Fantasy RP An Angel's Lewd Corruption, In the Hellscape of Survival

Nov 19, 2022
Name: Marina

Age: 342 but looks about 24

Sex/Gender: Female She/Her

Appearance: Long, mouse brown hair that falls in waves to her mid back, light skin that’s pale after a few days with no sun, but typically a light golden color. Soft bright, sky blue, almoNd shaped eyes, hourglass figure, about 5’4” and 146lbs. Brilliant white wings, about 3.5 feet long each

Personality: Can be quiet, calm and a little talkative when comfortable, shy and on edge when in un familiar spaces and can become quite the firecracker when baked into a corner (Wether physical or emotional)


It had been countless Eons, sense wars between the races had begun. now the remaining two forces, the valkyria like warrior class angels, and the demonic hell bringer class of demons going at it. these humanoid fiends were monsters unlike their feral brethrens. bred to have multiple arms, claws, chitis armor, wings which moved like those of a dragon fly, instead of the usual bat like ones. however tails like dragons, for more potential damage to be done to foes up close. however angels looked as they always did, beautiful, serene, and dominating, with bright holy aura, and pure white, silken soft feathered wings. the strongest of angels with up to 16 wings on their bodies. as many had only two to four wings.

one such mighty warrior would soon find herself alone, surrounded by several demonic beasts. as many of her sisters, and brothers had been taken down. some skewered through, some taking their foes out with them, in a suicidal final assault, however some were grabbed, and dragged down to hell, for corruption, and conversion from pure warriors to lewd demonic pets, and slaves. this warrior would be the one alone before several demons all of different classes, and forms, but humanoid in base form. as it seemed this bipedal base form was best for combat adaptability, or so it seemed.
Marina was fighting her own emotions at the moment. She didn't know how long she had been fighting, but it was definitely long enough for her to settle into her killing calm. Which meant something because while she had been trained to fight the moment she could walk, she hardly had the same aptitude for it as her brothers and sisters. But apparently she was good enough to be the last one standing. This fact surprised her either way, she was younger and less experienced than those who she had fought beside, only with six battles under her belt while most of the others had dozens.

Her gaze flicked around the bloody battle field, a small pang of sadness stabbed through her heart at the sight around her. Her family, slaughtered around her. She knew she wouldn't make it off this field, that she wouldn't return home victorious from this battle.

Her brown hair was slipping loose from the long braid down her back, and sweat ran down her temple. Her sword was long since fallen somewhere, and all that was left in her hands was her seemingly unending arsenal of throwing knifes, trying to keep the demons at a distance, though last resort was the daggers strapped to her thighs. She'd been taught that the greater the distance between her and her enemy, the better. She didn't want to know what it felt like to be touched by those things, the marks left behind on her fallen brethren gruesome enough.

Her fingers tightened around the blade of her next knife, two more left in her other hand and threw, her eyes leaving her mark the moment the blade left her hand, another one flipping from her spare hand to her throwing hand in a smooth movement. The blade flying and landing between the eyes of another demon and the last blade held between her fingers and arm cocked back, ready to launch the final shinning weapon.
as she fought, tooth and blade to the demon's claws, and hellfire. however each time one fell, another would seem to spawn from the blood. As the angelic warrior soon found herself surrounded. with the last one sliced down by her shinning blade. it's flesh imploded, as gore spewed across the field. only for multiple fragments to form into what looked like fleshy tendrils at first. however they soon began to grow like a tree, splitting into multiple, then merging back together. as they formed into more monstrous humanoid fiends.

However the head, or brain matter chunk which was destroyed melted away into black cinders, leaving a damaged marble like jewel on the ground. revealing each piece of flesh which formed into a body had a core. if the core was hit before the body expelled it's material it would prevent more from being formed. which her fallen brethrens, and sisters in arms must have discovered with how they had been taken out so quickly once they started to push back.

now with this new info, if she noticed it, a chance to push the fiends back would begin to show itself. However under the ground, a faint rumbling would be felt, if one touched the ground. as the realm of hell itself was preparing to open it's vile maw and engulf all those it could. swallowing the living and demon alike to take them all into the hellish realm in mere moments. however this would not stop the fight, but change the battle field is all.
She felt her wings flare, her breath panting and sawing in and out of her body. She pauses, looking down and then around her. She could feel the ground shaking, grumbling, beneath her feet. Her wings spread out slightly farther, maintaining her balance. She wanted nothing more than to shoot into the sky, to take refuge in the air, but her brethren had stayed and fought to the end and she would too.

She blows out a shuddering breath, crunching the heel of her boot over one of the strange marble jewels and throws her last knife. She curses softly as it misses and sails past the beast she had aimed for. The damn shaking was throwing her balance off, and her aim. She shakes her head, closing her eyes and crouching down slightly.
struggling to keep her balance, as the battle field around them began to fall silent. screams from both angels and demons alike fell silent, shortly after they were heard. indents in the ground where they once fought. however happening so fast. no one knew what happened until it happened to them.

it would be as things truly began to go to hell, that the ground soon began to crack under the angelic warrior. before she knew it. several of the demons before her began to try and turn and flee from the spot, however it was not them fearing her blade of divine judgement. but soon Marina would see a horrible sight. as a massive maw soon burst from the earth below her. snapping it's maw around the angel. with painful pressure, but much like a frog's maw the giant worm like beast had no teeth. the pressure painful, as one of her wings, and the opposite arm was pinned by the maw. causing the sword to fall to the ground as she was swallowed hole. her body feeling the slick fluid coating her, as she slid down this thing's horrible throat. however the slick slime which coated the angel stung her flesh, singed her wings slightly. but worse of all melted all her garments and armor.

as this would feel like an eternity, it would pass in moments. as she would soon find herself free falling into a hellish domain. the putrid air hitting her nose, the sight unmistakable. that monster was the fabled hell's gate. meant to swallow those who sin, and give them a one way pass to the hells below. she was an angel, however it would become obvious right away, it was aiming for the very demons she was fighting, meaning now this powerful warrior of light was in a dark domain. as hard as it was, she would need to use her damaged, and sore wings, to slow her fall or prevent the fall, as it would take some time to fully heal the one wing which got crushed a bit. her arm bruised where it had been pinned by the maw. however worse of all, she lost her divine blade, thus she would be unable to summon it to her side, at least for a while until the angelic warrior's strength fully recovered. in this domain the putrid, and heavy air was hard to breath at first, the pressure in the domain heavier then the earth or heaven could compare, in the light their was extreme heat, in any cast of shade or shadows extreme cold. she would be unable to generate any clothing at all down hear, but this did not mean it would be impossible to make some from hell beast hide, or even plantation, almost like the clothing of a cave woman from the human world. at least for now. as the angelic maiden would at least find herself landing in the wicked realm, at least in an area almost like an oasis, instead of an area which could be so much worse.
Marina left out a soft cry as her sensitive wing was crushed to her body. Her arm was nothing compared to the press and crush of her wing, the limb being much more sensitive than her arm, to feel the slightest change in air currents when flying. She closes her eyes, shuddering and then gasps, feeling her clothes deteriorate, then suddenly she’s falling. SHe yelps and her wings flare, her injured one extending about halfway before stoping. This caused a shuddering, and uneasy glide down and crashing into the ground, once again pressing her arm into her side.

She gasps and lays there for a moment, her eyes closing as she tries to process and regain herself. Her weapons were gone, and her clothes. It was blisteringly hot and, God above, she was one-hundred percent naked. She sits up, looking down at herself and then casts her gaze about, looking for something to cover herself with. She bites down on her lip, slowly getting up, her injured wing limp at her side and walks forward slowly, staying on alert as she explores her surroundings.

She was careful to avoid the shadows, having passed one and shuddered at the cold there. The heat was slightly more bearable than the cold and so she stayed in the light, exploring and trying to find a spot to hunger down and wait for her body to recover.
Moving carefully, as she also avoided any spots of darkness, as to remain in the warmth of the unforgiving realm. Marina would soon hear the odd sound of movements. The naked, and appearing vulnerable Angel would soon find herself standing before a small rupturing hole in the ground. however before her eyes, what could only be described as a horrible eldritch horror of bubbling flesh, and tendrils launched itself from the hole. it's vile slimy maw opened wide, as it moved to assault her. appearing as if she was about to be swallowed once again. However as it passed through her, it would seem to be a nightmarish hallucination. was this realm really effect her so badly already, or perhaps something in the area had been affecting her faintly, which was now showing itself in such nightmarish moments, and visions, which seemed so real yet faded upon actual contact with her body.

in the distance, smaller entities could be seen, four of them, all humanoid in form. as they began to move tours the angelic warrior, were these more hallucination or were these creatures real this time? it would be hard to tell, however if she took the chance, perhaps she would find them real, or would it turn into another nightmarish moment of mental trickery, as only time would tell, and all to soon.
Marina stalls her steps, taking one back and narrowing her gaze slightly, watching the four creatures closely. She supposed if they were not real, she wouldn't care what they were doing. But if real. . . She felt that she didn't want to find out. She supposed she could duck into the frigid shadows, but she didn't know how long she could last there before she felt like her wings would freeze off.

She takes a few more steps back, her blue eyes warily watching the four shapes.
now in hiding, the sound of sniffing, and the echo of chittering , and snapping in some unknown form of communication. the creatures were humanoid. but were rather small, they all stood between 3'8 and 4'2 tall. looking to be a mixture of incubus, goblins, and dwarfs. these little monsters were all naked, and pure muscle's claws, and piercing yellow, and purple eyes. what made it worse was how each of them was equipped with not one but two cocks each. showing that they were trying to sniff her out. the angelic warrior was beginning to suffer with the cold on her wings. which would come first, would they pass by Marina, or would she give in to the sensation and move into the heat to thaw her wings off before any permanent damage was done, thus revealing her location to these horny, vile beasts.
Marina watches, tucking her wings in tight in an effort to preserve body heat and watches the creatures. She noted the details with disgust and shudders. She wishes they would pass without finding her, but the cold in her wings was starting to sting and penetrate the rest of her body. She squeezes her eyes shut for a moment before opening them again in fear that the small creatures would sneak up on her. If real, she might have the upper hand in her larger size and fighting experience, if fake, she would go on her way.
Moving into the heat, her wings desperately needing the warmth, Marina would soon find herself being charged at by a large four arm beast. as it reached out for her, the two arms grasping for her shoulders, the other two her arms. however as this titanic midget reached it the beast would seem to vanish as it reached her. However as this happened painting the image of the four having been fake for her. however yet if the angel looked they were still their looking at her. all of which began to move slowly tours her, their chittering and clacking claws visible. as they licked their lips.

the massive four armed one which was indeed an hallucinations was not part of this pact, but this would not seem to be the case, as with in a moment their would only be three of them. as the unseen one was now moving under ground. much like one of the fabled head hunters. moving to get behind and pounce upon the angel planning to try and knock her onto all fours, to pin the prey down for it's brethren to join in. however would she react to this, or try to ignore it, until it was tolate, thanks to the one vision which happened from her body going suddenly from extreme cold to extreme heat.
She stumbles slightly, her wings flaring and feeling brittle as she tries desperately to warm them up. She flaps them, hoping to get off the ground but the injured one flails uselessly. She sucks in a breath, stumbling forward a step and shaking her head. She rubs her eyes, trying to clear her sight and when she drops her hands, only three of the creatures remain. She backs a step, her face paling slightly at the sighs of the three.

She gasps as her breath is knocked out of her, a mass slamming into her back and tossing her forward to the ground. She rolls, already trying to fend off her assailant, fighting against the attempts to pin her to the dirt and rock ground.
painfully landing on the hard ground, rolling her body to try and get into a better defensive position. the one which had tackled her in the back could be seen. as the beast made a wicked cackle, and chittering shout. before darting right for Marina once more. as it did this, the other three began to spread out and rush tours the angelic maiden once more. as they planned to try and pin her, one wanting her face, another her breast, and the other two wanting her legs in order to gain access to the precious holes this holy maiden had yet to have ruined. however as they rushed at her from four angles, Marina would have little time to decide how best to deal with this before even one of them reached her.
Marina grunts softly, her fingers curling slightly as she sat up, blue eyes flaring with rage as she twists up and says crouched down in a defensive pose, her eyes flickering from the closest assailant and then three rushing closer. She huffs out a breath, her injured arm starting to ache with the exertion from the fall and recovery. She didn’t think she would be fast enough to fight, but maybe run. . . She would hope they didn’t try to surround her.

She turns slightly, her eyes focused on the one who had tackled her,her legs tensing and preparing to lunge. The tree smaller ones were fast, she’d noticed, and maybe turning her back was a bad idea, but if she could get past the largest one, she could run.
using her own body and moving quickly tours the massive dwarf of the three. Marina would seem to knock it over, and about to get past the beast. before she would feel her ankles grabbed. each one tightly in the hand, as they suddenly pulled her back. with a painful thud, Marina slammed back first into the hard heated ground. however the beast would not end it here. as one claw held her ankle tightly, enough to leave a bruise on them. the other three closed in quickly. as the first one rushed in upon her. moving to quickly plant it's talon like feet upon her shoulders, four of it's claws around the sides of her head, as it wanted to ram both it's cocks into her mouth. however small it was, she would be able to pull it off, and toss the beast away despite how suddenly it would defile her mouth and get a few thrusts in before she could grab ahold of it. as the other two were quickly approaching, and the largest one would be dragging her closer into position, however it's hold weakened on the one ankle, giving a small window to try and escape. most likely cause this beast believed that a good slammed knocked all the wind out of her, and made their prize helpless and defenseless completely.
Marina lets out a cry of pain, and then a hiss as her flesh and wings were forced under her body weight to the searing rock. Her feet was one thing, the pain bearable, but her back and wings were exploding with shocks of pain. She bends her knees slightly, kicking at the beast that had grabbed her and swiftly reaching up to the one atop her shoulders, gagging. She grabs the creatures thigh, throwing it back and coughing a few times.

She lets out another hiss as her skin scraped the rocky ground, slicing into her skin and yanking her ankle free, kicking at the creatures gut before rolling into a standing position. Her head swam, the pain in her back and wings, and she was sure her head had slammed into the ground on impact. She sways once, gritting her teeth and trying to keep her focus on the four wretched creatures.
as she prepared to make her escape yet again, the beasts would be rushing tours her. it would not be long before Marina began to move only to feel two of them tackling her knees. and the third her waist. all the while the fourth grunting, as it moved tours the angelic maiden. she would find the four beast relentlessly after her, pushing the angel's strength weighing the longer this went on. it was unknown how many more would be found at this point. the angelic maiden would be forced to struggle and fight with all she had, as each one would periodically assault her mouth, or ass. however not once did one manage to get her precious flower as of yet. as it was, each time one penetrated her some how, Marina would be able to rip the beast off, only to continue the struggle. as it was, she would need to ether find a means to escape and hide until they gave up, or she became weak enough from exhaustion that she would become their plaything.
Marina grits her jaw, another shout of pain escaping her as the shoulder of her uninsured arm slams into the ground. She shudders again, rolling slightly and shoving at her assaulters, kicking, clawing and biting. She spits at one of them, growling and throwing it off of her. She pants heavily, her body and reactions starting to slow as she grew more tired.

She kept her legs closed, only daring to part them in the case to kick one away and close them again. On her back and still struggling, she bites down on one of the creatures assaulting her mouth and kicks another in the face, glaring.
Managing to keep the fiends at bay, it did not seem to take long, while at the other end, for the victim it would feel like a drawn out eternity. as the massive beast before her moved to painfully grasp her legs. each claw grasping her ankle, and two more grasping her up by the knees. as the fiend pried Marina's legs apart, and keeping her spread open. one of the smaller ones was quick to crawn under them, and get itself between the legs. as it's foul, twisted tongue licked from the base of her puffy slit, to the clit, and back down. periodically digging into her tender region with it's wicked tongue. as two more were assaulting her chest. making it all the harder to pull them off. as they kept moving to use her fleshy mounds, one biting at a nipple, as the other moved to squeeze her impressive little bust together around it's throbbing rob. to tit fuck her while it could. the horrible ordeal continued to grow worse, as they were wearing Marina down. Little did she know, that once they had their way with her, the four would drag her back to their den, for the rest of their kin to enjoy her vulnerable body.
Marina squirms, the claws digging into her flesh and slicing the skin slightly as she fought against the pull. She shudders, her hands trying to grasp the two fiends on her chest, a strangled sound in her throat. She stops going for the fiends on her chest, her hands moving to between her legs, trying to grasp at the creature there and throw it away. She closes her eyes, trying to pull her legs free as she grabs the fiend and pulls it away from her body, tossing him away, only managing to remove it about two feet from her.

She pants, feeling her strength on it’s last legs as she feels her energy draining.
becoming weaker, and weaker, the slightly bloody angel would soon become quiet the prize. as she would manage one last time to free her breast from the fiends. only to have the largest of the group holding her legs, to lift them. suddenly bring them together, and forcing them to rest on a single shoulder. presenting her now tight womanly entrance to it's smaller companion which would finally move to pluck her precious flower with one forceful assault. as the larger one moved to double penetrate her tight rear, as Marina would feel two cocks in her pussy, and two cocks in her ass at the same time.

things would seem to grow worse, as her exhausted body was now being abused and used, as the two which she had managed to toss aside could be seen rushing back to her. one aiming for her breast once more, and the other her face yet again. what little strength she had would be fucked out of her to say the least, as this session was fully starting at this point.
Marina let out a sharp cry of pain at the sudden and hostile intrusion to her body, the stretch too much for her small hole. She shudders, gritting her teeth at the second force into her backside. Marina lets out a soft sound, a whine at the feel of the the things inside her body. Her wings spread out behind her, though she tries to curl them inward to shield her body from the two she had thrown off. He uninsured wing curls around the left side of her body, though the other wing barely covered her side.

She hisses softly, squirming slightly in another attempt to break free.
as this went on, the pleasure slowly beginning to fill and build up with in the angel. the heat in her core, as her very body seemed to slowly betray the divine warrior. accepting the vile fleshy intrusion, and beginning to not just enjoy it, but need it? the heated and pleasuring sensation growing with in her with the continued assault would be both troublesome and confusing for one such as marina. However this enjoyment of the flesh while her body betrayed her mind and heart, was the warning that her body could be bred by these demons, being compatible with the infernal race in general, be them fiends or demons.

as this was unknown to the divine, once virgin warrior, the beasts she defended herself against with her wings would lead to more pain. as the small claws moved to grasp her sensitive wings, and begin to pry them from her frame. as the one moved to reveal her upper torso, and head, the smaller of these two would wait for the chance to rush in, and quickly begin to fuck her face some more. wanting to flood it's seed down her warm moist throat again, however the larger of the duo had learned his lesson. opting for her safe soft fleshy mounds, instead of those painful hard teeth which bit down on his cocks prior.
She lets out a soft moan, her eyes closing for a moment. She shudders, panting softly. She lets out a low groan in her throat, her hips shifting while her hands kept trying to push at the creature. Two different messages, one of want and one of denial. She keeps her wings around her tightly, trying to resist the fiends moving to get back to her body.

A sound of pain left her lips, the claws digging into her sensitive flesh and pulling at the feathers of her wings. The feeling of one feather getting plucked from the skin had a steering pain blinding her. She gasps, her wings spreading and while her mouth was open, one of the fiends forced it’s way into her mouth. She whimpers and tried to bite down again, a growl in her throat.

Her skin warms, her hips moving again and her eyes fluttering shut. She hated this feeling, the warmth flooding her body and the pleasure starting in her core. She lets out a whine, her fingers clawing at the creature on her chest, desperate to remove it.
As marina bit onto the cock invading her mouth, the claws suddenly grasped the sides of her head, and two more her hair. pulling her face tours it's crotch, and pelvis. till her nose was against it's flesh, the thick wicked little prick gagging her as it rutted against the pressure of her teeth. slightly bulging the angelic maiden's throat a slight bit, as it fucked her face. and was squirting seed from excitement feeling the pressure of her bite. unlike the prior one, this smaller fiend seemed to get off on the pain of her jaws adding pressure. however this made the assault all the worse, with the oral assault, and lack of O1 building up. it would allow the lustful haze to slowly form upon her once innocent mind, combining the lack of oxygen, and the growing pleasure her body was enjoying from it's core being violated. however before she could pass out, and become a limp flesh light for enjoyment, the wicked thing stopped and pulled out enough to let her lungs inflate once more, before going back to it.

as her body seemed to get weaker with the pleasure, her struggles slowly becoming less, and less even if the warrior did not notice it right away. she would soon feel the largest fiend taking her pussy, begin to lick up her legs at the same time. as the smaller one with it, took her ass. the quadruple penetration was very real, two in each hole was much more then a virgin should have endured for their first time. however with this assault her body could now endure, and enjoy most fiends, and perhaps some larger demons if the issue arouse. as this continued to get worse, she would be able to notice several more imp like fiends moving in tours her body, while these four were having their way with her. were they friends about to join in? or would they fight over her body, and then give marina a chance to try and escape. however as it was currently the once pure body was becoming very lewd, and slowly corrupting, as the first signs of it, would be how a faint pink hue formed on the tips of her feathers.
Marina gagged, her face and scalp stinging. Her jaw i idiot ly goes lax, not wanting to give these creature any more pleasure. Her blue eyes shut again, trying to pull her face away from the creatures claws. Her hands push against the fiend, her nails digging into his skin, trying to pull it away from her face. The rutting against her was starting to ache and most of the time, when Marina could feel pain, her body came alive with energy, but now. . . Her movements were slowing, her hands slipping away from the creature, and her head getting even more dizzy. She felt so close to passing out, and she tried to get breath into her lungs. . .

She gasps in a breath, trying once again to push the fiend out of her mouth and failing. The pleasure filling her body and adding her mind, it was slowing her reactions and taking her energy. She hated this feeling, the loss of control over her own body and this. . . Pleasure. Unwanted and painful as it was.

She let out a soft moan, her hips shifting with the movement of the fiends moving inside her. She wanted it to stop, but never stop at the same time. She shudders at the feeling of those tongues on her skin, the leans muscle underneath the soft velvet of her skin jumping at the act. She hears more than sees those new fiends approaching and her wings shift, trying once again to block her body.

She opens her eyes, her pupils dial aged, only a thin ring of blue left and they widen slightly, noting the pink tinge appearing on her feathers.
The process had begun, as the change in color was a warning sigh, however Marina would soon feel the hot thick seed spewing deep into her. causing a strange, and pleasuring build and burst with in her core. the wicked little fiends knew how to assault her body and were truly going to town. her head now being grasped, and forced to bob against a vile girthy rod, and a slightly smaller, as the twin rods violated her mouth, filling it with the demonic seed of the wicked and lustful beasts. finally the one which she had managed to keep away was upon her. it's small three pronged claws grasping her breast, and nipples, as it slammed it's package into her fleshy chest. using the angel's breast as a means for pleasure.

as this went on, her strength seemed to drain, her body seemed to fall into a lustful haze or delight, the weakening of her legs, arms and wings. the sensation fuddling her mind. these creatures were slowly corrupting the proud pure warrior. trying to make her into a demonic breeding slut so to speak. However as they were lost with her flesh, licking her legs, and skin, more of the fiends moved tours her. as it would soon present a unique chance for her to try and escape. if Marina could get a second wind to try and squirm enough to draw more attention. Perhaps she could lure the new group to fight her current assailants for a chance at her body, to create a window to escape, even if she was unaware of it. her body had been tainted enough to desire to be breed, to become a mother with the darker nature which was now fusing with her angelic womb and core. making Marina the ideal mother for hybrids, as taboo and forbidden as it was.
Marina let out a low moan, her hips shifting and pushing up slightly. Her core was warm and tight, shuddering from the motion of both cocks in her ass and maiden hole. She let out a pained sound, the creatures's seed leaking from between her legs and her mouth. She lets out a soft, strangled sound st the contact to her breast and nipple, wanting nothing more than he creatures to leave her body so she could rest. She felt so tired and weary, she couldn't even lift her hand to grab away the fiend.

She slumps back, her wings falling limply at her sides, he arms falling to the dirt.She was sure the creatures would be ecstatic to know that they had conquered the female they so desperately wanted. She closes her eyes, soft moans leaving her lips on occasion as she would shift her hips as well. Her gaze falls to the other demons inching closer and a plan formed hazily in her tired mind. She arches her back slightly, letting out a soft cry the first moment her mouth had a small reprieve from the cocks violating it. She hoped this would be enough. . . She didn't know is she would have the energy to try again.
making the weak yet lewd motion, would draw the attention of these small fiends. as they would rush in to take their turn now. not waiting for the slightly larger four to get down with the angel. it would be quiet the sensation, feeling how she would be grabbed. dragged forcefully away from the four fucking her. even to the odd sensation of the cocks escaping her tight, hungering depths, which were so close to a release of their own. however only to be pounced upon by the new ones. feeling the odd shapes, and girthy invaders moving to take her, before the prior four rushed to tackle them off of the prized breeding sow.

as weak as Marina was, now would be a rare, and very short lived chance to try and escape, if nothing else, to find a hiding spot to try and recover some strength and stamina. However little did she know, that if she did escape, these smaller fiends now warring over the right to fuck her senseless, their would be other creatures non humanoid ones, almost like insects, which would be prey items. if killed, and their essence, almost like a light blue energy released from their bodies could be absorbed to heal and restore one's wounds, and strength. as this odd life force, and energy from the smaller non humanoid creatures would be the food source for the demons, and fiends alike. yet she could adapt, if she found one of them, even if by accident, and killed it.
(Sorry for the wait, been really busy with work)

Marina staggered up, panting and taking a single stumbling step away before slumping against a rock. Her breath saws in and out of her lungs, the muscles burning with the need for the air. She lifts her head, her blurry gaze focused on the warring fiends. Her damn head was spinning and it was light. She reaches her hand up and touches the back of her skull, wincing at the tender feeling and pulls her hand away, looking at it. Her fingers came back bloody and she frowns slightly. Her head must of hit the ground hard for their to be blood.

Her vision swims again and she drops down to her knees, panting. She felt like she had a concussion, pressure in her head felt like it was building and she felt bile building in her throat. She covers her mouth, her eyes fluttering shut. She gasps and forces them open, gripping onto the rock and pulling herself to her feet, “Come on. . .” She whispers, staring in the opposite direction of the fiends. She just had to get away. . .

She steps forward and her foot slipped from under her body, falling to the side. Her injured shoulder and arm slams into the ground, crushed under her weight. She lets out a pained cry and stares blankly into the distance.
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