her continue on with how she was currently, until the fool made her own mistakes and suffered out of reach of any kind of protection?
Marina huffs out a breath, scowling. She stands and grabs Irene's arm, pulling her away from the window, and pushes her to sit on a sofa. "You say what the Lord did to your companions." She narrows her eyes. "Things are different here, you'll get attack by clans of demons, all trying to mount you. You don't simply fight off sixty creatures that are four feet tall like that. Especially in the heat of this domain. Not to mention, the way the magic here works weakens us. We run out of energy faster." She lifts her chin, her eyes narrowing on Irene.

"Do not think for one second that I have ever been complacent to what happens to me." She grips Irene's chin between her fingers, "I am far stronger than you, and smarter it seems. I know when to show my hand and when to hide it. If you wish to be foolish, then do so, but I will not protect you whatever befalls you if you choose that path." She turns away, shaking her head.

"I need a friend, a sister. Not someone who will try to kill my lord at every turn. If you try, as he does not kill you for such a transgression, I will." She glances over at Irene, "Is that clear?"
"I do not need to kill that monster, I am sure once you see the truth once again. you will do it of your own accord. Besides you did not need a friend, you chose me to have some one to control to dominate. and I will not be your personal toy. "

as she said this, suddenly trying to grasp Marina, and toss her angelic counter part onto the bed. Irene not knowing her place, and feeling more comfortable, as the dark lord was no longer in the room. saw the corrupted lust angel before her as weakling only good for being fucked by demons. thus figuring she could over power her, and prove that she was right, the teaching was right. unaware that her own corrupt had now begun to manifest. due to her own pride. as her feathers began to change, to small red tips, with black streaks in the center. the sin of vanity was hers. but this was a sin which could be ether the strongest or weakest. if one gave into it, as Irene was, it would be a weakness. but if nurtured, and used properly it could become a powerful weapon which did not over whelm one's personality, much like Marina's own sin. as her lustful corruption was guided by the dark lord who was her master, and lord. but handled her like a gentle lover, at times, and a rough play thing at others. but more then that, as an equal despite how she was his possession, and not his lover, despite how he treated her.

with her actions now, it could be seen as a chance for Marina to show off a small bit of her own power, as this angel had not seen the kind of hell Marina was put through. the horrors she survived, the blessing this place had given her, despite how it was forbidden by her own people to live once such a thing had been experienced.
Elentiya's eyes flare, the insult lashing out at her. "If I wanted you as a personal toy, I would have tied you up and cut out your tongue so I wouldn't have to hear your infernal stupidity!" She twists, ducking under Irene's arm. The Valkyrie was just as slow as Elentiya had been when she first arrived, before her lord had taken it upon himself to make sure she was strong. She grabs Irene's wrist, and spins, throwing the girl into the wall. She steps back, not even breaking a sweat as she countered Irene's move. She stares at the female, her nose wrinkling into disgust.

"Look at you. . ." She scoffs, stepping closer. She reaches out and touches one of Irene's wings. "You're too proud. A true warrior would know when they face someone stronger, when to set their pride and vanity aside for self preservation. A true warrior, knows when a battle is won or lost before it starts."

She suddenly grabs Irene's hair, pulling it back, "I will not let you throw me around like a rag doll. This is you learning the hard way. This is how you will learn out there." She points out the window. "There will be no quarter, no safe place to rest."

She lets go, pushing Irene back into the wall. "I'll have a servant prepare a room for you, if you want it take it, but if you don't, you'll leave." She shakes her head, running her hand through her hair. She slumps down onto her bed, leaning back on her hands. "You pick, and you'll learn, but I will not force you into anything. I chose to stay here, with my lord, and I will give you the same choice: Stay here, as my ward, or go and live on your own. Once you make your choice, there will be no going back, darling Irene."
"What choice, what do you mean, You literally chose to have me come here, as your plaything, with out my consent. and was forced to see my sisters, and brother turned into demon fodder. for what! for what, so I can be some cuddle toy for a lonely woman who given up her way of life and turned on her own people to be some demon's personal cock sleeve. If anything you need to wake up, before it is tolate. "

ending part of her words coming out as emotional shouts, Irene was tearing up, as she managed to do something unexpected, yet impressive. with out realizing it. the last part when she was shouting with raw emotions, the slowly corrupting angel would release the first hint of her unique corruption. as it hit Marina like a strange pulsing force of pressure, from her voice.

as this hit Marina, their would be an odd pain, but not a normal one. as if the odd verbal pressure did not hurt her like a proper attack would, but instead caused a strange pain with in the corrupting angel of lust. one which would cause a small bleeding from between her legs. If she was with child already their would be a good chance it could be injured or worse, but if she was not knocked up yet by a demon, then it could just be some temporary damage in her love tunnel, or even if she is with child it could be that as well. however this would not be noticed until Irene left the room.

( you can choose route this one goes nyaa out of three ( if pregnant, lost of child, damaged child, or just some internal damage ) for type of damage and reaction wink wink. )
(she is already pregnant, and we had a plan for that baby to get kidnapped at birth.)

Marina sucks in a breath, stunned for a moment at the sensation in her body, but she pushes it from her mind. She rubs her temple, starting to get a headache. "Deal with it however you wish, Irene." She mutters, closing her eyes. "Do whatever you want."

She suddenly didn't have the energy to deal with this female, and she waved her hand, dismissing Irene from the room before slowly standing. She blows out an even breath, grumbling softly to herself as she moves to the bathroom. Closing the door, she slumps back.

After long moments, she moves to the toilet sitting down and taking care of her business. After a moment she stands and frowns when she bites the red stain on her thighs. She blinks slowly and sicks in a breath.

"Blood?" She whispers.

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