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Fantasy RP An Elf Amongst Orcs (Open)

Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 9, 2022
The dreaded Orc menace had come upon the peaceful Elven nation seemingly from no where. Green skinned beasts in a sweeping tide of Barbarians and Raiders had butchered their way into the outer village, the minor townships, the small cities. But the King of Elves and his knights waged war right back, a troop count of 40,000 Elves and their superior grace swung out to strike back upon the Orcs blow for blow.

It looked to be a hard fought draw until the Orcs had begun to bolster their numbers with Goblins and other low born greenskins, the battlefields that salted the earth with the blood of Orc and Elf alike in those dreadful skirmishes and clashes were said for form the first deserts and mires to blemish the country of Alsa. Upon the 900 years of conflict Upon conflict however, The King of Elves and Orc Warlord had drawn a uneasy truce, for while they warred and destroyed eachother, neither truly were able to dominate the other nation. They were bleeding eachother into mutual destruction...perhaps they could do best to temper eachother and become Allies.

Asur, the Elven king had taken the initiative in the treaties, delivering one of his princes and a retinue of attendants to the Orcs lands as a Hostage and sign of trust. While the Orcs would watch over his Prince, the Elves would continue to work towards a final peace...but those from the age of war would not be easily ignored if the enemies would find battle to be better.

The Prince stepped out of his carriage onto the crude stone steps of the Orc Temple, were there Queen awaited him. He was thin, an Orc could carry him like a bag of grain without even noticing. He brushed his long blonde hair from his amber eyes, striding up to the doors, his fine elven clothing making him feel like he was getting dirtier just by the moment outside of his pristine kingdom. The Royal gaurds waited by the carriage, their armor glinting in the sun. The Prince touched the doors, starting to push with all his strength to open them.
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Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Being dropped off, the young looking tiny prince would be delivered to the brutish green skin tribe of the orc. as several goblins, as well as two strong looking, battle scarred orcs would be their to greet their new hostage. the tribal queen would be much younger then expected. a female, orc tribe leader, and youngest queen in the history of this tribe, but one who earned her position in blood.

sitting on the throne, she would have bright red eyes, which glared daggers tours the guest which would be escorted to her chamber, as two smaller goblins were under foot, being used as a simple foot rest.

"Tch, who this? scrawny man? no muscle, no might, suppose to satisfy our needs? no meat on bones."
as she spoke, the queen seemed to take this as an insult, expecting elven royalty to be more like their own noble, powerful, intimidating, not this pretty face, and tiny yet alluring frame for a knife ear. however the fact remained, the power the prince could possess was unknown to the tribe currently.

Current Orc Queen


Hermaphrodite / Fute
(she / her )


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Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 9, 2022
The Prince narrowed his eyes slightly as the Orc spoke, his eyes flicking to the Goblins under her feet, the look of them telling him all he cared to know. "I'm not here to satisfy you, I'm here to see that our people are both looked after." He said as he folded his arms behind his back. A pose and posture that was more authoritative and strong, that he would not be weak before her. "I am Prince Maeve, Son of Asur, and your honored guest." He said
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Snorting before breaking into a laughter, the queen would snap her fingers. As one of the larger male orcs came out, intending to pinch the prince hard enough to knock the wind out of him. If the elf did not notice the impending attack from the side first.

This queen did not see elfs as strong or even to ne treated as equals, as of yet. This woikd change in the coming hours and more, for the mood between these two were base on different worlds, and soon They would need to find some common grounds or suffer.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the Orc came out, looking to swing at the Elfs gut, the queen saw something odd. The thin elf didn't stop looking at her, nor did he seem to move from the blow as the Orc wound up and drove it forward. It was a very subtle change in his stance, but the Orcs fist would appear to stop against him, not even pushing him across the floor. "Childish." He said simply to himself with a shake of his head. "Is this truly how you wish to promote your people to Asur?"
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 19, 2022
" tch' I see you might be worth playing directly, after all we only respect strength. You can take a blow tiny elf, but can you give it? More so with out magic?"

The queen asked this as she snapped her fingers again. This time the same orc would prepare himself to take a hit. As things qould begin to finally paint an understandable picture for the noble elf.

She was testing him to see if this prince was all his old man described. Unaware that he was not just a hostage, but promised to give the orc queen a powerful heir. Thus her more aggressive demeanor tours this albeit already impressive elf.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 9, 2022
The Elf pursed his lips. "Your tests are pointless, we have proven ourselves to be adept at war." He said said as he saw the Orc prepare to be struck. Must he lower himself so display himself as if he was some horse to be gifted away. Meave shifted on his feet, starting to turn his body as he shifted out a hand. "Very well. If this will end your tests." He said as he made a fist, eyeing up the orc before him. His hand snapped out in a swift blow, the Orc forced to stagger backwards off of his feet. The Orc in question had a palm shaped bruise along his ribs. "Shall I show you another."
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Hmm, I think that is quiet the pleasant display, apparently your father did not lie. you will give me very strong genes indeed. "

as she said this, moving to stand up, and move tours the elf, the impressive knife eared stud would finally get the full view of his unwanted queen for the short time he would stay here. as she stood an even 4ft tall, however she as ripped with muscles, and could man handle any one or thing for sure. however this short stack was quiet the impressive beast. as she walked up to the elf.

gently tapping his abs with one finger, but this tap would cause an impressive surge of pain like being punched by a full power ogre. as she smiled, and ran her finger along his frame.
"Hmm so tell me little knife ears, you feel strong, but do you know if your fertile enough for our needs?"
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Meave's eye twitched as she prodded him with a finger, the only true sign he ever felt her strength. She was shorter than he believed her to be, and it in part had distracted him for a moment, nearly letting her interest in apparently mingling with her in more than a political matter and that he was seemingly placed her to do that. "You- Are quite single minded. I am in perfect health." He said as he looked down to the shorter queen, his hands dragging behind his back. "My fertility is in perfect condition, shall you tell me about yours?"
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 19, 2022
" hmm tell you I can do better boy. "
As she said this part clapping her hands, a power orc hybrid warrior soon came in. Kneeling before the two of then. Asking what his mother needed of him.

The beast was a powerful orc dwarf hybrid. One which would be immune to magic and monstrously powerful and durable in close combat. She woukd smile, as she patted thebguants head and told him to make sure no one disturbed her, and her new guest..

After which she would look to the elven prince with a smirk. despite her smaller size and impressive assets for her size. This green queeen would bexome a bit more then this elf would ever realize. For past partners had been one time deals which he was meant to be as well. However their woukd already be an ofd spark forming between these two enemies.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Meave watched the Orc stand up and lumber towards the doors to stand gaurd. "That's your child? He's quite...broad fir one of your stature, I'm sure you're pleased." He said as he watched the smirk creeping over her face. "My father had told me your deal had a unique requirement. But I don't think our ideas of hosting a guest are aligned in intent as of yet." He said as he looked down to the her, standing over her by perhaps 2 feet.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as he spoke about this, and looked down, the orc would click her tongue before suddenly moving to gently press her palm onto his belly. with a suddenly yet easily unnoticed thrust. the prince would find himself landing on his back side. as the tiny orc moved to walk over him. a smile on her face, as she would move to look down at the elf now.

"this is much better knife ears. You are healthy, strong, and I do not think I will wait much longer. I think it will be a fine sample the goods, before the promised full moon. do not worry, I will ensure you like this as well little man. "

as she said this, making it sound like the elven prince was a virgin, due to what his father had told her, however how true this was, would be revealed soon enough. for it would become obvious with how she spoke and acted. this orc queen would be used to devouring virgin partners. but would he be as fresh as the prior meals, or would this prince be skilled enough to make the tiny orc lord his plaything instead.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Meave caught himself as she waddled closer to him, he rolled backwards into a crouching stance. "I think there will be no such thing!" He said sternly, his crouching breaking into a wide stance, raising his hands, half curled into fists. "You will control your urges" He added as he seemed more than ready to allow things to come to a scuffle. Ofcourse he had no intentions on giving up anything, much less a sample before it was time.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Oh come now, what a big strong stud like you have no confidence in your own skills or experience? or perhaps this will be your very first big boy?"
as she said the last part, looking even more excited, as the tiny power house of an orc liked her lower lips. however as her long tongue slid from one side of her lip to the other. it would draw attention to her one damaged tusk. something which was not from normal battle, but showed that she had not always been the dominant one she was now.

clicking her tongue she would move closer to the elf, as she walked around him, asking what he would do, if she didn't want to wait for the next 6 hours before sampling the goods, with how mouth watering such a fine, strapping young lad looked in her eyes.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"If I must, I will bind you for your own good" he said simply, perhaps matter of factly even. He moved with her, shifting and circling with her as if she was looking to duel rather than fuck his brains out. Perhaps he believed they would be quite close when things came to it. "I've also no need to reveal my technique to you."
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 19, 2022
it would not be long after hearing his words, that the tiny orc queen would vanish from sight. if his body reacted, and senses able to follow her. the speed would be nightmarishly impressive with how she would be above him. dropping down with full intent to strike the back of his neck. fully intent on knocking the young man down long enough to bind his body. however if countered at the right moment. her tiny frame would be easy enough to toss aside, yet run the risk of being grabbed and dragged with the body as she would be flung away.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the Orc leapt to take her chance to strike, she had no idea what she had incited upon herself. Elves were now to be adept at Magix, skillful fighters, but never in a purely physical sense. They tended to use dexterous weapons , ir light , durable weapons. Never unarmed to this degree. His senses were keen, her ambush raising his attention. He stepped aside, her cleaving hand almost seeming to phase through him neck. His hands rose, grabbing her armor to redirect her momentum and throw her aside.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Grasping the orc's armor to toss her aside, this would be the opening the queen needed. as she would twist her body around at the last moment. locking herself around his arm, as he tossed her. causing the momentum to send them both flying. however unlike how she planned it. the elf would end up on top of the orc woman. as her legs would lock around his head. thus forcing his face to her lower region which was still hidden by the cloth she wore. but now one could say her desperate desire for some fun, had revealed something to this elf which was unplanned. the fact the more she attacked and he defended himself, the more excited she grew. for this showed her how strong and agile this tiny elf was, well tiny compared to orc men.

more then that, and unexpected side effect would soon be felt. the womanly sent his nose would pick up, despite unwanted or unplanned would cause the elf prince to feel his own body growing more aroused, and heated. as if he would form a sick desire for smaller green women, even if this was not intended. however as it was, for right now, with their size difference, she was in no position to do much more then feel his body with her hands, and lick his muscles. while trying to keep her legs locked around his head, which would most likely not last long enough to get any where, for even if it did, the fun would get disrupted long before they could do much with the impending lycan solder coming to check in to the queen's chamber very soon, despite how it was not meant to happen any time soon. for the orcs had a few neko, and lycan anthros in their numbers. those raised by the orcs to be like pets, and play things, but well cared for, at least by orc standards.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the pair of they wrapped wrapped around each other, his arms hooked inti her armor, and her legs trying to hold onti his head into the scent of her womanhood, the pheromones or incense she had clawed into the Elfs mind. It tried to hook him in and force him to desire her in such a base, primal way. But he only was thrashing, struggling as the Orcs wandering hands, feeling lean, yet deceptive elven muscle, her tongue nearing them to lick and yeah her tongue finally tasting something strange. Sweet to her taste buds, salty, and yet it tickled a cozy feeling along the back of her mind. The Rlfs sweat, his scent was strange, fair and clean like a flower, and yet it carried undeniable markers of potent blood. But before she got too invested, the Orc felt a spearing pain shock along her as the Elf was surprisingly feisty, elbowing her straight in the liver to, a to try to break her grapple on him, the taller elf starting to wretch free.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as he struck her, over and over again, this caused her to go from licking to sinking her teeth into his skin, in a childish kind of bite. all the more as her legs tightened around his head all the more. however as this went on, the two would soon both end up on the ground sore, panting, and resorting to verbal assaults. as this was more like foreplay for an orc, despite how it would not be seen like this by any other race. yet the two would be like this, painting an almost comical scene before the lycan soldier would show up. with an urgent report of a small squad of humans marching to their camp. with some cages filled with orcs, and elves alike. as it seemed they were slavers on the hunt for more merchandise.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Meave stood up as the lycan came in with his reports. "Humans. Ofcourse." He said with a sigh, the Elf was so rapidly composed, shifting from his squabbles and struggle into the face of a cooled mind. "My High gaurd and I will recover the captives, and dispatch of them." He said as he snapped his fingers, the simple spell unwinding his clothing and Eben gently jetting his blonde locks back into a mint condition. He stepped swiftly, not even sparing a moment to look back at the Queen as she would no doubt follow him, even with the growing bruises on her side.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she got up, smirking at this man who was quick to react, and strong enough to resist her like he did. the tiny queen would soon be jumping onto his shoulders from behind. yet something unexpected would be felt, as she did this suddenly. The elf would be able to feel something no orc should be able to feel or sense. magical energy and spirits. as if she was blessed by the lands, and her body would not possess any damage or even bruises which should be their. however she would be blind to this fact, thinking her body healing was just good, strong orc genetics.

"go mighty stud, we shall slay humans, celebrate tonight. My boys will make the humans delicious for us, while your people can save the hostages. "
as she said this acting like he was a stead, which the prince could easily toss her off, and continue moving, however she would only hop back onto him again and again, as if trying to show every one this elf belonged to her alone.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"You will not eat the humans you- " he scowled as she leapt on him, his hashoulders bucking her off of him, the strange flow of magic in her was quite strange. Orcs had no taste for the stuff of magic, favoring their brutal warfare via arms and Intimidation. But he had little time to ponder her nature, starting to hustle forward, to see the enemy skavers. Th I ugh perhaps much to the eyeing delight of the queenlet, the Ptlrince would shed his overshoot and robe, standing bare chested almost as if he were an Orc.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 19, 2022
it was becoming almost comical with h ow the two would be rushing to the site. the elf constantly knocking the tiny orc off his shoulder, and the queen remounting him with a giggle. however once they got to the sight of the humans. both of the nobles would become serious, as the Elf acted almost more like a orc himself. skillful, graceful and very precise moving through the humans, despite how they began to unleash a magic disruption field. which would explain how they captured so many elves. as most only depended on spirits and magic. however as this was beginning, the tiny orc queen was also making her move. slamming her fist into the ground causing a small earth quake like reaction. as the impact broke the ground around them all, into a crater, where her tiny frame was in the epicenter.

this would make all the humans lose balance, and give an opening for the elf to make his move, as several of the humans would now go after the queen, calling her a cute goblin they could make some real coin on, and even a giant slut to be trained, like any normal goblin, just female, unaware she was not a giant goblin but a tiny orc, which would be beaten into their skulls by her first, and feet.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Meave lashed out with his fists, his blows abd kicks were fast as lightning, the magic disruption made the Humans quite lazy, believing atleast for the first few moments that the aprince was going to cast a spell. His monastic technique was intense, his hands battering and brutalized , but he didn't linger in the battle long, snaking about as quickly as the humans around him fell. His knights and gaurd began forming up at the back of their enemy, charging to pin them down.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 19, 2022
The fight with slave traders would end very quickly, ywt something woukd feel a miss to the elven prince.

If he looked over to the one cage, the noble knife ear would see the orc queen fighting with a tall figure clad in black armor. Their weapons clashing and creating shock waves. This figure was not lime those they fought prior, however of the noble was careful to sense the magic and spirits. He qould discover this black knight was actually a powerful darkness slave. One which had enough power to rival his own, no perhaps even more then he had. As his darker skin kin had been believed to have all been purged so long ago.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Meave looked beyond the cages while his mean worked to start breaking them open to secure the captives abd get them out of the way. He leapt up over top of the cages, and started to move to to support the queen while they battled this darkness infused monster. Perhaps it would be beyond him to face it alone, but he would not leave the Orc to battle it either.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as the massive axe, three times larger then the orc maiden herself was used as if it was as light as a feather. she would hit the black armor wearing warrior with enough force to send the knight flying with her armor cracked, and half her helmet shattered. only for it to reform as if it was made from gel, or slime. however as the knight screamed, rushing tours the orc queen. her powerful, long scythe slashing and clashing with the axe. as she was elegant fast, and releasing an aura of black corrupting spiritual whips.

as this fight went on, it was far from one sided, as nether warrior seemed to be relenting or gaining any advantage over each other. by the time the prince of knife ears would make his move. the shadow tendrils would lash out tours him, while the foe attacked the queen. as it would become a harder fight, but a two on one fight at least.
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the pair clashed, Meave leapt forward in a whirling kick, planting the door to side of the possessed warriors head. The blow folded the steel and pushed the warrior out of place for their next strike. As he landed, his fists blurred forward, punching into the gaps in the armor. "We have to work together, you can't win alone."
Local Time:
12:37 AM
Nov 19, 2022
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You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images

Now as it became a three way fight, as the skillful knight's armor broke, revealing half of the woman's face, before reforming, as if the armor was living. using spirit magic, The noble elven prince would discover if he noticed quickly, a slave mark on the right cheek under the eye of their foe. however as she turned to the prince, splitting her blade into two, and tossing a powerful wave of wind slashes at him.

the tiny orc woman would quickly move in front, using her massive axe like a shield, and blocked the attack, as she growled for the knife ear to show off that power he showed her prior when they were playing around. wanting to see if this one is worthy of being kept alive, or killed. this would reveal to the elven prince, his so called temporary mistress, was fighting not to kill this slave elf, but to break the armor and try to remove a chunk of flesh which had the slave mark on it. a painful way to free one from the slave curse, however orc's should not be able to sense such aura's or magic, only adding even more to the curiosity of the tiny warrior.
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